Psychotic break: know the causes, symptoms, how to act and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is psychotic break?

The psychosis or psychotic break can be defined as an altered mental state of a person, causing him/her to have the sensation of living simultaneously in two parallel realities, that is, the real one and the one that is part of his/her imaginary. The psychosis is configured from the moment that this individual cannot differentiate both.

One of the main manifestations of the psychotic outbreak are the deliriums, which are occasions when the person suffering from psychosis cannot differentiate between what is real and what is imaginary. From the moment the person presents the first signs, it is important to seek a specialized professional, a psychiatrist or psychologist.

The psychotic disorder is a disease that affects several areas of the individual's life. Want to know more about this pathology? Check in this article!

Causes of psychotic break

The psychotic outbreak can occur due to some main causes, they can be divided into some distinct groups. It is important to have knowledge about the causes of psychosis and learn some signs to start treatment in a preventive way, before a crisis happens. Check it out below!


Some researches made by specialized professionals prove that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are linked to a common cause, the individual's genetics. Although not all professionals in the area agree among themselves, the general consensus is that genetic factors, that is, other cases in the family, directly influence the appearance of this picture.

Therefore, according to most specialists in the area, it is important to be aware of cases of psychosis in the family, because this is a sign that possibly, some other family member may develop the same condition. At the first signs, look for a specialized professional so that he can give the diagnosis.

Brain alterations

Changes in brain structure also cause psychotic break. In addition, changes in certain brain chemicals also cause psychosis. When a brain scan is done on a person suffering from this psychological disorder, it is possible to notice a reduction in the brain's gray matter in some individuals.

This is a possible explanation for the effects caused on thought processing in individuals with psychotic disorder. At the first signs of psychosis, it is essential to seek medical attention.

Hormones or sleep

Psychotic disorder can also occur due to the action of hormones or sleep deprivation. The exact causes are still unknown, however, it is possible to notice this pattern in some women after childbirth, usually within a period of two weeks.

Research has found that severe cases of insomnia, where the individual goes more than 7 days without sleep, can also be considered as possible causes for psychotic disorder. Therefore, before the symptoms become more serious, seek a specialized clinic.

Medical Conditions

In many cases, the psychotic disorder is directly related to a specific mental health condition of the individual, for example, schizophrenia, which causes delusions and hallucinations, as well as bipolar disorder, which affects the individual's mood, which can be depressed or exalted.

Major depression also has a relationship with psychosis, because it can occur when the individual is very depressed. Traumas, excessive stress, alcohol and drug use, and brain tumors can also trigger a psychotic disorder.

Symptoms of psychotic break

The psychotic disorder presents several symptoms, but among them there are two that stand out and are more common in these cases, which are the hallucinations, where a person witnesses things that in fact are not there, and delusions, which are nothing more than unrealistic beliefs. Learn more about the symptoms below!


Delusions are nothing more than false beliefs and convictions that remain in the mind of the individual, even if several evidences are presented proving otherwise. The most common type of delirium is the persecutory, where the individual believes that someone or a group of people is conspiring against him.

In addition, there is also the delirium of jealousy, where the patient has a deep conviction that the partner is cheating and even creates small evidences that this has happened, such as a stain on the clothes, or even the position of the car seat.

Disordered speech

Some research conducted in public institutions in Brazil found that it is possible to establish a relationship between disorganized speech and a psychotic disorder. By observing a patient and how he organizes his own speech and connects words, researchers were able to detect a psychiatric disorder in him 6 months before it was found.

According to those responsible for the research, speech is an expression of the individual's mental organization, so a patient with psychosis cannot verbalize coherently what is in his mind.


Hallucinations can be defined as a false perception of one of the senses. Auditory hallucination usually happens most often, however, it can also affect sight, touch, smell and also taste. Auditory hallucinations can be with one or several people speaking.

These voices usually order the individual to do something dangerous, such as jumping out of a window or jumping off a bridge. Olfactory hallucination is usually associated with smelling vomit, feces, and other unpleasant odors. In visual hallucination, the individual sees animals and people, among other things.

Disordered behavior

People with psychotic disorder exhibit certain disordered behaviors. This means that these people spend a lot of time overly agitated or in a state of slow thinking. This is a sign that the person is suffering from psychosis.

From the moment a person starts presenting unusual behaviors, it is important to seek a professional to get a more detailed diagnosis. Therefore, try to be very attentive to the symptoms.

Abrupt change of mood

The bipolar disorder, which some years ago was called manic-depressive psychosis, is a psychiatric disease that is characterized by mood swings, causing the individual to alternate between periods of depression and hyperexcitability. This disease causes the individual to present changes in the way he/she thinks, acts and feels in an accelerated rhythm.

Compulsion is also a characteristic of psychosis, because the person starts to adopt extremely extravagant behaviors and buy various things compulsively, which can generate serious consequences for the finances of this individual.

Confusion of mind

Mental confusion is also one of the characteristics of psychosis. From the moment the individual begins to speak in a disorderly manner and present unusual behaviors, he is most likely suffering from psychotic disorder. The inability to formulate logical sentences is a strong indication of psychosis.

