Symbol of love: meaning of the heart, cupid, apple, infinity and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What symbols of love do you know?

The symbols to represent love are very varied, since they have different origins. The West and East may adopt different icons, based on their own culture, on mythology and Hinduism, for example.

The symbolism goes beyond the traditional red hearts and roses. Moreover, love also has other facets, and can be romantic, brotherly, familial, and even divine.

Therefore, it is important to know the meaning of each emblem so that you can use the appropriate symbol to express your feelings in the best possible way. Find out where and when to use each one.

Heart: the universal symbol of love

A world-renowned symbol of love, the heart is a metaphorical ideogram that represents the center of emotions of every human being. It is fully connected to feelings of warmth, affection, and romance. Learn more about this universal icon below.

Origin and history of the heart symbol

The shape of the heart representation we know and use today was first seen in a poem by the Italian writer Francesco Barberino, around the 14th century. Many years later, the tapestry "The Gift of the Heart" depicted the figure of a man with an object very similar to the symbol we use so much today.

However, the connection of the heart with love probably began in Libya, because the seed pod of the Sylphium, a plant that was formerly used as a contraceptive, had a very similar shape.

Another hypothesis comes from the book "The Amorous Heart: An Unconventional History of Love", by author Marilyn Yalom.

Visual characteristics and how to make the heart symbol

The heart is an ideogram used to express feelings with a metaphorical background, and is universally associated with affection, affection, and all forms of love. A shortcut to make the heart symbol on the computer is to press the "Alt" key and the number 3 on the numeric keyboard.

However, it is also common in posts, comments and chats for users to place an "<3", formed by the "<" and "3" keys. By following these steps, a pink heart will appear. Another classic way is the union of the "S" and "2" keys, forming "S2". Although no different icon appears, it is possible to understand the meaning just by seeing the two characters.

Different uses and applications of the heart

Besides representing love, the heart can have many meanings, such as strength, truth, justice, wisdom, intuition, birth, and regeneration. The winged heart, for example, is the symbol of Sufi philosophy, translating the love of God, and the spiritual and emotional center of each being.

Human hearts were offered in sacrifice to the sun god for the renewal of crops and the regeneration of the soil. Long ago, the heart symbol had a totally different shape, with pears and pine cones. Moreover, it was often depicted upside down.

Different meanings and representations

The heart can have many meanings. Check out the most common ones according to their colors:

Red: the classic to express love, passion, and romance. However, it also appears in the context of friendship and brotherhood;

Black: symbolizes mourning, but can represent someone extremely cold and emotionless;

Blue: emerged as a way to make the population aware of autism, but it has gained other meanings. It characterizes hope, loyalty, and platonic love;

White: It also indicates purity, goodness, and innocence;

Yellow: reveals affection in a situation of friendship and partnership. It is cordial love;

Orange: Intermediate between yellow and red, it symbolizes a relationship linked more to friendship than to romance;

Green: Other not so good meanings are jealousy and envy;

Purple: It also expresses glamour and wealth.

Heart symbol in the Tarot

For Tarot and the Gypsy deck, the heart symbolizes love, affection, compassion, empathy, generosity, and solidarity. It is a card with very positive energy, full of enthusiasm and romanticism.

One of its interpretations reveals great dedication on the part of your partner. It also means the appearance of overwhelming passion. However, such intense feelings can impair your judgment when it comes to making a decision, bringing about a certain level of emotional imbalance.

Therefore, the tip is to stay alert and not act hastily, especially in moments of anger, pain, and sadness. Always reflect on the consequences of your actions.

Meaning of dreaming with heart

When someone dreams of a heart, the meaning is usually linked to feelings of love, romance, or courage. Another interpretation considers its role as the center of emotions, leading to ideas of illusion, bravery, cunning, and vitality.

Therefore, the advice is to reflect on your feelings, thinking of yourself and of everyone around you. Don't be afraid to let out, let your emotions flow naturally.

Meaning of the heart tattoo

Usually, heart tattoos are associated with love and passion. However, they can take on a different meaning:

Bleeding heart: a disappointment in love;

Perforated heart: It is related to unforgettable and sad memories of love. When it is with a dagger, it translates bravery and betrayal;

Heart with wings: represents freedom, spirituality, a free and adventurous soul;

Heart with lock: The variation with a key, on the other hand, symbolizes someone who is open to a new relationship at any time;

Grouped Hearts: usually made by more than one individual, represent a strong connection between friends, relatives, or couples;

Heart on the ring finger: someone very much in love, symbolizes a serious commitment.

Other historical symbols of love

Love does not live by hearts alone. It can also be represented by cupids, apples, roses, and other symbols that appeared in ancient societies. Many of them remain to this day, check them out:


In Roman mythology, Cupid is the son of Venus and Mars, thus being the fruit of the relationship between the goddess of love and the god of war. He is in charge of bringing love, always using his bow and arrow.

Often depicted as a chubby little boy with wings wearing only a diaper, he may also appear as a boy in some illustrations, in which case he wears armor very similar to that of his father.

Today Cupid is known as a playful figure who shoots arrows at men and women so that they fall in love at first sight.

