Sun in the 11th house: astrological chart, solar revolution and synastry. Check it out!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of Sun in 11th House

The Sun in the 11th house brings the desire to connect with people who have the same values and goals in life. These natives love to be part of groups based on common characteristics.

The challenge for this person is to take a little time out of the day to strengthen the connection with oneself. It will be necessary to remember that, above all, you are an individual and have your own thoughts, as there is a risk of diving deeply into the collective and losing your essence.

The struggle for equality, true friendship and issues related to society will be extremely important in your journey. For this reason, it is essential to reflect and recognize what is special in you. In this way, your star will shine as brightly as the Sun. Do you want to know more about the influence of the Sun in the 11th house in your life? Read on and find out.

Meaning of Sun

The Sun is the most important star in astrology. After all, it defines the true identity of each individual and commands the main purpose of our lives in various aspects. Learn a little more about this star.

Sun in mythology

In mythology, the Greek god Helios represents the sun. He is depicted as a young man crowned with a halo full of golden rays carrying a whip. In addition, he is usually driving a chariot of fire, the chariot of the sun.

Helios is known to ride the sky to the ocean to bathe the horses, ushering in the night. He is also considered the god of omniscience and time, as he knew everything. Nothing escaped his sight; therefore, he often acted as a witness in important events.

Sun in Astrology

In astrology, the Sun represents adulthood, between the ages of 20 and 40, and masculine energy. The essence of each native is also determined by this star and the house in which it is located is fundamental in determining the intensity of the brightness we will receive.

It also shows the virtues and defects of each individual. Some positive points governed by the Sun are independence and self-confidence, while its negative side portrays vanity, feelings of superiority and pride.

It is worth remembering that people with the strong Sun need to be careful not to act in a wrong way because of self-centeredness.

Fundamentals of Sun in the 11th House

The Sun in the 11th house is linked to the sign of Aquarius, which favors intense and rebellious feelings. Freedom is fundamental in your life and nothing will be able to take it away. Read on and learn more about this sign.

How to find my sun

Discovering your Sun is easy, as it is represented by what we popularly call just the sign. It stays approximately one month in each, following this order:

- Aries (March 21-April 20)

- Taurus (April 21 to May 20)

- Gemini (May 21-June 20)

- Cancer (June 21-July 21)

- Leo (July 22-August 22)

- Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

- Libra (September 23 to October 22)

- Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

- Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

- Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)

- Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)

- Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

However, to know in which house the Sun is located, it is necessary to make an Astrological Chart.

Meaning of the 11th House

The 11th house is the second to last in the astrological chart and represents collectivity, involving themes such as solidarity, values, empathy and friendship. Here there is the impulse to give back to society, seeking a fairer and more dignified world for all.

It is linked to the sign of Aquarius, along with its ruling planets, Uranus and Saturn. As this house is of the Air element, it brings out the power of thoughts and a great need to socialize and expand the mind.

The 11th House shows that we need to look beyond our own navel, we must think about the welfare of those around us. This position reveals what we want to build and leave for the next generations.

What the Sun reveals in the Birth Chart

In the birth chart, the Sun reveals your essence and what your role is in the world. It also develops the idea of centralisation and a certain egocentricity as it is represented in the chart by a circle with a point exactly in the middle of it.

Through the Sun it is possible to identify and better understand your dreams, desires and feelings. The interpretation becomes even clearer and more detailed when the star is studied in conjunction with the sign and its respective house in the Astrological Chart.

Sun in the 11th House

Those who have the Sun in the 11th house end up tuned to the Aquarian energy, giving a lot of importance to freedom. In addition, social issues are always in the focus of these natives and friendship is another point that they will definitely never give up.

These people can interpret reality like no one else and easily understand upcoming trends. It's as if they have a special lens that broadens their view of political and economic issues.

In fact, the Sun's influence makes its natives speak absolutely everything they think and hate any imposition. However, they are not inflexible, valuing the exchange of ideas and tolerance.

Sun in House 11 Christmas

The Sun in the natal 11th house in your birth chart makes you a natural leader, having the respect and admiration of everyone. This is because your energy shows that the well-being of others is important and teamwork is definitely your strong suit.

