Sign of Descendant in your birth chart: meaning of the 7th house and more! Check it out!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the sign descendant mean?

When it comes to Astrology, it is common for people to only know what their sun sign is, i.e. the sign in which the sun was on the day and time of their birth.

When we go deeper into the subject, we usually discover our ascendant, that is, the sign that was rising on the horizon at the time we were born and that, situated in the 1st house of the astrological chart, and that determines some characteristics of our personality.

Do you know, however, what your descendant sign is and what it means? In this article, you will discover the meaning of the descendant sign and its different positions, as well as its relationship with the ascendant sign.

Fundamentals of the descending sign

The descendant sign is, unlike the ascendant, the sign that was descending westward in the sky at the moment of your birth. Visually, it is as if the axis formed between the ascendant and descendant is equivalent to the horizon at the moment we are born - in it, the ascendant and descendant occupy the left and right extremes, respectively.

In an Astrological Chart, the descendant sign is the one that, opposite to our ascendant, is found in the seventh house of our Birth Chart. Since they are two elements linked to two opposite houses of our Birth Chart, the ascendant and the descendant speak about very different matters that, however, complement each other.

Meaning of the 1st house

In astrology, the 1st house is linked to the sign of Aries and its ruling planet, Mars. It concerns everything that is linked to our outer self: how we present ourselves to the world, how others see us, how we look physically, how we gesture and dress.

The 1st house, moreover, is linked to all that you are and accept to be - it represents everything that you take as yours and present to the world.

Meaning of the 7th house

The meaning of the 7th house, on the other hand, is almost opposite to that of the 1st house. Linked to the sign of Libra, it says not about us, but about the other. The 7th house is about what we expect from others and what kind of people we attract - this is why it represents, in our lives, the sphere of the most lasting relationships.

The 7th house also talks about your "shadow": the sign and planets in it represent qualities you don't identify with, deny, repress, ignore, or refuse to accept in yourself - it represents everything you are not, or at least believe you are not.

Downward and upward relationship

The ascendant and the descendant are, therefore, opposite elements that complement each other in an Astrological Chart: while the ascendant represents the self and all that you show to the world, the descendant is related to the other and to the characteristics with which we do not identify or that we ignore in ourselves.

Furthermore, the descendant will always be the sign which occupies the seventh house of your birth chart and which is, therefore, the sign opposite to the ascendant.

How to know your descendant?

In the vast majority of cases, your descendant sign is opposite your ascendant sign, so the following ascendant and descendant pairs are possible: Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio, Gemini and Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius, and Pisces and Virgo.

So, for example, the descendant of someone with an Aries ascendant is Libra, and conversely, someone who has a Libra ascendant has Aries as a descendant.

To be sure about your descendant sign, it is possible to do your birth chart and observe in which sign the cusp of the seventh house is located, that is, in which sign the 7th house begins - this will be your descendant.

Attributes of the descendant sign

The descendant sign is especially tied to the other and to our interpersonal relationships. However, the 7th house does not speak only about love relationships and marriages, but also about other relationships in general: friendships, professional partnerships, expectations we have of others and how we interact with them.

Check out, below, what the descendant sign can say about each of these aspects.

Expectations with the other

In astrology, the 7th house is rightly considered the "house of the other", in opposition to the 1st house, known as the "house of I". In this way, it symbolizes both characteristics of the people you attract, as well as the expectations created in relation to them and possible inconveniences we may have with their personality.

After all, the seventh house also represents our "shadow" and the characteristics that we think are not consistent with who we are. A person with a Libra descendant, for example, can attract Librians or people with strong Libra positions - especially the ascendant.

But, at the same time, get frustrated when they show indecisiveness, influence or little assertive - characteristics that conflict with Aries, ascending sign of those who have the 7th house in Libra and that is related to strength, assertiveness and pioneering.

Interaction and cooperation with people

The seventh house of our natal chart is commonly associated to the sign of Libra, which besides being linked to justice, diplomacy and balance, is also very related to sociability and communication, characteristics of the Air signs.

