Quartz Crystal: origin, benefits, how to use, energize and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the properties of the quartz crystal?

Also known as transparent quartz, quartz crystal is a mineral originated from silicon and oxygen atoms. Owner of a glassy luster, it is part of the trigonal crystal system and, together with blue quartz, milky quartz and rose quartz, represents one of the most common varieties of the stone.

With a very clear white color, the quartz crystal can be considered one of the most important in crystal therapy and is used to align the chakras as well as to amplify prana. Thus, it has meanings linked to harmony and healing. Do you want to know more about the characteristics and uses of the quartz crystal? Read on and find out!

Quartz Crystal Features

With a meaning linked to energy, healing and clairvoyance, the quartz crystal is known as the "master healer". Thus, it is able to amplify thought and also to absorb energy, acting towards its release and regulation.

It is able to extract negativity and neutralize radiation, promoting the revitalization of the body and mind. Want to know more about quartz crystal and its general characteristics? See the next section of the article!

Origin and history

The name quartz came from the Greek word krystalos, meaning ice. It was attributed to the stone because the Greeks believed it resembled ice so cold that it had become hard. In addition, its transparency conveyed the feeling of purity and refreshment.

Therefore, given this history, it is no wonder that the stone is now associated with crystalline mountains or even frozen waters. It is also worth mentioning that quartz can be considered a clear mineral and that it is found in very distant places on earth, from Madagascar to Brazil.


In terms of meanings, it is possible to highlight that the quartz crystal represents energy and the ability to get rid of negativity. Therefore, the stone is also linked to harmony, healing and calm. Because it can absorb and store large amounts of energy, the quartz crystal neutralizes background radiation.

Another meaning attributed to this stone is the idea of unlocking memory. Therefore, it helps in issues such as concentration, which can be a very present difficulty in the lives of several people, due to its ability to increase psychic abilities.

Clear Quartz Characteristics

Transparent quartz is a mineral that is part of the trigonal crystal system. It has a luster similar to glass and can be considered the best known form of quartz today. It has a very soft white coloration, pulled to the transparent, and can also be found with the name of rock crystal, besides quartz crystal.

It is also worth mentioning that it is very important for crystal therapy, since it is used in moments such as chakra alignment. It is also associated with prana amplification.

Other types of Quartz

Quartz is a stone that has many variations. In general, this is linked to both color and functionality. Thus, in addition to crystal quartz you can also find amethyst (the purple quartz), rose quartz, smoky quartz and several others. It is also interesting to highlight its cryptocrystalline varieties, such as cornaline, sardine, chrysoprase, agate and onyx.

Hardness and chemical composition

From a chemical point of view, quartz crystal is a mineral. It is made from oxygen and silicon atoms, the presence of oxygen being the most prominent, responsible for 53.3% of the composition of the stone. It can be considered an almost pure compound, but some recent studies have revealed the presence of lithium, sodium and aluminum in its formation, albeit on a small scale.

It is worth noting that quartz crystal can be considered seventh in Mohs school, which means it is quite hard. These factors also influence its glassy luster.

Applications and uses

Quartz crystal can be used at many different times to benefit the spiritual body as well as the physical body. Thus, it is present in meditation, decoration of environments and also as a personal accessory, so that people can always carry its benefits.

In general, this stone is used to ensure calm and energetic cleansing, since it has the ability to store and release energy as needed. In addition, it can also clear negativity from an environment.

Signs and chakras

In terms of signs, quartz crystal can be considered excellent for people ruled by the water element, i.e. for Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio natives. However, they can also be good for fire natives, such as Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

When talking about the chakras, clear quartz is directly associated with the coronal, which is located above the head. It also has a strong connection to the third eye, which is located between the eyebrows.

Elements and planets

The elements fire and water are the rulers of the quartz crystal. Fire is an element of impulsive emotions and water, on the other hand, turns more to intuition. Therefore, this combination of opposite poles requires balance, something that must be sought individually.

Regarding the planets, the quartz crystal is ruled by the Sun and the Moon, which makes it a stone for balance by reconciling the synergy of the opposing poles feminine and masculine.

Benefits of Quartz Crystal

The quartz crystal is able to bring significant benefits to the spiritual and physical body, besides acting also on the emotional body. In this sense, it promotes energetic cleansing, develops clairvoyance and intuition, so that the energies are amplified to achieve balance.

In addition, it helps in treatments for issues such as anxiety and stress. Want to know more about the benefits of quartz crystal? Check out the next section of the article.

Effects on the spiritual body

As far as the spiritual body is concerned, clear quartz is capable of promoting significant energetic cleansing. In addition, it allows people to develop clairvoyance and a keener intuition, which is justified by the Moon's rulership.

Therefore, people who use this crystal in their rituals or even as accessories can achieve a state of emotional balance. In addition, the quartz crystal also has positive vibrations that combat the negativity of toxic people and environments.

