Messages in the flame of the candle: meaning of high flame, flickering and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the candle flame

Whether to ask a question, make a wish or cast a spell, the candle flame can give you important signs and show you paths. Fire has been used as an oracle since before the Egyptians, either in its ritual or even as a prophecy. It took years of perfecting so that it could be used by a layman.

In this way, not only can you interpret the flame of a candle - or bonfire - and get signs of how the coming days will be, but fire can also be used to answer questions. In addition, fire can also be used to divine the future. In addition to its function as an oracle, the flame can be indicative of how the answer to your prayer or spell is.

Learn what the characteristics and meaning of each type of candle flame are, what they are trying to tell you and more!

Characteristics of the candle flame

There are some characteristics about the reading and interpretation of the candle flame that you need to know before practicing the divinatory art. So learn what its symbolism is, what Ceromancy is all about, and what the possible interferences are - and how to avoid them.


In addition to representing the connection with the Sacred, whether through angels, saints or deities, the candle flame is also a symbol of hope, life and strength. The candle flame is a symbol of light, it is the turning away of darkness and consequently allows you to acquire a new look or perspective on a situation, life or the world.

The candle flame can be associated with various symbolisms, but the main one is illumination and the presence of the divine, often being associated even as a link between the immaterial and the material. Exactly because of this, it can serve as a tool for the divinatory art. The best known form of divination that uses flames is Ceromancy.


Ceromancy is the oracle through the reading of the candle, to answer questions, remove doubts, receive signs or follow the effect of a magic or request. It can be done with the wax of the candle - its shape, if it burned completely or if it cried a lot - as well as it can be performed through the flame.

The candle flame gives clearer and more forceful signs than wax, showing the paths and helping to find answers to the most varied situations. But be careful, because this reading may suffer the interference of external factors.

Possible interferences

The candle flame tends to move if there is any air current in the place where it is lit. In this way, it is important to find a quiet environment to practice with it. Likewise, the time of manufacture can also influence how the flame burns the candle.

In addition to the date of manufacture and the draughts, also the quality of the spark plug will interfere with the interpretation. This is because when burned out the old spark plug tends to fail, giving room for grief and introspection.

Candle flame messages

The candle flame can come in many forms, from small and delicate to even more imposing. Learn what each of these cases means and understand the message of the angels for you.

Candle flame high and strong

If, after asking a question, the candle flame is high and strong, then this means a resounding yes or positive message. This holds true when analyzing the effectiveness of a spell or prayer. If the flame is like this, it is a sign that your request has been heard and will be fulfilled.

Candle flame high and quivering

Upon receiving a question from you, the flame may begin to flicker and much higher than normal. This is a positive sign, but you need more conviction. When it comes to a prayer or spell, the flickering but high candle flame indicates a high chance that it will be performed, however, you will encounter some instabilities.

High and steady candle flame

When the candle flame is high and still, then the answer is positive. It means that your issue will have a proper solution or it simply says yes. If the flame is that way after a request, prayer or spell, then that is also a positive sign, that the result will come, even though it may take time.

Candle flame too low

Sometimes the candle flame can be very low, as if it were not going to light. If it is not due to a problem of the candle itself, it is a sign that you have to make a greater effort to make the request come true, representing a "maybe" or "depends", as an answer.

Candle flame flickering a lot

If the windows are closed and there is no air passage and the candle flame is flickering too much, then your answer is not exactly a negative, but indicates that your goal will take work. However, if the candle was used for a prayer, request or magic, then it is a sign that you need to clear the energies of the environment before continuing.

Candle flame emitting sparks

The sparks in the candle flame are signs of resistance, difficulties. It may be that something is hindering you lately. If the sparks appear in the candle used in a spell or request, then it means attack, ie, some energy is contrary to what you are doing and acting to prevent.

Candle flame giving off black smoke

The black smoke that comes out of the candle flame means purification, the elimination of something that was harming you and opening to new paths. During a spell or prayer, it means that there are bad energies that are trying to stop you, but without achieving their intent.

Candle flame rising and falling

Instability is the response you are getting when the candle flame goes up and down after you ask a question. It can also represent a lack of focus on your intention during the prayer or spell, and you need to take care that your mind is not jumping between thoughts. Keep your intention well directed.

Blue Candle Flame

It may also happen that the flame of the candle turns slightly blue after you ask the question and this means that the situation requires patience and perseverance. In the case of a spell or prayer, it may even be performed, but it will depend more on your efforts than on divine help.

Yellowish candle flame

When the candle flame stays in a yellowish shade after asking a question, it is a sign that prosperity, abundance and happiness are on the way. When this happens in the spell or prayer as well, then it means that there are many chances that it will work out and may have prosperous and positive results.

Red Candle Flame

The candle flame, when reddish in tone, represents vigor, passion, energy. On the other hand, it can also represent anger, so attention to the context of your question. The reddish flame in a spell or prayer may be a sign from your guide or guardian angel that all will be well, your request is being heard.

Flame of the glowing candle

The candle flame may become brighter than normal, showing that your response is positive.

If used in a spell or prayer, it is a great sign that it will soon be realized, just needing more patience.

Candle flame very bright

If it happens that the flame of the candle you used to ask a question gets much brighter than usual, expect a positive answer soon to your question. In a spell or prayer, it is a sign that good energies are working in your favor, leading to much better results than you expect.

