Neptune in Aquarius: characteristics, birth chart, retrograde and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What Neptune in Aquarius means

In the astrological chart, Neptune is related to arts, illusions, liberation from suffering and idealism. Depending on which house this planet is in, it will represent which situation in life an individual has more difficulties to see things as they really are, without creating fantasies or idealizations to avoid facing reality.

However, Neptune in Aquarius represents inspiration, illusion, dreams, creation and spiritual enlightenment. Although it is a dreamy position with the collective, it takes advantage of this to think of some way to improve society. So, this is a position that uses dreams and ideas to realize social justice, helping the most vulnerable.

You have to be careful not to take advantage of this strong characteristic to satisfy your own ego, with the thought of being the smartest or the savior. In this article, we will discuss everything about Neptune in Aquarius, its characteristics, its interactions in the birth chart, its personality and more!

The characteristics of those born with Neptune in Aquarius

Like any other planet in the astrological chart, Neptune has its influences in people's lives, depending on the sign and house in which it is positioned. In the following topics, read about the positive and negative aspects and characteristics of someone with Neptune in Aquarius!

The positive aspects of Neptune in Aquarius

The position of Neptune in Aquarius favors the questioning of religions and beliefs, having the thought of how to improve all this and freeing the individual from impositions and statements that are not right. So, it ends up influencing the change of religious and spiritual concepts.

In addition, Neptune in Aquarius brings technological and social advances during its 14 year period to the next sign. These advances come from the progressive influence of this placement and the creativity to bring innovations in society. Furthermore, social communication is much more fluid.

The negative aspects of Neptune in Aquarius

The negative side of Neptune in Aquarius is sensitivity, since this planet rules spirituality, illusions, dreams and creativity. Therefore, when the person with this position lives in a society where he feels without freedom, very severe and rigid, he tends to use illegal or hallucinogenic substances to escape from it.

Other reasons for the use of these substances may arise from the lack of space and investment to put their ideas into practice, the shock of reality, the end of the very illusions they created, injustices, among others. Another negative aspect is the person having difficulty accepting opinions contrary to their own and that everyone agrees with them.

What to expect for those with the Neptune in Aquarius combination

Neptune in Aquarius brings a generation of people who are a little more sensitive and open-minded, together with thoughts of social, political, spiritual and technological growth. Among these individuals, a number of artists, engineers and teachers emerge, and there is the possibility of achieving success in any professional area.

So, it is to be expected that people with progressive and innovative ideas appear, questioning everything that is already normal and cultural within society. Moreover, it is common that the individual with this position is apathetic and avoids having affective relationships, but there are exceptions.

The interaction of Neptune in Aquarius in the Birth Chart

In the birth chart, each house represents an area of life. In each house there will be a certain sign and in some of them there will be planets. Read on and discover the interaction of Neptune in Aquarius in the birth chart!

Neptune in Aquarius in love

Although Neptune influences sensitivity, this planet does not act directly in the love field, since part of the focus is on how the individual deals with illusions, ideas and knowledge. Being in the sign of Aquarius, this positioning is little affective and romantic, precisely because of the need to be free and its focus on social and spiritual evolution.

As for every rule there is an exception, there are people with Neptune in Aquarius who are more romantic. In the love area, it brings novelty and creativity. The relationship never falls into a routine and is always renewing itself. The communication of these natives is intense, there is never lack of subject, and this favors a deeper connection with the partner.

Neptune in Aquarius at work

Those with Neptune in Aquarius can use their creativity, inspiration and innovative ideas at work to achieve success or another desired goal. Whether it is in your own business, a company project or getting a new job, all these positive aspects will make you stand out from the crowd.

So, no matter what career you choose, the individual with this positioning will do well, achieving dreams, goals, objectives or whatever you want. But the areas of communication, arts, music, philosophy, technology are the ones that bring more freedom and ease to put ideas into practice.

Neptune in Aquarius and family

Family interaction is delicate for those who have Neptune in Aquarius because this is an introverted position, with a certain difficulty in expressing their feelings. Therefore the time for the creation of affective ties, including family ones, becomes longer.

Despite this fact, this is a position which is very willing to help family members in whatever way they need. Natives will hardly say "no" to a request for support from a family member, and just as the person is dedicated to helping, they expect to be supported with the same consideration.

Neptune in Aquarius and friends

When talking about the friendships of those who have Neptune in Aquarius, the individual is a little more guarded, avoiding that these relationships become more intimate, taking away some of his freedom or having some kind of charge. The process of getting to know new people is slow, you have to get to know them little by little.

Furthermore, those who have this position in their birth chart tend to withdraw from friends from time to time to escape reality because they miss the solidarity and empathy between people. Limitations and judgements can also cause this withdrawal.

Neptune in Aquarius and routine

Neptune in Aquarius and routine are two things that do not go well together. This sign values being free and being in contact with novelty. Meanwhile, the planet brings the need to have different stimuli to emerge and increase creativity, which can be used for innovative projects, new points of view and self-knowledge.

Thus, the individual with Neptune in Aquarius needs to expose his ideas, put them into practice, feel useful before society. When he realizes that he is living a routine, he feels anguish and seeks a way to get out of this routine life. Because it is a nuisance for these people, some take drastic or radical measures to get out of it.

Neptune retrograde in Aquarius

First of all, the retrograde movement happens with the planets in the birth chart and it is more common than it seems. This movement presents things that need to return in people's lives, because there is a great concentration of energy, learning or some situation left aside that needs to be finished.

In some aspects, they associate this event with "going backwards". Thus, Neptune retrograde in Aquarius creates illusions, makes the native a little more sensitive, comes up with disagreements between friendships or social circles, and causes a delay in projects.

