Prayer talks with Jesus: know the novena and make requests!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who was Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ was a 1st century Jew who revolutionized the world by spreading his ideas of love and his views on the holy scriptures. The Romans, who ruled Judea at that time, condemned him to crucifixion, incited by religious Jews dissatisfied with his preaching.

His teachings were spread by his apostles. A few centuries after his death, the Western world began to adopt the new religion, Christianity. As the central figure of this religion, Jesus is the savior of humanity. He taught us to love our neighbor and also the power of prayer, when we open our hearts to God.

Knowing more about Jesus Christ

We will learn about the origins and childhood of Jesus, as well as important passages for us to understand his meaning. Check it out.

Origin and childhood

The Gospels relate that Jesus was born of Mary, wife of the carpenter Joseph. When Mary and Joseph were engaged to be married, she became pregnant. An angel appeared to Joseph, assuring him that the bride was still a virgin, and that the child to be born was conceived by the Holy Spirit. To Mary, the Archangel Gabriel appears announcing the coming of the Son of God.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but grew up in Nazareth with his parents and siblings. During his childhood, he learned Joseph's trade, was seen by his neighbors as crazy, and attended the temple, where he engaged in debates and impressed everyone with his deep understanding of religion.


There was in Judea a religious man who preached to the people. His name was John and he was known as The Baptist, because he practiced baptism as a purification ritual. John gave sermons emphasizing the virtues of goodness and charity.

As he performed his baptisms in the Jordan River, he foresaw that a preacher more powerful than himself was on the way. Jesus is baptized by John, an episode in which a spirit identified as a dove, the Holy Spirit, descends upon Jesus and proclaims him Son of God.

Before this baptism, John states that Jesus was the one to baptize him. After this episode, he announces that Jesus was the Sacrificial Lamb of God.

Temptations and desert

The temptations of Christ occur in the Judean desert, where Jesus went, guided by the Holy Spirit, after being baptized by John the Baptist. After fasting for 40 days and nights, he confronts the devil. Satan incites Jesus to turn stones into bread to satisfy his hunger.

After the denial, he leads Jesus to the top of a temple and tempts him to jump. Finally, he takes Jesus to a mountain, from where he glimpsed the world. There, he offers Jesus all the power and all the kingdoms of the world. Faced with refusals, the devil leaves and Jesus begins his ministry.

Miracles of Jesus Christ

There are countless miracles of Jesus, both in life and after his death. The first would have been the transformation of water into wine, during a wedding known as the Wedding of Cana. Witnessing that the drink for the guests had run out before its time, Jesus performed the miracle.

Other notorious miracles are those of multiplication. Jesus caused the fish to proliferate in the Sea of Galilee when the fisheries were scarce. He then fed a crowd by multiplying portions of food. Another well-known miracle is Christ's walking on water to calm a storm. In addition, Jesus performed healings and exorcisms.

Crucifixion and death

Jesus is arrested and tried in Pilate's Court, accused of declaring himself King of the Jews. Pilate does not find him guilty, but the Jewish authorities urge him to condemn Jesus. Jesus is scourged and receives a crown of thorns over his head. He is forced to carry his own cross to Calvary.

The cross bears the inscription INRI, an abbreviation for "Jesus Nazarene King of the Jews". He is then crucified between two thieves. When a soldier stabs Jesus with a spear, after he is dead, the wound starts to leak water. In addition, at the instant of Jesus' death, the Temple curtain is torn and an earthquake shakes Jerusalem.


Joseph of Arimathea, a Jewish senator who secretly followed Jesus' teachings, asks Pilate for permission to bury the body of the Nazarene. With the help of Nicodemus, another follower of Jesus, he takes the body from the cross and clothes it in a linen shroud.

Jesus is buried in a tomb dug out of the rocks, sealed with a stone. The Roman authorities order soldiers to guard the tomb. However, on Sunday, the disciples find the tomb empty and encounter two angels.

During 40 days, Jesus appears to several people, among them his disciples and Mary Magdalene. Before ascending into heaven, he asks them to spread his word to the nations.

What does Jesus Christ represent?

In the Christian view, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the one who came to teach us love and obedience to the commandments. Through his lessons and life, he represents the salvation of humanity. The figure of the Christ is also revered in other religions and spiritualist doctrines.

Within Islam, Jesus is one of the prophets and performed an important spiritual mission. Spiritists also see the example of Jesus as a model for the development, or spiritual evolution, of humanity. Thus, Jesus is perceived as a protector of planet Earth, a spirit of immense light who intercedes for us with God.

Devotion in the world

Devotion to Jesus begins even during his lifetime ministry. Gradually, in the years following his death, Christianity is organized as a religion, being spread by his disciples. Initially, Christians were persecuted by the Romans.

In the 4th century, however, Emperor Constantine converts. Since then, Christianity has proliferated throughout the world. It is consolidated in the Middle Ages and generates numerous ramifications and dissidences, such as, for example, the Orthodox Church and Protestantism.