In this way, the 7th house has much to tell us about how we relate to people in various spheres, as well as showing us how we establish bonds of interaction, cooperation and balance with them.

Marriage Partnerships

Directly related to the sign of Libra and its ruling planet, Venus, the seventh house also tells us a lot about love relationships, especially the more lasting ones or those that culminate in marriage - in this aspect, the descendant opposes the 5th house, which speaks about casual and less lasting relationships.

The presence of each sign and of any planets in the 7th house can also tell us about the partner we usually attract or which characteristics of the other we usually have a problem with, depending on the symbolism of each sign and planet.

A person with Saturn in the 7th house, for example, may tend to attract older, structured or rigid partners but, on the other hand, may also complain that the partner is too cold, distant, boring or repressive.

Professional Partnerships

Although the professional realm is more tied to the 6th and 10th houses, corresponding to Virgo and Capricorn, the seventh house also has an important value in that it represents how we relate and establish connections with others in various areas of life, including the professional sphere and business.

In this way, your descendant sign can point out what kind of people you like to work with and what professional relationships you usually establish with others.

Problems associated with our descendant sign

The symbology of the 7th house and its dialogue with the 1st house of the astrological chart deals with essentially conflictual aspects: because it speaks of the other and opposes the self, it is as much related to complementarities and harmonious exchange relationships as it is to confrontations and enmities. Below, check out the possible negative aspects linked to the descending sign.

Instability in affective relationships

Often we tend to attract people and relationships with characteristics linked to our descendant sign, opposite the ascendant, with which we identify to a greater extent. In this way it is possible that relationships are important for establishing complementary exchanges, and at the same time places of much instability and conflict.

After all, this same element that attracts us in others also tends to bother us, since the descendant represents our "shadow" and the characteristics that we reject in ourselves.

Exaggerated expectations of others

Linked to the house of "the other", the down sign also shows us what we expect from the people around us. In this way, besides showing us what kind of people we can attract, the seventh house can also point to aspects that we expect to find in others.

If we set our expectations of this aspect too high, we can end up getting frustrated or angry when the people around us don't live up to what we expect of them.

For example: someone with a Virgo descendant can get very irritated with a disorganized routine and habits of the people around her, while someone with Libra in the seventh house can get frustrated when people are not as kind, nice and fair as she expected.

Constant fighting

Even though the opposite characteristics of the partner represented by the descendant sign may give rise to relationships of exchange and complementarity, they can also generate conflicts when they are projected onto the other, especially because they present characteristics which, being our "shadows", tend to bother us a lot.

Relationships between partners can become especially conflictive in periods when transits of the stars form tense aspects with the seventh house, with our descendant sign or with its ruling planet.

Dissatisfaction within relationships

The down sign can represent problems with relationships not only stemming from the relationship with others, but also from the relationship with oneself.

In this aspect, it is especially important to remember that the seventh house speaks about our "shadow" and therefore also shows aspects and characteristics that, although they may seem distant, are also part of us and need to be accepted.

Dissatisfactions with relationships and internal conflicts can intensify when, for example, the descendant sign is in a tense aspect with the position of Venus, planet that represents our way of loving.

A person with a Taurus descendant and Venus in Aquarius, for example, may find herself torn between the desire to establish long, stable relationships and the desire to try new things and maintain her independence.

In order to know better the influence of the descendant and the ascendant in your birth chart, it is necessary to know in which signs they are located - these two, as said before, are always in opposition.

Below, check out the characteristics of each ascendant and descendant, as well as the tendencies of each position in relationships.

Ascendant in Aries Descendant in Libra

Those with Ascendant in Aries are usually very direct and quick in what they have to say: their first instinct is to do instead of thinking. Contrary to what you might think, this position does not necessarily indicate aggressiveness, but a direct and even innocent way of being.

Natives with Aries ascendants can be competitive, yet this competitiveness usually puts more pressure on themselves than on others.

