Neptune in 10th house: retrograde, transit, solar revolution and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Neptune in the 10th house

When we talk about someone who has Neptune in the 10th house, we are talking about someone with a very sharp spirituality and a very deep sense of self-criticism, always needing a high level of approval from those around him.

This can be very harmful, since this dependence on approval makes the person live on the edge in order to get this much desired attention. And, as we are talking about spiritually sensitive people, this is a little more difficult to 'take in stride'.

This person may, at a given moment, no longer know what his or her individual dreams are, or the dreams that people have for him or her, and this process of understanding is very complicated.

Meaning of Neptune

The representation of Neptune has two approaches: the god Neptune and it within Astrology, which is the way we approach it when we talk about signs. Understanding both ways is important, since they complement each other to some extent. Check now the representations of Neptune and how they can be interpreted within the astral field!

Neptune in Mythology

Being part of the six primordial gods, Neptune is the god who rules the waters and especially the seas. In Greek Mythology, he is the powerful Poseidon, brother of Zeus, Hera, Hades, Demeter and Hestia.

With an explosive temperament, the god of the underwater world is feared for his fury and power, especially when he points his celestial trident in the name of revenge. His figure is quite controversial, since one of the best known stories about him is the abuse he did to Medusa, causing her to be punished for it.

Neptune in Astrology

Neptune as a star is the planet that rules the artistic inspirations, the will to produce in this sense and an absurd sensitivity to see beauty even in the saddest things. It is moved by our emotional release, which can happen in a more artistic way or even in a big crying crisis.

In this sense, he operates in a very unstable way, since our emotions are unstable. An aligned Neptune can do amazing things within each of us, because he works with all the nuances of our essence and soul.

Neptune Basics in 10th House

In order to understand how Neptune is based in the 10th house, we must first understand how Neptune behaves and how the 10th house influences our lives. With the elements isolated, it is easier to have an overview of the situation and, therefore, understand in depth. Check now the foundations of Neptune in the 10th house and how they are understood within Astrology!

How to discover my Neptune

Neptune has a very slow translation, taking on average 165 years to complete its entire revolution around the sun. Therefore, its cycles in each sign last approximately 14 years, being marked by entire generations. Thus, we know Neptune according to our year of birth.

This translation we are in began in 1859, with Aries, which commanded it until 1873. Taurus' term begins in 1873 and continues until 1887, passing to Gemini, which rules from 1887 to 1901, opening the last century. Then we have Cancer, which begins its dynasty in 1901 until 1915, followed by Leo, 1915 to 1929, passing to Virgo, which commanded the influence of this planet from 1929 to 1943.

In sequence, Libra was the planet's astral responsible from 1943 to 1957, moving to Scorpio, 1957 to 1971, then to Sagittarius, 1971 to 1985, arriving in Capricorn, 1985 to 1999. Aquarius rules all those born in the early 2000s, being responsible for 1999 until 2013. Currently, we are experiencing the last sign of the translation, Pisces, which rules Neptune since 2013 and will end in 2027.

Meaning of the 10th House

The 10th house is one of the most popular when we talk about Astrology, because it brings together a series of decisive themes in the adult stage of life. It is responsible for careers and projection within society. It is what motivates you to fight for the things you truly believe in. It is the ambition to be better.

This House is that part of us that wants us to achieve things and to be proud of them, because they are our achievements. If you have done something fantastic, fight for its recognition, because it belongs to you. That is the great message of the 10th house and the sign that rules it directs which way it will lead you to it.

The Astrological Houses for Vedic Astrology

The well-known Houses (Bhavas) in Vedic Astrology is the rationale that explains that each of the houses is responsible for a niche in life and thus directs it by the sign and ruling planet.

In a didactic way, it is as if there were astral requirements in each niche that must be fulfilled. And each sign would do it in its own way, determining the life, choices and destiny of each one, since everyone is a great accumulation of interspersed signs.

Bhava 10, which corresponds to the 10th house, deals directly with one's occupation, i.e. career. It also talks about honor and how it should be defended through a craft, praising the saying "work dignifies the man".

