Saturn in Aries: characteristics of this planet, retrograde and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of Saturn in Aries

When Saturn appears connected to Aries in the birth chart of a certain person, the native can count on some characteristics that will determine the way he expresses his actions before the world.

Thus, the positioning of the planet Saturn in Aries shows a great charge of energy and also speaks about how the person who has this combination in his chart can act in relation to his discipline, patience, prudence and time management.

These issues can even cause a complex situation for both natives, since the sign of Aries acts totally driven by impulsiveness, which is common to it. Therefore, the combination can generate a great conflict, as they will be dissonant behaviors.

More issues regarding the presence of Saturn in Aries will be addressed below, please continue reading the article to inform yourself.

Aspects of Saturn

Much more than what is thought about Saturn, the planet is not responsible only for being a symbol of pain, of obstacles to overcome, of distancing limits and loneliness. Thus, Saturn shows itself as part of a psychic process that is present in everyone's life and is necessary for growth.

This process is directly connected with the capacity of psychic integration of individuals, as learning and evolution. Saturn is famous for being a kind of teacher, responsible for generating knowledge in people.

For some, certain characteristics can seem very boring: understanding of obstacles, parsimony, caution, common sense, and a perfect sanity to deal with adverse life situations. Saturn acts as a kind of superego, defining what we can and cannot.

Saturn in mythology

This name was given to the planet Saturn in honor of the Roman god of time, Cronos, present in Greek mythology. He is the son of Uranus and Gaia, as well as father of Jupiter. Before receiving this name, Cronos came to be called Sumerian Ninurta.

One of the moons present in Saturn takes the name Atlas. This name comes from a titan, who was condemned to carry the sky on his back. In addition, another moon, called Encelado, is known in mythology for aiming to defeat the goddess Athena.

Saturn in astrology

Known as cold, dry and controlling, with the ability to freeze even death, aging and fear, Saturn exerts a major influence on the signs. As such, it will aim to govern the limits and responsibilities of the people who have its presence in the astrological chart.

Therefore, a chart that has Saturn in Aries, will certainly have a greater determination and interference of this sign in decision making. So, who has this disposition shows himself as a conscious leader of his decisions. This position will also be responsible for showing the realization of the deepest desires.

Aries Aspects

The main characteristics of Aries are exposed by the great quest to expand their horizons, determination to conquer everything they want and willingness to fight for what is theirs. People of this sign usually have great taste for leadership and a very developed self-confidence.

In general, they can be very impulsive individuals with a behavior marked by explosions. At certain points, they end up being aggressive and impatient with certain situations in life.

The Aryan's quest is always to conquer spaces of power and authority, so he faces whatever it takes to stand out as a leader or someone who occupies a position of visibility.

As the quest of the Aries person is always to reach the top, efforts will always be directed to fulfill their goals and reach the much dreamed of place of prominence. The Aries person never gives up until they get what they want.

The desire for leadership can have a tortuous path. But in reaching this much-desired goal, the Aryan will show himself to be a very sober leader and capable of making good decisions in the face of complex situations. His positioning is important and his desires are expressed without fear.

Self-confidence is something the Aries cultivates a lot in his life, so the natives of this sign are determined and believe in themselves whatever the cost. These are very positive characteristics which will lead the person of the sign of Aries to achieve their goals with mastery.

Negative Aries tendencies

Because they consider themselves to be people who are willing to do anything to get what they dream and want, Aryans have a tendency to feel better than others around them. Because of this, they tend to act with an air of superiority.

As selfishness is something very present in Aries, this makes them become a little inconvenient, being authoritarian with their wills and going over the heads of others without caring what they are doing.

Saturn in Aries in the birth chart

In the birth chart, the mixture between Saturn and Aries expresses itself in various ways and the two can complement each other as both have similar characteristics. As the Aries has various goals which he wishes to conquer, the discipline and caution of Saturn will be very effective in this process.

