Meaning of the card The Tower in Tarot: for love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card The Tower mean in Tarot?

The Tower is a card that indicates movement. It is associated with changes that happen in the life of the consulent, regardless of his will. Therefore, it also has a strong connection with difficulties, since seeing everything that is comfortable crumbling can be frightening.

In addition, The Tower is also an indication that an outside force is acting to bring about such changes, but that they will not happen in a practical sense. Therefore, what will change will be the inner self of the consulent, and this is exactly why the period is so difficult to go through.

Throughout this article, the meanings of The Tower in various areas of life, such as love, work and health, will be explored. Read on to find out a little more.

Basics of the card The Tower in Tarot

In general terms, The Tower is a card that speaks about destroying the past to make room for a more promising future. Also, historically, it is associated with the Tower of Babel, more specifically with its destruction.

Knowing more details about the history of tarot cards helps in their interpretation during readings. Thus, these fundamentals will be presented in more detail in the next section. To know more details, continue reading the article.


The Tower is a letter inspired by the Tower of Babel. According to the legend, this tower was created by the descendants of Noah soon after the flood. However, it was built without God's approval, since His will was for man to spread and populate the Earth.

However, mankind went the opposite way and made the decision to create a giant tower where all the people could live together. So, to punish them for their disobedience, God made them lose the ability to communicate and start speaking different languages.


The image printed on the card The Tower shows a tall building that is struck by lightning. From this, it starts to catch fire, which causes the people present in the illustration to jump out of the window. The act in question indicates desperation to escape the destruction and chaos scenario.

Thus, the lightning would represent a reflection. It, in turn, is capable of leading to a revelation. Therefore, the iconography of the letter indicates that destruction needs to happen in order for the past to completely disappear and make room for the new.

Meanings of the card The Tower in Tarot

It is possible to affirm that The Tower is a card that indicates inner confusion. Due to the destruction symbolized by the lightning, it will mess with all the certainties that the consulent has about his life. Thus, it will be the moment to deconstruct everything that is known to follow towards the new.

Therefore, it is a card very connected to changes, to the rupture with the past and the idea of new beginnings. But, for all this to happen, it is necessary to be prepared to practice detachment. Below, the meanings of The Tower will be discussed in more depth.


The Tower is a card that talks about change in an explicit way. These changes in turn impact the way you live, causing you to question whether your postures are correct. Eventually, however, you will realize that you were wrong.

Soon, some events, as well as some choices made throughout your life, end up having repercussions on your present. The advice is not to fight against these changes and just embrace your new phase.

Fresh Start

When The Tower appears in a tarot reading, it indicates that you have the opportunity to start your life anew. However, this new beginning presupposes the need to destroy everything left over from the past.

Therefore, it will be a very painful process at first. But you must believe that this destruction is the best solution for your life, and that the forces that govern the Universe are trying to find a way to get you to the state of peace that you desire.


One of the main messages brought by the Tower is the idea of letting go, especially of what is past and that prevents you from building new directions for your life. Due to the warnings about change, this detachment is also linked to your old habits, which need to be overcome.

Thus, this is a card that tends to bring conflicts into the life of those who find it in a tarot reading. Thus, you will go through a series of unforeseen events, but which will be positive in the end. You just need to be calm to get through the turbulence.


Change is never easy, and since this is the main message of The Tower, it ends up being a card associated with confusion, so you may try to stick to what you know because of the comfort, while refusing the new because it confuses you.

However, the changes indicated by the Tower are already underway in your life, so it's up to you to embrace the idea and make this transition smoother, or fight against it and find yourself increasingly confused by the newness.


At first, all the Tower changes will seem wrong to the consulter. After all, they are taking him away from what he knows well: his comfort zone. Therefore, the presence of this card in a tarot game points to a period of stress that will be quite painful.

But, all of this stress is a result of the movement indicated by the chart, which talks about messing up the structures that support us. So, it's important to keep in mind that you'll come out on the other side of all the mess eventually and as an improved version of yourself.

New opportunities

Due to the destruction of the past, The Tower is a card that also speaks about new opportunities. It will be a period of questioning what is real or not in your life, so that new paths open up. Thus, the road for you to be able to rebuild what was broken is to have an open mind to the new.

In this way, you will be able to have the growth you need and reach a state of evolution. The Tower is a card that appears to break illusions and the lies we tell ourselves about who we are and how we feel.


The main break indicated by the Tower is with the past, so, as the iconography suggests, you will see your world collapse right before your eyes, which will cause you to look at yourself in a clearer way.

