Sky Bottom in the birth chart: understand what it means in each sign!

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Jennifer Sherman

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General meaning of Sky Bottom for Astrology

The Sky Bottom is the aspect present in the birth chart which is in opposition to the Midheaven. For astrology, the Sky Bottom expresses how a person feels secure and signals characteristics present in his family relationships or with people who were part of the first phase of his life, participating in his creation.

When observing the sign present in the Sky Bottom of a person's birth chart, it is also possible to find properties that are present in people of great importance to that person, within the family circle. It may even indicate the sign of one of the members of the family nucleus that has influence within the group or for the person.

Understanding the Sky Bottom

Understanding the Sky Bottom can be one of the tools used, within the astrological scope, to decipher the complex plots present in family relationships, which also affect the safety of individuals. Read below to better understand the theme!

Sky Bottom and the 4th house

The astrological chart is portrayed as a large web that connects the stars, signs and houses of the zodiac, signaling through its lines the relationship between the elements. To better understand the relationship between the Sky Bottom and House 4, it is necessary, first of all, to draw up the natal chart, with the date, time and place of birth.

From there, it is possible to locate both within the chart, considering that the 4th House is opposite the 10th and the Bottom of the Sky is present in the cusp of the 4th House, in front of the Midheaven. The relationship between these astrological elements is in the expression of emotions originating in family relationships and the home that one has in childhood.

Sky Bottom in Astrology

For astrology, the Sky Bottom is the component of the natal chart that is in charge of translating elements of the private "I", also related to the roots of the formation of individuals. Because it is directly connected with the roots, the Sky Bottom also analyzes family relationships and can present aspects of influence.

Its location, on the cusp of the 4th house (where the issues related to the notion of home, origin, ancestry and familiarity reside) indicates the relationship of the element Sky Bottom with the issues of this area of life. It also expresses how relationships and experiences lived in the beginning of a person's existence influence who he or she has become.

Influence of the Sky Bottom on the signs

By discovering which sign is located in the position of the bottom of the sky, it is possible to better understand the deeper characteristics of an individual. However, this aspect does not only deal with the field of emotions, which is in charge of the Moon, but also with the most genuine form of your identity.

The way he expresses himself when he feels comfortable with someone, or how he behaves when he is alone. For astrology, this more authentic identity is directly linked to the origins of the individual, covering the experiences lived and the quality of the relationships he had with the people who participated in his formation.

When you know which sign inhabits this intimate astral location, you can understand internal processes and habits or needs that come from your roots.

How to discover your Sky Bottom

To find out the Sun's background of a sign, it is necessary to observe the position of the Midheaven which is in a direct position to the background. For this it is essential to have previously drawn up a natal chart, i.e. based on the following birth data: date, time and place.

Having in hands the natal chart, it is possible to locate the Midheaven, which is usually signaled by the acronym "MC", and then observe the line drawn from this point, which leads directly to the bottom of the sky. In order not to make a mistake, it is good to remember that the bottom of the sky is always located on the cusp, that is, on the border of zodiacal house 4.

Sky Bottom in Aries

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, ruled by Mars and one of the greatest representatives of the element of fire. Its intense and unmistakable energy is explicitly present when it is located in the Sky Deep. Discover this combination here!

Personality of those with Sky Bottom in Aries

Those who have the Aries Sky Bottom tend to possess the spirit of leadership and hate taking orders. They may have been children who used to get into conflicts with their parents or authority figures in the family circle. They possess pioneering energy and seek independence and freedom, eschewing restrictive or rigid family relationships.

They are people who bring motivation into the heart of the home and seek fun. They can be, for example, the family member who is always looking to turn gatherings into parties, or lift everyone's spirits when there is not much dynamism in the environment.


Because they carry with them all this energetic vibration, they are born leaders, as well as great motivators within the context of the home. Even when alone, the intense personality has the ability to create fun and entertainment, being carriers of great creative potential, in its most particular personality.

All the dynamic energy present in the deepest version of this being, can provide positive moments, with great memories of adventures lived in the company of the family of those who have no blood ties, but are the family of the heart. This position of Sky Bottom also expresses a lot of personal independence.

Such characteristics have great positive potential, both for the family environment and for the most intimate relationships at home. However it is also important to remember that in order to trace an astrological personality, the other houses must be analysed together.


