Prayers for a good birth: from friend, Our Lady of Good Childbirth and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why pray for a good birth?

Childbirth is an intense time that requires enormous self-control from women, since they are subjected to feel contractions, pain, fear and even fear that something bad may happen. The sensations they feel awaken these feelings which makes everything more difficult.

If you know someone close to you who is close to having a baby, we are sharing with you the best prayers for them to have a good birth, regardless of whether it is a C-section or a normal one.

You can use these prayers to help any pregnant woman, either to protect the baby or to speed up the birth that is causing many complications. Each of them offers a type of help and are very simple, short and quick to do.

Do the prayers right now to help the person next to you and demonstrate this act of faith. This way you will be able to ask for the help of this person so that they have a good birth!

Prayer for a good birth to Our Lady of Good Childbirth

Our Lady of Good Childbirth had her first apparition in the capital of France, in Paris. After that she became popular in other nearby countries like Spain and Portugal. Her date of commemoration is on October 8, and she is responsible for caring for pregnant women and childbirth. Know her prayer below!


You feel difficulties in childbirth, you notice in the pain of the contractions difficulty to breathe and relax. The prayer will serve at this time for you to find comfort in Our Lady of Good Childbirth, so that she intercedes for you and can relieve the pain felt at this time in your life.

Deliverance will soon come to her who shows her faith, so recite these words so that you may find the comfort you need. The Saint will take your suffering upon herself and help you in this moment of so much tension and fear, thus enabling you to have a good birth.


By calling upon the name of Our Lady of Good Childbirth you will be appealing to the Holy Virgin to intercede in your case, since she has not suffered the pains and discomforts generated by maternity. Thus, she will understand your anguish and will be able to operate on your birth in order to guarantee the baby's safety and your deliverance.


Say the first part of the prayer to Our Lady of Good Childbirth when you need her strength to support this intense time in your life.

O Mary most holy, you, by a special privilege of God, were exempted from the stain of original sin, and because of this privilege you did not suffer the inconveniences of maternity, of the time of pregnancy or of childbirth.

But you perfectly understand the anguish and distress of poor mothers expecting a child, especially in the uncertainty of the success or failure of the birth.

Look upon me, your servant, who, in the approach of childbirth, suffers anguish and uncertainty.

Give me the grace to have a happy birth.

Grant that my baby may be born healthy, strong and perfect.

I promise you to always guide my child along the path that your son, Jesus, has traced for all men the path of goodness.

Virgin Mother of the Child Jesus now I am feeling calmer and more tranquil because I already feel your maternal protection.

Our Lady of Good Childbirth, pray for me!


Second prayer for a good birth to Our Lady of Good Childbirth

The prayer to Our Lady of Good Childbirth is divided into two parts, the first serves as a cry, the second is a continuation in relation to the request for the aid of the Saint in your cause. Learn how to strengthen your request through the prayer for a good birth to Our Lady of Good Childbirth 2 below!


It is recommended that you perform this prayer as a continuation of the first one, this will enable you to strengthen your cry and intensify your request, thus demonstrating all your faith and motivation for the Holy Virgin to operate in your birth. By doing this you will be ensuring a divine support for this sacred moment.


Whereas, you compared the pains and discomforts of childbirth to the non-existence of these problems in your maternity ward, you now address Our Lady of Good Childbirth as the precious mother of Jesus Christ.

Aware of your joys and your pain in having your child Jesus crucified, you ask that you may have a successful delivery that is surrounded by the love and kindness of the Blessed Mother.


Perform this prayer with the same intensity and willpower that you performed the first part, that way you will be able to get the attention you need to have a good delivery.

Blessed Virgin, virgin before childbirth, virgin in childbirth and virgin after childbirth such was the work of the Holy Spirit who begot in Thy womb the Splendor of the world Thy adored and precious son Jesus Christ.

Infinite was the joy in bearing in Thine arms this pledge of eternal duration this fountain of wealth which made Thee rise still higher to that throne which so glorified Thee as Queen of Angels.

