The Hermit in Tarot: history, meaning, fundamentals, love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card The Hermit mean in Tarot?

The Hermit in the Tarot is a major arcana, this means that it represents one of the most important issues of the individual's journey. This card indicates seclusion and withdrawal from the outside world.

However, this is not something negative, because generally it does not mean bitterness in being alone, but just the opposite. The arcane the Hermit symbolizes the sense of seeking one's own essence, and for this, bonds and social conventions must be cut.

However, in a negative context, it can point to the feeling of loneliness, low self-esteem and mental confusion. If you want to know more, read in this article everything you need to know about The Hermit in the Tarot, its history, its impact on health, love and more!

Basics of the card The Hermit in Tarot

The Hermit in the Tarot is an arcane that points to isolation and estrangement. In history, this card was related to the philosopher Diogenes, who believed that each individual should seek to understand his own nature. Learn more fundamentals of this arcane below.


In the Tarot card The Hermit, an old man carries a lamp in his hands, a symbol that refers to the philosopher Diogenes, who walked around with a lit lamp in search of a man who was living in essence, that is, disconnecting from imposed social conventions.

For this reason, in the Renaissance Tarot cards, this arcane was called Diogenes, connected to the philosopher who believed in the intrinsic search for one's own nature. This card symbolizes isolation, detachment, and contempt for vanities and conventional standards.

Also, in the Tarot of Marseille, instead of being written L'Ermite, in reference to the Greek word "eremites" which means "people of the desert", it is written L'Hermite, in reference to Hermes.

Gébelin, a Tarot scholar, believed that the Egyptian priests had created the arcana based on the ancient Book of Thoth, who was the god of magic, wisdom, and the arts. Thoth was syncretized to the Greek God Hermes because of their similarities.


In the Hermit is possible to visualize an old man, which symbolizes wisdom and life experience. The cane that he carries is, in fact, his mind that promotes support for his actions and decisions.

The torch he carries in his hands reflects enlightenment, so this symbol indicates a brilliant mind that acts thoughtfully. The road carries the message that the path is continuous and often lonely, but loneliness can be both positive and negative.

This man walks through a dark environment, indicating that one must choose a direction and get away from doubts. Furthermore, his clothes indicate protection and the number of this card, number 9, points to achievements and prosperity.

Meanings of the card The Hermit in Tarot

The meanings of the card The Hermit are countless: it indicates wisdom to deal with difficult situations, the search for self-knowledge, the importance of alone moments, the understanding of deep processes and much more. Check it out below.


The elder represented in the arcane The Hermit is a wise man, because he understands that to live fully it is necessary to seek the nature of your essence, for this, ties must be cut permanently or occasionally, going through moments of seclusion and solitude.

Difficult situations bring growth. This card symbolizes life experience: the illustrated man carries a torch, which corresponds to his mind, and he is able to choose wisely what should remain in his life and what no longer fits.

He walks on a dark road that can only be illuminated by his torch, that is, his mind. In this way, it indicates that one cannot have everything, so it is necessary to make decisions based on intuition and reflection, always seeking balance to go in the right direction.


The sense of loneliness that this card brings can be both positive and negative: in short, the elder feels that he needs to isolate himself to find his essence, because only then can he detach himself from pre-established values.

In this case loneliness is not negative, but symbolizes the search for self-knowledge. He cannot wait for others, for his knowledge should not remain stagnant, so his search is continuous and solitary.

On the other hand, depending on the context to which it is inserted, it also carries a negative message. Taking the Hermit in a consultation may indicate that the person feels very lonely, can not express themselves, has low self-esteem, mental confusion and unused knowledge.


Introspection is important to observe one's own thoughts and actions, so this card speaks about the need to turn inward and detach from the external world.

This movement brings understanding of deep individual processes, as well as the wisdom to move forward. Therefore, when drawing this card, it is essential to look inward. Also, by spending time alone, the individual tends to develop greater self-esteem.


The card The Hermit speaks about the search for self-knowledge, and for this it is necessary to have periods of seclusion, meditation and reflection. At the end of this process, the person may have the understanding of the wise man represented in the arcane. Choices will have to be made, and giving something up will be necessary, but with consideration and serenity it is possible to find the right direction.

Moreover, the walking stick that the old man carries is depicted by a sickle in the mythological Tarot. This symbol corresponds to changes that are not always easy, but with self-observation everything becomes less painful.

The Hermit of the Tarot card in love

In love, the card The Hermit can bring positive and negative meanings. Anyway, this arcane brings warnings for both single and committed people about how to proceed in relationships. Check below.