Because they carry with them all this energetic vibration, they are born leaders, as well as great motivators within the context of the home. Even when alone, the intense personality has the ability to create fun and entertainment, being carriers of great creative potential, in its most particular personality.

All the dynamic energy present in the deepest version of this being, can provide positive moments, with great memories of adventures lived in the company of the family of those who have no blood ties, but are the family of the heart. This position of Sky Bottom also expresses a lot of personal independence.

Such characteristics have great positive potential, both for the family environment and for the most intimate relationships at home. However it is also important to remember that in order to trace an astrological personality, the other houses must be analysed together.

Advice for those with Sky Deep in Aries

People who have Sky Bottom in Aries carry great leadership ability and an unparalleled enthusiasm, but this great energy present in such astral combination requires proper management of emotions and especially the control of stormy impulses, which can be very harmful.

The first step to learn to deal with this whirlwind of sensations and great impetus is to work on self-knowledge, from there, it becomes possible to see these existing points of weakness and seek the best way to balance them. It can be interesting the practice of sports or games that explore this competitive energy, to keep it under control.

Sky Bottom in Taurus

First sign of the Earth element in the zodiacal line, Taurus and home are practically synonymous. When the sign is at the bottom of the sky, it is a sign that comfort and stability are important aspects in internal life and in the home itself. Understand more about this relationship below:

Personality of those with Taurus in the Sky Bottom

Individuals who have a Taurus Sky Fund have a great need to establish a home which presents security and comfort. These concepts are also transmitted to their personality, which seeks to find great stability in situations and relationships with people who make up the home.

Conflicts at home, chaos, frequent changes and mess are elements which terrify people who have a Taurus Sky Bottom in their birth chart. The need for comfort and tranquillity can be expressed both in the layout of the environment, in the relationships established in the family and in your own concept of home.

They may also be people who feel safe through food, always having the need to keep the household nourished.


Those who have a Taurus Sun Fund in Taurus will rarely be willing to take part in conflicts, either with family members or with people who are part of their household context. They are good company for pleasant moments in the middle of the duvet, like a marathon of series or cozy dinners by candlelight, always in a cozy atmosphere.

Visiting the home of a person with the sign of Taurus located in the bottom of the sky is to be sure to leave fed. The position of the sign on the cusp of the 4th house transmits this ability to create comfort and welcome for the home and the relationships that are established in it. With the family, these people usually have a stable and calm relationship.


This constant search for security and stability that may have originated in childhood or in relationships with family can be directed in a counterproductive way if it is not well honed.

In order to create the illusion of security, the person who has the Sky Bottom in Taurus can start to have accumulative behavior, having difficulty to let go of material objects that are no longer necessary in his life.

The notion of security being related to the sign of Taurus can also indicate unhealthy behavior in relation to food. The search for pleasurable food and the famous "comfort foods" are constant temptations in the life of those who have this specific Sign of the Sky.

Advice for those with Taurus in the Sky Bottom

Welcoming people with aesthetically pleasing homes and stable family relationships may at first glance appear to require no major behavioral adjustments. However, in order to achieve an improved version of oneself, it is necessary to get in touch with one's own weaknesses and make an effort to work on them.

For those who have a Taurus Sky Fund, this effort can be directed towards adapting their own needs and limitations to the group of people they live with. The need for security and control over one's own space and possessions deserves special attention, as this can lead to unnecessary conflicts and wear and tear with family members.

Sky Bottom in Gemini

Communication, dynamism, interactions and knowledge. These elements translate the sign of Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the great star of communicational interactions. Do you want to find out what the Sky Bottom in Gemini indicates? Read below:

Personality of a Cancer Cancerian in Gemini

People with the Gemini Sky Bottom tend to have an expansive personality. Communication, written or oral, is one of the aspects present in your family relationships and in your domestic nucleus. You are naturally curious and have the need to be in touch with various interests, often even simultaneously.

They may value dialogue at home and the exchange of information. They prefer to surround themselves with books and stimulating activities, always looking for something new in the family circle or in the domestic sphere. Your home has great personality, with elements which tell stories and have different cultural influences.


Adaptability and a constant search for change and new stimulating themes can be considered as strong points of people with Gemini in the Sun's Bottom of the Sky. The intellect is very strong in people of this group and within themselves they show great interest in cultural themes and are always looking to share new discoveries with those around them.

They are great company for chats and long intellectualized conversations. They tend to be informed about all matters related to family members or people with whom they share the home. Their changeable energy is also the precursor of great transformations around them. Therefore, life with someone who has this Sky Deep never gets boring.


