Meaning of Mars in Pisces in your horoscope: sex, love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Mars in Pisces

Pisceans already have a great intuitive capacity, and this characteristic is amplified in people who have Mars in Pisces in their birth chart. In addition, they are also much more humorous and diplomatic in their daily life.

Although these natives appear to be very calm people on the outside, inside there can be a great deal of restlessness. With Mars in Pisces, these natives tend to have more feelings of indecision and procrastination, so it is important to develop greater self-control.

Another point greatly affected by the position of Mars in Pisces is that these people are more unconsciously resentful and also have a great sense of repressed anger. This fact can make these natives more nervous, so it is important to try to eliminate resentments.

Throughout this article, we will leave various information about the characteristics brought by the positioning of Mars in Pisces. Information such as the meaning of Mars, the fundamentals of Mars in Pisces and the influences of this conjunction in various areas of life will be covered.

Meaning of Mars

Mars is well known as one of the planets of the Solar System, mainly for one specific characteristic: its reddish color. In mythology, it is known as the god of war.

Below, see information that will be important for the understanding of the influences of this planet in people's lives. We will talk about how the planet Mars is seen in Mythology and also in Astrology.

Mars in mythology

For Mythology, Mars was a Roman god, son of Juno and Jupiter. He represented bloody, aggressive and violent wars, unlike his sister, Minerva, goddess who spoke of a just and diplomatic war.

Because of their so different characteristics, the brothers ended up in opposite positions in the Trojan War. Minerva was in search of protecting the Greeks, while Mars was on the side of the Trojans, who ended up losing the war to the Greeks and Minerva.

Mars in astrology

The symbol of Mars in Astrology is a circle, representing the spirit, and an arrow, indicating direction to specific goals. Therefore, Mars is known as the planet of willpower coming from people, with a focus on instincts most of the times. Its mission is to fulfill the basics for survival and perpetuation of human life.

Mars is also seen as the opposite of the planet Venus, which represents the feminine model, more passive and delicate, while the planet Mars represents the masculine, active and aggressive, besides symbolizing decision. It also represents the energy that puts things on course.

Mars in Pisces Fundamentals

The fundamentals of Mars in Pisces speak about an attitude of greater emotional sensitivity and imagination, even if this planet does not exert as much force in Pisces.

In this part of the text, we will talk about how to discover the position of Mars in your birth chart, what this planet reveals, what the characteristics of Mars in Pisces are and what the Solar revolution of Mars in Pisces is like.

How to find my Mars

To discover the position where your Mars is in your birth chart, it is necessary to know exactly the date, time and place of your birth. Although the exact time is not so important in this case, it is a necessary information for the preparation of your chart.

However the definition of the position of Mars in a particular sign can be altered depending on other planets, for example. Another factor which also influences this definition is the positioning by house. Some websites calculate your Mars.

What Mars reveals in the Birth Chart

The position of Mars in the astrological chart brings information about the way people act when they are influenced by their desires. One of its influences is to make people feel the will to fight, to compete, making them act and overcome obstacles.

Another characteristic brought to people who have Mars in their birth chart is to make rivalries the force that moves and motivates them to action and achieving success. When Mars is well positioned in the chart, it offers its natives physical stamina, assertiveness and ambition.

Mars in Pisces in the birth chart

Mars in Pisces in the birth chart means that there will be the influence of this planet, which is very powerful and strong, in many areas and ways in the life of its natives. Therefore, it is important to know how it rules the signs, to better understand how it will influence the personality of people.

This planet which is also linked to the god of war and has an influence on the way people act in their decision making. Thus, Mars speaks about struggle, strength and desire to conquer, as well as a great sense of competitiveness.

Mars in Pisces solar revolution

During the Solar Revolution, Mars in Pisces brings a meaning that is not positive. It brings the prediction of health problems and even accidents, so it is necessary to be more careful with your own body and mind. In addition, being attentive to the events around is also important.

Another point that has a negative influence at this time is the friendship and professional relationships. As an example, we can cite situations in which people who have greater affinity as a leader at work may feel uncomfortable receiving orders.