Today, there are several Christian cults dedicated to Jesus. Christianity has 2.3 billion adherents, or 33% of the world's population.

Novena of prayers of conversation with Jesus

We will learn about a novena for conversing with Jesus, its indications and meaning, as well as instructions for performing it. Check it out below.


The Catholic tradition of the novena comprises nine days in which a person devotes himself to prayer. It can be done individually or in groups. The novena of "conversation with Jesus" is suitable for people who have specific requests to Christ.

That is, it is dedicated to people who need deliverance from problems, emotional disturbances, illnesses, critical situations with family members, and other causes. The conversation with Jesus, in this sense, is to seek spiritual connection with him, through faith.

We can pray the novena asking him to intercede for us, but it is important that our trust in him be exalted.

How to pray the novena

A novena consists of dedicating a person to perform a prayer or a set of prayers for nine days. One should choose a time of day and perform the prayer always at the same hour. One can use candles and other religious symbols related to Christ, such as images and crucifixes, but one can also simply pray without making use of these objects.

The important thing is to choose an atmosphere of silence and recollection. The prayer can be read or memorized. It is essential that the person feels each word and expresses it with faith. The prayer can be concluded with an Our Father.


There was an interval of 9 days between the Ascension of Jesus Christ and the descent of the Holy Spirit, an episode known as Pentecost. During this period, the followers of Christ would have gathered with the Virgin Mary and prayed.

According to Christian tradition, this would have been the first novena. This is where the custom of holding novenas in groups originated.

A novena can be performed for various purposes, and the faithful usually pray to Jesus for his help with specific problems, but they can also ask for something general, such as peace on earth and an end to wars, for example.


"O my Jesus, in You I have put all my trust. You know everything, my Father! You are the Lord of the Universe, You are the King of Kings! You who made the paralytic walk, the dead live again, the leper healed, grant that (ask for grace).

You who have seen my anguish and tears, you well know, Divine Friend, how much I need to attain this grace!

With you I hope, with faith and trust, to obtain the grace to ask for the grace.

Divine Jesus, grant that even before I finish this conversation which I will have with You for nine days, Your Merciful Father may grant the request which I address to You in faith. (Ask for the grace).

May my steps be illuminated by You, just as the sun illuminates every day at dawn. My faith in You, Jesus, and my trust in Your Mercy is ever greater, Amen!"

Other prayers to Jesus: Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Prayer

The "Prayer of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ" is powerful. We will cover its indications and meaning. Follow along.


The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Prayer is indicated for those who wish to obtain a grace. Generally, people in difficult situations or who are going through crises pray to the Heart of Jesus and receive the emanations of his love for humanity.

The heart of Christ, in this sense, contains the idea of the sacrifice that he made for us. Believers who experience personal or family health problems usually resort to this prayer to obtain Jesus' intercession. There are several formulas dedicated to this prayer, and the essential thing to perform it is to dedicate yourself to ask for something with faith and trust in Christ.


The image of the exposed heart of Jesus is well-known among Christians. It symbolizes Christ's martyrdom and sacrifice and is meant to remind us that he saved us through his suffering. Thus, his love for humanity is revealed in this symbolism.

During the medieval period, the followers of Jesus began to worship images of his wounds suffered during the crucifixion. But the specific devotion to the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ was introduced by Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque, in France in the 17th century, and from then on it was popularized among Catholics.


"Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you!"

This is the basic prayer of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Very brief, it can be repeated at any time or in any situation due to the fact that it is easily memorized. The original formula can be used as an introduction to the Conversation with Jesus or other prayers.

The person who prays may also include it in a prayer made by himself, that is, say it when beginning a frank conversation with Jesus or with God, expressing his feelings. Moreover, the prayer of the Sacred Heart of Jesus may also serve as a conclusion to any other prayers addressed to Jesus.

Other prayers to Jesus: Prayer for the baby Jesus

Following, you will know the prayer to the Baby Jesus to stay on top of its indications and meanings. Check it out!


The prayer to the baby Jesus is traditionally related to the nativity, or the birth of Jesus, and is therefore associated with the celebration of Christmas. However, anyone who wishes to pray to the baby Jesus may do so at any time of the year. This is a prayer that focuses on a spiritual connection to the teachings of the Christ.

It should focus, therefore, especially on the commandment that says: love your neighbor as yourself.

Jesus stressed that this commandment, together with "love God above all things" holds the key to a life of virtue. Thus this prayer contains the Christmas spirit of sharing.


There are many Christians devoted to the Christ Child. The image of the Christ child gained popularity around the 14th century, when depictions of the nativity and the figure of Jesus as a child proliferated in works of art and religious illustrations.

The figure of Jesus as a baby or child symbolizes innocence, purity of heart and love devoid of interests.

