Tarot Card 11 The Force: looks, influences, combinations and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the meaning of the card The Force in Tarot?

The meanings of the Tarot card The Force are associated with strength, determination, willpower and mastery of your emotions in their raw state. In addition, it indicates overcoming internal challenges linked to doubts, fears and anxiety.

In other words, the card appears to indicate that you are taking action to control your emotions, not letting them overwhelm you. In Tarot, it is also linked to knowing how to deal with difficult people. However, this feat is not achieved through domination, but through skills such as positive reinforcement, compassion and persistence.

Although this card is traditionally the arcane number 11, it can also be found in position 8 in the Waite Tarot. In this article we will present the secrets of the card The Force in the Tarot. Learn about its history and how it works, and then discover the richness of the meaning of this arcane!

What is Tarot?

To understand the Tarot game and use it correctly, it is necessary to pay attention to its origins and its history, as well as to rescue its benefits through its course through time. In this way, you will understand how it works and you will be able to integrate it into your life. Discover its operation and its history below!

Tarot History

The Tarot appeared in the 15th century, in different parts of Europe. Initially, it was used only as a game and it was only in the 18th century that it began to be used for divinatory purposes. In 1781, the French freemason named Antoine Court de Gebelin published a detailed analysis of the Tarot, in which he associated the symbolism of the cards with the esoteric tradition coming from the secrets of theEgyptian priests.

Thus, according to Gebelin's interpretation, the secrets of the ancient Egyptians were perpetuated by Rome and incorporated into the Catholic Church. Ten years after Gebelin's analysis, the French occultist Jean-Baptiste Alliete released the first Tarot deck intended for divination. Since then, the Tarot has become an oracular tool known throughout the world.

Benefits of Tarot

One of the main benefits of the Tarot is its functioning as a tool of self-knowledge, reflecting, on the surface of its cards, the soul of the consulter. In addition, using the Tarot will bring the following benefits:

- Obtaining advice to understand and overcome problems, thereby improving the quality of your life and relationships;

- Knowledge about karmic issues related to your current life situation;

- Acquisition of a clearer perspective on your own life and the circumstances in which you find yourself;

- Help in focusing on the essential aspects of life, focusing on improving it through problem solving;

- Clarity in decision making;

- Management of matters related to the heart, finances, health and spirituality;

- Inner peace, since it works as a tool for self-knowledge.

How Tarot works

Tarot works by drawing. Basically, you shuffle the cards and cut them into small groups, using your left hand and focusing on a question. Then, the cards are laid out on a surface to be interpreted.

Thus, the images arranged in the cards give access to intuition and it is from them that the messages are interpreted. It is also important to consider the position of the card and its relationship with the theme of the consultation and with the cards that are arranged next to it.

Moreover, a myth related to the Tarot says that it is used exclusively to predict the future. What the Tarot actually does is to serve as a guide for the fortune teller to interpret the messages, according to the energies of the moment.

What the Tarot Cards look like

The Tarot card deck is made up of 78 cards, which, in turn, are organized into two distinct groups, known as Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. Each of these cards has its own characteristics, such as images, symbols and, depending on the Tarot you're using, names and numbers.

All these elements together help in its interpretation, because they are linked to the secrets and meanings of each card.

Thus, the Major Arcana are made up of 22 cards that represent different archetypes related to ancestral memory and the cycles of incarnation. The Minor Arcana, on the other hand, denote daily situations, which are organized into four large groups, the suits of Diamonds, Hearts, Swords, and Clubs.

Getting to know the card The Force

The card The Force predicts the completion of a problem or situation through willpower and therefore has analogous meaning to the card The Chariot. However, while the latter is related to external force, The Force points to internal energy. To understand its symbolism, we describe its iconography and meanings below!

Visual description of the card The Force

In the card The Force, we see a woman holding, with tranquility, the jaw of a lion. Despite the menacing and imposing look of the lion, the woman simply has dominion over it, controlling it in a graceful way. The attitude of this female figure represents control and discipline in difficult times.

