Numerology of love: Do you and your love match for numerology?

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn all about love numerology!

Love is one of the oldest and most beautiful feelings of humanity, but it is difficult to put its meaning into words. After all, only those who feel it can explain it. Therefore, many people seek answers in esotericism for their doubts and uncertainties about love and their beloved.

Thus, within esotericism, there is numerology, a branch that uses the symbolism of numbers to establish relationships and show the hidden relationships between the numbers and universal and personal issues. Thus, many people seek numerology for knowledge about the area of love.

In other words, if you have questions about your relationship or your loved one, you will turn to love numerology. After all, love numerology will explain the positives and negatives, as well as challenges that you will encounter.

So, find out more information about love numerology. Especially if you and your love match for numerology. For that, just continue reading this article.

What is love numerology?

Love is hard to explain and tends to be unpredictable and even fickle. However, there are some aspects of love that will always be constant, among them is the meaning of your love number. That one is part of love numerology.

Thus, the numerology of love is an esoteric tool that helps in the romantic life of those who use it. In other words, each person has a love number.

So, it is through it that you will discover the compatibility that exists in your relationship. So, see more about love numerology and its characteristics.


The fundamentals of love numerology are relatively simple. That is, to find out your love number and its meaning, there are two possibilities. You can add up the digits of the date of birth or add up the vowels of each person's name. After all, everyone has their own love number.

Therefore, the foundation of love numerology is that numbers are consistent and not abstract, as love is. In other words, numbers do not change and their inflexibility is extremely positive. After all, the meaning and symbolism of numbers are invariable and are derived from symbolic associations.

Influences of numerology for the couple

The numerology of love presents the personality of the person and how this personality expresses love. Therefore, it is essential to know it to know if you and your love are compatible and how is the way of love. Besides knowing how to develop a communication and a harmonious relationship.

Thus, besides influencing love and relationship, numerology also influences sex. That is, within our personality, there is also the way in which sexuality manifests itself. Thus, numerology is important for several areas within a relationship.

Numerology of love by names

One way to calculate the numerology of love is through the names of those involved in the relationship. That is, to know about the characteristics of the relationship you need to make a calculation. And this calculation presents a single number that represents the couple as one person.

Therefore, the numerology of love by names is made up of the value of the letters of your full name + the letters of your love. But, you will need to reduce the final value so that the final result is between the numbers 1 and 9.

Thus, you will need to use an alphanumeric table to find out the respective digits of each letter.

Numerology of love by birth dates

The numerology of love by birth dates uses the information of the birth of you and your partner. In this way, it is through a sum of all the digits of the complete birth date that you will know your love number.

Therefore, the numerology of love by birth dates can be individual or for the couple. In other words, you will reduce the sum of your birth date by two digits if you want to know your characteristics in love. But you can also reduce the sum of you and your partner to check the characteristics of your relationship.

Meaning of numbers in love numerology with names

Each person, as well as each relationship, has its own number in love numerology. In this way, these numbers present what you and your partner need to build a happy and healthy relationship.

However, you need to know how to find out your love numerology by names. So, check out how to know the meaning of numbers in love numerology by names in this article.

How to calculate the numerology of love by names?

It is essential to know how to calculate love numerology by names to find which number represents your relationship. To do this, you will need to exchange each letter of your full name as well as your love for numbers.

In this way, you will add up all the numbers and reduce the result until you find a number from 1 to 9. Therefore, there is an alphanumeric table that you need to use in order to do the math correctly.

Thus, the letters that correspond to number 1 are: A, J and S. Those that correspond to number 2 are: B, K and T. The letters C, L and U are replaced by number 3. Number 4 stands for the letters D, M and V. While number 5, the letters E, N and W. Number 6 replaces F, O and X. Just as number 7 is G, P and Y.

Also, the number 8 replaces the consonants H, Q and Z. And finally, it represents the letters I and R by the numeral 9.

Number 1

If the numerological sum of the love between you and your partner is 1, this is a good sign. After all, the number one represents new beginnings and the will to always discover new things. Therefore, you are a dynamic couple who is always looking for innovations to stimulate each other and your relationship.

In this way, both are charismatic and rarely shy. However, care must be taken so that charisma does not become pride or competitiveness. In other words, in order for balance to exist, neither party can dictate rules and be impulsive. Therefore, one must always consider the other and their opinion.

Number 2

The number 2 is the most romantic and affectionate of all the numbers. In other words, a relationship with the numerology of love 2 will always be full of affection, partnership, sharing and union. So that both will support and protect each other by a strong sense of compassion and empathy.

In addition, you both have an enormous listening ability, i.e. one listens to the other to discuss issues and define decisions and solutions together. In other words, this number shows the harmonious duality that many seek in a relationship. You and your partner are a perfect match.