In this way, praying to the Child Jesus means going towards him holding in our hearts the image of his early years, that is, of such an enlightened child who came into the world to share with us his light and unconditional love.


Child Jesus, filled with love for humanity, in the celebration of your coming to earth, as on any other day, I thank you with all my heart for your blessings. May your example and the joy of your presence be revived in all hearts, today and always.

May no one lack bread and love, and may your teachings inspire us to goodness. May we remember that we are all brothers. Child of Love, take care of the children and the helpless. Visit us today with your intense light and place hope and mercy in us. Peace on Earth. Amen.

Other prayers to Jesus: Prayer Holy Wounds of Jesus

We will know a prayer directed to the Holy Wounds of Jesus, and we will know its indications and meaning to follow.


The Holy Wounds of Jesus Prayer is suitable for all people who seek healing. By healing, we can understand the restitution of physical health, but also the liberation from spiritual evils. In this sense, it is a prayer destined for those who need to have recourse to the Jesus of suffering, the one who was scourged and crucified, sacrificing himself for his love of humanity.

Focusing on these aspects of the suffering of Jesus and its symbolism related to sacrifice and overcoming, this prayer depends on intense faith. It can be performed in novena, that is, for nine days. The prayer can also be performed for the protection of the family.


During the Middle Ages, devotion to the wounds of Jesus, that is, the physical marks of his suffering during the crucifixion, became a tradition in Catholicism. During his Passion, Jesus' body would have received five wounds, two on his hands and two on his feet, due to the nails of the cross.

The other wound is said to have been pierced by the lance of a Roman soldier, from which blood and water poured out. This lance wound represents a miracle associated with the wounds. Therefore, Catholic tradition associates the wounds of Christ with his suffering for love of humanity, but also with their miraculous power.


"Lord Jesus, You were lifted up on the Cross so that by Your Holy Wounds, those of our souls may be healed. I praise and thank You for Your redeeming act. You bore in Your own body my sins and those of all mankind. On Your Holy Wounds I place my intentions.

My worries, anxieties and anguish. My physical and mental illnesses. My sufferings, pains, joys and needs. In Your Holy Wounds, Lord, I place my family. Involve me and my family, Lord, protecting us from evil (moment of silence). Amen".

Other prayers to Jesus: Merciful Jesus Prayer

We will know a Prayer to ask for mercy from Jesus Christ. Read below its indications and meaning.


The Merciful Jesus Prayer is for all people who believe in Jesus and who seek to connect to his infinite love. Its origin is found in the example of St Faustina's life, and its authorship is attributed to her. The prayer can be performed as a novena, in a group or individually.

It is based above all on trust in Christ, that is, it focuses on declaring your faith to Jesus and entrusting your destiny to him. In this way, it is a prayer that can be prayed for specific graces, but it is also meant for any time when you are seeking to converse with Jesus.


The Merciful Jesus Prayer has a traditional link to the Feast of Divine Mercy, which occurs on the first Sunday after Easter. It originated from a request Jesus made when he appeared to a Polish nun named Faustina.

Saint Faustina lived in the first half of the 20th century and recorded in diaries apparitions of Christ and was inspired by him to compose the prayer. In her diary, she recorded that Jesus addressed her as the Secretary of Divine Mercy.

So this is a powerful prayer that carries the meaning of Jesus' renewed mercy for the people of the world today.


"Merciful Jesus, I trust in You! Nothing will bring me fear or worry. I trust in You, morning and night, in joy and in suffering, in temptation and in danger, in happiness and in misfortune, in life and in death, now and forever.

I trust in You and in prayer and in work, in victory and in failure, awake or at rest, in tribulation and in sorrow, in my own mistakes and sins. I want to have unshakable trust in You.

You are the anchor of my hope, the star of my pilgrimage, the support of my weakness, the forgiveness of my sins, the strength of my goodness, the perfection of my life, the consolation at the hour of my death, the joy and blessing of my Heaven.

Merciful Jesus, You, strong tranquility and sure fortress of my soul, increase my confidence and make my faith in Your power and goodness perfect.

If I am the poorest of Thy devotees, and the last of Thy servants, yet I desire to become great and perfect, trusting that Thou art my Salvation for ever and ever.

May this trust of mine be a reference for You, now and in all times, especially at the hour of my death! Amen."

How do you pray a prayer conversation with Jesus correctly?

Prayers that are conversations with Jesus are meant to help us establish a spiritual connection with Him. Many saints and religious have offered prayer formulas that are based on this principle. The important thing, however, is to pray from the heart.

In this sense, whether by means of ready-made prayers or by expressing the ideas that come to mind, it is essential that the person pray with faith and surrender.

The person who prays in a frank manner is opening his energetic channels to receive the corresponding vibrations. Thus, he liberates from himself the anguish and becomes apt to be heard by Jesus and by the beings of light who care for humanity. Let us pray, therefore, with confidence and sincerity.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.