The characteristics linked to the sign of Aries - spontaneity, aggressiveness, competitiveness, assertiveness, independence, energy, pioneering spirit, among others - are personality traits which the native appropriates and is not ashamed to have, besides expressing themselves in their physical aspect: people with ascendant in Aries tend to be athletic, groom themselves and walk quickly.

The descendant in Libra also shows that the native prefers to be direct and speak his mind rather than submit to others and say only what will please them. After all, the descendant is linked to the characteristics that we least identify with, and Libra links directly to a greater tendency to submission and passivity.

However, the descendant also speaks about what we don't accept in ourselves and in relationships - and, in this specific sphere, people with ascendant in Aries can become less assertive, lose their identity and/or submit to their partner's wills because the 7th house is in Libra.

Although this positioning is very comfortable, because Libra is the natural sign of the 7th house, the native with this positioning should be careful not to submit excessively to his partner and assert what, for him, is essential and should not be run over by the relationship.

Ascendant Taurus Descendant Scorpio

People with Taurus ascendant usually convey a sense of stability and perseverance, being very loyal to the things and people they care about. On the other hand, people with this position are usually relatively resistant to change, having a more stubborn personality and a preference for what is stable and secure.

In this way, people with Taurus ascendant are usually very careful and cautious, besides being very attached to the 5 senses and to the practical aspects of life.

On the other hand, the descendant in Scorpio embraces all the characteristics that people with Taurus ascendant don't identify with and, above all, don't want to: instability, obsessiveness, aggressiveness and tendency to sudden emotional outbursts.

However, people with this descendant usually attract precisely people with Scorpio characteristics, having relationships in which emotions are very intense and prone to become suffocating.

A relationship with someone with a Scorpio descendant can be challenging for the partner, as this sign can take time to open up and establish intimacy within the relationship, and its mysterious aspect is possibly challenging for others.

Nevertheless, when this intimacy is conquered, the relationship can be very meaningful - just beware of jealousy and possessiveness. The Taurus ascendant guarantees loyalty and stability to the relationship.

Ascendant in Gemini Descendant in Sagittarius

People with Gemini ascendant see the world as a place of learning: those with Gemini in the first house are very curious about the people around them and, similarly to Sagittarius natives, are always looking for expansion, especially of their social circles.

They like to question, migrate between environments and associate with them, and may intimidate some people by their impatient air, good oratory and apparent little affection. In relationships, people with Gemini ascendants usually preserve their freedom and personal space, as well as that of their partner.

This need for space is also proper to the descendant in Sagittarius, who at the same time can also be a little childish when defending his ideas, personality traits and personal truths.

Therefore, those who have ascendant in Sagittarius can be a little authoritarian in discussions, wanting the other to listen and accept their point of view without interruptions or complaints, behavior characteristic of this sign - which, however, can be resolved if the couple adopts a mature attitude when analyzing situations.

Given your need for freedom, long-distance relationships are common for those in this position.

Ascendant in Cancer Descendant in Capricorn

The Ascendant in Cancer is usually a position of people who are very gentle and often seem familiar to others. They are very sensitive to their environment and can therefore get confused or overwhelmed easily - so their first instinct is usually self-protection. They are usually seen as docile, warm and even innocent people.

The Descendant in Capricorn makes people with this position seek well-structured and secure relationships and partners, and tend to feel better when the partner demonstrates strength, ability and financial and emotional stability. They also seek relationships in which the rules are clear, even if they lose some of their personal space.

Although people with Cancer doesn't like insensitive, rigid and crystallised people, their relationships tend to value notions of hierarchy, responsibility, sacrifice and power very highly, and may give rise to authoritarian behaviour. In this respect, the descendant in Capricorn can be one of the most difficult to deal with.

Ascendant in Leo descendant in Aquarius

Those with Ascendant in Leo usually radiate a special and magnetic energy that captures the attention of others around them. These people are usually very aware of the space in which they are, as well as the people with whom they relate - and therefore integrate very easily into different environments and social circles.

They may tend to make rash decisions, have fits of anger, or behave in a rather overbearing manner towards others - which is really only a way of ensuring the welfare of the people they love.