On the other hand, due to the very incisive aspects of the Arian, it will be necessary that he seeks a balance. The greatest challenge for the person who has Saturn in Aries in his chart is to succeed in acquiring and establishing this balance in his attitudes.

Saturn's influence will make the Arian to be more controlled in some aspects, since impulsiveness is something that is always high in the life of Aries natives. Some filters in their speech, which do not normally exist in this sign, due to Saturn's positioning, can influence their posture.


The impulsiveness of the Aryan is one of their most striking characteristics. They don't like to wait or even think too much about a decision, so they act on their first impulse, even if it ends up causing regret later.

But Saturn requires the sign of Aries to act with more responsibility and control over its actions. Therefore, in this case, the influence can be positive, especially when it comes to professional issues, which need more control and less hasty actions.


Frustration can be a frequent feeling in the life of the native who has Saturn in Aries. With so many unthoughtful actions, acting with control can bring this feeling to those who have this position in their chart. But it is necessary to control energies in these moments.

Because it is a sign that exhibits more decisive characteristics, of people who take the lead without further reflection, Aries natives are frustrated when they need to be disciplined and act with patience and caution.


The aptitude for leadership of the native who has Saturn in Aries is natural and comes with all the attributes of dominance and determination that he displays. In this way, they have a natural taste for command, whether in life in general or in their work.

These leadership characteristics make the Aryan has even a certain tendency to lose control in situations where he is exercising power over his subordinates. So, it is necessary to be very careful or these cases can bring immeasurable damage.


Self-confidence is always very present in the life of the native who has Saturn in Aries, something that comes naturally from the sign and gains new aspects and incentives with the influence of the planet. Therefore, they are people who have a great power of attraction and spontaneity before the world.

With so much self-confidence, the Aryan stands out as a person capable of doing anything they want, as they imprint this in their day-to-day attitudes like no one else. They are masters at showing that they are in control of everything and that they are confident in what they are fully doing.


With so much strength and determination, the Aries can fall into a trap of their own making. Because they always seek leadership positions, they can easily find themselves in situations in which others will end up classifying them as authoritarian.

Because they are in search of satisfying their desires and reaching ambitious goals, Aryans end up losing some common sense. It is worth pointing out that acting in a firm way does not mean being authoritarian with those who receive their orders and requests. It is necessary that the Aryan pays attention to the way he treats the people around him.


Even though Aries people like to share their moments with diverse company, be it friends or those who idolize them for their constant position of leader, they are usually quite individualistic.

It is expected that the Aryan does not like to share their laurels with others, as they search for it tirelessly. Competitiveness is present in the life of natives of this sign very clearly and this makes them not like to share their spotlight in any way.


Sometimes the Aries native distances himself from reality and tends to create his own world in which he is the protagonist. This happens because sharing something requires that other people receive attention and prominence and this is almost offensive to the Aries native who is the center of situations.

Because they feel so much better than the people around them, individuals of this sign assume a position of uncontrollable superiority. They may insert themselves in matters which do not concern them, causing situations of pure inconvenience.


Learning to deal with waiting is something extremely complicated for the Aries sign. However, it is of utmost necessity that you can understand that things do not happen only when you want them to happen. After all, there is also other people's time for that.

Dealing with waiting is a cause of anxiety for the Aries native, who needs to respect the time of situations and others, seeing these moments as necessary steps to complete a process. Haste, however, is very present in this position and needs to be contained.

Saturn in Aries in different areas of life

The native who has Saturn in Aries in his astrological chart needs to deal with many adverse situations coming from this position, which can be full of traps and complicated issues to be solved. Time is important to build more solid bases and for the Arian to understand that it is not always better to come first.

These people are constantly dealing with an even internal competitiveness and want to win at all times, even if there is no actual competition. Therefore, Aryans need to be above everyone and everything in various sectors of their life.

The awareness that it is necessary to wait, to give some time for things to happen and to fit in their right places, is one of the greatest challenges that Aries natives have to face in their lives. The inner restlessness of the Aries needs to be calmed down so that he can find some peace.

