Neptune in 11th house: retrograde, transit, solar revolution and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Neptune in 11th House

Symbol of relationships, Neptune is the planet that rules personal involvement in actions, attitudes and desires. In the 11th house, the celestial body symbolizes the mental state of people in life goals, of following patterns and finally, to free themselves from rules and risks.

Natives with signs in this astrological position are given to the pleasures of friendships and see in this the possibility of obtaining advantages or benefits. Besides, they are used to giving themselves to the people of their social circle and are always willing to help in whatever is needed.

For this reason, we invite you to know the meaning of Neptune in the 11th house. Come and discover what it represents and how its characteristics can influence your life. Read on and be surprised by the information. Let's move on?

Meaning of Neptune

Neptune has vast astrological and sensorial meanings. In mythological, ancient aspects, the planet represents water in mythological times. In Astrology, the planet tends to show energetic influences over humanity, according to positions, aspects and other ruling characteristics. To know more about this subject, continue reading.

Neptune in Mythology

In Mythology, Neptune was the son of Saturn and Reia, and had Jupiter, Juno and Pluto as brothers. According to the legend, Jupiter divided the universe and it fell to Neptune to receive the empire of the waters. With this, he became the god of the sea. Nowadays, the story explains that the waves are ruled by the sea and the tranquility of the waters comes from the temperament of the supposed god.

Neptune in Astrology

In Astrology, the planet is known as the second in the transcendental line. Known to be of generations and according to information, it remains 14 years in each sign. However, there are no direct explanations about zodiacal influences or transformations on the subject. In people, it is meant to incite to empower creativity and strengthen intuition.

Neptune Basics in 11th House

Neptune represents some complexity in its fundamentals. In the 11th House it is seen as an intuitive force to collaborate in social relationships. But according to the 11th House it can be influenced too much by creating moments where there can be illusions and misunderstandings in humanity. For that, it is necessary to analyse its conditions and details in detail. Learn more about it below.

How to discover my Neptune

To find out in which position Neptune influences your sign, it is necessary to use the Astrological chart and develop its characteristics. With the information, it will be possible to discover in which area the planet most influences your life.

As it is known to generate the capacity for disillusionment, it is convenient to analyse the aspects which the planet tends to influence in life. However, for a deeper analysis, it is necessary to establish orders to confirm which house your sign belongs to and how Neptune will manage behaviour.

Meaning of the 11th House

The 11th house represents external relations. Its information expands in the line of friendship and social circles. Influencing personal behavior, it is up to the people in the 11th house to always want to intercede for someone.

The 11th house suggests filtering relationships, since its strong magnetism can lead to disillusionment in all areas of life. It indicates that even if a person has good intentions for his fellow men, he can fall prey to scams and be betrayed by those he thought had good hearts.

The Astrological Houses for Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology aims to check the position between stars and planets. In Western Astrology, the point of view is for the stars, which are always in motion. In another aspect, there are 27 moon houses for each zodiac sign. Thus, in Vedic Astrology there would be more accuracy of information about the astrological charts.

According to the Vedic astrological chart, the person must keep to his missions, without reneging on acts or events that have already passed and seek to maintain orders and benefits for his journey. Even with the personal characteristics established, it would be of no use to go against what is destined, according to the Vedic premises.

11th House in Vedic Astrology

According to Vedic Astrology, the 11th house symbolizes friends, hope, and inner desires. In a social way, it indicates how friends behave towards other people's figures. In a conscious way, the 11th house informs people to measure social notions about their visions to their fellows.

In this interpretation, the 11th house reflects on social adaptation and what it will generate in the vision of people to be in new places, meet people and get possibilities to what is new and modern. Thus, there will be more chances for creative and professional social development.

What Neptune reveals in the Birth Chart

In the astrological chart, Neptune benefits the arts and all its creative wave. The professionals involved in it have more assertiveness in their functions and are strongly predestined to the accomplishment of their goals. For those who work in the artistic environment and have the planet in their astrological chart, they absorb positive energies from the astrological position.