Number 3

The numerology of love shows that number 3 is a completely fun couple. After all, there is a high level of creativity in this relationship. Therefore, the relationship will always be exciting, innovative, artistic and lively. But without losing the romance and harmony of the couple.

Therefore, the key word for number 3 is balance which ends in great pleasure. Be it romantic or sexual, as you seek communication, friendship and harmony to work together and build a fun relationship. But also one that is real and worthwhile.

Number 4

Number 4 shows two people who are very organized and who value stability. In other words, a couple with this number always wants to lay the foundations and build their relationship. The key word for this is security, which is achieved through trust.

In this way you and your partner value being secure with your partner and the way to create and provide a certain comfort zone. So it's all about security and stability. But this does not exclude romance, lots of attention and building a solid foundation for long-term relationships.

Number 5

We are not saying that number 5 is a bad omen, however it shows that this couple is a time bomb. That is, number 5 shows that the relationship has impulsive and unpredictable people. As well as adventurous people who seek change and novelty.

So the relationship tends to be one of high tension and one that people throw themselves into. After all, this number has an electrical energy filled with a very strong chemistry and attraction. So it's not that the relationship won't be long, but it will be extremely intense for as long as it lasts.

Number 6

The Greco-Roman goddess of love, Venus, rules the number six. Therefore, you and your partner are very sensual people and so the relationship is ruled by a lot of sensuality. As well as sexuality.

In other words, a good wine, strawberry fondue and chocolates and a bed full of roses strengthen the whole relationship. But, this doesn't mean that the relationship is empty and only sexual. You and your partner are very sensitive, close and show your feelings a lot, even in public.

That way, you always communicate with each other, as well as share your feelings. And these aspects are fundamental in a relationship.

Number 7

The number seven represents people who enjoy and are connected with academic and mystical activities. Thus, a relationship ruled by the number seven will be highly wise and with deep connections. After all, the couple will prosper if one mentally stimulates the other with the most varied subjects.

Therefore, deep conversations are what move this relationship, as both seek to acquire wisdom, but also to overcome limitations and share personal and spiritual beliefs. Thus, the couple will create a mental, spiritual and emotional bond full of learning, but also much affection and love.

Number 8

For the numerology of love, the number 8 constitutes an ambitious couple, but searching for more intimate connections which, when they arise, seem to come from previous lives.

Thus, the number 8 is completely connected with new cycles, renewals and also reincarnations, so that it has a karmic characteristic.

Therefore the relationship will have a creative and bright side which makes both of you long to be understood, and a depth of connection to grow as a couple, as well as achieving stability and security, especially in material achievements, and respect from society in general.

Number 9

The key word for number 9 and the couple that has this number is honesty. Not that this characteristic should not be a priority in all relationships. But for those who have the number 9, this is the highest priority, because they have high standards for people and relationships.

Therefore, the couple will not accept less from their partner than they think they deserve. In this way, you can be uncompromising, especially with your ideas, your values and morals. Thus, for the relationship to work out, you need to possess the same ethical principles and spiritual beliefs.

Number 11

When the number 1 is very recurrent in the numerology of love by names, the number 11 can rule the relationship. That is, this number shows that both possess the qualities of the number 1 and also the number 2. So that the relationship is creative, magnetic and full of love and affection.

In other words, the couple aims to achieve happiness for each other, so they always aim to create a sense of peace and harmony, and they use their sixth sense a lot. Thus, the best relationship that can exist has the number 11, because they have the best and most complicit partners that can exist.

Number 22

Number 22 shows a relationship in which the couple work as master builders, i.e. both are charismatic but at the same time have a dominant presence which can show impatience with some things. So you need to leave the person free with their ideas and actions.

However, the number 22 rules people who do everything for their loved ones, so they are synonymous with trust and loyal and protective partners. Therefore, when the number 22 appears by the recurrence of the number 2 in numerology, it is a sign of a long-lasting and happy relationship.

Number 33

Among all the numbers in the numerology of names, the number 33 is the rarest. Thus, it characterizes a relationship composed of people with a very gentle heart.

After all, these people seek to improve the world and make it more beautiful, so they are idealistic. Thus, these people are extremely romantic and affectionate, because they love to be in love.

This way, they will do everything to build and maintain a happy and healthy relationship, besides vibrating with harmony and positivity leaving any place and person more joyful. Therefore, if the number 33 appears in the numerology of names, know that your relationship will be and is practically perfect.

Combinations in love numerology by date of birth

The numbers reveal the characteristics of the personalities of you and your partner. Thus, by knowing them you will have knowledge to achieve happiness and communicate in a satisfactory way in your relationship.

So, find out the love numerology by the birth date of each individual with this reading. And that is to know the needs of each person.

How to calculate the numerology of love by date of birth?

The date of birth of a person is a mixture of numbers, those that are part of the universe since the beginning of humanity. In this way, the methods to obtain the love number, are the same as the personality numbers. After all, both meanings are associated.

