Sons of Ogum: Learn if you are one and what are your characteristics!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know how the children of Ogum are?

The children of Ogum have outstanding characteristics and, certainly, you will identify someone close to you who has most of them. Stubborn, cheerful and brave - even too much so, by the way - they are always involved in some kind of challenge. But, like any personality, there are more positive points and others not so much in each characteristic.

First of all, it is important to remember that in Umbanda, a child of a Saint is considered the one who vibrates in the same energetic range as his archetype. In other words, the Orixá that rules the Ori (head) of the person is the one who brings him the main characteristics in this life, together with the one in front and the adjunct.

Therefore, when you know a person well, it is easy to associate some characteristics marked as being children of Ogum or other Orixá. Below, understand better how this works and then see the main characteristics of the children of this powerful warrior Orixá!

Ogum in Candomblé and Umbanda

To know the characteristics of the sons of Ogum, it is essential to understand, first, who are the Orixás and especially who is Ogum, the warrior.

Who are the Orixás?

Orixás are the deities of the Afro-Brazilian pantheon. In other words, they are the gods of religions such as Umbanda and Candomblé. Candomblé is divided into various nations, each with a number of Orixás worshiped, depending on the region of Africa from which they originated.

In Umbanda there are only 9 main Orixás, being Oxalá, Ogum, Oxossi, Xangô, Iemanjá, Oxum, Iansã, Nana Buruquê and Obaluaê/Omulú. They are seen also in their young and mature versions, with unique characteristics for each one. Among the most famous Orixás is Ogum, Lord of the Ways.

Who is Ogum?

Ogum is the warrior Orixá, protector and lord of the paths, being the first to descend to Earth to help his children. He taught how to deal with metal, agriculture and is the protector in battles, whether in war or in the demands of life. Of Yoruba origin, they come mainly from regions such as Nigeria, Togo, Sudan and Benin.

In Yoruba, Ogum means War, but don't take this word literally. When you talk about war, you are talking about fighting, whether for your goal, for your family or for a cause. In fact, this is one of the most striking characteristics of the sons of Ogum: they persist until they achieve victory.

How do I know if I am a son of Ogum?

The first action to do to know if you are a son of Ogum is to know yourself. Analyze your behavior, thoughts and feelings and observe how you react to the world is essential to understand your own characteristics.

Knowing the aspects of Ogum and his children is also important to see if your own attributes end up converging with them. Once you have a general idea, you can go for a consultation with Candomblé or Umbanda mediums. It is essential to consult with a Pai or Mãe de Santo you trust.

What are guide lines?

The guide lines used by the sons of Ogum may vary, depending on the Ogum closest to their energy. This is because there are several qualities of Ogum, such as Matinada (linked to Oxalá), Beira Mar (linked to Iemanjá), Megê (associated to Iansã), Rompe Mato (linked to Oxóssi) and others.

Thus, their beads can be diverse. The most common among them is the general one, representing all qualities of Ogum, having the line completely composed of dark blue. Other qualities can also use the red guide or even red and white, this being more common in Umbanda than in Candomblé.

Characteristics of the sons of Ogum

The children of Ogum have remarkable characteristics, almost impossible to confuse with other Orixás. But of course they can be more or less evident, depending on the adjunct and ancestral orixás. The junction between the three aims to balance the attitudes, some impulses may be less intense.

Among the main characteristics of the children of Ogum are determination, a thirst for challenges and a strong temperament. The individuals also have a physique conducive to physical activities, love a good party and have difficulties in settling down in one place. Below, learn more about these and other characteristics and see if there is any relationship with you!


The children of Ogum are admittedly determined when they want to achieve a goal. In fact, the most appropriate word would be stubborn, because when they put an idea in their heads, there is no one who can make them change it. In fact, maybe, some daughter of Oxum can succeed in this endeavor.

This determination can be extremely constructive, as it helps them achieve their goals, even when boring, repetitive tasks (which they don't like) get in the way. On the other hand, this can also be interpreted as stubbornness or even rudeness in some cases.

They love challenges

If there's one thing the children of Ogum love, it's a good challenge. If you want them to do something they probably wouldn't do, just doubt their ability. Although they are very intelligent, they won't resist that and will probably do what has to be done.

When it comes to challenge, they usually go to the limit to conquer a stage, whether at work, in the relationship or even in physical activities. On the other hand, this can bring several risks to their health and even their emotional integrity, and may leave sequels for the rest of their lives.

Strong temperament

Practical and extremely pragmatic, the sons of Ogum are known for their strong temperament. For them, yes is yes and no is no, there is no middle ground. Of course, this leads to great professional successes and a sense of honor far above the average person.

On the other hand, when in unbalance, they can show themselves less tolerant with other people, getting irritated and sometimes losing their temper (which is already so scarce). Therefore, it is fundamental that the children of this Orixà always try to think before acting and have more empathy.


Descendants of a ruthless warrior, the children of Ogum have a lot of energy and need to spend part of it on physical activities. Because of this, they tend to be great athletes, seemingly tireless and gifted with unusual strength.

They are passionate about different disciplines throughout their lives and tend to go all the way with one goal in mind. In other words, they seek to graduate more and more or even participate in championships throughout their lives, always aiming for victory and not just participation.