For other people, Neptune in the birth chart appears with duplicity. The planet constantly intervenes on matters which, although they may be relevant, are not seen in their understanding. Thus, the chart suggests to these people to seek for more rationality and choose to research and clear their mind in a more objective way about any proposed theme.

Neptune in 11th House

Neptune in the 11th house represents the social life. It explains the art of giving oneself to others, but without much foundation or reason. In general, it means to have a good heart and, many times, such attitude leads to failures and disappointments.

A strong characteristic of those whose sign has Neptune in the 11th house is to get involved with people who may live constantly immersed in social or personal problems. This behaviour can even bring pleasure to those who live with these groups, but the involvement can wear down relationships and create personal disappointment.

Neptune in 11th House Natal

This characteristic represents the emotional security in the conviviality with colleagues or professional environments. It comes from the idea that the more isolated the person is, the better he feels. In order to have personal realization, the person wants partnerships with those who offer possibilities and opportunities to share methods and experiences.

The position in the 11th house also indicates possible disappointments generated by high valuation of people to whom one has total confidence. So it is necessary that the person tries to be more realistic and adopt the practice of social equality, without being so expressive in the donation of affection to others.

Neptune in 11th House in the Annual Chart

In this cycle, Neptune shows itself as a blur of visions. The astrological position indicates that no matter how much one wants to see life on the rosy side, he or she can be very wrong. In other words, it is about thinking about what could not be so beneficial before taking any action.

The annual chart asks zodiac natives not to look too closely at what appears to be harmless. For this, the tips refer to better observing what lies ahead and, in other words, not putting so much trust in what appears to be harmless.

Neptune in 11th House in Transit

According to the forecasts, Neptune transits for 13 years in each sign. This walk indicates spirituality, knowledge and experiences, social or love relationships, life projects and the possible illusions and disillusions.

The passage of Neptune through the signs can also indicate that the person's life projects are a little "out of the box". That is why the 11th house brings so many warnings to be careful with frustrations and disappointments.

Personality traits of those who have Neptune in 11th house

For those who have Neptune in the 11th house, there are positive and negative characteristics. Since no one is perfect and everyone has the tendency to make mistakes, it is worth highlighting the points in which people stand out the most and what they can improve in their lives. So, take a look below and get inspired to make the most of life.

Positive features

People who have Neptune in the 11th house are ruled in their sign as observant and altruistic people. Positively they can develop more contact with reality and take the spiritual side as breath of life.

Zodiac natives are very optimistic and see any possibility of achievement with the chances in life. Friendly, loyal and companionable, they see in their social circles the energy they need to have well-being and lightness.

Negative characteristics

A negative aspect of those who have Neptune in the 11th house is the habit of being unrealistic about certain things. When idealizing life projects, the person can take decisions or follow paths that may lead to nothing. On the other hand, these people can also suffer disappointments because they believe too much in others.

In other words, we need to pay more attention to what we want, to work out the differences between giving too much and seeing the reality. The more we get involved with other people's problems, the greater the chance of wasting time, energy and life.

Neptune's influence in the 11th house

Neptune in the 11th house makes a lot of things happen. For natives who have this element, there are influences that intercede in life as a whole. There are energies involved in love, sex, health and work. However, for there to be a balance, it is necessary to discern the points and not go beyond the possibilities. Read on and find out more below.

Love and sex

In love and sex, Neptune leads well to these moments, but reality can upset a person's impulses, because he or she wants to see possibilities where none exist. The planet favours relationships and leads to hours of joy, satisfaction and mutual pleasure.

On the other hand, the 11th House reflects on the involvement and makes one reflect on the naivety of those who have this element in their birth chart. For this, it is necessary to have more perception in reality so that the moments of pleasure do not become something common or meaningless.


