How to conquer the pisciana: interested, passionate, treated and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

How to conquer the pisciana?

Winning over a Pisces is not easy, you have to be willing to participate in the adventures she proposes and be creative enough to surprise her. Be prepared to make an effort and learn to value detachment, romance and imagination.

If you are ready for a relationship with a Piscean, you have found someone special, who will show you another way of seeing the world. The Piscean will also help you realize your best qualities and reach your best self.

This article will show you what it takes to win over a Pisces girl and what she looks like when she's interested. Are you ready to experience a movie romance?

What to do to win over a Pisces girl

The Piscean is extremely romantic and emotional. She will try to care for and save all the people around her. To win her over, you have to pay attention to details, be patient and be ready to make her dreams come true.

A too direct attitude, without the expected flourishes, that diminishes the imagination or disregards your wishes to create a better world are not well regarded. Follow the guidelines to increase your chances.

Have all the patience to conquer

The Piscean is a sign of duality. She has an insecure and fragile side that may not be noticed at first. It is hard to imagine that such a brave person, always defending someone or a cause and who shows affection so easily, could be insecure, but the Piscean is.

It is also true that Pisceans are emotional, so any too direct attitude could be seen in the wrong way. They prefer to be won over one flirtation at a time, with charm and constancy. Besides, Pisceans live in their own world, a place of dreams that they will not share with just anyone.

Getting to know this native better, she will tell you and invite you to be part of her fantasies, including sexual ones. Having patience, you will realize that the Piscean is even more loving than it seemed at first.

Get to know her deeply

Pay attention to her, just as she pays attention to you. The Pisces value this as a show of affection, that you remember her interests. Make it a point to show that you remember what her favorite band is.

By the way, the Piscean is crazy about sharing everything she likes, so it's a very easy way to get close. She'll make you playlists, point you to movies, lend you books and talk for hours about them. More and more telling about herself during these exchanges.

Knowing these details about the Piscean is a way to participate in the dream world she lives in, what she desires from the bottom of her heart.

A great first date

This is the most effective way to get attention. Pisces like big romantic gestures, as will be explained below, so start the relationship by showing that you can reach her expectations.

Choose a nice, quiet and art-related place. Try a theatre, cinema, exhibition or even an art fair. A place that is easy to talk to and that stimulates the imagination of the Pisces.

Don't be afraid to flirt. Be as charming as you can and flirt openly, show her that your attention is all hers. That's all she wants.

Think short and long term

A Pisces' biggest dream is a fairy-tale love affair with "forever" and everything, which means that even if she's not thinking about commitment, if you show her that you can be her happy ending, she'll be much more likely to commit to romance.

She may not be thinking long term about the two of you, not consciously, but that desire for romance drives the piscian's life. Be the person who proposes the margarine commercial family plan.

Be an active and creative person

Think that you're competing with a dream created by years of media and male-dominated women's writing. Being an active and creative person is essential to make the Pisces choose you to live that dream together.

She loves surprises and displays of affection, so use her favorite movies, songs, and books as the basis for romantic surprises.

Another important point is that the Piscean is waiting for you to take the initiative. If you don't do it, if you don't draw her attention to the real world and what you can build together, she will continue in her dream world without noticing you. Or looking for Prince Charming in someone else.

Respect the limits demarcated by the pisciana

Respecting boundaries is essential in any relationship. Listen when she says "no", without insisting or playing games. As someone on a constant search for the ideal partner, if the Pisces feels that you are not or will not be that person, she will walk away.

The ideal thing for a Piscean is someone who respects her space, who doesn't try to restrict her desire to know the world and new ideas, but someone who participates in her search. Using emotions to try to manipulate her may not work, because the Piscean knows all these games well.

And her desire to save everyone may not be enough to make her give in. And out of consideration for the other person, respect them. Respect is always an important demonstration of affection.

Opt for explicit romanticism

The Piscean wants to live a romantic movie, the kind with kisses in the rain, dramatic reunions, declarations of love in public, great demonstrations of love, in general.

But she also mainly wants you not to avoid showing affection in public, nor to be embarrassed by her displays of affection. The small gestures count as much as the big ones.

How to know if the pisciana is interested

If a Piscean likes you, her protective instinct is probably already in action. She'll give you lots of caring gestures, and she'll be extremely patient with your faults. She'll praise you, call you up for a chat, and speak her mind. As explained below.

She compliments and notices you easily

It's a Piscean's nature to observe and care. She will notice only the best in you and for her that's enough. Based on this, expect someone who cares, motivates you and considers you the best of people.