This process will be quite painful, as it will make you question everything, including whether you can continue to trust the same people. However, your clarity of thought will get you through this breaking point, even if it is painful.

The Tower in Tarot in Love

The transforming energy of the Tower card tends not to be very positive for the love field. Since it is a card linked to changes, it can end up messing with the structures of a relationship that is already underway, causing it to come to an end.

In addition, for those who are single, the letter speaks about the need to review beliefs in order to find love. Therefore, these aspects will be discussed in more detail below.

For committed people

For those who are engaged, The Tower is definitely not a positive card. It is indicative of a break-up and therefore it is possible that your relationship will come to an end. However, the card is also trying to send you a message about the need to change your attitudes.

So, if you feel that your current relationship still has potential, try to rethink your attitudes and make the necessary changes to be able to stay by your partner's side. Try to learn to listen and not take things to extremes unnecessarily. The way is the middle ground.

For singles

If you are single and still have not found anyone, The Tower is giving you a message about your beliefs, which may be limiting your affective possibilities. Therefore, when seeing this card in a tarot game, the consulter should reflect on this area of your life.

Try to rethink points that can seem intolerant or even act as a restriction in the affective field. This reflection will be the way for you to find a love.

The Tower in Tarot in other areas of life

The transformations promoted by the card The Tower happen in all areas of life. Therefore, work and health are also influenced by the will of this card to transform the most basic structures of those who find it in a tarot reading.

Thus, your attention should also be turned to these aspects, which may go through turbulent periods and create difficulties in your daily life if they do not receive the necessary attention. Below, the meanings of the Tower at work and in health will be explored in more detail.

At work

At work, The Tower asks you to be alert. It is possible that you could experience a number of financial problems and it will be necessary to rethink the way you manage your money. In addition, the time also calls for you to rethink issues relating to your performance.

So this is a positive time to review your knowledge and follow the changes in the world. This is the time to take risks in your profession and venture into an unknown path.

In health

As The Tower is a card that indicates some level of psychological wear and tear, especially related to stress issues, it calls for attention to health, which can be influenced by these factors.

Therefore, the consulter should not ignore any sign of fatigue shown by his body after finding The Tower in a tarot reading. Neglecting to take care of this area of life can be very dangerous and end up generating great losses.

A little more about the card The Tower in Tarot

Since the positioning of a card within the tarot game changes its meaning, it is also necessary to talk about what The Tower represents when it appears in its inverted position. In this case, the card continues to announce changes, but they will not be of a practical order, but internal.

Because of this, to see his life change, the consulent will need to change who he is. All of this will generate a series of challenges, which will be commented on in the next section.

Inverted card

Even when it appears inverted in a tarot reading, The Tower still indicates change. However, in this case, they stop happening in a practical aspect and become internal. Therefore, the message of the card in this position indicates that everything that will change in your life will start from you and will happen from the inside out.

So this will be a time of intense questioning of many different aspects of your life. Your opinion about everything will change, and you will end up realizing that some of your habits no longer make sense.


Resistance to change is the main challenge presented by the Tower. Thus, the consulter who encounters this card has a tendency to try to conserve the past and not accept that destruction needs to be done in order for him to achieve his goals.

Since this chart represents something that is already underway, trying to fight the changes announced by the Tower is a mistake. There is nothing that can be done to prevent them. Therefore, you should just believe that the difficult phase will pass and the lessons you will take from the period will make you grow.


The main tip for those who find the Tower in their tarot reading is not to fight against change. The way to get through this process easily is to accept that they are inevitable and that no one can stay the same during their lifetime.

So, try to think about everything that had to change in your life for you to get to be who you are today. Sure, it wasn't an easy process either. But all the learning you've accumulated has brought you to where you are today.

The Tower in the mythological Tarot

When talking about mythology, The Tower can be interpreted with the Labyrinth of King Minos, which was destroyed by Poseidon. Thus, its iconography is a little different. Although it still has as its illustration a tower being destroyed by lightning, it adds the ocean and the figure of Poseidon, who appears holding a trident.

Thus, in the mythological tarot, this card has a connection with the instincts and the need to dominate them. In addition, it also talks about the need to break with old habits and deconstruct social facades.

Is the Tower in the Tarot a card that can indicate difficulties?

In general, the card The Tower is positive. It indicates that changes are underway in your life and your directions will be different in the future. However, because of this characteristic, The Tower indicates a loss of control on the part of the person who finds it in a tarot game. Thus, it is a card that indicates difficulties.

These difficulties are linked to trying to maintain attachment to the past and stay in the comfort zone. After all, no one likes to lose control and feel that they can't choose what happens in their life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.