The constant need for change and the search for novelty can make the person who has a Gemini Sky Bottom a tiring person to live with and even uncomfortable for those who do not have the same profile. If he does not find companies willing to deal with his constant transformations, he can become an individual with great frustrations.

Frustrations which may also translate into anxiety and distress. Precisely because you have multiple interests, you may also be insecure about making decisions and have difficulty sticking to them. The same aspect may also indicate unfocused behaviour and fluctuating interests.

Advice for those with Gemini Sunrise

These multiple and easily stimulated figures are a match for those with an interest in dynamism. However, you may need to control the extent to which you indulge in the behaviour, for if you have to keep in contact with individuals with a less changeable profile, you will need to adapt and lessen the fluidity of your interests.

Another aspect which may require greater care for those who have the Sign in Gemini is insecurity, which can originate in one of your main characteristics: mutability. In this case, the difficulty of establishing positions or decisions can even create insecurity for others.

Therefore it is advisable for individuals who belong to this astrological group to seek to achieve something closer to equilibrium with respect to their instincts, trying to steady themselves a little and trying to slow down.

Cancer Cancer Sky Bottom

Ruled by the Moon, the sign of Cancer carries with it an energy that connects with the concept of romanticism, either by the need to dream, or by the constant nostalgia that hangs over it. The Cancer Sky Sign indicates the presence of these elements. Read below about this combination!

Personality of a Cancer Cancerian Sky Bottom

Cancer's priorities are always related to family, whether biological or affective. The zodiac sign highlights this area of life exactly because it gives priority to everything that refers to the roots. When it is located in the Bottom of the Sky, area that deals exactly with these themes in a birth chart, Cancer expresses a dreamy and loving personality.

Those who have this astrological combination tend to be emotionally dedicated to others, giving importance to the family, they also have great relationship with the space they consider their home, dedicating themselves to make it always welcoming, comfortable and safe. People who have this Sky Bottom can even be introspective, because their security is found at home.


The Cancer Sky Bottom translates into gestures of welcome and protection. From the creation of a safe and even comfortable environment for those you love, to the symbolic development of a kind of shelter for oneself, aimed at creating protection against the external world, which can seem oppressive to you.

They are extremely emotionally devoted to others and are quite creative, but they are an example of an introspective creative type, needing a little peace and isolation to let thoughts and dreams flow comfortably. They can be good company for socializing, being more introverted and observant.


Because they are dedicated people in their domestic and family relationships, those who have Cancerian Sky Indies have great chances to master the art of receiving. However, this need to establish a protective relationship with others can be dangerous if it is not well elaborated and applied.

People in this group can become invasive and overly clingy, having difficulty letting those they love take flight or embark on their own journey for fear that they will suffer.

The same fear present in this persona is expressed in the fear of contact with the outside world, which can create shyness and excessive introspection, precisely because these people tend to relate security to the idea of home.

Advice for those with Cancer Sky Bottom

Affection is not a problem for Cancerians with a Cancer Sky Bottom, but the way this emotion is applied in their relationships can become an issue. Excessive affection can become suffocating, and even limiting. Therefore one of the challenges for Cancerians with this Sky Bottom is exactly learning how to balance their dedication to those they love.

The need for a safe haven, for oneself and for relationships can be expressed through attachment to memories of the past. However, exaggerated nostalgia can generate a feeling of constant dissatisfaction preventing one from enjoying the present. People with this Sky Bottom should seek to open up to the new and try to get out of the imaginary shell they have built.

Sky Bottom in Leo

The sign of Leo is associated with the wild animal that transmits a lot of power and vitality. But in astrology, its expression can be better translated by the ruling star, the Sun. To understand how this combination of Sky Bottom and the sign of Leo can work in practice, read below:

Personality of those with a Leo Sun Bottom

Brightness, energy and creation, all these elements are present in the astrological houses illuminated by the sign of Leo. People who have Leo in their natal chart in the Sky Bottom express this energy in family relationships, seeking recognition and can even become proud and authoritarian.

As the bottom of the sky also expresses the way a person feels secure, in this case security is directly linked to self-affirmation and recognition by others. This happens because the sign of Leo is one of the members of the zodiac that most seeks recognition, but usually they are very dedicated to get it.


