Meaning of Uranus in Taurus: birth chart, retrograde and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What Uranus in Taurus means

In the Astrological Chart, Uranus means originality. The place where Uranus is located indicates where there will be transgression, inventiveness, discovery. Therefore, it is considered the astrological positioning responsible for rebellion.

When this planet is positioned in Taurus in someone's Star Chart, you can think of an individual who will be willing to change earthly issues, which can be related to the environment, but also to earthly functioning, such as the economy.

In a way, you could say that there is a slightly uncomfortable aspect, as you have an unpredictable planet in a sign that prizes stability. Throughout this article, we will explore a deeper detail about the consequences of this transit positioning in the Star Chart. Read on and find out more!

Meaning of Uranus

Uranus is a planet that, unlike all the others, has a degree of horizontal inclination. It can be said that it moves lying down through the solar system. From this characteristic, it is already possible to have a notion of all its innovative energy.

This is a planet that symbolizes impulsiveness, revolution and inventiveness. Where Uranus is in the chart is where there will be distance with conformism, which means there will be a dissatisfaction with what is in place. Next, some aspects of Uranus in mythology and Astrology will be addressed. Read on to know more about it!

Uranus in mythology

In Greek mythology, Uranus is the Sky God, one of the primordial gods (from which several families of gods are derived). His origin is controversial, as some say he emerged from Gaia, to whom he was also married.

He hated and feared his sons because he thought that some of them would take his place, so he imprisoned them in Tartarus, which is the personification of the lower world. His fear proved real when Kronos, one of his sons, used a sickle to castrate him. Kronos then rescued his brothers from Tartarus and was crowned, assuming the role of the father as ruler of the universe.

Uranus in Astrology

In Astrology, Uranus is seen as a transpersonal planet, it is considered a modern planet, for having been discovered at the end of the eighteenth century. The 11th house is associated with it and represents the collective. Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius, which is characterized by freedom, innovation, originality, breaking ties and an open perspective on the world.

All this unpredictability of Uranus goes beyond just being different. It means a path laid out for freedom from patterns and ties. Freedom is a vehicle for thought, for contesting and, through this, finding a way to evolve.

The characteristics of those born with Uranus in Taurus

If you have Uranus in Taurus, expect a different way of doing the conventional and always rely on perseverance. Your natives are people who aim for the possible and the measurable.

Those born with this transit establish a very strong connection with their intuition, which favors the reception of original ideas and deeper ways of understanding life.

A certain stubbornness coming from Taurus can lead those born with this aspect to take pride in not changing their mind easily, which is not always a positive trait. Want to know more about this positioning? Keep reading!

The positive aspects of Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus favors individuality and originality and makes room for the native to be a daring person. The search for his goals is constant. Uranus in Taurus motivates art and creativity.

Your natives are not people who get lost in the crowd, but who stand out precisely because of their traits. They see a future in ideas that others would not think possible, but which, though they may be seen as unlikely, are practical and well thought out.

The negative aspects of Uranus in Taurus

A negative aspect we can see in Uranus in Taurus indicates a recurring need to make profound changes on a personal level. The literal interpretation of this aspect, which would be instability in the stable, can be a major and present difficulty.

Stubbornness, irritability, perversion and fanaticism are also possible realities for a more disharmonious side. It can be unrepentant to believe only in your ideas and your truths. Everything is indisputable, thus creating an inability to look out for others and to understand, resulting in a loneliness.

What to expect from those with the Uranus in Taurus combination

The positioning of Uranus in your birth chart is fundamental in order to understand in which areas of life you will need to think outside the box or where you should invest in something original and different.

When they are in the sign of Taurus, natives have their strength concentrated in the economy, agriculture, industry and the way of doing things. They are pragmatic and efficient in achieving what they want and persist until something concrete begins to present itself.

They are also very imaginative and ambitious individuals who want to build a bright future. However, conviction can become absolute truth and make it very difficult to accept other people's ideas. Because of this, they can be difficult to get along with.

The interaction of Uranus in Taurus in the Birth Chart

Below we will see how those born with Uranus in Taurus interact in various aspects of relationships. If you have this transit in your birth chart, be sure to read on!

