Meet the June saints: St. Anthony, St. John, St. Paul and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who are the June saints?

Since ancient times, it has been common to celebrate the month of June, when the summer solstice occurs in some parts of the globe. The longest day of the year, accompanied by the shortest night, was the date that ancient peoples used for fertility rituals in harvesting. With the solstice happening on June 21, dates of birth of saints were later incorporated.

Thus, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint Anthony began to have their dates celebrated in the liturgical calendar of Christians, becoming what are known today as June saints. Throughout the month, the June festivities count on the saints of the month as their patron saints, being part of the popular celebrations in Brazil.

Throughout this article, you will know more deeply each of these saints and understand what they symbolize in the June festivities, regardless of religion. Follow along!

Who is Saint John?

St. John the Baptist was the one responsible for bringing the word of God to the faithful through repentance of sins and baptism. He is known for having announced on the desert sands the arrival of the savior, being an outstanding prophet and the last of them all. His day is June 24. Below, learn more about the history of the saint and all the miracles related to it!

Miraculous birth of St John the Baptist

The birth of St. John the Baptist is in itself a miracle to the faithful. His mother, St. Elizabeth, had never been pregnant and was of advanced age, but the archangel Gabriel brought the message that a son was on the way.

The father did not believe it, but St. John the Baptist was born months later and given the name the archangel had told the mother to put on the baby. Thus was the beginning of a story unique in the Bible, in Aim Karim, Israel.

His mother Elizabeth and the Hail Mary

Saint Elizabeth was the mother of Saint John the Baptist and a cousin of Jesus' mother, Mary. This kinship enabled Saint John to be consecrated to God before he was even born, which led to his achievements as one of those who preached conversion in the midst of the faithful.

Just as the angel announced Elizabeth's pregnancy, he did the same with Mary, saying that she would bring the savior into the world. When Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, John stirred in his mother's womb.

Your life in the desert

St. John the Baptist lived his life with total dedication to the service of God's word. Having received his call, he went to live in the desert, from where he took his preaching to the faithful in the Jordan River. St. John also baptized those who repented of sins committed and frequently announced the arrival of the one who would be the savior of all: the Messiah.

The Baptism of Jesus

Surprising St. John the Baptist himself, Jesus asked the saint to baptize him when they met. Although St. John refused the offer, he was eventually convinced and performed Jesus' baptism.

Thus, throughout his life, St. John was mistaken for the savior numerous times, but always said that he was not the messiah that people were expecting.

Arrest and death of John the Baptist

In addition to preaching, Saint John the Baptist used his time with the faithful to denounce the life of King Herod. Although he understood the importance of this action, Saint John ended up being the victim of a request from the daughter of Herod's sister-in-law, with whom the king had been involved. So, although upset, the king ordered the death of the saint and fulfilled the promise he had made to the young woman.

Prayer to Saint John the Baptist

The prayer to Saint John the Baptist takes as its starting point the work done by the prophet, as he was regarded by the crowds who followed his preaching.

His text reinforces the value of repentance as a means of making the individual worthy of forgiveness, having his sins absolved, and his voice, which was remarkable in the midst of the desert, also stands out. Check it out in full:

St. John the Baptist, voice crying in the wilderness, make straight the ways of the Lord, do penance, for among you is one whom you do not know, and of whom I am not worthy to untie the laces of his sandals. Help me to do penance for my faults, that I may become worthy of the forgiveness of him whom you have announced with these words: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sin of theSt. John the Baptist, pray for us. Amen.

Who is Saint Peter?

Born Simon, Saint Peter was a fisherman who owned a boat. Born in the north of Israel, in a small village, he met Jesus through his brother. Later, he became one of the disciples and also an apostle, being a well-known figure among the Christian faithful.

Learn more about the story of St. Peter, whose celebration occurs on June 29, and his relationship with Jesus below!

The call of Jesus to Saint Peter

Upon meeting Jesus, Simon heard that he would become a fisher of men. Later, already a follower of the one he considered the son of God, Simon saw his future fulfilled. Then, already named Peter, the saint became the first Pope of the Church, taking the sacred words to the most varied places and unifying the Christian faith.

St. Peter's denials and Jesus' forgiveness

A famous prophecy of Jesus Christ appears in the story of St. Peter. While Jesus was in prison, the prophecy said that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crows. Peter was one of the disciples who followed Jesus into the palace where he was imprisoned, but he denied three times being one of the followers of the son of God.