Furthermore, the lion is a symbol of passions, impulses and desire. By taming it, the woman in the chart shows control over instincts, which can also be expressed in positive ways when they are dealt with resilience.

Since the woman in the card does not use physical force to tame the animal, it indicates a mastery of the internal forces channeled to control it.

Meaning of the card 11

The meaning of the 11th card in the natural position indicates that you have an inner strength to deal with moments of danger and stress. It shows that despite adversity, you remain calm and balanced to overcome difficult moments.

In addition, the card also signifies that you are a compassionate person, dedicating yourself to others, even when you shouldn't. Thus, The Force reveals that you possess great resilience and that your fearless nature does not prevent you from voicing your opinion when it is needed.

Thus, the card is a sign of your patience and persistence to achieve what you want. In the end, your efforts will be rewarded with the stability you so much desire in the future.

Meaning of the card 11 inverted

When the 11th card appears in the inverted position, it means that you are about to go through a difficult time in your life, involving fears and anger. It reveals that you need to recover your inner power, for it is this lack of connection which leaves you more susceptible to fears, lack of self-confidence and disbelief in your own abilities.

In some cases, The Inverted Force is indicative of depression, and this is the key that should be used to understand the source of your demotivation about life. Therefore, it is important to investigate the cause of this condition, as it may be caused by envy of your life. Remember to reconnect with your inner Self, so that your confidence and happiness are restored.

Interpretation on the spiritual plane

On the spiritual plane, the card The Force of the Tarot is a reflection of Universal Life. It indicates a process of transition in which it will be possible to understand the origins of your inner power, a process which will facilitate its acquisition.

In its natural position, The Force points to a growing connection with your higher self. This connection will give you more energy and encouragement to make your dreams come true. If you have been going through a troubled time, the card reminds you that you possess all that is necessary to overcome the difficulties that present themselves.

In its inverted position, this card shows that you have a strong inner connection. However, you are letting your fears and anxieties hinder this connection.

Interpretation on the mental plane

For the mental plane, the card The Strength is a reflection of intelligence, authority and faith. The symbol of infinity (∞) hovering over the female figure present on this blade shows her vitality, which is manifested by stimuli to courage, freedom and strength.

Moreover, in the natural position, The Force shows about the rationality that tames the animal spirit and its most basic needs. It brings with it a notion about oneself, which will make it possible to examine and discuss one's own personal qualities.

If it is inverted, the Tarot card points to the opposite sides of the continuum: your rationality has been set aside in favor of your instinct and animalistic nature.

Interpretation on the physical plane

On the physical plane, the Strength card is closely linked to strength and vitality, so it indicates a connection to issues such as health. Because the female figure depicted in the card is controlling a lion without striving to do so, The Strength brings a reminder of the potential to manifest on the physical plane what you desire.

Already in the inverted position, once again, the Tarot card is an indication that your instinctive nature, sometimes irrational, is compromising your ability to fight for what you want.

Different aspects of the card 11 Strength

The Strength is the card of the Inner Power and for this reason it is often considered a positive card. In the following sections we will present the positive and negative aspects of this card. In addition, we deal with its meanings in readings of love, work, health and spirituality. Check it out!

Positive aspects of The Force

The positive aspects of the Tarot card The Force are related to inner strength. In general, the presence of this card indicates:

- Self-confidence, self-discipline, self-control and compassion;

- Ability to use the mind to master your most primitive and animalistic instincts, channeling them into constructive skills;

- More awareness about their needs and wants;

- Approach situations with more patience, resilience and compassion;

- Persuasion and influence over people;

- High vitality, indicating courage, strength and energy.

