Meaning of the feather: spiritual, colors, owl, dove and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the meaning of the penalty?

Before knowing the meaning behind the feather, it is worth noting that it is one of the main characteristics that differentiate the birds, being responsible for protection from cold and other situations, since it acts as an important thermal insulator. They also collaborate to the adornment of the birds, since they come in various shades and characteristics.

Another point is that for a long time mankind has been using feathers for making props and other items. Therefore, the symbolism that the feather carries is usually associated with the act of flying and freedom. To understand more about the meaning of the feather, check out the information contained in the article.

Aspects of the meaning of punishment

Knowing that the symbology of the penalty varies according to several aspects, the next topics will address the meaning of the item for each of them. In this sense, to check the functions of the penalty, as well as its meanings, pay attention to the topics listed.

Functions of the sentence

Among the main functions of the feather is the fact that it helps stabilize birds during flight. Thus, as the bird flaps its wings, it gains more energy to stay in flight. As they coat the animal's body, they retain the air from the environment and ensure a cushion that preserves its temperature.

It is common to see feathers in the middle of birds' nests, acting as a shelter for the small chicks.

The penalty in esotericism

In the midst of esotericism, the feather can receive various symbologies, which bring meanings that refer to luck and protection. In such a way, it is worth saying that in Ancient Egypt the feather was a symbol of Justice, and may indicate that some situation will be controlled in a fair way.

The symbolism of the feather in the Middle Ages was linked to the oracle, and can make mention of the need to be more aware of what has been happening and the messages that the universe may be trying to pass you.

The penalty in the spiritual world

In the spiritual world, the presence of a feather somewhere may symbolize some important message to the person who saw it. In this sense, finding a feather somewhere, paying attention to its coloration, as well as to the species of which it is part, may reveal pointers of utmost importance.

In light of this, if you find a feather in your home it may be an indication that changes in different aspects of your life will occur soon, as well as showing that the place is under protection and there will be stability in some area because of your actions.

The penalty in shamanism

Shamans and priests usually use the feather in several rituals, showing great presence and symbolism in shamanism. Thus, it is common that many shamans use the peacock feathers in order to cause the awakening of sensitivity, aiming, in most cases, physical and spiritual healing.

Many shamanic practices with the use of feathers happen in Brazilian indigenous tribes, in which the shaman corresponds to the shaman. Thus, the feather, according to the shamanic vision, has its symbolism associated with protection and clairvoyance.

The penalty in Umbanda

According to Umbanda, the feather corresponds to a very powerful element, which is connected to the energy of nature and to the caboclos. With that in mind, feathers are usually used in rituals to ornament important figures, besides making reference to actions done for others.

Knowing that birds are animals that make the union between heaven and earth, the symbolism of the feather for Umbanda also concerns the path between the material and spiritual planes, indicating spiritual messages.

Meaning of the feather of birds

Another interesting point to understand more about a feather is to distinguish the species of which it is part. In this sense, try to understand what type of feather and check out its symbology below.

Peacock feather

The peacock feather is considered one of the most beautiful, possessing symbolisms related to protection, clairvoyance and sex, since the feathers are usually used by the animal to charm the female in the mating ritual.

Also, in case you have found on the ground a peacock feather, know that you may have a period of luck and well-being with you, also pointing to wisdom and the possibility of increasing your knowledge and skills in some area.

Eagle feather

The eagle is held as a sacred animal in various cultures, making the meaning of its feather is representing power and authority. Thus, the eagle feather is a harbinger of victories and that goals will be completed soon.

The feathers of the eagle still represent the masculine energy and authority figure. If you find it on the street, it is likely to take a leadership posture in the face of some situation and is a warning to those who do not give up their goals.

Swallow feather

The symbolism of the swallow feather is related to protection, and if you have seen the feather in your home, it is a sign that the place is protected and safe from negative energies and conflicts. It also denotes hope and good luck, indicating that you should not give up on your plans and should work actively to achieve what you want.

In addition, the swallow feather refers to prosperity, since it indicates that your ventures may begin to prosper or that you may receive a promotion in the professional sphere. It is advisable to keep the feather of this bird in a safe or place with money for it to multiply.

Owl Feather

Knowing that owls are usually known for their symbol of wisdom and observation, it is common that their feathers are used in rituals that aim to search for knowledge and find the truth to some situation, when there is the end to end the indecision about something.

The feather is also widely used in the making of amulets, and if you have found one, be aware that you may begin to see into the darkness of some situation you have been facing, finding a resolution to some problem.

Dove feather

The dove is usually a symbol of peace and tranquillity. In such a way, the dove's feather shows that there will be a period of tranquillity, in which many of the current problems will be solved and you may be in a moment free of internal conflicts, experiencing a phase of personal well-being.

Finding a dove feather can also acquire other meanings, which speak about love and good vibes for everything connected to communication, indicating success in your relationships and in your professional interactions.