After rising from the dead, Jesus forgave Peter and asked three times if the disciple loved him. Thus, with the threefold affirmation, Peter's uneasiness over the lie told was dispelled, as was all his repentance. Peter was given this name because the translation of it means rock, and Jesus' follower would become the unifying point upon which the church would thrive.

The keys of Heaven

Although accustomed to the challenges of life as a fisherman, Saint Peter became an accomplished propagator of the sacred words. After following Jesus for three years, he received the Holy Spirit and began to bring healing to the people he met.

Therefore, it was common for the faithful to want to touch his cloak to free themselves from questions, and St. Peter wrote of his accomplishments in the church.

Saint Peter, the first pope

As the first Pope of the Catholic Church, Saint Peter was a fundamental pillar in Christian history. His role as the one responsible for carrying forward the gospel transformed the popes who came after him into his successors.

Therefore, this is an achievement that translated the words of Jesus Christ himself into actions, which makes it even more significant for those who believe in the Christian Bible.

Devotion and death of Saint Peter

Saint Peter stands out in the Catholic faith for his fearless personality and outgoing manner, which is why he carried out his mission of evangelization in an honorable manner. This boldness led him to be imprisoned several times, the last time being in Rome.

Catholicism was persecuted there, and the Romans chose to punish St. Peter by taking his life, because he was the leader of the church of Jesus. Thus, St. Peter was killed on the cross. He asked to be crucified upside down, not putting himself on the same level as his true leader, a request that was promptly respected.

Prayer to Saint Peter

The prayer to St. Peter is a widespread text among the faithful and devotees in order to make requests. The detail is the construction of the prayer, which uses honorable vocabulary regarding the history of St. Peter as pope and propagator of the gospel. The remembrance of the Roman Pontiffs as successors of the so-called rock of the church is another highlight. Check out the complete prayer:

Glorious St. Peter, I believe that you are the foundation of the Church, the universal pastor of all the faithful, the depositary of the keys of heaven, the true vicar of Jesus Christ; I glory to be your sheep, your subject and son. I ask you for one grace with all my soul; keep me always united to you and grant that my heart may be torn from my breast rather than the love and full submission that are yoursI owe it to your successors, the Roman Pontiffs.

Live and die as your son and a son of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. So be it.

O glorious Saint Peter, pray for us who have recourse to you. Amen.


Who is São Paulo?

Saint Paul, Paul of Tarsus or Saul of Tarsus was a remarkable figure in the Christian Bible. His preaching and evangelization make him one of the greatest doctrines of the New Testament. His mission of taking the sacred words to the people took place at the time of the Roman Empire, and Paulinism represents the line of thought that follows his philosophy. Learn in detail the story of Saint Paul, whose date is 29June!

His origin as Saul

Long before the well-known conversion of Saul, who would become the Apostle Paul, the story of this saint is peculiar. If, at the beginning, Saul of Tarsus persecuted Christians in various places, this was the starting point for the turnaround that would come later.

Thus, the point to note about Saul is his conviction as a persecutor, as well as his important position in the society of the time.

Ruthless persecutor of Christians

Before he stood out as one of the propagators of Christianity, Saint Paul was Saul, a soldier living in Jerusalem. His story began with the cruel persecution of local Christians, a condition reinforced by the Roman citizenship Saul possessed.

In this way, the hierarchy of the time allowed him to carry out his mission with conviction, putting to death many of those who spread the Christian faith in the period.

The Conversion of St. Paul

The conversion of Saul into an apostle is seen as one of the greatest miracles performed by Jesus Christ. A flash from heaven brought Saul the divine words, which sought to understand why there was so much anger and cruelty towards those who believed in and practiced Christianity.

The people around could not hear Jesus, but the impact of the scene was memorable. Afterwards, Saul spent three days without sight. After these events, the then persecuting soldier became one of the greatest followers of Jesus Christ, spreading his faith after witnessing a miracle.

The death of St. Paul

As one of the preachers of Christian doctrine, St. Paul was greatly persecuted and imprisoned numerous times throughout his life.

In one of these prisons, in Rome, he is believed to have been killed during the Roman Empire, but information about the cause of death is not truly clarified by the Bible. As a Christian, St. Paul was the victim of persecutions similar to those he had previously committed.

Prayer to Saint Paul

Following in the footsteps of the story of St. Paul, the best known of his prayers is a request for salvation through faith. In the same way that the saint converted after a past of persecution, the faithful ask for help to achieve conversion before Jesus. Check it out below:

O glorious Saint Paul, who as a persecutor of the Christian name

You have become a most ardent Apostle by your zeal.