And because Thou didst suffer Thy Adored Son most crucified, and in that hour, in which all was pain and affliction for Thee, Thou didst never find any one to console Thee, save Thy tenderness as Most Holy Mother, at all times sinners need Thy love and kindness more than ever, as in this hour (ASK FOR GRACE), giving me and all who implore Thy Holy Name a good success.


Prayer for a request from Our Lady of Good Childbirth

Making a request to a saint determines that you are in need of support for your cause. In this case, you are feeling the challenge of pregnancy and the moment of birth is the climax of this phase in your life.

The pain and complications can be unbearable, you feel you need to make a request to Our Lady of Good Childbirth. Learn below how to make this prayer.


Childbirth can be an intense moment for a couple, as it generates an expectation that can often awaken emotions and confused thoughts in us. In this condition we should seek support from something, or someone, to help us relax our mind and put an end to our anguish.

The prayer for a request to Our Lady of Good Childbirth can help you or a person who is experiencing these sensations in childbirth. In this way you will be able to help yourself and your neighbor.


The worries and contractions are already messing with your psychology, in this phase of intense agony you ask for the help of the Blessed Virgin to intercede on your behalf. In this prayer, you will be asking for your protection and that of your baby, entrusting her with your life.


Take the opportunity to perform this prayer throughout the process of delivering your baby, as its words will calm you down and allow your baby to be under the blessing of the Holy Mary mother of Jesus. Below is the prayer:

Blessed Mother, of the Good Childbirth, I come to you to entrust my birth to your protection. I commend to you the fruit that I carry in my womb, because I trust in your grace with the consideration of a daughter and without the anguish of motherhood.

You who are Holy among all others, protect my baby on his way and that during the birth he may be born bathed in the grace of your son, our Lord, Jesus! So that I may have a safe birth, I ask you, Mother.

Blessed Virgin Mary, I feel that the birth of this baby will bring joy on the road through life, to us who are in sweet expectation of his coming into this world.

As my birth takes place, pour out your blessing on me and on my child, dear Mother.

Have mercy on me and my son, for we are devoted servants of your word and that of God. Listen to this humble petition of a mother, with doubts and afflictions, who only desires a birth full of grace.

Mother, you who have suffered the pain of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, give me more strength to be courageous in the discomforts of pregnancy, take away my anguish, make me calm. Protect me from all illnesses and diseases during the birth of my child, my son.

By your motherly grace, I ask for your intercession on the day of birth. To protect him and be perfect and that he may be far from any infirmity.


Prayer for one hour before delivery

If you pray for immediate help from Our Lady of Good Childbirth, know that there is a prayer that can be said one hour before the birth. This prayer will be responsible for helping you at this moment of birth of a new life, just a short time before you hold it in your arms. Say the following prayer to make this dream come true!


While childbirth is a joyous occasion when you celebrate the birth of a child, it is also a time of intense pain and fear. Complications can arise at any time and to avoid them you can use your faith to ensure that the birth is a success.

For you to achieve this result, it will be necessary that you say this prayer one hour before delivery. This way you will have time for it to take effect and Our Lady's hand to intercede in your case, protecting you and your baby.


First you must ask for God's blessing so that He may bless your pregnancy and grant a good time for your delivery. Thus, Our Lady of Good Childbirth will also guarantee your blessing and allow the birth of your baby to take place in a way that he/she will have much health and peace.


The prayer that will allow your child to be born with health, peace and bring a good time for your delivery is described below:

O Savior, Key of David, Scepter of the house of Israel, open for me the gates of a blessed maternity.

Come grant me a good time of birth. May this child, the fruit of Your goodness in my family, be born in health and peace.

Bless the doctors and all those who will care for us at this time. May this baby be a sign of You in the world. I beg You through the intercession of Our Lady of O. Amen.

O Jesus, King of the nations, since You were so desired among the peoples, I ask You for a good time of birth.

See the affliction in which I find myself during these months of pregnancy, and grant me a birth without complications and that my child be born with health and divine grace.

I beg you through the intercession of Our Lady of Good Childbirth.