People with Ascendant in Leo are also usually very idealistic and have a knack for leadership positions; however, they need to be careful not to overestimate themselves and things in general.

On the other hand, the descendant in Aquarius expresses all the characteristics that bother and even frighten people with ascendant in Leo: Aquarius is an unpredictable sign, detached and, most of the times, is considered as opposite to the charisma and warm personality of the Leo.

However, it is precisely people and relationships with these characteristics that someone with descendant in Aquarius usually attracts - for them, it is very important that the relationship is free, guarantees the independence of the parties and is not full of rules.

People with this position may attract people who are curious, fun and intelligent, but on the other hand they may have problems if the relationship is too inflexible.

Ascendant in Virgo Descendant in Pisces

People with Ascendant in Virgo are usually very discreet in the way they behave and dress, often being seen by others with an aura of intelligence. Because they are shy and need time to analyze the environment and people before opening up and approaching, natives with this position can be seen as cold or overly critical people.

They tend to be somewhat anxious or overly concerned with details, and therefore often attract people who need help getting organized and disciplined.

The descendant in Pisces concentrates all the characteristics that worry and stress the Virgoan: disorganization, exaggerated sensitivity and imagination, little critical sense and even a little innocence.

However, it is these characteristics that the one who has descendant in Pisces usually attracts to his relationships: the 7th house in Pisces demands a lot of intimacy, affection and lovingness, as well as mutual care - which, to some extent, also relates to the meticulous and concerned character of Virgo.

On the other hand, those with Pisces as their descendant must be careful not to idealise their partner too much or make their daily life together not very pragmatic.

Ascendant in Libra Descendant in Aries

The ascendant in Libra is usually very appreciated by the people around the native with this position, since it brings a charming, light and gentle air.

In addition, people with Libra in the 1st house are usually welcoming and great mediators, although a bit persuasive - so those with this ascendant tend to attract others without much effort.

In contrast, the descendant in Aries makes people with this placement attract active partners, who will teach them to leave their sweet and submissive aspect aside a little.

Relationships can be crossed by competitiveness, selfishness or domination, characteristic features of Aries which, however, who has ascendant in Libra does not usually tolerate.

As Aries is the sign related to "me", having him in the house of "the other" can be a somewhat conflicting positioning. However, if well worked out, this positioning can provide intense and enthusiastic passions.

Ascendant in Scorpio Descendant in Taurus

Those who have ascendant in Scorpio usually have a lot of presence, and can even intimidate the people around them. They are powerful and determined people who always look for meanings and answers between the lines, discarding superficial details and going straight to the point.

This can frighten the people around you who in turn tend to love or hate those who are in this position. The Scorpio Ascendant also demands privacy and has a need to control the environment in which it finds itself, and can be prone to possible paranoia.

The descendant in Taurus, in turn, will give the native with this placement a totally different atmosphere in relation to relationships.

Those who have Taurus in the 7th house usually attract stable, secure, lasting, kind and loyal partners and relationships - characteristics that are rare in the daily life of natives with ascendant in Scorpio, since this sign is linked to mysteries, paranoia, obsessions, transformations and depths.

In this sense, the descendant will make the native establish relationships focused on materiality, that is, in what is concrete, stable, safe and comfortable - characteristics linked to the Taurus energy that, besides being fixed, is also an Earth sign. You just have to be careful that jealousy, pride and stubbornness do not compromise the relationship.

Ascendant in Sagittarius descendant in Gemini

People with Ascendant in Sagittarius are usually very hopeful and see the world as a place of expansiveness, full of new adventures, experiences and learning. They are usually very active people who take little rest - they always seem to be looking for something new to know or experience.

They are very direct and always have an opinion about everything, besides remaining fun and optimistic on most occasions. In the case of the ascendant in Sagittarius, the position of Jupiter, its ruling planet, can also influence the way the ascendant expresses themselves.

If Jupiter is in Capricorn, for example, the native may have a more sarcastic mood. Despite having characteristics close to Sagittarius, Gemini is also linked to aspects that usually irritate those who have the 1st house in this sign.