Mars in Pisces in different areas of life

The influences of Mars in Pisces are numerous and affect various areas of the life of its natives. It is important to know these influences in order to reach a higher level of self-knowledge. Below, understand how the influence of this conjunction in the birth chart is for love, family, work and friendships.

In love

People who have the influence of Mars in Pisces in their birth chart are passionate and sensual, and willing to do anything for love. With their great deal of emotion and intuition, they are very dedicated to relationships and are always trying to please their partners.

However when these people find a greater purpose to dedicate themselves to, they do not hesitate to let go of love to go after their dreams. These natives are very creative in showing their sexual desires. However, you have to be careful with so much creativity as they can imagine too much, generating expectations that their partner will not be able to fulfill.

In friendships

In friendships, natives with Mars in Pisces are extremely generous and their way of showing affection and dedication has no limits. Especially if someone they love is going through problems.

But it is important to be careful with all this dedication, because it is possible to meet along the way people who are interested in taking advantage of the kindness and naivety of others. However, the generosity of these natives also usually attracts those who are also willing to be generous and to dedicate themselves to someone.

In the family

Natives who have the influence of Mars in Pisces are seen by family members as loving, delicate, quiet and special people. These natives have the habit of living in a more isolated way in their own world. Besides, they are more withdrawn, they do not like to exercise a very intense communication.

People with Mars in Pisces are also very protective of their families and are always available to help those in need. In this way, family members will hardly have any complaints about these natives.

At work

As far as work is concerned, people born with Mars in Pisces are not usually very energetic. Another characteristic of these workers is that they can act impulsively and recklessly if Mars is stronger at certain times. Therefore, these natives need to control their impulses.

These people usually expose their ideas in a calm and subtle way, they do not like to be the center of attention, nor draw attention to themselves. Therefore, leadership positions are not usually suitable for these natives.

Other interpretations of Mars in Pisces

Having Mars in Pisces brings numerous influences that alter the characteristics present in this sign, mainly by making some aspects more exalted.

In this part of the text, we will talk about some more influences of this astral conjunction, how men and women with Mars in Pisces are, the challenges faced by these natives and some tips.

Man with Mars in Pisces

Men who were born with Mars in Pisces are usually very experienced in creating an atmosphere through emotion, but they may not take the initiative immediately but wait for the right moment, after they have noticed that their interest is reciprocated.

Another method of approach used by these natives is through indirect means, performing a small favor or staying present, for example, making a call or sending a message. For sex, these natives need to have a connection with their partner, even if it is temporary.

Woman with Mars in Pisces

Women with the influence of Mars in Pisces like sensitive, poetic, creative men who can fall in love in a real way. They expect their suitors to take them to another world.

For a sexual delivery with greater intensity, these natives need to be very involved with the partner. In addition, the imagination of these women is an ingredient best employed at the time of sex.

Challenges of Mars in Pisces

The most challenging point in the life of people with Mars in Pisces is submission and the need for affection and attention. These characteristics are dangerous for these natives as they can put them in complicated situations. Therefore it is important to always reassess their position in relation to those with whom they live, whether in family, at work or in love relationships.

Another point of challenge for these natives is not knowing how to set long term goals and follow a plan to achieve them. As a last point is the challenge of being able to differentiate the spiritual plane from real life. Usually, this characteristic of these natives usually makes great confusion in your head and in your decisions.

Tips for those who have Mars in Pisces

Now, we will leave some suggestions of attitudes for people who have the influence of Mars in Pisces, for a more peaceful life.

  • Try to stand up for yourself more in your relationships;
  • Seek help to improve excessive need for attention;
  • Try to dose your dedication to others so that you don't leave your desires aside;
  • Create long, medium and short-term goals, and outline a plan to achieve them.
  • What is Mars in Pisces like in sex?

    People who have the influence of Mars in Pisces are extremely romantic and like to give themselves in a deep way to love. Sex for these natives goes far beyond physical pleasure, it has the symbolism of a spiritual union with their partner.

    In addition, they are very seductive, affectionate, and sometimes extremely attached to others. To stimulate the libido of these people, a good tip is to use music and romantic poetry. Another primordial factor in sex for these natives is foreplay.

    In this article, we have tried to bring as much information as possible to clarify the influence brought by Mars in Pisces.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.