Prayer for a good friend birth

This prayer is to be done in case your friend's pregnancy raises some kind of concern for her family members and for you. Especially if she is going into labor and demonstrates some complications to have the baby. Find out more about this prayer for her to have a good delivery below.


Our Lady of Good Childbirth is called for those cases in which the birth shows some difficulties, so she can make this moment more peaceful, without risk or complications. You can use this prayer at the time when your friend is giving birth, in fact this is the most recommended time.


The Virgin Mary manifests herself in different ways depending on the occasion and the local culture, such was her first appearance in France as Our Lady of Good Childbirth. Inviting her presence at such a sensitive moment in your friend's life, besides demonstrating an act of faith, also shows her concern for her neighbor.

Thus you will be contributing to the welfare of your friend so that she has a birth blessed by the Virgin Mary, thus ensuring safety, health and peace for the child and for her.


Try to reproduce this prayer as many times as possible so that your friend can have a blessed birth to Our Lady of Good Childbirth.

Virgin Mary, mother of all women, mother of all those in need, I do not pray to you today for me, but for a pregnant woman who is very special to me.

Virgin Mary, I pray to you not to ask for help for my life, but to ask for help for the life of (friend's name) who is in need of your help, protection and your presence during her birth that is about to take place right now.

I pray with all my strength that you help (friend's name) to have a good birth. Give my friend peace that she may have a peaceful birth.

Give health to (name of friend) so that her child will also be very healthy and give strength to her and the child, so that the birth will go well and without problems.

Help (name of friend) and her future child overcome the challenge of childbirth and assist them throughout the process.

I know you will be there Virgin Mary, for you are the mother of all mothers.

So be it,


Prayer for a good birth for pregnant women at risk

There are cases where pregnancy can offer risks to the baby and the mother, so it was created the prayer for a good birth for pregnant women at risk. For, by doing it you will be ensuring more security for your birth or a friend's. Learn below to make this prayer for this complicated time in your life.


Pregnancy at risk can put your faith to the test, because just the thought of the possibility of death at a time when the birth of a new life should be contemplated causes dread and fear in the pregnant woman and all those close to her.

In this way, from the moment the risks of pregnancy are discovered, it is recommended that this prayer be said. In this way, you will be preparing your faith and shielding yourself from any evil that may occur at the time of delivery, ensuring that the baby will come healthy and that the mother will have him in peace.


By invoking the name of St. Anthony and St. Francis, you are claiming the right to give continuity to your offspring, thus allowing Our Lady to protect your baby and pray for his life before your own. The priority in this prayer is then for the child to be born safely.

Without pity or regret, you wish more than anything that your child is blessed and comes into the world alive, healthy and in peace. May the women who have already experienced this moment accompany you and also ensure a safe birth for the mother.


In cases where there is a birth with complications you can pray this prayer to help you:

Saint Anthony is my father,

Saint Francis is my brother,

Angels are my relatives,

They're already having generation.

Our Lady is my godmother,

You promised to give me a dowry,

I ask her to give me

at the hour of my death.

Here comes the Holy Virgin,

Screaming in the air,

Tell the women to stop, son,

Come help me cry,

That women who don't stop yarn

No pity and no grief.

Prayer to speed up childbirth

There are those moments in a waiting room that are endless, now imagine that feeling of time for a pregnant woman. A birth can take hours, contractions come and go and nothing seems to happen, no kind of reaction or sign that the baby is close to being born. Learn the prayer to speed up childbirth in the sequence below.


Are you expecting a childbirth for a long time? This can be a solution to speed up the childbirth. By praying this prayer you will be clamoring to the Lord Jesus Christ to intercede in your case and make a deliverance, thus enabling the childbirth to end safely and bringing peace to the pregnant woman, the baby and all who are waiting for them.


In this critical moment of childbirth you will be asking for help from heaven, more specifically from Jesus Christ so that he will allow the birth to take place and the moment of birth of your child will arrive.

You have waited a long time and now you don't know where to turn. Jesus is your only hope and you see in him your way out so that you can have a safe, healthy and quick birth.