Hawk feather

Hawk feathers have a very strong connection with magic, indicating luck to those who see it. Therefore, when you see a hawk feather, know that it may be an appropriate time to start investing in your personal projects and work more actively to achieve your true desires.

Another symbology is associated with protection and happiness, since it indicates that if you devote more attention to the good things that happen, you will live better and with more quality. Good vibrations of courage and strength are also usually triggered.

Meaning of the colors of feathers

Besides the symbolism of the feather varying according to the species to which it belongs, its coloring also has great influence on its meaning. Based on this, check out the symbologies of the feathers listed below.

White feather

The white feather is very associated with purity and peace, being a symbol of tranquility and protection. Because of this, they usually indicate the spiritual message that things have come back into perfect harmony and you will feel more comfortable with your current life, also showing that your disembodied loved ones are safe and protected.

If you have seen the white feather somewhere, it is a sign that your angels are accompanying you in your actions, blessing your projects and working on your personal aspects and the realization of your goals.

Black feather

The black feather is most often a sign that your angels are doing your protection and are willing to help you in the realization of your plans. In such a way, there is a wide range of spiritual knowledge and magic available to you.

You may need to take some time to reconnect more with yourself as you may be overwhelmed and living for your worries. Make a point of recharging your energy and staying in touch with your inner self.

Green feather

The green feather is linked to the fact that you will experience a time of prosperity in your ventures and businesses and that there will be financial abundance in your life, and you can have even better results if you know how to manage your money. It is also a great sign for those who expect improvements in their health.

Green feathers usually say that you need to release all the negative energy that you keep inside you and start to abandon the continuous memories of unpleasant situations from the past, in order to avoid traumas and the holding of grudges. Forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes.

Brown feather

The brown feather usually refers to stability, showing that the occurrence of conflicts will be minimal and that your life does not tend to present sudden changes in the near future. The color of the feather also shows that there are good energies between the physical and spiritual world.

Understand that it is essential to stay connected with the earth, i.e. with what is happening in the present. It is helpful to stay connected with aspects of the future but do not allow them to influence almost every action you take in the now, and do not allow past situations to be traumas, only allowing them to serve as lessons.

Yellow feather

Noticing the presence of yellow feathers says that you must remain cheerful and optimistic, always emphasizing the good situations that happen and avoiding as much as possible to be contaminated with worldly drama, in order to avoid the accumulation of negative energies and pessimism, as this could be harmful to the progress of your projects.

The yellow feather is a very pleasant sign for those who hold an idea, as it is promising and could bring results if put into practice.

Blue feather

The image conveyed by the blue feather refers to an energy of peace and harmony. Therefore, the time is right to make new interactions and to further expand your knowledge, since these actions will be carried out calmly, without the occurrence of conflicts, and can collaborate for future opportunities.

If you have asked your angels to activate your healing power to recharge the energies of your physical body, the blue feather affirms that you will soon notice improvements in this sense. You may be moving towards self-knowledge, where you will be aware of several facts about yourself and learn to love yourself more and forgive your mistakes.

Purple feather

In general, the purple feather says that your connection with the spiritual plane is quite pleasant, since it has meanings associated with it. Finding a purple feather, being something more complicated because it is rare, may be pointing that you will be rewarded soon and there may be the opening of your spiritual and psychic vision.

The purple-colored feather shows that your intuitive abilities have begun to show themselves more present and will be of great help in future situations. Don't be afraid to abandon patterns and habits that may collaborate to losses in some area, recognizing the need to improve in some aspects.

Orange feather

Orange feathers indicate, in most cases, that your creativity will show itself more present in your projects and in the professional sphere and that, if you keep yourself positively well, you will soon achieve promising results and success in some field of your life. The orange coloured feather calls attention to you to appreciate life more and understand the greatness associated with living.

Work more actively to find your life's purpose and follow your ideal so that you can influence others positively through your actions. Make the most of each of the stages you experience and allow situations to flow in the direction they should go.

Painted feather

If you notice that you have seen a painted feather, understand that its symbolism is related to the fact that you must let go of many things that happened in the past, as they may be negatively influencing the way you currently live, as they may be causing limitations.

You may be living with traumas because of bad situations that you believe were caused solely by your actions. Don't blame yourself and forgive yourself, understanding that many things could not have happened any differently than they did. Try to make the best of what you've done instead of accumulating traumas.

What is the message that the meaning of the quill is writing?

Bearing in mind that there are different types of feathers, which vary according to the species to which they belong and their coloring, the message brought by the feather can acquire various meanings. However, in general, finding a feather mentions the fact that you are protected and well connected with the spiritual plane.

In addition, visualizing a feather also points to the sense that your angels have sent a confirmation for what you have requested from them, also calling attention to the need to start opening yourself to an optimistic view and believe more in your projects to be able to see results from it. Do not lose hope in yourself and always keep yourself prepared.

Another point is that pity usually brings out that you need to dedicate yourself more to the present, through appreciation of good situations and the results of your actions.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.