Uranus in Taurus in love

Those born with Uranus in Taurus never tire of their partners. Only a big broken heart can make them leave for another. They want someone to share their plans and dreams for the future.

They are possessive and very jealous, owners of a natural charm and an attractiveness that does not go unnoticed. But it is difficult to decide if the charms outweigh the problems generated by jealousy.

Uranus in Taurus at work

People with Uranus in Taurus in their birth chart are motivated by what can be measured and need practical goals. They can reach their goals easily, but have a certain reluctance to accept change. They have difficulties in accepting the accelerated bursts of energy from Uranus, which are often wasted.

On the other hand, when they have an idea, they need to put it into practice immediately, gathering any and all forces at their disposal. Usually, they are plans with good strategies and with incredible results.

They are stubborn individuals with a seemingly endless array of skills. Every challenge is welcomed and seen as an opportunity to grow. In teamwork, they work well as long as everyone agrees with their ideas. They do not tolerate insubordination and doubts about their plans are taken as offence.

Uranus in Taurus and the family

Within the family, Uranus in Taurus natives make no effort to hide their most difficult characteristics. The family has no say in their decisions. For them, if they are not able to see a better way, then no one is.

Their instincts are very strong and many of their decisions are based solely on intuition. If you don't want an argument with them, it's best not to disagree with what they say.

Uranus in Taurus and friends

People born with Uranus in Taurus in their natal chart have a serious difficulty in accepting other people's ideas, especially if they are contrary to their own. Friends are no exception to this rule.

Natives, even if good-natured and great friends, can completely transform when their frailties are touched, showing stubbornness and rigidity. Uranus also gives a free and open-minded spirit, but Taurus conservatism is always present to some degree.

Uranus in Taurus and the routine

The routine of Uranus in Taurus is projected in the life of those born with this transit in their birth chart. These natives prefer a lifestyle based on a timetable and well-defined schedules. Being influenced by an unchanging sign makes this characteristic even more inflexible.

Uranus retrograde in Taurus

A retrograde planet always indicates a moment of reflection, as it is a matter of rethinking the energies it rules. Uranus is the planet responsible for the new and the great changes.

Therefore, Uranus retrograde in Taurus indicates material changes, being a reflection on how we make money and what we value. Perhaps, something that had a lot of value will cease to be when Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus. From August 19, 2021 until January 22, 2022, Uranus will be retrograde in the sign of Taurus.

Uranus in house 2: the house ruled by Taurus

If you have Uranus in house 2 of your birth chart, you will probably see more value in what is functional, with an aptitude to work in the technological area, in inventions, research or even in alternative therapies. You will certainly opt for a cleaner decoration, with objects which are both decorative and useful.

You have great chances to renew your decoration and furniture in an abrupt way. These same abrupt changes can extend to other areas of life, such as in the financial area. You can have difficulty saving money, with great chances to spend more than you earn.

This is a person who is at risk of getting involved in speculation, needing to be careful with tastes for games and dangerous situations. It is important for those born with Uranus in the 2nd house Taurus to understand that it is not the things they own.

The personality of those born with Uranus in Taurus

If you have Uranus in Taurus in your birth chart, perhaps, you identify with a resistance to change your mind. Even if you say you are willing to change, you will probably need concrete evidence, with proven data and lots of rational arguments.

But it is true that there are some differences between men and women with this traffic, so check out the characteristics of each below!

The woman with Uranus in Taurus

The woman with Uranus in Taurus is cautious, detail-oriented and has the patience to wait for the right moment. This is when she gathers all her strength to put her plans into action.

Nothing gets in her way, not even her private issues or her excitement at carrying out her plan. She feels a strong need to change her habits, especially on a personal level. She always tries to find ways to make her home a cozier place, and often changes her career goals, making her more risk-prone.

Their creativity, based on originality, can be turned into profit from their own creations and jobs created by themselves. However, they need financial stability, which is very important in their lives.

The man with Uranus in Taurus

The man with Uranus in Taurus is a person capable of coming up with brilliant ideas, especially on a personal level. He may be a little reluctant at first because he has a resistance to change but it doesn't take long for him to adapt to this new way of thinking.