Remember to say the name of the person who needs the help of Jesus Christ, so that he will give them the blessing and speed up the birth. Say the words below and everything will work out:

Our Lord Jesus Christ, (person's name) needs Your miraculous support right now, he is in a complicated, non-starting birth that jabá should have started some time ago.

I do not know whom to pray to, I do not know whom to turn to, being that I only remember You, our Lord Jesus Christ, You alone are capable of helping this person, of rescuing him and solving his problem with Your miraculous powers.

I need a miracle from You, for (person's name) needs to start this birth and finish it healthy, safe and in the best way possible.

With the powers of our Lord Jesus Christ (person's name) you will be able to deliver your baby quickly, I know you will.


Prayer for a good birth to Our Lady of Desterro

You can also resort to the power of Our Lady of the Desterre to ensure a healthy pregnancy and that he is born without complications in childbirth. Being very useful for those women who are afraid of this phase and feel insecure about having a child. Find out more about this prayer in the sequence.


Our Lady of the Ester is one of the manifestations of the Virgin Mary, this image is associated with the protection against all kinds of evil. Thus a positive reference to ward off complications of pregnancy and preserve the health of the mother and baby. You can resort to her prayer to ensure that everything will go well.


This prayer is a request that Our Lady of Desterro may help a person close to you by speeding up the birth and that it may be safe and that the baby is born with health and strength. By requesting the birth of the baby you will also be asking for the blessing of the Virgin Mary so that she may also protect the mother and that together they may overcome this phase.


You can make this prayer for anyone, or even for yourself. This way you will be asking for the blessing of Our Lady of the Desterro and guaranteeing the birth of the baby. Just chant the words below:

"Our Lady of the Dester, I set aside 2 minutes of my day to ask you for immediate divine help, to ask you for help for something that needs to happen and for something that even should have happened already.

I ask you to make the baby of (person's name) be born soon, healthy, strong and with lots of energy to be able to face this beautiful world!

I ask that the baby of (person's name) wants to come out and that it leaves once and for all the womb of its mother who has already welcomed and cared for it during these 9 months of pregnancy.

I count on your divine intercession to help this pregnant woman and her child.


Prayer to go into labor and everything goes well

There are women who naturally have difficulty at some stage of pregnancy, which can directly influence the birth. These women can resort to alternatives in childbirth and one of them is the prayer to go into labor and everything goes well. Find out how this prayer can help you in the following reading.


Women who have difficulties in pregnancy, usually have problems in childbirth, this difficulty can be prevented through faith. The prayer to Mary Most Holy is able to make any problem remediable, if you follow the words correctly nothing can prevent the birth occurs well.


The prayer to Our Lady of Good Childbirth will be like a request for those women who are feeling insecure about pregnancy. Thus, you will be being blessed by the Blessed Virgin so that she allows your delivery soon and that everything goes well, especially that the baby is born safe and healthy.


Say the prayer below following the words as they are there, just replacing the name with the name of the person who needs help.

O Mary Most Holy, helper of all who need help, I ask you to help me, to hear this request of mine and to heed it!

I know you help thousands of people, I know you have your time counted, but I wanted to ask you to help (name) go into labor as soon as possible.

Reserve some of your powers and your strength to make this happen. Help this desperate woman who needs your help so badly.

I know that you can grant this request of mine, I know that you will help (name) in this challenge and that you will make her and her baby have much strength, health and hope for the future.

Grant this miracle that I will be eternally grateful to your powers!

So be it, now and forever and ever, amen.

How to make a prayer for a good birth correctly?

The moment of prayer is a moment of faith and it must be respected, before it is very important that you dedicate yourself to a life of prayer. Mainly for the moments when you feel that you truly need the help of God, or some Saint, because from your dedication you will be proving your faith in relation to the Lord.

Therefore, when praying keep your humility and understand the purpose of each prayer. Being aware of the meanings will enable you to have a more effective response regarding your wants and desires that need to be met.

There are no secret formulas regarding the very act of praying. The important thing is to accept God and direct the sacred words of prayer with all your faith. Your perseverance and fervour that are in your heart will contribute to the Saints, Angels and Jesus Christ coming to your aid.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.