Meaning of the card 7 of Wands tarot: in love, at work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the Card 7 of Wands

The representation of the Card of the 7 of Wands is made by an image with seven sticks, one of them being wielded by someone, who is on top of a mountain, and showing courage. The other 6 sticks are on a level below. Thus, the meaning of the Card of the 7 of Wands, is that the person will go through trials, but with perseverance, will overcome them.

This card also talks about the positioning of people in the world, and is an incentive for them to fight for affirmation, of who they are and what they want in their lives. The image of the 7 of Wands is also a representation of the need for people to continue to stand firm in their struggles to maintain the position they have achieved.

You may encounter criticism and opinions contrary to your ideas, but this may be reflecting your own doubts and uncertainties. This is a good time to train your faith in your ability and remain confident in your convictions.

In this article we will put the interpretations of the 7 of Wands in various sectors of people's lives. Read on and understand all the predictions of this Arcane.

The positive side of the Card 7 of Wands

You will find in this part of the text the positive side that the Card of the 7 of Wands brings in its predictions. Here we will talk about courage, determination and success, and what is the message that this Arcane is trying to pass on these aspects in your life.


The Card 7 of Wands, when it appears in the Tarot game, comes to warn that you need to focus on trusting yourself, and being strong. It is likely that you will need to face an ordeal, as this card symbolizes disputes.

These challenges will certainly be overcome, but it is important to keep faith in your ability and have conviction in your ideas. You must stay focused and not let external influences and criticism shake your confidence.


Determination is another message that the Card of the 7 of Clubs brings in the Tarot game. Despite the challenges, you need to persevere at this time. Use your determination to be stronger than the obstacles and the interference of other people, who only want to hinder your growth.

Perseverance and determination are the strongest tools to overcome the difficulties that arise along the way. Keep believing and acting towards your dreams, and you will overcome the barriers.


When the Card of the 7 of Wands appears, it is a sign that success is on your way, but you must go towards it, you must move and work towards this success. It does not mean that the path will be easy, there will be trials, but you will have positive energies at your side.

So, keep focus and balance, do what is necessary, and also what you enjoy, and you will surely achieve success.

Negative side of the 7 of Wands, reversed card

When the Card of the 7 of Wands appears inverted in the Tarot game it brings negative messages in its predictions. Now you will find what these negative messages are in situations such as confrontation, victimhood and stubbornness.


When the 7 of Wands appears inverted this Arcane brings the message that it is necessary to pay attention to some behaviors. The individual has probably been involved in conflicts and confrontations, driven purely and simply by ego and childishness.

The dispute here arises only to show the opponent that one is right, like a child who does not admit being contradicted. So, it is necessary to maintain self-control and police this behavior, and thus avoid unnecessary stress.

The victim

Another negative message of this Arcane, when it is inverted, is about the need to maintain oneself in the position of victim. Here people do not have the will to stand up by themselves when going through difficult situations. They insist in lamenting what happened, without seeking a way out of the situation.

It is necessary to look for ways to strengthen yourself, seek support from people close to you and try to overcome the obstacles. Continuing in the position of martyr will only make you feel less capable and will make it even more difficult to get back on your feet.

Rigidity and stubbornness

Another behavior shown by the inverted Wands 7 is stubbornness and rigidity. These behaviors can be declared or even veiled, but they harm people's lives. To improve this behavior it is necessary to have more maturity, when hearing criticism or opposing opinions, do not put yourself on the defensive.

It is important to listen to other people's comments without taking them personally, as if they were attacking you. Try not to get into unnecessary discussions, as if the others were your enemies. Listen, analyze and if the suggestion suits you, use it. Otherwise, just let it go.

7 of clubs in love

The 7 of Wands also brings some predictions for love. Here you will find the predictions that this Arcane brings for people who are already in a relationship, as well as for people who are single. Read on and understand what they are.

For singles

When the Card of the 7 of Wands appears in the Tarot game for those who are single, the meaning is the following: do not be in a hurry. Enjoy this moment when you are alone and seek to strengthen and acquire greater self-knowledge.

In this way, you will gain greater self-confidence and stay high energy. For sure, after this emotional growth you will attract a person worth sharing your moments of happiness with.

For committed people

For those who are in a relationship, the 7th Card of Wands comes to warn about the need to be more careful. This will be a period of greater rationality, so try not to get involved in arguments with your partner.

Wait for a time when you are more calm and seek a pleasant conversation to find a better way out of the problem. It is important to act with wisdom and patience, introspection will surely bring the best answer to solve the situation.

7 of clubs at work

The 7th Card of Wands also brings some messages for the professional area, which is a sector of life that always causes concerns.

In this section of the article you will find the predictions of this card for those people who have been in a job for some time, as well as for people who are looking for a new job opportunity.

For employees

For people who are employed, the 7 of Wands brings the prediction of success. This card represents the exchange of energy between the individual and the environment in which he lives. Thus, any work you do with commitment will certainly bring you good returns.

It also comes to say that you need to overcome problems caused by people who are envious of your work. So, when you notice this kind of behavior, stay away from these people, keep your focus, your self-confidence and everything will be fine.

For unemployed persons

For people who are looking for a new job, the 7 of Wands brings a message of hope. Seek what you want and have faith, in the end your efforts will yield the job you deserve. It is possible that some obstacles may arise, but keep calm.

Good energies will guide your path, try to stay focused and in balance. Invest your energy to conquer the job you want and you will surely succeed in your search.

Combinations with the Seven of Wands

In the game of Tarot there are combinations of cards that help in the analysis of the predictions brought by the Arcana.

Here you will find some combinations with the Card of the 7 of Wands that bring positive or negative messages. See below what they are.

Positive combinations

Some positive Tarot card combinations with the 7 of Wands.

  • 7 of Wands with The Strength: The combination of these cards says that your efforts will be strengthened, and that you should have confidence in your abilities;
  • 7 of Wands with The Wheel of Fortune: The message of this combination is about long-term investments. Make your investments safely and you will succeed;
  • 7 of Wands with the Queen of Cups: When this combination appears for a man, it means that he will find a partner who will help him grow at work. For a woman, it means success in her goals.
  • Negative combinations

    There are also negative messages for some card combinations with the 7 of Wands, see below.

  • The 7 of Wands with the 5 of Swords: You have to pay attention to the people around you, probably many of them are your enemies;
  • 7 of Clubs with the 3 of Swords: Be careful on the path you take to achieve your goals, you could get hurt;
  • 7 of Wands with The Emperor: To achieve your goals you will have to face forces that oppose your desires. Keep courage and determination, do not be discouraged and you will succeed.
  • Is 7 of Wands a positive card?

    The 7 of Wands brings messages of courage, perseverance and strength. It shows that some difficult situations may occur during your path, but you will have tools to face the obstacles.

    Therefore, this card does bring a positive message when it appears in the Tarot game. It is a card that gives encouragement for people not to lose heart in the face of their challenges. It also says that envious people may try to hinder your work towards your goals.

    Be aware of the people around you, and when you notice their bad intentions try to move away. Continue walking your paths with faith and determination and in the end you will achieve your dreams.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.