And to make known the name of the Savior Jesus

To the ends of the earth you have suffered imprisonment,

Flagellations, stonings, shipwrecks,

Persecutions of all kinds and,

At last you shed all your blood

To the last drop

For Christ.

So get us,

The grace to receive as favors of the Divine Mercy,

Healings of our infirmities

And the relief from our tribulations,

In order that the vicissitudes of this life

Let us not be discouraged in the service of God,

But make us ever more faithful

And fervent.

Saint Paul the Apostle,

Pray for us!

Who is Saint Anthony?

Saint Anthony was born in Portugal into a noble family and is popularly known as the matchmaker saint. It is no coincidence that this saint is always remembered in prayers, sympathies and celebrations, especially on June 13. His story, however, is richer than you might imagine. Learn more about his history, his gospel and his miracles below!

The Life of St. Anthony

Initiated in the monastery of St. Augustine, St. Anthony became an Augustinian known for his talent with words. In addition, he was always a fan of recollection, reading and study, which led him to delve deeper into topics such as prayer. Later, still in Portugal, St. Anthony was declared a priest and took his remarkable preaching even further.

From Augustinian to Franciscan

After an experience characterized by the will of his father, Saint Anthony had the opportunity to meet the Franciscan friars in Coimbra.

There, moved by his own passion and by an enthusiasm that he had not felt before, he noticed in the Franciscan gospel a radical air that he was more than ready to follow. Thus he left his Augustinian life to enter the monastery of St. Francis.

The encounter with St. Francis of Assisi

For the faithful, the encounter between St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony represents the mysterious ways of God that guide with purpose. Wanting to visit Morocco, Friar Anthony fell ill and had to return to Portugal, and the boat was lost, arriving in Italy.

Thus, in Sicily, he personally meets St. Francis of Assisi, in the midst of a meeting of religious in the place, and begins a new chapter in his history.

The light must shine for all

Gifted with a great gift with words, St. Anthony, or Friar Anthony, as St. Francis called him, studied theology and was able to bring Catholic teachings to the faithful. This took place after St. Anthony's time as a hermit and ended with the gathering of groups of thousands of people who listened to him preach the holy words in a unique way. Then came his numerous miracles.

Miracles of Saint Anthony

The miracles performed by Saint Anthony gave him great popularity in places like Brazil. During his lifetime, the saint performed various cures for people with health problems or illnesses and, even after he passed away, he continued to perform miracles.

This is why Saint Anthony is so well known as the one who grants the miracle of marriage to those who want to get married and encounter difficulties.

The Death of Saint Anthony

Known as Saint Anthony of Lisbon or of Padua, the saint received these two names after he was born in the Portuguese capital and died in the city of Padua, also in Portugal. His death was preceded by what he himself called a vision of his lord, on June 13, 1231. His death caused great commotion among the local faithful.

After his death, the miracles that occurred led Saint Anthony to be beatified and canonized by the Church in a very agile process. Later, the saint was declared patron saint of Portugal, his country of origin. A curiosity concerns his tongue, found intact when his body was exhumed. For the faithful, it is proof of the sanctity of his words in life.

Prayer to Saint Anthony

In the prayers dedicated to Saint Anthony, the way in which they are written stands out. Besides his more introspective manner, the saint is known among the faithful and devotees for the many miracles performed and for his kind heart. Thus, his sympathy for men is always worthy of note and remembered, when his intercession is requested with faith and dedication. Check out the prayer:

"If you desire miracles

I have recourse to Saint Anthony

You will see the devil flee

And the hellish temptations.

The lost is recovered

The hard prison is broken

And at the height of the hurricane

The embattled sea gives way.

Through his intercession

Flee the plague, the error the death

The weak become strong

And the sick man becomes sane.

All human ills

If they moderate and withdraw

Let those who have seen it say

And tell us the Paduans.

Pray for us Saint Anthony, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ."

Does the fact that they are June saints indicate that they should only be remembered in June?

For the Christian doctrine, the saints have important dates in the liturgical calendar for their celebration. However, there are devotees and faithful who honor the saints at any time of year, not just on specific days. With the June saints, it happens exactly the same.

The fact that they are celebrated in June relates them to popular festivities, which makes people remember the June saints more. In addition, it is a time when many prayers are made, as well as requests and sympathies. The most important thing when conducting these processes is to respect dates and methodologies when they exist, only.

But remembering the saints is an action that has no rigid link with the day of the year dedicated to each of them. The dates function as a moment to turn our attention to the saint in question, in a symbolic way. Thus, for the rest of the year, there are no restrictions or impediments!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.