Effects on the emotional body

Clear quartz is also capable of having positive effects on the emotional body. Therefore, whenever someone feels shaken or even tired, they can use this stone to restore their balance. This happens because the quartz crystal acts directly on the causes of emotional imbalance.

During the process, it is important to ask the quartz crystal's energy to rid you of all negativity and heavy emotional charges, re-establishing the balance in your life.

Effects on the physical body

It is possible to state that quartz crystal benefits the physical body in several different ways. Thus, it is great to help in the treatment of psychosomatic illnesses, such as anxiety and stress. However, it also acts by improving the heart and circulatory functions.

Besides the highlighted facts, quartz crystal is also great for kidney treatments. However, it is important to pay attention to this issue since it does not replace allopathy, but should be used in a complementary way to it.

How to use the Quartz Crystal

The quartz crystal can be used in various contexts, such as meditation and decoration of the environment. Thus, it is important to know more details of these uses to be able to make good use of the benefits brought by the stone.

Therefore, they will be commented on in more detail below as a way to provide this guidance. To learn more about the ways to use quartz crystal, continue reading the article.

Top stones and crystals to use together

Quartz crystal can be used together with milky quartz, rose quartz and blue quartz. When talking about rose quartz, for example, it serves to enhance love in the life of the wearer. The blue version of the stone, in turn, aims to promote emotional healing, which dialogues with the idea of quartz crystal.

Finally, when talking about the milky quartz, which can be found in the roots of quartz crystal, it is possible to state that it serves to accentuate protective energies and to bring harmony to health.

How to use the quartz crystal for meditation

To use the quartz crystal in meditation there are two different ways. In the first of them, the person must be in direct contact with the stone. Therefore, in general, it is placed above your clothes or directly resting on the skin.

However, there is the possibility to use without this kind of contact. In this case, the crystals need to be placed in an area around the body and in circles. In addition, it is interesting that the rough shape of the stone benefits meditation more.

How to use Quartz Crystal as room decoration

When the use of quartz crystal is linked to the decoration of an environment, it is necessary to choose the appropriate format. Therefore, there are some aspects to think about. Generally, the most indicated format is the drusa, which has a natural agglomeration of crystal tips.

It should be positioned in the center of the house so that the energy can combat negativity in all rooms. In addition, it is interesting that the stone has contact with the sun to spread light throughout the environment.

How to use quartz crystal as a personal accessory

As a personal accessory, the most suitable use of quartz crystal is in the form of pendant. However, there are some tips for you to really buy a stone that brings you benefits. The first of them is linked to the stains on the crystal, which should be avoided. In addition, the format is also a point to be observed, since many people usually sell imitations.

Finally, you need to determine the purpose of the pendant. If you are thinking of using the quartz crystal as a crystal tip, that directs these issues.

How to care for Quartz Crystal

There are some cares with the quartz crystal so that it can continue fulfilling its function. In this sense, it is necessary to promote the cleaning and sanitization of the stones at times. In addition, another thing that generates enough doubt in people is how to identify a real quartz crystal, since many people now sell imitations.

In the following, these points will be duly clarified. To know more about it, just continue reading the article.

Cleansing and Energizing Clear Quartz

When the cleaning of the quartz crystal is necessary, you must gently place the stone on your hands, which should be arranged in the shape of a shell. Then, they should be taken to running water, which can be from the tap at home.

During this process, close your eyes and imagine a powerful light coming out of the stone and illuminating your surroundings. Then, pray to the water and ask it to cleanse any impurities from the stone. Afterwards, it is time to energize the stone, which should be left in a plant pot or window to receive sunlight.

Price and where to buy Quartz Crystal

Due to its popularity, finding quartz crystal is not something very complicated. It is an article that is present in major esoteric stores, including online. In addition, it can also be purchased at craft fairs or stores specializing in stones and minerals.

In terms of price, it is possible to highlight that the quartz crystal can be found for variable prices depending on the format. For example, the quartz crystal drusa costs, on average, R$54. Meanwhile, the crystal tip has an average price of R$82.

How to know if your Clear Quartz is real?

To know if the quartz crystal is real, you must observe some details of its appearance. First, its surface must be translucent and give off a shine similar to glass. Therefore, when buying, if you notice the presence of stains, be suspicious of the origin of the stone, since many people now sell imitations.

In addition, another way to perceive the authenticity is to observe the reflections of light, since due to its coloration, the quartz crystal needs to reflect it.

Clear quartz is known as the "master healer"!

Due to its ability to promote healing in many different areas, the quartz crystal is popularly known as the master healer. Its action happens to eliminate negativity from people's lives, which benefits the spiritual, physical and emotional body.

Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the benefits are noticeable from the treatment of emotional issues, such as stress and anxiety, as well as in aspects such as restoration of emotional balance. Therefore, it is a powerful and very interesting stone to have around.

Moreover, as it requires little care, it can be acquired even by people who do not have much experience in handling crystals.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.