People who have a Leo Sky Bottom are overprotective of their family and loved ones, but they also need a space to be able to express themselves freely. Therefore, having a relative who has a Leo Sky Bottom is a guarantee of feeling safe when threatened, as this group spares no effort to defend their family.

They also have a great need to express themselves in the space they consider home, being a house, a room or even in the case of being a sorority, these individuals are dedicated to transmit their personality in space and transform it into a welcoming environment, tending to be great hosts too.


All the brightness of the sign of Leo, when reflected in the Sky Bottom, can become oppressive. This happens because the need to have things your own way and express your own personality does not always please everyone with whom you live, and can generate several conflicts over superfluous issues.

Because he has a strong leadership energy, the individual who has a Leo Sky Fund can also conflict with authorities at home and in family life, and may even feel the need to leave home early or seek ways to live in his own space. All this to avoid the possibility of submitting to other people's orders.

Advice for those with a Leo Sunrise

People who have Leo in their birth chart are magnetic and protective of those they love. They have many qualities which, however, if mismanaged can become weak points and precursors of conflicts, either at home or in family life.

To improve these characteristics and reduce the possibility of misunderstandings, it is extremely important to put pride aside, to practice an internal analysis, in order to see one's own defects and, from there on, to start a work of correction, for the development of a better relationship with others and with oneself.

Sky Bottom in Virgo

When the sign of organization is present next to the Sky Bottom in a birth chart, it indicates a childhood with a lot of discipline. But this astrological positioning is not restricted to this aspect. Discover below how to better understand the Virgo energy present in the Sky Bottom!

Personality of someone with a Virgo Sun Bottom

Besides aspects related to home and family relationships, the Sky Bottom also expresses the way people feel safe, what is necessary to exist in their lives for this feeling to be present. In the case of those who have Virgo in this area, the answer lies in harmony.

The personality of someone with a Virgo Sky Sign is expressed in the need to maintain good relationships with those around you, in the constant search for an improved version of yourself, and in behavior that can sometimes sound controlling to those who share your place of coexistence.


The love language of Virgo is presented in gestures of service. That is, all practical actions that can have a positive impact on the lives of those you love is the way Virgo's energy shows affection. Therefore, when the sign is in the Bottom of the Sky, it is an indication that family members will benefit from this ability.

These actions, aimed at making life easier for those around them, can also be expressed in the search for harmony at home. Rarely does an individual with this astrological placement seek to create conflicts at home or with their family members. They also tend to be people who have a great capacity for organization at home.


The need for organization, present in individuals who present a Virgo Sun in their birth chart, can become a striking weakness. This happens because their personal need for apparent harmony tends to turn into excessive control, even causing the conflicts they wish to escape from.

This constant need for control can also be expressed through fears and trepidation about new situations and behaviors that diverge from their ideals and standards. Another potentially problematic characteristic is the constant search for perfection itself, as overcharging can trigger anxiety and frustration.

Advice for those with a Virgo Sunrise

Those with a Virgo Sun Bottom must fight against instincts more connected with the need for control in order to achieve the real harmony they seek. Often the feeling of anguish in dynamic or confusing situations can express an inability to deal with the real world.

However, the true essence of people presents constant changes, confusion and can even appear chaotic to those who carry Virgoan energy. Therefore, the great challenge for people who have the Sky Bottom in Virgo is to see the beauty that can also be present in chaos.

Libra Sky Bottom

Ruled by the planet of beauty, arts and love, the sign of Libra present in the Sky Bottom may reflect a childhood in which aspects related to Venus played an important role. However, the Sky Bottom is not only about childhood in the astrological chart. To learn more about the other interferences of this combination, read below:

Personality of those with Libra in the Sky Bottom

The sign of Libra is represented by scales, exactly because it has a strong relationship with the sense of justice and the search for balance and equality, being also the great mediating figure of the zodiac. For this reason, the personality of the person who has a Libra Sky Sign expresses itself in a constant search for understanding and balance.

These are people who have a strong appreciation for a harmonious family environment and quality relationships, and can act as mediators in conflict situations and between relatives. You tend to stimulate in others an appreciation for cultural activities, and seek to create moments of frequent socialising, as long as they are peaceful activities for everyone.


You shy away from active participation in conflicts, but you do not hesitate to get involved in order to soften tempers and restore peace among family members or people with whom you share a home. Those with Libra in Libra have the gift of transforming the environments in which they arrive into a harmonious and pleasant space, which can be a valuable ability in daily life.