In health, Neptune is characterized in different situations in the human body. Due to the cosmic influences of the planet on the signs, this wave can generate sensitivity and deficiencies in people ruled by these conditions. Physically, there may be chronic problems such as exposure to allergies and their consequences, blood disorders and sensitivities to chemicals.

In the spiritual form, health can be compromised by the stressful energies that certain situations can cause in people. The influence of other people's behaviors can generate the same characteristics that can lead to fanaticism, exaggerated beliefs, fears, drug use and the like. Therefore, there is a strong tendency to naivety.


As the 11th house rules human relationships, the person with this element sees in the family the true solid occupation of trust, care and love.

It is not difficult that there can be family mistakes or disappointments, but for someone ruled under the influence of Neptune, this is far from being the case. Through the family, zodiac natives see possibilities and bases for establishing better connections and honing strong personal intuition.


At work, people who are ruled by Neptune in the 11th house need to be connected to others who offer relationship possibilities. These people do not feel security or full trust in professional environments. They are summarily convinced that co-workers are just a necessary conviviality.

However, according to the environment in which they are involved, the people under these powers can live together peacefully and harmoniously well if they are involved in the arts and social sciences. These professionals need to exchange experiences and share possibilities so that there can be new partnerships and opportunities.

A little more about Neptune in 11th house

Neptune also presents other conditions under the position in the 11th house. Surely, you must have heard about combinations, solar revolution and details about synastry and retrograde moments. How to benefit and what to avoid in these situations? Find out below and identify yourself with the details.

Neptune retrograde in 11th house

When you think about what is retrograde, the reality corresponds to difficulties, delays or embarrassments in any matter. When it comes to Neptune in the 11th house, it sounds no different. When there are problems in what you want to accomplish, the time is to redo the plans and realign the guidelines for good events.

As a good developer of ideas, you will need patience, firmness and you must wait for the right time to put your plans into practice. If there are difficulties or obstacles, watch out. Don't force the issue and don't create new problems on top of what is already complicated.

Neptune in Solar Revolution in 11th House

As much as the energy of the Sun indicates the will to live, the solar revolution symbolises the return of the star to the position of the day you were born. This represents the beginning of all things and the need to bring people together in the pursuit of objectives. In other words, this is the time to establish partnerships.

From the point of view of "together we will go further", the solar revolution in the 11th house predicts good moments to take all plans off paper and make the most of them. This will increase the social circle, an important characteristic of the 11th house.

Neptune in 11th house synastry

In synastry, the 11th House represents friendship and nothing more. It is characterized by lightness, sobriety and peace. Under the influence of the air element, the House represents interests, wisdom and rationality. However, under synastry, the person needs to have someone compatible in everything at his side so that he feels good and can balance the set of rationalities and experiences.

Famous People with Neptune in 11th House

Get inspired by the celebrities who have Neptune and the 11th house in their signs. See below the list of celebrities with these elements.

- Silvio Santos, TV host;

- Antonio Banderas, actor;

- Harrison Ford, actor;

- Jon Bon Jovi, singer;

- Jim Carrey, actor;

- Bob Dylan, singer.

What advice for those with Neptune in 11th house?

You have read in the article about the behaviors and detailed information for those who have Neptune in the 11th house in their signs. If you identify yourself, you need to understand that everything life offers are opportunities to make better use of what you do and wish for the future.

In the astrological view, these people are very sentimental and give themselves willingly in others' problems, fortuitous loves and their needs. Often oblivious to reality, they can be naive by believing too much in their visions, which leads to moments of sadness and possible disappointments.

Selfless and very observant, zodiac natives with these elements know how to plan and develop with great talent. However, they can get bogged down if they think in unrealistic ways.

Therefore, understand that the art of giving can be beneficial, but know your limits. Do not get involved so much hoping for benefits. Often, life may not give you what you want. Anyway, enjoy the energies described here, follow your intuitions and seek to be happy in your journey.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.