Self-leadership through Astrology: Sun, moon, ascendant and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about self-leadership and Astrology

Recognize your limits and you will be on the path to leadership. Because the first challenge of a leader is when you learn to lead yourself. From the moment you understand your emotions and are aware of your talents you will begin to act with maturity and will have the capacity to lead yourself.

That's why self-knowledge is so fundamental in your evolution, becoming more and more relevant in your personal and professional life. Astrology can help you with this, because from an astrological reading you will know more about your personality and how you behave in relationships.

This perspective will enable you to work better on yourself and allow you to face problems, ensuring better expectations for your life. Discover how astrology can help you on your path to self-knowledge and thus achieve the much-dreamed-of self-leadership.

The three pillars of the astrological chart in defining personality

There are three pillars in the astrological chart that guide your essence, they are the Sun, the Moon and your Ascendant. Together they become definers of your personality and assist you in understanding your self, these are key elements for you to achieve your self-leadership. Learn more about the influence of each pillar in the reading below.

The Sun

The Sun is one of the most ancient symbols ever created, representing life in many cultures. In Astrology it reveals your ego, your desires and your energy. Its position will define the main sign, as well as defining the qualities and defects of the person. It is what makes your personality so striking, influencing your way of acting and thinking.

Being considered the "king star" of astrology, your Sun influences your self-esteem and your radiance. It is responsible for radiating your energy. Being a central element in your chart, it is able to interact with the other stars and guide their position.

The Moon

The Moon represents our emotions, the way we feel and our intuition. It reveals much more about our reactions to our feelings, as well as directing us towards our motivations which have been defined by our Sun. While the king star symbolizes the masculine, the Moon refers to the feminine.

By attending to your Moon's needs you will feel more secure with yourself, as emotions and your affective issues are intertwined with your Moon sign. Soon you will see in your personality those manifestations caused by the Moon.

The Ascendant Sign

In astrology, your ascendant represents your sun sign. Its definition arises from the positioning of this star on the horizon line when you are born. It is the sign of the individual who ascends, showing how you act and what impact you have on relationships.

The way you behave in relationships and the image you create in people, are related to your ascendant. Your existence generates expectations and these can be positive or negative depending on your zodiac sign.

The influence of the Sun on the personality considering the element of the signs

From the understanding of the Sun in Astrology, you will understand the influences that it has in the formation of your personality. Not only your sign will determine your self, but also the elements that each one of them represents. To help you in your search for self-leadership, we will address these influences. Follow along!

Sun in Fire signs

The signs that belong to the Fire element are Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. People who belong to Fire signs tend to be very energetic and lively, always trying to be involved in various activities. So, they find in their Sun the necessary motivation to go after their dreams.

These people have a genuine will within them, always seeking to take charge and exercising leadership in their lives. Whether on a personal or professional level, they will always seem enthusiastic in their activities. However, they need to beware of impatience, this defect can harm you in relationships.

Sun in Earth signs

Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. People of the earth element are determined to achieve stability in life. Dreams are not enough for them because they will only find security in themselves when they achieve it. Another positive characteristic is that they always contribute something useful in the lives of others.

It is however important that you have sensitivity about your personality, for Earth signs are generally stubborn and do not accept change easily, and this can be a barrier to your evolution towards self-leadership.

Sun in Air signs

The Sun in Air signs are represented by Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. People included in this group tend to be creative and innovative, and can mobilize others in pursuit of their goals, bringing ideas to life and standing out in relationships.

However the air also brings dispersion and rebelliousness with intensity. These people cannot be imprisoned, so relationships and stability could turn out to be negative for them. So it is necessary to be careful, because only a stable life will guarantee balance and help you to achieve your self-leadership.

Sun in Water signs

The Sun of the Water signs are defined by Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. They have an intense and fluid personality, possessing a keen perception of the environment in which they live. Besides being extremely creative and imaginative people, they can have a keen empathy.

Their qualities put them ahead in relationships, but their emotional nature can also harm them. As people of these signs tend to be influential and have a difficulty in connecting with themselves. They become passive, or spiteful.

The influence of the Moon on the personality considering the element of the signs

Considering the elements of the signs of the Moon, the personality of this star is much more aligned with your emotions. In this way, understanding these elements will help you have a better emotional intelligence. Follow the reading and understand how the Moon influences your personality in different elements.

Moon in Fire Signs

People who have in their Moon the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and belong to the fire element are traditionally emotional, restless and reactive. Therefore, they value their independence so they can release their emotions without worries.

Freedom allows them to be who they want to be, always creative, motivated and expansive. Their qualities make them leaders and great entrepreneurs. However, due to their nature, they should seek to work on their emotional intelligence so that conflicts in relationships are avoided.

Moon in Earth signs

Earth signs like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn need stable conditions to feel comfortable with themselves. For those who have earth signs in their moon, their emotions are stimulated within a limit that goes according to the moment.