Strong and muscular

As much as this is not a de facto rule, there is a good chance that the children of Ogum will be strong - even if they don't have overdeveloped muscles. Of course, they can also be muscular, challenging themselves to pick up more and more weight.

The women daughters of Ogum also have unusual strength, regardless of their physical composition. This strength is not only about muscles or how much weight they can bear, but also refers to a moral and emotional realm.


If you want a good company to liven up your party, then you need to call one or more sons of Ogum. This is because they are born partygoers, super animated and love noise, excitement and loud music. They have energy to spare and do not like to stand still.

Besides, Ogum's sons and daughters are people of extremely easy communication, who like to relate to others and are open to jokes. This, of course, as long as they do not cross the line or touch on any delicate point, because then another side of this energy comes in: anger.


Since all Ogum's children are prone to making various - and even abrupt - changes throughout their lives, they tend to move house, city or country much more easily. Thus, they choose professions that can allow this mobility, such as many online businesses.

If they can't afford to move, they end up modifying the whole place from the inside. This happens through painting walls, structural transformations, endless renovations and, in the last case, changing the place of furniture and decorations. They will do anything to have at least a little taste of mobility.

Value freedom

Being in a relationship with children of Ogum is knowing that jealousy and imposing rules will not work. Worse: they will generate so much wear and tear that it will end the relationship. This is because they appreciate and need freedom, regardless of how it presents itself.

Outside the relationship, they like to feel free to act autonomously in their profession, besides being able to move between sectors and places. Definitely, an office job, where you sit all day long, is not ideal for sons and daughters of Ogum.


With overflowing energy, love for freedom, and a need to never be stuck in one place, the children of Ogum tend to be very impulsive. This leads to a great position in startups, diverse leadership, sports, and other professions.

Although this is a great business trait, it can be a poison in personal or professional life. A person who acts on impulse in times of anger, or when things seem out of control, tends to lose their reason.

They get irritated easily

Extremely communicative, the children of Ogum can sometimes get out of line and act a bit rude - or at least that's how most people see it. They are very practical, having no patience for people who take a long time to do their chores or develop reasoning during a conversation.

Thus, they end up losing their temper, because they get irritated easily with attitudes that are out of line with their own conduct or worldview. When they are in balance, they can find tools to deal with the most diverse situations, avoiding contact with those who do them harm.

Other information about the sons of Ogum

The children of Ogum have outstanding characteristics, but there are differences in their manifestation, depending on whether they identify more with masculine or feminine energy. In addition, the various areas of life - such as love, profession and health - may also have some clear signs that indicate whether or not you are a son of Ogum. Understand each of them below!

Ogum's man

Those sons of Ogum who identify more with masculine energy tend to be stronger, but this is not a general rule. Their impulsiveness is very marked and they can be considered irresponsible. Sometimes they put the people they love in danger or spend much more than they should.

They also tend to lose patience and, when in a leadership situation, can be autocratic so that things get done quickly and in the expected way. In relationships, they like to feel free and may opt for an open relationship.

Ogum's wife

The sons of Ogum who identify themselves more with feminine energy also present strength outside the standard, whether they are women or men, even if they do not have so many apparent muscles. Impulsive, the daughters of this Orixá also tend to danger. But, because of their training, the impulsiveness is channeled into stronger leadership roles and escape valves.

Like their sons, Ogum's daughters tend to lose control when it comes to shopping and other impulses that bring immediate fulfillment. Not very patient, they want everything yesterday and sometimes they deal with everything by themselves, so that they don't have to wait or count on the competence of others. Besides, they are also favorable to open relationships.

Sons of Ogum in love

When it comes to love relationships, freedom is the key word with the children of Ogum. They admire and even accept open relationships, but this does not prevent them from developing monogamous relationships as well. However, it is essential that partners trust and give freedom to be what they want.

In the same way, they also need changes over time, because routine kills their essence. They tend to great and unexpected romantic gestures, alternated with a practicality in the relationship that would scare even the children of Xangô, known for being practical.

Sons of Ogum in profession

When it comes to work that has to be done quickly, the sons of Ogum are the ideal leaders. Full of energy and with an unparalleled practicality, they can inspire others by good example and make everyone follow, even without realizing it.

They are not very fond of office work, but when they do, they tend to procrastinate, research various issues and even seek new ways of doing what is usual. On the other hand, jobs that challenge them mentally or physically are the best choices for a son or daughter of Ogum.

Sons of Ogum in health

As the children of Ogum are not always able to fit into professions or relationships that suit their personality, they tend to suffer much more mentally than physically. In other words, despite having a strong and resistant physical constitution, their minds can be their weak point.

Therefore, they tend to suffer from stress, anxiety and even existential crises. In addition, headaches, cephalea and other physical ailments arising from the sum of feelings can develop.

Are Sons of Ogum born conquerors?

The sons and daughters of Ogum are recognizably born conquerors, both in the affective and professional fields. Ogum is the Lord of the Paths, a tireless warrior who fights for what he believes in. In the same way, following in his footsteps, his sons and daughters are tireless in the pursuit of what they desire.

In this way, they tend to achieve most of their goals in life, get tired of them quickly and seek new challenges soon after. They are always fighting for someone or a cause and tend to love life, regardless of how it presents itself. After reading this article, we hope you can work better in your research on sons of Ogum!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.