10th House in Vedic Astrology

Within the Bhavas, the 10th house is the one that deals with career and, understanding that Neptune is a planet of sentimental and even melancholic influence, it is known that the tendencies of craft for those ruled by it are of a more sensitive and even spiritual part.

So, we are talking about artists, people who have as a craft the sensitive, the feeling, the burden of feeling too much. And no, this does not mean that the person is less concerned with the monetary. On the contrary, he wants to be good, he demands to be good, to be successful.

What Neptune reveals in the Birth Chart

Neptune within the Star Chart shows how people, in the case of an entire generation, deal with their feelings and how they deal with feeling exposed. This planet shows that several tendencies of emotional behaviors are generational, for some reason.

There is a pattern of behavior for dealing with one's own pain and the consequences of it. Neptune is not your Moon, which rules individual ways that you deal with yourself, but the way we seek to deal with our frustrations and anguish as part of a society. It is how we drown sorrows or repress feelings.

Neptune in 10th House

Neptune in the 10th house brings all the symbology and sensibility of the planet, aligned with the professional purpose. A sensitive vein in the professional space, this is what Neptune in the 10th house brings to the life of those who have it.

It is important to emphasize that all this is done through the intermediary of your determining sign of the 10th house, which makes everything more interesting, since the influence of the house, the ruling planet and the responsible sign are responsible for your professional performance and how this area influences your life.

Neptune in 10th House Natal

When a person has Neptune in the 10th house in his/her natal chart, we are talking about a person with strong positions about his/her career and how he/she wants to guide his/her professional life in general. Usually this person is very difficult to please in this sense, always looking for the career of his/her dreams.

With this chart configuration, people usually choose to work with something sensitive that makes them feel more alive, part of something bigger. They prefer, for example, to work with health or humanitarian causes. They like being with others and are almost always busy doing good, and may participate in various social projects throughout their lives.

Neptune in 10th House in the Annual Chart

Within the Annual Chart, Neptune plays a considerable role in making us fair and considerate, as it intervenes when we are lacking a little tact and even sensitivity in some situations.

All this good feeling that Neptune promotes generates a series of constructive crises, since we always stop a longer time to observe and perceive ourselves in a more integral and real way. No matter how much we live 24 hours a day with ourselves, we never perceive ourselves completely, and with Neptune in the 10th house in the Annual Chart, it is a way to do this.

Neptune in 10th House in Transit

During Neptune's transition through the 10th house, feelings come up a lot and we usually want to resolve those issues that we thought had been dormant or even forgotten for a long time.

During its passage, we are seized by a sense of justice and peace, which seeks to relieve us of our burdens and wants to resolve things in the best way possible, whether for ourselves or for others who have already done us harm.

Personality traits of those who have Neptune in the 10th house

Everything in life has its pros and cons, and with Neptune in the 10th house it would be no different. Endowed with a personality that can take you to extremes, they have very specific faults and qualities, which can build or destroy your relationship with them.

Check now a little more about the personality of people with Neptune in the 10th house and how to deal with them!

Positive features

Because they are extremely creative and sensitive, they can produce a lot of things artistically, which is amazing, especially for those who live with them. They think fast, love to plan things a little 'out of the box' and are up for any adventure that is intended to help them understand their place in the world.

They are great friends, they love to be present at important moments, having great advice and opinions, always respecting the space of others. They are extroverted and always liven up the spaces where they are inserted, always being a good company.

Negative characteristics

Because they are extremely feeling-oriented, they can have a hard time making logical decisions, like what to choose as a career or what to study in higher education. They fall in love with moments and think they will last forever, which can leave them very bewildered when it's over.

It can be difficult to have a relationship with someone who has Neptune in the 10th house, as following their professional and personal passions can be a great challenge for the stability of the couple, who live on a tightrope when we talk about the future and building something solid.

Neptune's influence in the 10th house

When we talk about Neptune in the 10th house, we cannot only talk about career, since this planet aligned with this house brings a great influence in other niches of life, such as health and even within the family.

It is important to understand this so that things can be aligned with what we understand as the characteristics attributed to this conjunction. Check out the main influences of Neptune in the 10th house and how they manifest themselves!