In love

Some of the most striking characteristics of the Aries native can directly influence their love relationships, bringing unnecessary problems and conflicts. Much of this comes from the fact that the Aries native can pour their expectations into a relationship and get frustrated with the result.

In many moments, this way of acting, wanting to solve everything on their own, causes the Aryan to get lost in the relationship and end up not respecting the space and decisions of their partners, which can certainly lead to fights.

In professional life

The tendency is for the native to repeat his behaviours in life also in his work. As he is a born leader, he will certainly strive for positions of prominence and value. But until he reaches these goals, on the way, the Aryan can deal with many frustrations.

As they are very dedicated to carrying out their most desired projects, people with this position end up feeling extremely anxious about the possibility of something not going the way they want it to, and dealing with this frustration is crucial in order not to succumb and sabotage themselves.

Other interpretations of Saturn in Aries

For fear of being disappointed and frustrated with situations beyond their control, there is the possibility that people who have this positioning acquire an inert attitude.

Contrary to what is normally expected, they will stand still in the face of adversity, or even give up what they dreamed of so much. For fear of failure and having to face these issues, which are not very well accepted, the native with Saturn in Aries can end up settling down in order not to suffer from frustrations.

Therefore, you have to be very attentive to this type of behavior, because just like exaggeration, this attitude can also do a lot of harm to the native's life. Balance will always be the best option. Even though the search for it may be slow, it will be worth it in the long run.

Man with Saturn in Aries

Men with Saturn in Aries exhibit a trustworthy demeanor and constantly show themselves as an authority, whatever the subject. Moreover, they have a great aptitude for teaching others about the rules of life.

If you face defeat, the individual with Saturn in Aries will certainly be willing to help you overcome this situation in your life. If you reciprocate this support, you will gain a person to fight by your side for the rest of your life. Try to show your satisfaction with this native's generosity.

Woman with Saturn in Aries

They are organized and value practicality. With a behavior that conveys reliability, women who have this combination will be excellent allies, since they know the tools that are at their disposal and how to use them effectively.

They have various skills and are not afraid to put into practice what they want. They have an envious self-discipline and are always in the rush to accomplish the tasks given to them. It is necessary, however, that there is a little restraint in their actions, not to end up extrapolating and hurting someone.

Challenges of Saturn in Aries

The combination of Saturn in Aries demands a little more attention from the native for some essential aspects. You have to be careful about the battles you choose to face in life and how you will deal with them. This is one of the most complicated challenges for this native.

As they are always looking to stand out in front of the world and are extremely self-sufficient, control ends up being left aside and it is necessary to face this behavior head-on to seek new ways of dealing with the world around them, without overdoing things.

Saturn in retrograde Aries

This configuration in which Saturn in Aries is retrograde can guarantee a greater strength to the chart, giving it a broader meaning. Thus, the person will behave as a father figure for himself, guiding him in his decisions and attitudes.

As he matures he will have a stronger self-confidence, but without the common characteristic of the Arian, which highlights his ego more clearly. The individual will appreciate his value, which has been built up within him throughout his life.

Tips for those who have Saturn in Aries

To be able to control his impulses, the native can learn first of all to have a little more sense of time, enjoying more the moments of life without a big hurry to accomplish what he longs for so much.

It is important for the native who has the combination Saturn in Aries to value more the time he takes to do something, thus avoiding the constant loss of control that these people face throughout life due to the immediacy that is common to them.

Is Saturn in Aries a good astrological combination for the professional side?

Generally speaking, natives possessing this combination can face very complicated challenges in this field if they do not take steps to control their impulses and tendencies to lose focus because they believe they are superior.

Therefore, it is possible that a person who has Saturn in Aries in his chart is an excellent professional, since he really seeks to achieve the best and is always trying to become a leader, which clearly shows that they have goals to achieve excellence.

But, throughout the process, the care not to lose your posture will be essential so that this native doesn't get out of control and end up taking out his frustrations on the wrong people. All care is too little to learn to deal with your own mistakes and adverse situations.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.