She sees your potential, with a bit of idealization on the part of the Piscean, and will encourage you to become your best version and walk in the direction of your dreams.

Open up without fear of exposing yourself

The Piscean has many ideas, disconnected thoughts and dreams running through her head. Not just anyone can talk freely to her. Some of the Piscean's favorite topics are magic, mysticism and other topics that are not a topic of conversation that she can have with just anyone.

If she talks to you without filters, it shows trust and interest. It indicates that you're someone she'll share that parallel world she spends most of her time with, about what she really believes in and the plans she has for the future.

Give her the space she needs, listen to her and embark on her theories. Being able to be herself and say everything she feels and thinks is highly valued by the Piscean.

She'll always want your company

Piscianas are very affectionate and will seek physical closeness if they are interested. As well as seeking your company for long conversations about nothing in particular.

If you support her interests, you can become a constant presence with the Pisces. She'll call on you to participate in these activities together, bringing you more and more into her version of the world.

What to do to make the pisciana in love

To make the Pisces passionate, you need to bring a bit of the particular dream world she lives in into reality.

Although it is impossible to be the person she idealized, because the piscian idealizes people and it is natural for her, it is enough that you follow the guidelines given in the article and give the piscian a little bit of the pink world she desires. Below are some suggestions to make a piscian fall in love.

Appeal to Hollywood romanticism

We can never repeat this enough: the Piscean wants to live a dream romance and her expectations were based on media. Find out what the Piscean's favourite film is and be inspired by it without fear. That's how she understands love and imagines what acts of affection should look like.

You know those stories about "he proposed with a ring inside a pokeball", "he re-enacted Pride and Prejudice", "he got up on stage at the theater after the play and proposed"? Be prepared for acts like that. That's what the Pisces expect.

Make her laugh like her favorite comedy series

Humor is a great way to get your mind off your problems. It's not hard that you're sad and she'll tell you a joke, not necessarily a good one, but enough to distract you from the sadness. She hopes you'll do the same. The world can be very dark and any way to bring hope and good humor will be greatly appreciated.

Let her know how special she is

Piscianas tend to be insecure people and they hide this deep down. To be sure that the other person likes them, it's important to always listen to this. It's not enough to show affection, you need to say how you feel.

Not to mention that constant declarations of love also help the feeling of movie romance that the Pisces always seeks.

How the pisciana prefers to be treated

A Pisces needs feedback on the affection she gives. Without it, she may end up distancing herself. The following items describe the best way to maintain a Pisces' affection.

With all affection and attention

When you love someone, you should treat them well. It is natural to take time to be together, etc. With Pisces, there is a desire to have this interest reinforced whenever possible

Pisceans are not used to quiet love affairs, they choose partners through their rose-tinted glasses and live in complicated relationships. She may not be used to affection, but she will value your initiative and reciprocate in equal measure.

Do not skimp on compliments

The main love languages of the Pisces are compliments and physical closeness. Gestures are not enough, the Pisces needs you to speak, or she may think she is seeing too much or imagining your affection. Don't forget that Pisces are insecure.

It's also a way to show that you pay attention to her, that you listen to her, even in the moments that she doesn't make much sense.

Little gifts will be welcome

Understand these gifts as a form of care, to anticipate what she needs. Generally, the Piscean is the one who goes out of her way to give, she will value receiving and having someone to take care of her.

Besides the gifts have the ability to signify an intention of commitment, of interest in having a long relationship and even marriage.

Is it true that the Piscean loves to live rapturous romances?

It's true. The pool's biggest dream is to live a romance that will take your breath away. And she's not afraid to live that love, or hide under some façade that she doesn't want to. When looking for a love, they will look for someone with a kind of innocent, even childlike way, who can share life's little pleasures with her and also isn't afraid to be a little ridiculous for it.

Once they have the opportunity to fall in love, Pisceans will dedicate themselves to this love with all their energy. They give too much of themselves in relationships and if they have someone to reciprocate this feeling, they will not measure efforts.

Piscean women love thinking about the potential of the person they love, about what the best characteristics of the person can bring in the future. Therefore, Piscean women also delude themselves a lot, they focus on these qualities and forget everything else. Everyone is good and nice, even the worst villains.

So it's very likely that she's been in troubled relationships and suffered several disappointments over time. Be patient and careful that this past doesn't get in the way of what you can experience.

But it is a lie that the piscian loves to live plural romances. If the beloved person proposes to participate in the dream that the piscian lives, if it is someone who plans the future together and offers a fairy tale, the piscian will be more than willing to live that love forever.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.