In addition, creating sentences that do not exist, interrupting sentences in the middle of pronouncing them without completing them, and speaking sentences without any connection between them are also signs of psychotic disorder.


Aggressiveness is also a manifestation of psychotic disorder. The individual often starts to commit acts of violence against other people or even against himself. Cases of persecutory delirium, which is characterized as a persecution of another person, are also very common in people with psychosis.

To treat this and other conditions as well, there are some drugs called anti-psychotics. In general, they are used in these cases. It is also important to take into consideration some other secondary conditions and treat them properly.

Difficulty in relating to others

Because of the symptoms of psychotic disorder, the individual starts to have several difficulties in their relationships with others. Many people are afraid of living with someone who is suffering from psychosis. This is mostly due to fear of how the person may react in moments of crisis.

People suffering with this type of disorder not only often have to deal with it, but also with prejudice and fear from other individuals. It is important to keep in mind that the person with psychosis is sick and needs treatment.


Psychomotor agitation is one of the symptoms of psychotic disorder. This agitation is characterized by a series of involuntary and purposeless movements that result in a certain mental tension and anxiety on the part of the individual. In the most severe cases, the movements can even be harmful to the person.

Actions such as picking up a garment and putting it back on, walking around the room of a house, or even more abrupt actions such as, for example, tearing the garment, scratching oneself, are symptoms of psychosis.


Insomnia is nothing more than a sleep disorder that can affect the quality of sleep before, during and after going to sleep. This is because this problem makes it difficult for the individual to get a good night's sleep. Insomnia can be caused by problems such as anxiety.

However, anxiety is not the only cause of insomnia. The psychotic disorder also has a direct relationship with this condition. From the moment the problem is diagnosed, it is important to start treatment, because several areas of life can end up being compromised.

How to act in the face of a psychotic break

The moments when someone witnesses a person having a psychotic break can be frightening, and most people don't know how to deal with it. Therefore, the following topics are intended to guide how to act in these situations. Check it out!

Check that the medication is correct

First of all, it is important that the person who is witnessing a psychotic break, check that the patient's medication is up to date and was administered correctly in the last few hours. It is important that the medication is given to the patient strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

If this does not happen, the effects will be quite negative. Therefore, try to be attentive to the cause of the psychotic outbreak, if it is not due to the patient's mismanagement of medication.

Watch the attitudes of the person

From the moment that the individual starts suffering from hallucinations such as hearing strange voices, smelling bad smells or seeing manifestations that in fact are not there, you should be very attentive, because this is configured as a hallucination, which is one of the symptoms of psychosis.

Delirium is also a characteristic symptom of psychosis, and is marked by disconnected sentences and thoughts that have no logical foundation. Both symptoms present a certain displacement of reality, and should turn on the alert for the patient to be under surveillance.

Keeping the patient away from disturbed places

The external environment also influences how the patient will react. The person suffering from a psychotic break needs to stay away from places that are noisy and disturbed, or have strong smells. These factors can worsen the symptoms of psychosis.

In addition, some people who are close to the individual suffering from psychosis may be frightened by the patient's condition. Try to think quickly about an environment to take the patient to. A place that is quiet and comfortable, where the individual can be more at ease.

How not to act when faced with a psychotic break

There are some attitudes that are strictly forbidden in cases of psychotic outbursts. Knowing what they are is a fundamental knowledge for everyone and especially for those who deal with individuals with psychotic disorders. Learn more below!

Do not confront the person

It is always important to keep in mind that the person who has psychotic disorder suffers from delusions and hallucinations on a recurring basis. Therefore, it is important for those dealing with the patient to have the understanding that this person is ill, and that they should not confront this individual by disagreeing with their actions or trying to outtalk them.

It is essential that the person who is dealing with the individual who is suffering the psychotic break, have the empathy and caution necessary to talk to the patient with a calm and serene voice.

Do not leave dangerous objects within the patient's reach

People who are suffering from a psychotic break may manifest aggressiveness, euphoria, mood swings and feel that they are being persecuted. In addition, patients suffer from a distorted perception of reality. This can cause them to take impulsive actions, which can lead to serious consequences.

Thus, it is fundamental that the person who is accompanying the psychotic outbreak be very attentive to the presence of dangerous objects near the patient, so that he does not pick up anything that could seriously injure him or cause him to mutilate himself.

Do not hesitate to seek expert help

Seeking specialized help is certainly the most important step you should take in aiding the recovery of an individual with psychotic disorder. Whatever the time, during or after the outbreak, it is essential to seek a specialized professional to understand the causes of the outbreak.

The treatments for psychotic disorder are many and the medications to control the crises are very effective. Therefore, do not waste time in seeking a specialized clinic. Most of them offer a multidisciplinary treatment, making the individual recover in all areas.

Is there any way to prevent psychotic break?

There are some ways to avoid the occurrence of a psychotic outbreak. Among them is to avoid the consumption of drugs and other hallucinogenic substances, because they act directly on the nervous system, compromising important functions for the whole organism.

There are other things that trigger a psychotic break, however, experts say that these other causes are almost imperceptible. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye out for symptoms. At the slightest sign that someone is suffering from psychotic disorder, seek a specialized professional.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.