This is why the experiences they are living are so important, because they will define the nature of their emotions, which can be positive or negative. These people should avoid creating expectations, because if they are not met they can awaken negative feelings such as lack of control and frustration.

Moon in Air signs

For those who have a Moon with Air signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius indicates an incessant search for answers. They always try to analyze a situation from several points of view, these characteristics make them extremely communicative.

However, these people can't stand to be alone, because loneliness puts them in a position of talking to themselves, and depending on their emotional state this can raise negative emotions. This often makes them anxious and depressed.

Moon in Water signs

The Moon in Water signs can represent Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces people. They experience their emotions intensely and love to connect with people. Their keen empathy and the fact that they are easily influenced by their environment can be considered both qualities and faults.

Depending on your experiences and the people involved, they can be harmful, because you create a dependency on the other person, and those companies are not always pleasant or good for you. Therefore, be attentive to your relationships, this step will be fundamental for you to achieve your self-leadership.

The influence of the ascendant in the personality considering the element of the signs

The understanding of the ascendant is fundamental for those who wish to achieve self-leadership. Because, according to your sign and the elements it belongs to will direct your personality. Understand more about this influence of the ascendant and its elements in the search for self-leadership in the reading that follows.

Ascendant in Fire signs

The ascendants of the Fire signs stand out for their enthusiastic attitudes and their independence. They have in themselves the desire to win, so they tend to be highly competitive. Freedom is fundamental for these people to act according to their wishes.

However, in their intrepid nature, they can become aggressive and combative. These defects can lead them to many conflicts in their personal and professional life. Therefore, they need to be reflective about their behaviour, only then they will avoid friction and achieve their self-leadership.

Ascendant in Earth Signs

Earth signs seek to act in a cautious and patient way, often being judicious in their plans. Their nature is constructive and they tend to be ambitious with their dreams. They are realists, so their steps are measured according to their present, eliminating possible unrealistic expectations in their path.

The biggest fault of earth element signs is also in their rigidity, making them often intolerant. Their stubbornness can affect relationships and even hinder their growth because they are not open to new ideas.

Ascendant in Air Signs

People of the Air signs have a collaborative, versatile and sociable attitude. They also have a rational and spontaneous nature. Their qualities make them extremely creative, being in permanent change and always moving, which makes them inconstant.

Therefore, you need to hold the reins of your life so that you do not lose control of it. Self-leadership will only be possible if you learn to reflect on your decisions.

Ascendant in Water signs

For those who have Water signs, their attitude towards the world is calm and at the same time sensitive. They have greater tact in relation to interactions when it comes to emotions, having a more refined perception of the environment and the people around them.

However, people of this element can express a more controlling side and get hurt easily, which can cause a lot of interference in each other's lives and negative emotions for both.

Tips for developing self-leadership

People capable of self-leadership have overcome their personal defects and understood the importance of discipline in their lives. To develop self-leadership you will need to develop some personal and interpersonal aspects. Follow these tips and you will be one step away from this achievement.

Openness to learning

People who wish to develop the spirit of leadership must first be open to learning. For, the first requirement is to lead yourself. It is indispensable that you learn to overcome your limits, so that you can acquire the skills that will prepare you for life's challenges.

Taking responsibility

First you have to stop blaming yourself, you are solely responsible for your problems. From the moment you assume your responsibilities you will build the necessary competence for your independence. Commit yourself to your life and you will start to feel more motivated towards your goals.

Search for self-knowledge

The second step is to deal with self-sabotage. You will only become a leader of yourself when you understand that your emotions influence your feelings and thoughts. Become aware of your present, observe what you are feeling and deal with your emotions in a rational way.

In this way, you will be able to guide yourself along the best path and will be able to impose limits on your wills. Remember the principles and values that move you so that you do not deviate from your path.


Your self-esteem needs to be preserved, because from it you will find the necessary determination to follow your path. Trust in your potential, you have already overcome many challenges and be sure that you will overcome the next ones too.

Life is in perpetual change, we will always deal with the new, so seek from this the necessary stimuli to evolve more and more in your search for self-leadership.


Discipline is fundamental for those who seek self-leadership, because it is responsible for controlling your desires and for keeping you constant on a daily basis. It does not allow deviations in behavior.

It is only by firmly following a routine that you will be able to grow in life. Remember that without discipline no planning goes forward, which makes success in your personal or professional life impossible.

How can I develop self-leadership through astrology?

Those who wish to become a leader in life must first learn to govern themselves. Before becoming an idol you need to become a reference. People will only follow you if you prove yourself capable and worthy of their respect. That is why self-leadership is so fundamental in your personal and professional life.

You can only lead yourself through self-knowledge. Astrology will serve as a tool for you to understand yourself and the way you interact with the world. It thus reveals your qualities and the defects that need to be improved so that you evolve as a human being.

Use Astrology to better understand your needs and look to your self-knowledge for the tools you need to deal with your impulses and desires. Only then will you achieve the discipline needed to lead yourself.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.