Candle flame looks like a spiral

If when you ask a question, the candle flame starts to move in a spiral, then it means that there is no right answer, as things are still shaping up.

If it is the case of a prayer or spell, then observe if it is spiraling to the right or left. If it is to the right, you are receiving outside help, if it is counterclockwise, then you need to do a cleanse before continuing.

Clear and growing candle flame

If, as you concentrate and ask your question, the candle flame shows itself very clearly and with increasing luminosity, it is a sign of positivity, but that it may take some time to realize your objective. In a spell or prayer, it represents the increase of the force involved and a greater concentration of your intention in the process.

Frequently asked questions and tips about the candle flame

Every divinatory art has its specificities, and it is important to pay attention to them if you want to get a more accurate answer. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding their use and interpretation, and some tips on how to better interpret the candle flame.

Can anyone interpret the flame of candles?

Other forms of oracle usually require much more study, dedication and knowledge to be able to perform the reading. However, the candle flame can be one of the simplest and most effective ways to seek to understand the future, ask questions, get a hint for the day or even check if a spell is being done correctly.

Thus, anyone can interpret the flames, as long as they are concentrated and try to listen to their intuition. Asking for help from your guardian angel or guide can also help you make the interpretation correctly, noticing nuances that without them would pass without you noticing.

For this, it is important that you have a clear mind and are open to different answers than expected. In this way, you will not direct the question to paths that are already pre-established. Remember that the idea is to find answers and be sure and not just confirm your point of view and your intentions about what was asked.

Can I interpret the flame of any candle?

If your doubt is in relation to the type of candle - common, seven days, toothpick or scented - the answer is yes, no problem. However, regardless of the chosen type, it is essential that it has passed through the consecration process first. After all, it will be a tool for communication with the Sacred, so it must be energetically ready for this.

To consecrate your candle, clean the base and the candle with incense of sage, rue, coffee or similar. Then, hold the candle at the base and concentrate your energy, with both hands around it, mentalizing it as a link between the material and the Sacred. If you want, you can bathe in lavender oil, from the base to the top, without wetting the wick.

Never reuse candles that have already been consecrated for purposes other than prayer. In other words, if you use a candle for a spell or a specific question, do not reuse it for use as an oracle. It must be disposed of, along with the other materials, since it is impregnated with energy and intention. Candles consecrated and used only for prayer work very well.

Other interpretations of the candle flame

There are some other important points to pay attention to when using a candle, either to pray or to do a spell. See some of them and their meanings:

  • Candle that cries: if the candle is pouring a lot of cell on the sides - crying - it is a sign that external energies are trying to stop you or hinder things. It is worth doing a cleaning or even a banishment;
  • Candle that disappears: if instead of leaving all the wax around, making a terrible mess, your candle simply burns out without a trace, that's a great sign, with great chances that it will work out;
  • Candle that goes out: if you made the prayer, request or spell and the candle went out - no wind current and being new - then it may represent that either it is not the right time to make the request, or there are negative energies in place and need a cleaning first. Or, finally, that you received a resounding no as an answer;
  • Wax melted, but wick not quenched: celebrate! This is a sign that not only was the request accepted, but it will also have a surprisingly better result;
  • Candle flame crackling and releasing sparks: this is a strong sign that energies are actively trying to harm you, it is worth doing a banishment. Warning: if you used oil to bathe the candle do not worry, because when wetting the candle wick is normal that the flame crackle and release sparks;
  • Damaged candle holder: if you are using the candle and the holder is damaged - either cracked, latched or even blown out - it is a sign that there has been a banishment at that time. Open the window of the room if it is still closed and dispose of the broken candlestick;
  • Tips for interpreting the candle flame

    Always find a quiet, windless place to read the candle flame. In addition, it is essential that your pets do not enter the same room, to avoid accidents. Keep away from curtains - which may even be pushed by the wind into the candle flame. Remove any tablecloth or flammable material.

    To do the reading of the candle flames, it is essential that you are in total tranquility, physically and mentally. For this, book an appropriate environment where no one will disturb you for at least 30 minutes. After booking and preparing everything, sit in front of the candle and practice conscious breathing and, if you prefer, meditate a little.

    Then, feel the temperature of your environment, the sounds that surround you - without concentrating on any specific one. Feel your whole body and the energy that surrounds you. Begin to expand this energy, forming a circle of light (white, violet or golden) around you, like a protective barrier. Then, you can light the candle.

    If you have another process to start your rituals, creating other forms of circle of protection, follow the ones you are already used to. The idea is to create a propitious and protected environment, so that your responses do not suffer external interference. Remember to count on the help of your guardian angel or guide during the process.

    Is interpreting the candle flame an effective oracle?

    Whether the reading of the candle flame will be effective or not, will depend on the process followed, the intention and, mainly, your ability to reconnect with yourself and the immaterial. Listening to your intuition is the right way to get more precise answers, without so much interference from the objective mind.

    In other words, yes, this interpretation can be an oracle in fact, provided that the person performing the reading is open to hearing it, even if they do not like what they received. It is important to remember to always thank at the end of the process, both nature and your guide, and throw the leftovers in a separate bag and then in the trash.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.