In fact, your greatest personal achievements are achieved with a loyal group of friends. As time goes by, you will become an even better and more complete person through interaction with others. Therefore, social life is essential in your journey.

However, it is worth keeping an eye out so as not to give the highest priority to your friends and leave your partner aside, disrupting the harmony of the relationship.

Sun in the 11th House in the Annual Chart

The Sun in the 11th house in your birth chart favours the realisation of projects and dreams. Very often the ambitions of these natives increase during the year. This position also indicates that in the course of the twelve months you will start something very important in your life which will bear good fruit in the years to come.

In fact, friendship will be the key to making a shared ideal come true. Long-time friends will practically become your brothers, partners at all times. There will be no lack of support from older friendships and you'll even be able to create new bonds.

Sun in the 11th House in Transit

The Sun's transit is not one of those that provoke big reversals, especially because it is very fast, spending only one month in each sign. This period brings a request for attention to what that specific house of the Astrological Chart represents.

The transiting Sun in the 11th house favours plans for the future, the achievement of goals with the help of friends, sociability and creativity. The idea is to enjoy freedom, but never to be alone.

Do your best to resume contact with some friends. Also look at society and try to identify what can be done together to improve the world.

Personality traits of those who have Sun in the 11th house

Those who have the Sun in the 11th house are usually loved and have many friends, since they are influenced by the energy of Aquarius. Do you want to know more about these natives who are always connected to humanitarian causes? Check it out.

Positive features

The Sun in the 11th house makes these natives independent and creative, and they are always involved in social causes, trying to make a better and fairer world for everyone. In fact, solidarity is a very striking characteristic of this position, as these people seek to benefit society in all possible and imaginable areas.

If there is a discussion about innovative projects or that aim at equal rights, you can be sure that this native will be present. This happens because those who have the Sun in the 11th house have an activist essence and fight with all their strength for a freer and more tolerant world.

Negative characteristics

Some negative characteristics of those who have the Sun in the 11th house usually manifest when the star is tense. This native becomes more stubborn and rebellious, and can be seen as someone who disagrees with everything for pure pleasure, which becomes tiresome and irritating.

Another point is irritability, which manifests itself through angry outbursts. You never know what to expect, as these people may act in a rude manner out of the blue, for no apparent reason.

Care must also be taken in relation to indiscretion as this Sun position inhibits common sense, favoring undue comments and questions. Don't take it personally as these natives don't even realize they are being indiscreet.


Those who have the Sun in the 11th house can develop a very strong critical sense, so these natives give themselves totally to what they believe, and can even exclude from their lives everyone who thinks in a "wrong" way, in their vision.

In fact, independence and a revolutionary touch are fundamental for these people. Rebelliousness comes at a time when this Sun position brings the desire for radical change. However, it is worth keeping an eye on this as rebelliousness can be dangerous. Decisions taken on impulse sometimes lead to serious and irreversible consequences.


The influence of the Sun in the 11th house brings a great identification with social and humanitarian causes, which go beyond the personal desires of these natives. For you, seeking new perspectives and promises of a better future is essential.

It's totally valid to look for solutions to leave a good legacy for the next generations, but the process can be very stressful and frustrating.

Remember that it is impossible to carry the entire weight of the planet on your back, share this load with others. Thus, the defense of a more just society will be lighter and will always be present in your journey.

Search for freedom

People with the Sun in the 11th house are very outgoing, open-minded, and desire total freedom. You could say that boundaries, limits, and rules simply do not exist for these natives.

These extremely creative beings always look for the best ways to fight for their ideals and take great pleasure when they are free of ties to help the people around them.

Those who have this Sun position need to be careful not to exaggerate as sometimes the freedom is so great that the path opens up in an incredible way, causing our rationality to fall by the wayside.

The influence of Sun in the 11th house

The Sun's influence in the 11th house brings an energy focused on community, social and political activities. In fact, friendships are essential for this position to shine brightly. Check out how these natives behave on a daily basis.