Red Roses

The connection between red roses and love began thousands of years ago. Historical accounts indicate that Cleopatra used to place red roses on the floor of her bedroom to welcome her beloved, Mark Antony.

In addition, these flowers are associated with Venus or Aphrodite, known as goddesses of love. With great influence, literature also contributed to this connection, since Shakespeare and other great authors quoted roses with this coloring in their works.

You could say that its most popular meaning is that of deep love, being very connected with beauty.


For many cultures, the apple is considered the symbol of love, because the fruit is associated with Venus, the goddess of love in Roman mythology, who is often depicted holding the fruit. Around the 7th century B.C., sharing an apple was a great tradition at weddings, because it brought the hope of a prosperous relationship with many heirs.

However, over time, the fruit began to portray a slightly different side, becoming closer to a dangerous, seductive, sexual romance. This sense linked to temptation probably came from the biblical story of Adam and Eve, who were expelled from paradise after eating the forbidden fruit.


Doves are known worldwide as symbols of love and peace. When a dove couple is formed, they stay together for life, one of the greatest representations of fidelity and eternal love.

Perhaps this is why Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, is depicted with several doves around her. By the way, for the Hindu tradition, this bird is a kind of personification of the heart's unlimited capacity for love.

Furthermore, in many cultures, doves are an icon that cannot be missing from wedding party decorations, as they represent an infinite bond of partnership.


One symbol of love that Greek and Roman mythology have in common is the swan, because their respective goddesses of love, Aphrodite and Venus, are linked to this bird.

In addition, swans stay together forever when they find their soul mate, so it is often related to fidelity, eternal love, and the origin of life.

Love knots

Love knots have Celtic origins and are associated with eternal love. This is through a symbol in which two ropes are tied into an intricate knot, appearing to be one, with no beginning or end.

According to legend, Celtic sailors would tie this knot when they were at sea, as a symbol of their heart's desire to entwine with their loves again. Upon returning home, the love knots would be presented to their partners.

So this figure is a representation of the perfect union of two souls, even if they are physically distant. Today, love knots are a commonly used design for Celtic wedding rings.

Claddagh Ring

Coming from an Irish legend, more precisely from the village Claddagh in the city of Galway, the Claddagh ring is one of the greatest symbols of love in that region.

It all begins with a fisherman, Richard, who was separated from his love after being captured to work as a slave in Africa. Over the years, he stole gold from his masters and forged this ring for his beloved. When he finally returned to Ireland, he found that his mate remained faithful to him and gave him the gift.

The Claddagh ring symbol has three components: a crown, which symbolizes loyalty; two hands, which represent friendship; and a heart, which denotes love. It is therefore often used in wedding rings.


With a different meaning for each culture, the harp is an ancient symbol of love. For the Celts, it is associated with a kind of love bridge that connects heaven and earth, while in countries like Norway and Iceland there is a belief that the strings of this musical instrument form a ladder that leads the couple to higher states of love.

Another romantic use of the harp is in songs, since the sounds produced by the instrument are soft and cascading, perfect for a date.


Home to pearls and mollusks, shells are a symbol of love because of their protective nature. They are a romantic icon for many different cultures, being very important to the ancient Romans, Hindus, and Native Americans.

In addition, Venus, the Roman goddess of love is often depicted in a scallop shell, since, according to mythology, she was created from sea foam.


White in color and very aromatic, jasmine is a powerful symbol of love for many cultures. Its significance is especially strong in Hinduism, as it is believed that these flowers originated in the Himalayan foothills, considered sacred in India.

Thus, Hindu goddesses are depicted with garlands of jasmine, with large white petals, because, according to legend, Kama, the god of love, threw these flowers to awaken love in humans.

In France, jasmine is indicative of a wedding anniversary, equivalent to 66 years of marriage. In Italy, it represents good luck in marriage, while for the Spanish, the flower refers to sensuality, a totally different meaning from the Arabs, who link jasmine to divine love.

Oak leaf

For many cultures, the oak tree symbolizes strength, longevity, and persistence. However, when it comes to its leaves alone, they represent a very strong, almost infinite love.

This is because one tale reminds us that the great oak tree grew from a small seed and, just like love, it starts out small, still somewhat doubtful, only to gradually grow and flourish with large, majestic leaves.


With a beautiful red color, a striking flavor, and heart shape, the strawberry is a symbol of love. It represents various characteristics linked to the feeling, such as sensuality, eroticism, sexual energy, passion, fertility, temptation, and perfection.

According to Roman mythology, the fruit was associated with Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality.

They believe that the fruit has the ideal energy to bring your loved one to fall in love with you, and that when two people share two strawberries, they are destined to be together forever.

Love has many symbols to represent this pure feeling!

Various symbols can represent love, and throughout history cultures have attributed this beautiful feeling to symbols, with the intention of demonstrating the extent of their affection for loved ones and romantic partners.

Many representations, such as the Irish Claddagh ring, have their origins in mythology and folklore. Today, these talismans appear as historical objects, filled with feelings and nostalgia, and are ideal as gifts.

It is worth remembering that symbols are often connected to romantic love, but are not restricted to this type of feeling. On Valentine's Day, for example, it is common to give treats and celebrate all forms of love. Therefore, these symbols can portray other bonds that are just as strong as the love between a couple.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.