Precisely because he or she so earnestly seeks to create a sense of harmony and peace, the individual who possesses the Librian Sky Bottom in the natal chart finds his or her security in this feeling and seeks to transmit it to those with whom he or she shares life.


Your need to build an environment full of harmony can become one of the weak points present in those who have a Libra Saturn. This happens because by always trying to mediate conflicts, the individual can become too impartial and thus end up losing the opportunity to express himself in crucial moments for his growth.

Another characteristic which can be present in these individuals and become harmful in the long term is the need to constantly put oneself in the other's place. The continuous concessions can end up leading him/her to put his/her own needs in second place, thus creating an internal conflict, which will later reflect on the external relationships.

Advice for those with Libra Sky Bottom

People who have Libra in the Sky Bottom show great empathy and aesthetic sense which they seek to apply in family relationships and in building their own home. However some adjustments can be made seeking personal improvement, as well as improvement in the quality of family interactions and with the people who make up their home.

In order to move towards a better version of yourself and relationships it is necessary to establish limits, both personal limits and limits on the people with whom you interact, thus avoiding unnecessary waste of energy or omission of your own needs in favor of an apparent balance that can trigger internal chaos.

Sky Bottom in Scorpio

Scorpio is considered by many as a sign that carries with it a dense atmosphere, however, its ruling star Pluto expresses this energy through the need for transmutation. Having Sky Deep in Scorpio can indicate a transforming situation present in childhood, which marks the person for life. Understand below:

Personality of those who have Sky Deep in Scorpio

The personality of individuals who have a Sky Deep in Scorpio can be very inhibited in what concerns the expression of emotions, and may have as a source of inhibition the difficulty in dealing with traumas that marked the period of the beginning of life. As a strategy to avoid suffering, the individual chooses not to access emotions.

People with a Scorpio Sky Bottom are also seen as having an intense personality, avoiding the middle ground in their life choices. Another aspect that can also influence the personality of people who have a Scorpio Sky Bottom is letting the elements present in their unconscious influence their life and relationships.


Because they are people who may have had to deal with break-ups or major transformations at an early age, they are people who have developed the ability to be sensitive to the sufferings of others. Although they have difficulty in expressing their own anguish and suffering, people in this astrological group are very empathetic to the pains of others.

Running away from shadows is not always presented as a negative behaviour towards life, because people with this profile can also be very concerned about avoiding conflicts and suffering in the lives of those with whom they share the home or who integrate their family circle, being extremely protective and concerned.


However, presenting a Skydome with the intense energy of Scorpio, sign ruled by the star Pluto, can also be a sign of attention to the way you deal with your own emotions. Running away from your own shadows and avoiding facing lived traumas is a behavior that can cause a false sense of tranquility, but over time causes emotional damage.

The difficulty in dealing with their own emotions present in these individuals can have negative repercussions both in family life and in the relationships that are established throughout life. By not wanting to get in touch with their own intensity, these people end up depriving themselves of emotional experiences that could resignify their darkness.

Another negative point is the need to express emotional control in their family relationships, which can generate great dependencies and destructive dynamics.

Advice for those with Sky Deep in Scorpio

People who carry such intensity located in the Sky's Deep, should pay attention to their own relationship with emotions. The way in which the person from the Sky's Deep feels safe entering their private universe and closing themselves to the external world. For this reason, it is important to dose these internal journeys to avoid exclusion.

The advice for those who have a Sky Deep in Scorpio is much more connected with how the person deals with their emotions than with the way they relate to their family or other people. It is necessary for those who have this astrological profile to avoid being overwhelmed by the flood of internal emotions and learn to express them in a healthy way.

Sky Bottom in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the sign that best expresses the need for adventure, whether in relationships or in new discoveries around the world. This characteristic can be expressed in the Sky Bottom by the representation of someone who had a dynamic childhood full of travel or new experiences. To better understand the meaning of this combination, read below:

Personality of Sagittarius Sky Bottom

Whoever has the sign Sky Bottom in Sagittarius will rarely be known as someone with a bad temper. This happens because the energy of the sign is directly linked to lightness, either through humor or through the search for a dynamic life full of new discoveries. Positivity is also another characteristic present in individuals belonging to this group.