For the committed

For those who are committed, the Hermit card has several meanings. One of them is that the individual puts the relationship above other areas of life and neglects internal issues, also leaving aside social ties.

Another message that this card brings in love is moments of inner peace between the couple, favoring the maintenance of the relationship. Both know how to follow their path and therefore transmit affection, affection, dedication and honesty. Finally, this arcane also suggests doubts, so it is important to reflect if you want to take the relationship forward.

For singles

For singles, the Tarot card The Hermit indicates a time of reflection: perhaps this is not the ideal period to look for a new love, but rather the perfect opportunity to get to know yourself better.

It is not necessarily a sign not to start a relationship, everything depends on the context, but this card calls for calm and caution. So think carefully before making any decision. It still points to emotional dependence on other people.

The Hermit of the Tarot at work

At work, the letter The Hermit brings several positive messages both for those who are employed and for those who are unemployed, about new opportunities, determination, focus, studies and search for a life purpose. Check below different interpretations.

For employees

For those who are employed, the letter The Hermit has a sense of determination, so it is necessary to continue practicing what you are already doing, seeking to improve increasingly the skills.

The man represented in this card has enough understanding and wisdom to accept the present moment. This means that if something is not going well in the professional field, it is necessary to look at the problem clearly to find possible solutions. But if everything is going well, this card appears only as a stimulus, suggesting focus and firmness.

For unemployed persons

For the unemployed, the card The Hermit advises to seek new opportunities. The old man represented in the card walks looking for something that is internal, so one of the meanings is the effort and patience to find a purpose in life.

It is not always easy to find a job, but giving up and getting discouraged should not be an option. Another suggestion is to acquire skills or improve the ones you already have.

A little more about the Tarot card The Hermit

The Tarot card The Hermit can appear inverted, pointing different meanings. In addition, the method of drawing is not always the same, because each professional uses, based on their studies, what best suits their practices. Discover below the meaning of the inverted card, what the impact of this arcane in health, information about the drawing and more.

Inverted card

The reversed card The Hermit in the Tarot means that it is okay to be alone, but it is important to evaluate if seclusion is necessary or if the person is avoiding bonding so as not to expose personal vulnerabilities.

All people fail and are susceptible to being vulnerable, so this side should be integrated into the personality, not avoided. In addition, this card suggests letting go of that which does not add, as well as indicating caution with finances.

In professional life, it means that problems can be discovered, so it calls for the observation of thoughts and actions. For those committed, this inverted arcane points out that there must be more dedication to the relationship.

For singles, this chart brings the reflection if there is dedication to meet new people, because just wanting a relationship and not acting is not enough. Moreover, for spiritual connection, it is recommended to participate in communities, conversations or create friendships with people with common interests.


For health, the card The Hermit in the Tarot means that problems can be prevented, so it is a warning to evaluate what can be done to avoid impasses in the future and make changes in harmful behavior.

Many times the daily habits do not favor body and mind. Thus, the spirit, the soul, is also destabilized, because the connection between all these components is very intimate. Therefore, to ensure quality of life, it is necessary to balance all these aspects.

In print

In a drawing, the arcane The Hermit can carry several meanings that vary according to the question asked to the consulter. Moreover, the interpretation will be based on the conjunction with the other cards.

In this sense, The Hermit together with the arcane The Judgement, for example, suggests the end of cycles and the beginning of a solitary period, while The Hermit together with the card The Force indicates solution of problems. Besides all this, the drawing can vary according to the tarologist's techniques. A serious and experienced professional has studied the Tarot with diligence, as well as having a close connection with intuition.


Some tips for those who drew the Hermit are: search for the inner voice, connect with intuition, look for answers within and disconnect a little from the outside world. This card talks about solitude and self-knowledge, so it is ideal to spend some time alone.

To do this, look for quiet and empty places where you can feel comfortable to meditate and calm your mind. During this process, difficult understandings will probably arise, so it will be necessary to welcome yourself. Moreover, it is not necessary to distance yourself completely from people, maintain healthy and reciprocal links.

Does the card The Hermit mean I should take a moment just to reflect?

The card The Hermit brings the meaning that it is necessary to have a moment alone to reflect, because this arcane represents seclusion and isolation. Thus, bonds should be cut or at least there should be the estrangement for a while.

This card also points to wisdom and enlightenment, which are results of the process of seclusion. Thus, by reflecting, the person becomes more conscious of their actions and thoughts. However, this arcane carries several meanings, and to better understand, analyze the information in this article calmly and make connections between the various explanations and what is happening in your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.