Negative aspects of The Force

In Tarot, the negative aspects of the card The Force include the imbalance of your internal energy. This imbalance can trigger the following effects:

- Lack of energy and low vitality, may indicate diseases such as depression;

- Thought imbued with doubt, reinforced by the raw state of their own emotions;

- Increased vulnerability caused by excessive emotions and instinctive nature;

- Increased weakness and arrogance, always giving in to one's own desires;

- Tendency to explosive behaviour, often determined by fears, anger and anxiety.

The Force in Love Tarot and relationships

In the Tarot of love and relationships, the card The Force means that you find yourself in a fairly intense romance. This intensity can make you more susceptible to angry outbursts, jealousy, or other types of emotional intensity.

So remember the compassionate and patient energy of this card as you act with your partner. These are the qualities essential for a healthy relationship.

If The Force appears in the inverted position, this is a sign of mutual dependence in your relationship. This arises from an insecurity in you and your partner which prevents you from being more independent. In addition, The Force inverted also suggests a relationship of dominance and submission, and indicates a lack of empathy.

The Force in the Tarot of work and finance

In work and finance, The Tarot Force indicates that you can be successful if you know how to master your instincts properly. Also, your action and passion can take you where you want to go, achieving a position of power and prestige.

In finances, The Force indicates that it is important to control your spending, so that you continue your journey to a better living situation. If it is inverted, the Tarot card shows that your fears are hindering both your professional and financial development.

Therefore, it is important that you trust yourself to be able to achieve your goals. Also, it is necessary that you avoid spending money as this can cause intense damage to your financial life.

The Force in the Tarot of health and spirituality

In the Health Tarot, the card The Force indicates improvement in health and recovery of energy. If you have been ill, the card, in its inverted position, represents the overcoming of the illness and the beginning of the recovery phase.

Plus, it shows that both your body and mind are coming back into balance. Harness your energy to make lifestyle changes so that you are increasingly healthy and invest in self-control exercises.

As far as spirituality is concerned, the card indicates a continuing and growing connection with your higher self. It reminds you that you have the strength to overcome adversity and that, little by little, you will triumph.

The Force in Mythological Tarot

In the reading of the Mythological Tarot, the Force is related to the myth of Heracles and the Lion of Nemea. In this myth, Heracles kills the Lion, his first great work. The card contains in itself the symbolism present in the myth: the need to face the challenges in order to overcome them. As well as the main symbolism of this Arcane, the secret is in your inner strength.

So, since Heracles used the lion's skin after defeating the lion, an advice from this card is to make balanced use of rationality, physical strength and instinct, so that you can overcome your challenges and be a recognized warrior.

The Force in Astrology

For Astrology, the Tarot card The Force is related to the sign of Leo. This relationship is given due to its more raw power, which flows towards the spiritualized nature of this sign. Just as the Leo learns to transform his aggression into compassion, the card shows the path to trust through this transformative process and through the act of believing in oneself.

Thus, Leonines have the natural ability to overcome difficulties using their courage, their vitality and their strength of spirit, characteristics present in the symbolism of this Major Arcana. Therefore, to connect with the energy of this card, it is important to embrace your instincts and your compassion, remembering the infinite possibilities of achieving mastery in your life journey.

Combinations with the card The Force

In the following section we will present the main combinations with the card The Force. As we have shown, cards in conjunction can give nuances of meaning, which will result, therefore, in a more accurate interpretation. Follow along!

The Force and The Priestess

In the combination of the card The Force with The Priestess (or Papisa, in some Tarots), this position indicates a partner who is trying to dominate or guide the other. For this reason it can be a sign of tension, the resolution of which is only given when both parties learn to handle the situation with subtlety and restraint.

In addition, this combination also points to a strong intuition, shaped by bravery, compassion and focus. It is a sign of an inner bravery and a focus on the unconscious. Also, in a Yes and No draw, it's answer is "maybe", because The Priestess indicates a "no", and The Force indicates a "yes".