Neptune in the 11th house: the house ruled by Aquarius

In the astrological chart, the 11th house is ruled by the sign of Aquarius and represents the social area, friendships, fluidity, strength of thought and the need to have a more collective vision. This is a house that influences the process of evolution of society, respect between differences, freedom, innovations and personal growth.

Thus, having the planet Neptune positioned in the 11th house means that the individual gives himself in his work, in his personal life or in helping someone. This is a positive characteristic, since the sign of Aquarius is more humanitarian. Some people can take advantage of this to abuse those who have this positioning, ending with reciprocity and respect.

In addition, the individual is also very concerned with what others say and think about him or her, so he or she tends to live based on the opinion of others, without realizing the unpleasant consequences this brings. He or she may be attached to friendships and enjoys being socially active. If he or she has difficulties in these areas, he or she feels lonely and depressed.

The personality of those born with Neptune in Aquarius

Like the other planets in the birth chart, Neptune also influences the personality of human beings. Below, check out the personality of those born with Neptune in Aquarius and which celebrities have this position!

Neptune's wife in Aquarius

The woman with Neptune in Aquarius is audacious and autonomous, which is an important characteristic to start new projects or goals to be fulfilled. She also has the ability to create strong bonds of friendship by maintaining respect in relationships, which is essential for a healthy relationship.

Besides that, the woman with this position becomes a leader of social movements and militancy, besides being able to summon more people to some social cause in which she is participating. In spite of being dreamy and respectful, she does not do very well in love relationships because she does not usually dedicate her time to it.

The Neptune man in Aquarius

The man with Neptune in Aquarius is more intellectual than emotional and prefers to be active in activities that stimulate the mind. He likes to talk, especially about culture, and the subjects are varied, ranging from books, music and movies to philosophy, politics, gastronomy, among others.

In the love area you are attracted to people who are also intellectual in their perception, so you tend to listen more to what your partner has to say with a great deal of interest, which avoids comments or rebuttals about superfluous details you disagree with.

Celebrities with Neptune in 11th house, the house of Aquarius

There are many successful celebrities who have Neptune in the 11th house and reflect well the energy of this position. Larissa Manoela, who acted in the SBT soap opera Carousel as a child, was born on December 28th, 2000 and has Neptune in the 11th house. Barbara Maia, who was born on March 19th, 2000, is an actress who has acted in the soap opera Malhação and also has this position.

Celebrities with Neptune in Aquarius

Maísa Silva, the famous girl who presented the program Bom dia e Cia, is an example of a celebrity with Neptune in Aquarius, being born on May 25, 2002. In addition, Larissa Manoela also has Neptune in the sign of Aquarius. Another celebrity with this positioning is Kim Dahyun, singer in the female Kpop group called Twice.

The last passage of Neptune in Aquarius

The planet Neptune remains in the same sign for a period of 14 years. The last time it was in the sign of Aquarius was from 1998 to 2012. In the following topics you will find information about Neptune's last passage in Aquarius and when it will pass through this sign of air again!

How long was the last passage of Neptune in Aquarius

The last passage of Neptune in Aquarius lasted 14 years, the normal period in which the planet stays in each sign of the zodiac, from 1998 to 2012. During this time, many people were born with the potential to bring innovations and social movements, either by media, technological advancement or art.

Many have not yet reached adulthood, as the passage ended in 2012, so there is still a lot of time to pass before small advances and changes begin to emerge in social and technological areas.

When Neptune will be in Aquarius again

Neptune takes about 168 years to make a full circle around the Sun, meaning it takes all that time to pass through the 12 signs of the zodiac. In addition, it stays 14 years in each, so Neptune will be in the sign of Aquarius again around 2166.

The Neptune in Aquarius generation

The planet Neptune rules generations by staying so many years in the same sign, so it ends up influencing the collective, not only the personality of each individual. Each generation born with this position, great changes occur in society.

In each sign that Neptune passes through, the people born bring respective changes, reflections, teachings, novelties, among other things. Those born with Neptune in Aquarius bring social and technological changes, transforming what is external and learning to deal with themselves and with other people.

The challenges of those born with Neptune in Aquarius

Whoever has Neptune in Aquarius feels on a mission to improve the world and people's lives, which is difficult because not everything depends on the will of a single individual. Anyway, Neptune in Aquarius is related to the illusions that the person has about a certain area of life.

The difficulties and challenges are personal, so it depends on which house Neptune is positioned. For example, in the 1st house, the person tends to put himself in the position of a victim, as if everyone abuses his good will. In the 7th house, he tends to delude himself with wrong visions of love relationships, projecting his dreams on his partners.

Events that marked the passage of Neptune in Aquarius

A tragic event, but one that was extremely striking at the time of Neptune's passage in the sign of Aquarius, was the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001. Meanwhile, the Arab Spring was revolutionizing the politics of Arab countries, which was a wave of protests.

Another example is in the area of technology, when YouTube started to become more famous on the internet in 2006. Finally, there was a breakthrough in technology during the outbreak of swine flu in 2009, when the first 100% artificial stem cell and eggs created from adult cells were created.

Why can Neptune be an influential star in Aquarius?

Neptune is a planet that has influence over arts, mysticism, illusion, inspiration, overcoming suffering and emotional liberation. Therefore, it will have influence in personal and social life when it is in the sign of Aquarius. The process of knowing how to deal better with feelings tends to be faster.

Moreover, each generation that is born in this position ends up bringing great social, personal and also philosophical changes. The area of spirituality is also greatly explored and studied in order to understand how each one works, questioning everything about what is indoctrinated and taught.

Finally, Neptune can be an influential star in Aquarius, because it brings great developments in society, as well as gaining more knowledge about various subjects and self-knowledge. If you see new technological and scientific advances, it may be that some people with Neptune in Aquarius are behind it!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.