Love and sex

The Sun in the 11th house brings a life full of romanticism and passion, including in sex. This position favours demonstrations of affection as it carries a lot of affective energy. You will share many moments of love and respect with your partner.

The beginning of the relationship will be full of fun and innocent songs, but as time goes by, the relationship will become so strong that the union will last forever. Incidentally, when the Sun is in the 11th house, it helps the native to marry the dream partner.

There may even be some difficulties in the relationship, such as disagreements. However, you will be able to get around all this with a lot of patience, love and wonderful nights.


The Sun, as the star representing vitality and health, gains even more strength in the 11th house. This happens because this house also ensures good health and longevity to its natives.

Moreover, this positioning is related to the desires of regeneration of individuals. Therefore, when the Sun is well positioned, it is able to help in neutralizing any health problems caused by other planets and more tense combinations of your Star Chart.


The Sun in the Eleventh House of your Star Chart favours the family environment, especially marriage. With this sign, you will have a typical "happily ever after", full of peace, stability and companionship in your life as a couple.

This position of the Sun is a little different, as the 11th house usually frees us from family ties, but this is clearly not the case here. All members of the family will be like your closest friends, which makes the native feel welcome and supported. Your relatives will be willing to help you at all times, whether positive or negative.


In career, those who have the Sun in the 11th house stand out in activities related to collective and politics, especially as activists and representatives of a working class. This happens because this position favors projects, planning and engagement in social and humanitarian issues.

To achieve professional fulfillment, it is necessary that you abuse originality. Skills such as creativity, ability to plan and see future trends will also be a differential in your resume.

Also, your quest for a better world probably won't leave you with just one job, so you might split your energy between a more conventional job and one that benefits society.

A little more about Sun in the 11th house

When the Sun is in the 11th house, it makes your native go out looking for new things, a vibrant life and something that helps people. However, when the star is tense, the meaning can be the opposite. Want to know more? Check it out.

Sun retrograde in the 11th house?

In astronomy, retrogradation represents a moment when the planets seem to be moving differently in space. It is possible to have the impression that the stars are slower or even going backwards. However, no planet has its orbit changed to the point of retrograde and it is also worth remembering that the Sun and the Moon never go retrograde.

For astrology, the retrograde movement of planets greatly influences the interpretation of the Astrological Chart. Usually, the energy is felt more intensely by its natives, although they try to disguise it. Retrogradation can make the individual more timid and embarrassed when expressing the influence of these stars.

Sun in Solar Revolution in the 11th House

The Solar Revolution marks the return of the Sun to where it was on the day of your birth and shows the trends for the next twelve months. When the Sun arrives in the 11th house, you will have the need to rely on friends for the realisation of some ideal. You will be even more interested in achieving your aims and goals.

This is the perfect time to work together and turn dreams into reality. It is a year when old friendships will be reaffirmed and you will also meet many people, so you will make new friends and increase your social circle.

Sun Synastry of the Sun in the 11th House

Those who have the Sun in the 11th house will always help others to achieve their goals, so they can be considered a great partner in all aspects of life. These natives love to share their dreams with their friends and will hardly ever be alone.

You will be seen as a true, generous and faithful partner, and your circle of friends will tend to grow. Even if your group is smaller, it is certainly made up of people who respect and admire you greatly.

Beings who have this position encourage others to express their individuality, regardless of the criticism and opinions of others. Your partner will love this encouragement to be himself, and will feel welcome whenever you are around.

In fact, those with the Sun in the 11th house think a lot about the future and fight tooth and nail to make their dreams come true.

Who has Sun in the 11th house is a good partner?

Synastry is the study of the relationship through astrology. It is the comparison of two or more Astrological Charts, analyzing the positive and negative points of the relationship. This interpretation is able to find the harmony and disagreements of any relationship. With this, it is possible to point out where the couple should have more attention, tolerance and dynamism.

Those who have the Sun in the 11th house are seen as friendly and trustworthy to share their interests and dreams with. This native values tolerance and acceptance and hates any kind of judgement. Therefore they are best matched with equally open-minded individuals.

The pillar of the relationship of someone with this Sun placement is friendship, which brings balance and harmony to the couple.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.