So, knowing how to calculate love numerology by birth date is simple. You will need to add up the numbers of your birth date like day, month and year.

So do the same with your partner's date of birth. That way you need to, again, add up the dates until you get to a single number. And that's your love number.

Combinations with the number 1

The number 1 shows a person who wants to be in charge. Therefore, a relationship with this number presents independent people who make their own decisions. In other words, no charging, especially affection, nagging or trying to correct your partner. This will only drive them away from you.

Also, be direct in your desires and wishes, but never invade your partner's space. So, if you have no problem letting your partner run the relationship, matching number 1 is not a problem.

Combinations with the number 2

A relationship with someone with number 2 will be based on a lot of affection, romance and love. In other words, these peaceful people are passionate about love and what it provides. However, they are very sensitive so that they always seek to stay together with their love. Thus, you may consider them clingy.

Therefore, combinations with the number 2 need partners who like romanticism and sensitivity, as well as know how to return all the kindness and dedication. Because if your partner feels that you are not giving as much as he or she is and recognizing your value, you will hurt him or her.

Combinations with the number 3

To relate to someone with number 3 is to relate to a true empath. In other words, these people are extremely sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others. So they will do everything to make you feel accepted and loved, even if they don't show it with so many words.

In other words, people from number 3 talk more than they act and everything revolves around feelings and their sensitivity. Therefore, if you do not want a deep and emotional connection with someone, do not consider a relationship with a person from this number. After all, they seek connection and communication.

Combinations with the number 4

Those who look for loyalty, protection, devotion and a lot of strength should relate to someone of number 4. That is, these people are extremely focused on building a family and building it. Therefore, they feel the need to care, protect and even support the other.

However, people number 4 crave recognition for what they do, so this recognition should be mainly financial and material.

In other words, combinations with the number 4 are aimed at people who like to be protected, but who also reward their partner for it.

Combinations with the number 5

People of number 5 are completely creative, witty and communicative. However, they also preserve their freedom and independence, so they may not see a relationship with very good eyes. And this does not mean that they are unfaithful, but that they preserve their individuality.

Therefore, combinations with the number 5 must have people who allow them to be free. In other words, there can be no demands or controls. Just a lot of fun, pleasant conversations and support. In this way, you will guarantee a fun partner who will turn your life into an adventure.

Combinations with the number 6

Number 6 characterises people as those who exude sensuality and sexuality. However these people generally exchange their independence for responsibilities towards you, as well as developing a sense of adoration for their partner.

In this way, they are sensitive, so they avoid conflict, but they also care about the appearance and beauty of things.

Therefore, combinations with the number 6 call for people who are always available to help. However, let them also understand that they are people who have difficulty opening up, so that they do not pressure their partner to share what he or she does not want.

Combinations with the number 7

If you desire a magical, mystical relationship, you're the perfect match for number 7. That is, number 7 people seek deep, meaningful conversations that enchant their soul. Just as they long to enchant yours.

Therefore, they will always look for depth and true connections. As well as someone who complements their energy and offers only good and positive energies. After all, people of number 7 are very sharp when it comes to energies and their intentions.

However, they find it very difficult to trust others, for their intuition may fail them and they may accuse betrayals where none exist.

Combinations with the number 8

To relate to someone with the number 8, you need to know that these people are full of charisma. In this way, they attract people with their power and strength. In addition, they are fun and energetic people who always have a look of kindness and attention to others.

However, these people are very attached to money and material possessions. Thus, most of their goals and desires relate to riches. Therefore, combinations with the number 8 should be people who have no problem with those who are materialistic and greedy.

Combinations with the number 9

Number 9 rules deep people who possess a lot of spiritual vision and value meaningful conversations. In this way, these people are sensitive and are guided by their keen intuition, as well as being humanitarians. In addition, by mystical vision, they are souls who have reincarnated many times.

However, people of number 9 will always take responsibility for their family and the world around them, so they fear for abandonment and rejection.

Thus, one should make combinations with the number 9 who is looking for depth. As well as those who do not mind intuitive people and understand this fear of rejection.

The numerology of love can guide and help in your relationship!

By discovering the love number, it will show the intricacies of each other's personality. In a way that shows and reveals more than we would be able to discover on our own. Therefore, you are unique, and so is your partner, and it is important to know the intricacies and personalities of each other.

Thus, the numerology of love can guide and help in your relationship. That is, it is essential to understand the other and their way of loving. Even for you to know if your partner is like you or is your opposite pole. After all, it is not healthy to date someone identical to you and not totally opposite.

Generally, we need people with qualities that will balance us or teach us what we need to learn. In other words, if you are emotionally sensitive you should avoid someone who is like that or who is completely insensitive.

Therefore, the numerology of love is the tool that will guide us in understanding our desires and romantic impulses, as well as those of our partners. That is, you should use it in your relationship to polish it.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.