In family relationships, those with the Sagittarian Cancer Cancer Fund seek lightness and freedom, so can easily feel suffocated in homes which are too restrictive or which demand a great deal of emotional demand. Parents who demand a lot of affection from their children, or have some kind of emotional dependence are a problem for these free individuals.


Sagittarius carries the energy of dynamism and is always looking for new adventures. For a family relationship, these characteristics can be very positive, if well used. The incentive for a new family trip or even the idea of a new course or change of home will be a common idea in the life of those who have this Sky Sign.

People who have Sagittarius located in the Bottom of the Sky in their birth chart also have the ability to face any situation that comes their way with great lightness. Good humor and optimism are characteristics of these individuals who can transform any environment or dense moment in a lighter stage to be lived.


The need for freedom is something which the individual who has a Sagittarius Sky Sign does not accept to compromise, and for this very reason his relationships with individuals or family members who have a greater need for constant attention or emotional dedication can become precarious and even disturbed.

With this need for dynamism, comes also inconstancy. Always in search of new interests, the individual who has a Sagittarian Sky Fund needs to be very careful not to get carried away by this search and become a person who has difficulty in presenting focus in life's tasks, from the smallest to the most significant.

Advice for those with a Sagittarius Sky Bottom

A Sky Bottom which always seeks lightness and new discoveries may not be as negative as an astrological combination which presents more dense aspects. It is however necessary to be aware of the difficulty of establishing lasting relationships and to make every effort to understand the emotional needs of others.

The astrological combination of Sagittarius with profiles seeking greater introspection or more stability can also be dangerous. For a more optimised relationship and the search for personal improvement, it is necessary to try to understand that the personal view of other people's emotions in relationships is not applicable to all profiles.

Sky Bottom in Capricorn

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the star that carries the energy of demand and the constant search for the best version of oneself. This behavior can be observed in childhood or in family relationships. Read below to interpret this astrological sign:

Personality of those with Capricorn in the Sky Bottom

People who have Capricorn positioned near the bottom of the sky in their birth chart may express a rigid personality with regard to personal rules and values. This may be the result of a childhood surrounded by demands and rules to be followed, or even moments in life when it was necessary to show one's own capacity.

The strictness can extend to family relationships, generating conflicts with people who are "free spirits". As Capricorn is the sign which represents more expressively the material aspects of life, having a Sky Deep in Capricorn indicates that the way the person feels secure is directly linked to materiality and career.


Living with people who have a Sky Deep in Capricorn can be complex, however certain characteristics of these individuals make them stand out. The importance given to security and stability can transmit the same feeling to those who live with them. People who have this Sky Deep will rarely have impulsive or passionate attitudes.

For a family dynamic, these characteristics can be very productive, as the individual who has Capricorn in the Sky Bottom will avoid major changes and the upheavals they can bring. They also have a great sense of responsibility towards the people they live with and are loyal to their personal values.


Because he comes from a possibly conservative and unpassionate home, the individual who has a Capricorn Sky Deep has a great chance of seeking to reproduce these elements in his relationships, whether they are with family members or with people with whom he shares a home. Emotional detachment can generate great misunderstandings and lead to shallow relationships.

Another aspect that may need to be worked on is the association of security and satisfaction with material aspects of life, be it a career or the accumulation of material goods. This behavior can be expressed in individuals who become absent in family activities or even in important moments for the family by choosing to dedicate themselves to work exaggeratedly.

Advice for those who have Sky Deep in Capricorn

People who have a Capricorn Sky Sign should try to find a balance. The balance must be found in the middle between the personal need for security through materiality and the need for family members, or people with whom you have chosen to share your life, to be present both physically and emotionally.

To find this balance it is necessary to try to find other forms of personal satisfaction, apart from the acquisition of wealth or career recognition. In addition it may also be necessary to try to learn new ways of expressing emotions, which can be excessively repressed in this astrological group.

Aquarius Sky Bottom

Aquarius is the sign of the zodiac that deals with changes and transformations. Because it has this vibration in search of dynamism, the presence of the sign positioned next to the Sky Bottom may indicate an unstable childhood, or a childhood in which the person had great freedom to express their individuality. Understand this combination better below:

Personality of those with Aquarius Sky Bottom

People who have the Aquarius Sky Bottom tend to feel personal security linked to freedom of expression, and may also feel a great need to show themselves as unique individuals. They can be people with a great aversion to routine and monotony, as well as questioners of rigidly structured homes.

