Spiritual mentor: prayer, meaning, how to know yours and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know how to identify your spiritual mentor?

Spiritual Mentor is one who has already reached a higher level of elevation than others, however, he still has the need to evolve. Thus, he places himself at the disposal of humans and humanity to guide them.

For this reason, many people are curious and interested to know how to identify their Spiritual Mentor. Firstly you need to be open in heart and mind to connect with him. Also, you need to leave the door of your soul open and allow yourself to feel this connection.

This topic is certainly a rich one, so if you would like to know how to connect with your Mentor, among other things on this subject, it is essential that you read this carefully.

Spiritual Mentor: a Guiding Spirit

When the subject is Spiritual Mentor it is normal that many questions arise around this subject. So, if you are interested in this subject, it is fundamental that you understand first what the role of the Mentor is, and then you can discover how to identify yours, as well as how to connect with him. Follow below all the information you need to know about a Spiritual Mentor.

What is the role of a spiritual mentor?

The role of a Spiritual Mentor is much like that of a teacher. Contrary to what many people think, a Mentor does not serve to protect his chosen one at all costs, even when they are wrong, but rather to guide and teach them.

The function of a Mentor relates exclusively to your spiritual and physical guidance, in the face of issues that were part of your past life.

You may still think that a Mentor is full of all the wisdom in the world. However, things are not quite like that. They don't know everything, but they are always striving to learn and enhance their knowledge to help their protégés even more.

How do you know who your spiritual mentor is?

To discover who your Spiritual Mentor is you first need to be open to him. You need to open your mind and heart and allow yourself to feel him.

When you find this place, sit down, close your eyes and cleanse your heart and mind of any other matter that may steal your attention. Concentrate only on the divine, which you are trying to reach. After this preparation, call for it and speak to it, even if you are not able to materialize it in your mind.

Remember that it is not necessary to see it, but to feel it. Never forget that to really identify it, it is necessary to be open to its arrival in your life.

How to connect with spiritual mentor?

The communication between you and your spiritual mentor should be simple and natural, as should your connection with him. Keep in mind that no matter the time of day, if you need that connection, seek a quiet place, breathe slowly and lift your thoughts to the heavens.

With your heart open, call upon him, and seek strength within yourself to achieve that connection. Before anything else, remember to always thank your Mentor for everything he does for you, even if things don't turn out exactly the way you would like.

In addition, it is also essential that you make clear to him all the desire that exists in your heart to meet him.

How to perceive the presence of the spiritual mentor?

The recognition of the presence of a Spiritual Mentor is related to the type of perception that each person has. For example, some people have a more acute visual perception, so they are able to see vultures or things like that.

Others have a greater auditory perception, and therefore have an easier time hearing the voice of their Mentor within their mind. Finally, there are those called kinesthetic, who tend to feel the presence of the Mentor through certain physical sensations, such as chills, body temperature, etc.

When mentors can't help?

When a person distances him/herself from the attunement of vibrations in which the Mentor acts, his/her interference in his/her life becomes impeded. Thus, if you feed negative thoughts or feelings, understand that you will have great chances of losing the connection with your Mentor.

In this case, the Spiritual Mentor will continue to be at your side sending inspirations and praying for you. However, he will no longer be able to help you, as there will no longer be the possibility of connection between different vibrations and energies.

Further information about the spiritual mentor

There is some very important information about Spiritual Mentor, as for example the difference between it and a guardian angel. Besides there are also certain curiosities related to Umbanda.

So, if you really want to understand everything about this topic, keep following this reading and find out everything you need to know.

What is the difference between a spiritual mentor and a guardian angel?

Many people get confused, but there is a big difference between the two. The Mentor is nothing more than a spirit much more evolved than humans, who still has his imperfections, but who has already managed to reach a certain level of purity that humans have not yet been able to.

The guardian angel is like a divine and protective being, which is far above a spiritual mentor. Angels are part of a very high and extremely pure spiritual plane and are very close to God. Celestial beings also act in the protection of humans.

Is there also a spiritual mentor in Umbanda?

In Umbanda, the guides known as preto-velhos or caboclos, for example, are considered spiritual mentors in this religion. Their names may change from religion to religion, however their role is the same, regardless of each person's faith.

Here the Spiritual Mentor continues to have as his main function the guidance to humans, as well as, the preparation of the path that will be traveled by you.

Prayer for spiritual mentor

My mentor and spiritual guide, who is always with his eyes attentive to my steps and my feelings, I come today to call for your presence and your gaze into my life.

"I am grateful for your protection, for being with me always and for pointing out the best paths at my feet. I thank you for God's mercies and ask that you not leave me alone. Help me to be better, enlighten my spirit, keep me away from the evils that wish to strike me, guide and inspire me in all areas of my life. Strengthen my connection with God, help me to stand firm and faithful beforeHelp me to grow spiritually. Guide me always so that I may be a good person, that words of life may come out of my mouth and that I may not judge or hurt another being. Fill my body, my mind and my spirit with love, so that I may be a better being and may make a better world.

Be with me always, now and forever.


How can connecting with your spiritual mentor help you in your life?

A Spiritual Mentor is important to guide you, as well as to prepare the paths you will walk on. Through an aligned connection with him/her, you can further hone your intuition, a factor that will help you in your decision making.

Thus, having a good connection with your mentor will allow you to be more prepared and confident in the face of challenges and even disagreements in life. After all, it is a great privilege to have a spirit of light, full of so much knowledge, guiding you along the paths of life.

However, it is important to remember that in order to stay connected with your Mentor, it is essential that you nurture only positive feelings and thoughts, because if you let negativity enter your life, it can interfere with your Mentor's vibrations, causing you to lose your connection with him. So, remember to nurture positivity within yourself and trust your Spiritual Mentor.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.