Besides being colder compared to the heat of Sagittarius, the sign of Gemini also represents a certain duality and dispersion that can be uncomfortable for this ascendant - Sagittarius, which has the arrow as one of the symbols, prefers to focus only on one thing and explore it thoroughly.

People with Gemini as Descendant value independence and especially communication in relationships, and they tend to attract people who stimulate them intellectually.

In this sense, the Gemini ascendant is linked to the Sagittarius ascendant, which is also very attached to philosophies and knowledge. On the other hand, it is recommended that people with this position do not have a very fixed routine or very controlling relationships.

Ascendant in Capricorn Descendant in Cancer

The ascendant in Capricorn gives people with this placement a serious, mature and successful air.

Often, these natives carry the position of responsibility from childhood, being seen as "too mature for their age." Many people with Capricorn in the 1st house have a need to take responsibility and structure the lives of their family and others around them from an early age, valuing tradition, family, and commitment.

Thus, natives with this ascendant tend to reject early on the characteristics linked to its descendant, Cancer, a sign commonly related to sensitivity and emotionality, which can be seen as weaknesses.

However, it is people and relationships with these characteristics which those with a Cancer descendant tend to attract: in relationships, these people seek partners who are maternal, sensitive, welcoming and often linked to the domestic environment.

On the other hand, people with this positioning may be afraid to express, within the relationship, a little authority and strength, which can cause resentments to build up and get in the way of the relationship.

Ascendant in Aquarius Descendant in Leo

People with Ascendant in Aquarius are usually unique and original and value their individuality. They are intelligent, curious and often have a special bond with the sciences or knowledge, valuing humanitarian and social causes.

Although very friendly, people with this position can also be a little provocative and stubborn, always wanting to shock others with their originality. In childhood, they may have been considered different or "out of the norm" children, a little out of place in their environment.

The shadow of the Ascendant in Aquarius is in the descendant in Leo which, ruled by the Sun, is linked to a certain need to always be in the limelight and be the center of attention - something that, deep down, Aquarius also seeks with its originality, despite being in opposition to this behavior.

In relationships, the descendant indicates a tendency for the native to be very generous and warm with his partners - behaviour which he clearly expects to be reciprocated. If not, it is possible that the partnership may leave the native insecure or upset.

Ascendant in Pisces descendant in Virgo

People with Pisces ascendant seem to be always in the world of the moon, moving through the world with delicacy and without direction. Because Pisces is a sign of changeable quality, it is likely that people with this ascendant do not have a constant aspect: one day they can be more introspective, quiet and shy, and the next, talkative and passionate.

Very artistic and imaginative, people with Pisces ascendant do not usually have decisive plans for the future, preferring to follow according to the environment and their emotions.

However, natives with Pisces in the 1st house may have the tendency to run away from reality, especially when it is very hard - this way, they usually look for a more practical and realistic partner, who can give a little concreteness to the life and the relationship of those who have Pisces as ascendant.

The sign that gathers all these characteristics is its opposite sign Virgo, which occupies the seventh house of those who have ascendant in Pisces: it is a sign linked to daily life, materiality, care and all the details that go unnoticed by Pisceans.

Those with a Virgo descendant tend to attract partners who are organized, methodical and concerned with the pragmatic details of day-to-day life. You just have to be careful that the relationship doesn't sink with too much destructive criticism.

Can knowing your descendant sign help you choose a profession?

The descendant sign is not strictly linked to the professional area; however it can help us in this choice - after all, the elements of a Birth Chart cannot be seen in a separate or absolute way, but must be articulated among themselves.

Work and our professional choice are more tied to houses 6 and 10 - the latter also known as Midheaven -, elements in direct relationship with the signs of Virgo and Capricorn, respectively.

While the 6th house talks more about daily work and professional life, the 10th house symbolizes our aspirations and, therefore, can also indicate our professional career paths.

The 7th house, on the other hand, linked to relationships, can tell us better about how we deal with our work partnerships, our professional contacts and with business partners.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.