Members of this astrological group also have a great sense of freedom in their family relationships and with people who share their home, avoiding as far as possible any reference to control by others. They can, however, be very controlling of other people's lives.


Those who have a Sky Deep in Aquarius have a great capacity to deal with novelties in the home, as well as to accept the individuality present in the family members and people who make up the group of residents with whom they live. They also have a great creative capacity and always seek to be connected technologically.

The home of a person who possesses this Sky Sign is a space in which differences are not only well accepted, but are also appreciated and exalted. It can therefore become a promising environment for activities which demand the exploration of creativity, as well as being welcoming to those who find rigidity in their lives and seek freedom.


Some inconsistencies surround the sign of Aquarius. Considering that the sign is located near the bottom of the sky in the birth chart, these anachronisms can be expressed both in the way you feel secure, in family relationships and in the structure of your own home.

At the same time that people who have the Aquarius Sky Fund seek freedom and individuality, they can also be overly invasive and try to control the choices of others within the domestic or family circle.

The absence of filters in the expression of emotions and thoughts can also be a recurring weakness in these individuals, since the need to express oneself without analyzing the impact of opinions can cause major conflicts and generate suffering for others.

Advice for those with a Sky Deep in Aquarius

Those who have a Sky Deep in Aquarius should be careful to control their impulses, both in relation to the need to control or judge other people's behavior, and to the constant search for novelty, which can generate an excessive expenditure of energy and even a certain degree of anxiety. However, people with this Sky Deep tend to be stubborn.

The need to impose one's own truths and eccentricities on others needs to be rethought as a potentially destructive behaviour for many relationships, including affecting the relationship with oneself.

Sky Bottom in Pisces

Pisces is the sign of the zodiac, the most linked to emotions and dreams, tending to present an energy that borders on escapism from reality. For this reason, the Sky Bottom in Pisces may indicate a childhood with a lot of sentimentality. Understand better how this combination works astrologically below:

Personality of those with a Sun Bottom in Pisces

Pisces Sun Bottom is indicative of a great need for affection in family relationships and in the home in which you live. Pisces' ruler, Neptune, is the planet which is also related to intuitive power and sensitivity, which can express itself in great attachment to childhood memories and trigger excessive nostalgia.

People with this Sky Bottom may idealize memories experienced at an early age or even delude themselves with fantasies about the behavior and attitudes of their relatives, dealing with them in a purely emotional way, leaving aside rationality.

Those who have a Piscean Sky Bottom are also individuals who seek quietness at home to be able to connect with their own essence.


Those who have Pisces near the Sky's Deep in their birth chart tend to seek shelter in their physical and metaphorical home, extending the idea also to family relationships and to the people with whom they share a home. For this reason their home tends to be a peaceful space open to creativity and emotions.

The great nostalgia associated with childhood memories and family relationships can produce great affection towards the people who share their lives, creating strong emotional bonds and a great willingness to overcome conflicts or negative experiences, even traumatic ones.


The same qualities present in individuals who have a Pisces Sun Fund can turn into weaknesses if they are poorly elaborated.

The great attachment to the past and to childhood memories can create a great illusion about relationships and lived experiences, covering with a veil the difficult moments, which are also important for the experience.

Emotional attachment to family members or individuals with whom you choose to share a home also has great potential to create limitations in this astrological group, who tend to fear freedom - and all the autonomy and responsibilities that come with it. The lack of courage to seek autonomy and detachment can become a problem in these cases.

Advice for those with a Sun Bottom in Pisces

Those who have Pisces in the background of their birth chart should be careful to look for what is concrete. Both in their relationships and in their own history, these individuals tend to embellish reality, running the risk of living at the mercy of their own illusions fuelled by dreams of idealised relationships and experiences.

The search for independence must also have great attention for these people, because the natural tendency is to feel secure with the family or those who make up their domestic circle. Exactly because of this, it is important to work on detachment and move towards freedom and emotional independence.

Sky Bottom talks about our childhood?

Yes, the Sky Bottom addresses several issues about experiences that were able to shape the essence of the individual. Considering also that its residence is in the cusp of House 4, which deals with issues of the origins of the concept of home, or familiarity, it is natural that elements of the childhood phase of life are represented, when the universe was inserted in the home.

The early school years and details of the relationships that were established at the beginning of educational formation can also be observed from the Sky Bottom. These elements then go on to influence the intellectual aspirations of young people and adults, and can shape interests or create tendencies.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.