In its most unbalanced aspect you can be an impatient person, with anxiety to make radical changes, but when harmonious you become calm and direct impatience to use in the changes you wish to make.

You are always willing to consider new opportunities in your professional life, and you have an enviable intellectual depth. In romance you will never take exaggerated steps to get close, and you are always very courteous.

Celebrities with Uranus in house 2, the house of Taurus

Among Brazilians with the Uranus aspect in the 2nd house, we have Carlos Drummond de Andrade, reference in national writing. We also have Ingo Hoffmann, Brazilian car driver, and Mané Garrincha, football phenomenon.

Abroad, we have the great English scientist Isaac Newton, the pianist Burt Bacharach. In the area of cinema, we have the actor Owen Wilson and George Lucas, the screenwriter and filmmaker who became famous for the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises.

We still have Audrey Hepburn, an award-winning Belgian actress and humanist, who was voted in 2009 as the most beautiful Hollywood actress in history. In addition, there is also the darling Leonardo DiCaprio.

Celebrities with Uranus in Taurus

Among the Brazilians with the Uranus aspect in Taurus in their birth chart we have the Brazilian actress of Armenian origin Aracy Balabanian and the superstar Pelé, with Uranus Retrograde in his natal chart. We also have the famous scientist Nikola Tesla, the actor and filmmaker Al Pacino, the also known in the cinema Sir Anthony Hopkins - with Uranus Retrograde - and Pope Francis.

The last passage of Uranus in Taurus

The movement of Uranus in Taurus begins in May 2018 and remains until July 2025. The last passage before that was only in 1934. Read on to learn more about this very powerful aspect!

How long was the last passage of Uranus in Taurus

Uranus takes about seven years to move from one sign to the other. Its last passage through Taurus was about 87 years ago, in 1934, and lasted seven years. Many important events happened in that period.

Sometimes, the astrological predictions for this transit have concluded that it would be the end of the world, because of the many difficulties that this movement represents on a collective level. The predictions always speak of economic crisis, environmental degradation and chaotic climate. It can be said that all this sounds very current, given the global moment that the world is living.

When Uranus will be in Taurus again

The next prediction for the Uranus in Taurus aspect to occur again is by the year 2110, 84 years after 2026. Almost a century from this time. Probably, by then, the effects of the events that are currently being unleashed will still be echoing.

The generation of Uranus in Taurus

Uranus is a generational planet. As it lingers for a long time in each sign it passes through, its effects and consequences affect practically an entire generation. Those born from this aspect are people who seek to act in a more practical way, optimising processes and seeking other ways of dealing with nature.

The unpredictability of Uranus becomes a little more controlled by the stability of Taurus, which brings a certain softness to changes, even if that doesn't mean they will be easier to live with.

The challenges of those born with Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus natives need to keep a close eye on their finances, as Uranus' unpredictable aspect can hit the stability of the Taurus sign without warning. It's also important for them to be wary of games and situations that are too dangerous, as this can take them to an unbalanced extreme.

In love, you need to be careful not to let jealousy destroy the consistent relationship you so desperately seek. Also, talking about relationships, exercising open-mindedness to other ideas or even criticism can keep relationships more balanced.

Events that marked the passage of Uranus in Taurus

In 1934, the last time Uranus passed through Taurus, humanity experienced the Great Depression, which was a consequence of the Wall Street crashes of 1929. In addition, it was also the time when World War II was about to break out.

Both situations drastically changed the way of relating to money. But it was also a consequence of the Second War, when women left the domestic environment and started the long walk within the labor market.

While necessary at the time, this was a movement that profoundly impacted the way we relate to money and a major shift in society's values, effects that are still unfolding.

Why can Uranus be an influential star in Taurus?

The astrological horoscope is guided by the energies of the planets and how they affect each of the signs. They also influence the houses of the zodiac, so that everyone is born influenced by the energies of the stars which illuminate the sky at the moment of their birth.

Uranus is a planet which influences all the houses and signs through which it passes. With Taurus, this happens in the same way. Every time they relate, great changes are expected on a collective and personal level. Those born under this aspect, therefore, will be people who will carry this energy through the years, using their attitudes, opinions and ways of looking at life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.