The Force and The Empress

The cards The Force and The Empress in the Tarot indicate effort that bears good fruit and excellent health. If the Empress is accompanied by the card The Force inverted, be aware, because it is a bad time to fall in love or negotiate.

In addition, it is a sign of a woman who negatively influences your life, or even an indication of loss of creativity.

If The Empress appears inverted accompanied by the card The Force in the natural position, this means that a person with feminine energy is recovering from a love delusion. In a Yes or No draw, this combination points to a "yes".

The Force and The Pope

The conjunction of the card The Force with The Pope shows a strong material position, linked to tradition. The virtues and perseverance of The Force align with the leadership of The Pope, pointing to a leader with his advisors being presented in this combination.

Also, in a Yes and No run, the answer is a resounding "yes" as both cards show a positive response.

The Force and The Lovers

The combination of the card The Force with The Lovers shows to a moral dilemma in the Tarot, in which wisdom and inner strength will be needed. You have let the energy of romance and your own choices interfere in your life, so that your head is in the clouds and prevents you from seeing reality as it really is.

In addition, this combination can also indicate the effect of a roller coaster ride in a relationship filled with ups and downs. In a Yes or No draw, the answer tends towards "yes". However, since the card The Lovers signifies a "maybe", the answer given by this combination is not entirely assertive.

The Force and The Magician

When the cards The Force and The Magician appear together in a Tarot reading, it is an indication that you are the master of your own body, mind and soul, thus possessing influence in the lives of others around you.

Therefore, this combination means duty done, as well as a skilled person who is performing his tasks masterfully. In a Yes or No draw, the answer of this combination is "yes".

The Force and The Car

The combination of The Force and The Chariot (called The Chariot in some cards) is extremely positive and indicates, in the natural position, balance between inner and outer strength. If The Chariot is reversed, you are giving too much focus to your inner processes and are forgetting to pay attention to what is going on outside yourself.

If it is The Force that is reversed in the reading, remember to reconnect with your inner strength. In a Yes or No drawing, this combination indicates "maybe", since The Car points to a "no" and The Force points to a "yes".

The Force and Death

The cards The Force and Death in the Tarot point to a person who has many hidden layers to their personality. They may seem like a shy person who suddenly takes control of their own life, or someone who lives a secret life, and may even be a potential spy.

Thus, this combination also points to the natural side of your strength, your courage or your inner focus. In a Yes or No draw, this combination indicates "maybe", since Death reveals a "no", and The Force reveals a "yes".

The Force and The Wheel of Fortune

When The Force is combined with The Wheel of Fortune, the drawing indicates a person who exchanges favors for favors. This combination is also a sign of patience and the perception of your inner cycles of strength and bravery, as well as indicating a change of compassion, focus, and your inevitable destiny.

In a Yes or No draw, this combination indicates a likely "yes", which tends towards a "maybe", as The Wheel of Fortune points to a "maybe", and The Force indicates a "yes".

The Force and The Devil

The Force and The Devil, when combined, mean attention to detail and the possibility of making small adjustments in a simple and precise way. This combination can point to difficulties in planning work, also indicating addictions, materialism and inner joking.

In a Yes or No draw, the card combination indicates "maybe", as The Devil points to a "no", and The Force points to a "yes".

Does the card The Force of the Tarot suggest a mastery of the passions?

0The symbolism of the card The Force is closely linked to the mastery of passions. It therefore reminds you of the need to control your instincts, especially in times of crisis, so that you do not risk acting impulsively and suffering the consequences of your thoughtless actions.

Therefore, just like the woman who tames the lion with her hands, you need to learn to master your more animalistic side in order to achieve what you most desire. This process of mastering your more animal nature will make you more resilient and lead you to learn, along your journey, the gifts of patience, lightness and compassion.

At the end of your journey you will be filled with greater security, inner strength and courage. These aspects will be able to help you overcome obstacles, and will bring you more experience and emotional mastery to manifest the life you so desire.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.