Love and sex

In love, people with this astrological combination may find it very difficult to find someone who can handle their temperament well, as they are people with momentary passions and very unstable when we talk about love, because their sensitivity can be frightening.

The melancholy is also something very present in their lives, which expels some people. But, in the way of loving, they are very intense and romantic, seeking to provide love in gestures and acts, besides, of course, constantly saying how in love they are.


Health is always a delicate point in the life of someone with Neptune in the 10th house, since this person is always worried about their own health, and that of friends and family, and this, because of stress, really harms health. They are helpful, being people who can be counted on at any time of the day or night.

They may develop lifelong addictions to medicines or treatments because they can't stand to feel pain or see someone they love in pain. They have hypochondriac tendencies and always carry a bag of various medications.


As these are people with a lot of love and feeling to share, people with Neptune in the tenth house are usually loving children, devoted siblings and kind and gentle parents. They like to explain things based on love and respect.

They are temperamental, so this means that this relationship is not always calm and serene, since, especially in a great period of melancholy, those with this Neptune can find themselves very unstable and wanting almost total isolation. But, most of the time, they give priority to showing their love to family and friends.


Careers can be a very complicated point for Neptune in the 10th house, because this is a great demand on them and therefore a big decision. Choosing a career which will make a profit and make them happy is the biggest challenge.

They love to externalize what they feel, but they want to be well paid for it. They are born artists and demand recognition for it. This is what Neptune in the 10th house asks for, recognition for what we do well. And they know they are good, so they live trying to reconcile dreams with making money, which can be difficult.

A little more about Neptune in the 10th house

There are also some variations of Neptune's states that also alter its condition and moods within the 10th house. And knowing about this is important, because they usually affect all of us for a certain period, being the reason for common acts. Check out some of Neptune's states in the 10th house and how they affect people!

Neptune retrograde in the 10th house

When Neptune in its retrograde form arrives in the 10th house, things can change drastically. It intensifies all the annoyances, making everything seem unbearable and in need of change, especially in your career, which is your main focus of change.

For example, when you are upset with your boss and you don't think that his way of managing is good for the moment you are in life, you feel that you should resign. If you have a job opportunity 500 miles away from your family, you can accept it if it makes you happy. This is the way Neptune in this stage makes us act, being very dangerous.

Neptune in Solar Revolution in the 10th House

When we talk about Neptune in the 10th house in Solar Revolution, we are talking about a period of instability and propensity to error. It is that moment when people get irritable, out of control and cannot understand very well what they are and what they are doing.

An expansive person can, for example, get involved in a scandal, thanks to a simple bar conversation. Emotions are out of control, bordering on the negative, which is the main factor for this succession of catastrophic events.

Neptune in 10th house synastry

In love, Neptune in the 10th house is compatible with water signs, which makes things more romantic and intense. When we talk about Pisces, the combination is favorable for both parties, since Pisces usually has a more calm and romantic temperament, without excesses.

Cancer is also a great partner, especially when it's in its creative moment. It's a couple that tends to be romantic at all times, but also to respect each other's space. A relationship with Scorpios can be great, but very tortuous, as intensity is something really strong within the relationship, which can be harmful to both.

Famous People with Neptune in 10th House

Some personalities with this astral conjunction stand out, mainly because they are timeless. The Jamaican singer Bob Marley had Neptune in the 10th house, he was intense and used his feelings as artistic expression, making it his profession.

Another great name is the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, who is still a reference when it comes to artistic movements, especially Cubism. Contemporary personalities also appear on the list, such as Gwen Stefani, lead singer of No Doubt, and actor Clint Eastwood.

What advice for those with Neptune in the 10th house?

The greatest advice you can give to someone with Neptune in the 10th house is that the world is not always ready to deal with your feelings in the way you expect. Putting yourself in the spotlight can be a blessing or a curse.

It is important to nurture your artistic vein and talk about your feelings through it, but never putting yourself in total vulnerability, because your feelings are much more on the surface of your skin than people's way. Loving too much is good, especially when the greatest love we have is ourselves.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.