Gemini decanates: meaning, dates, characteristics and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Which is your Gemini Decanate?

Your decade of Gemini is defined by the date of your birth. With this information you can discover the ruling star and the influence it exerts on the characteristics which mark your personality.

A decanate also determines whether you are more like your sun sign or not, as well as indicating if you have characteristics of any other. This is because there is a strong connection between planet and sign. For example, Mercury is the official ruling planet of Gemini.

Thus, the decade that has Mercury as ruler will have characteristics that also belong to Gemini. Another example is Venus, which, in turn, is the star that rules the sign of Pisces. Therefore, if the decade has this planet as an influence, some Piscean nuances will be in evidence.

To better understand how these decanates work and how they influence your personality, read on.

What are the Gemini decanates?

The Gemini decanates are very important periods which differentiate the personalities within the same sign. They are divided into three parts. If you are of this sign, read carefully and understand what these three periods are!

The three periods of the sign of Gemini

The three periods of the sign of Gemini are different from each other. The reason for this is that for each period there is a ruling planet indicating which personality tendencies it has. Each one of them lasts exactly ten consecutive days.

The sign of Gemini occupies 30 degrees in the great circle of the Zodiac, which, in turn, are divided by 10 degrees. This results, therefore, in three ranks, and thus are defined the 1st, 2nd and 3rd deannate of Gemini.

How do I know which is my Gemini Decanate?

To know which deanate you belong to, it is important to have in hand the day and month when you were born. As we saw earlier, the deanate of the sign of Gemini occurs every ten days, also changing the ruling planet.

Therefore, the first deanate begins on May 21 and ends on June 30, followed by the second deanate, which begins on May 31 and lasts until June 9, and the third and last deanate begins on June 10 and ends on June 20.

First Decanate of the sign Gemini

The first decade of Gemini is from the 21st to the 30th of May. Gemini born in this period is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and fun. It's no wonder that this sign is known for its high power of convincing people. Below, understand how Mercury will influence this decade!

Influential star

Because of Mercury, the sign of Gemini, besides his easy way of communicating with people, has a high level of persuasion. He is able to transmit information and also to change the other's opinion, when it suits him.

Mercury is the planet of communication. In the event that this Gemini's astrological chart is aligned with the planets of the appropriate astrological house, he will make friends quickly, will be able to travel to unknown places and get along very well there.

With Mercury vibrating his energy, the first decade Gemini native will be able to master great skills and meet wonderful people.


Sociability is natural for Gemini people, they don't need to think about it as they simply socialize. This is because they are very entertaining, they are never short of subjects and are very excited about anything.

Gemini people are so versatile that they have several different social cycles. This is a characteristic of their Air element, accepting all kinds of people and hating prejudice. They are open to embrace new concepts, to experiment and to live in the moment.

They live very well with everyone, they are talkative, they accumulate admirers and long-time friendships. They are beings who seek and defend freedom in all senses.


The sign of Gemini and the word communication in the same sentence is practically a pleonasm. We can even say that this phenomenon was invented by him. This is because Gemini, when he decides to use this ability, becomes very involving.

Belonging to the first decanate, they are known for talking a lot, but what people don't emphasize is that they don't just say anything. They are precise when it comes to transmitting what they feel and what they know, with rare exceptions.

Gemini will only lack this characteristic of precision in communication if he is developing very precariously in life. However, even those who have no finesse in rhetoric will be immensely capable of getting what they want, just by their communicative energy.


Gemini is the most intelligent sign of the zodiac. The cognitive capacity of this sign impresses even itself. This is also inherited from Mercury, which is also its official ruling planet and can be found in its other astrological houses.

We can expect no less from this sign, which is in first place in the ranking of intellect. The vibrations of its ruling star are linked to reasoning and reasoning, so the tendency is for it to always learn more.

His element is Air and therefore, as the wind runs free and unrestrained, so is the Gemini. This ability to deal with various people, to change and experiment also adds a lot to his intellectual baggage.


Gemini is the epitome of adaptability. They are versatile people, true chameleons, able to withstand the most different environments and adhere to them. Having a Gemini friend means that he won't care much about your flaws.

The first decanate is the closest to the sun sign. This makes them susceptible to changes and phases. Having a relationship with someone of this sign means you will also have to be patient as they are a person of a thousand and one ideas a minute.

Although he is like this, there is also a lot of intensity in his personality, for he lives the moment with a lot of drive, whether in friendship, love or work. He does not hesitate, even if he knows he may change his mind at some point.


Persuasion is a very noticeable characteristic in people of the sign of Gemini. Because of their communication skills inherited from Mercury, they have an enviable power of persuasion, especially as they do this very quickly.

They have the ability to trace a path of ideal keywords for the listener's reasoning. It is important to remember that this is their great secret on a daily basis. Gemini people don't need to make an effort to do this, it is a natural ability.

Those born in the sign of Gemini are very blessed beings, even more so when it comes to the first decanate, as they receive most of the positive vibration from their ruling star.


Instability is the most prominent characteristic of the sign of Gemini, but it is stronger in those in the first decade. The native of this position is very flexible and can rebuild several times, with extreme ease.

This instability of the first decanate is related to his active mind, which captures a lot of energy, whether from people or from the moment. The individual Gemini likes to learn, and if he realizes that changing environment and even personality will add value to his intellect, he will do it.

Gemini is full of ideas and needs to put them into practice quickly, which is why he tries out everything. He doesn't mind doing away with or forgetting anything which no longer makes sense to him.

Second Decanate of the sign Gemini

The second decade of the sign of Gemini begins on May 31 and runs until June 9. They are the most charismatic and are more connected to relationships than the first decade, although they also have their instabilities. Read below and understand the ruling star and the other characteristics of this position!

Influential star

The influential star of the second decade of Gemini is Venus, which in turn constitutes the vibration of love and relationships. This planet touches important points of the sign, leaving it very dispersed in relation to itself.

He easily enters into a love relationship and gives himself completely, causing his main concerns in life to be somewhat put aside. Only after a long time of stagnation will he realize that he needs to take better care of himself.

Even with Venus subtly diminishing Gemini's versatility, he will still remain strong in his power of communication, intelligence and abstraction.

Attached to relationships

Relationships are an important part of Gemini's life and it is difficult for them not to be in one. They give themselves completely and are very intense, not hesitating to show love and affection. They make plans and organize everything to make the relationship flow and be promising.

This happens because of the vibration of Venus in your sign. This planet is also the main ruler of Pisces, which has this type of personality. However, in Gemini, this star makes you more fixed in people and routines.

In the event that the birth chart is in perfect alignment, the Gemini will always be successful in love and professional life as his sun sign has the vibration to handle various demands in life.


It is impossible to have Venus ruling a sign and its native not be absurdly affectionate. This is what the Gemini of the second decade represents: moved by affection and attention. But do not confuse this with lack of space, as we are still talking about a sign of Air.

Although he loves attention, he also needs privacy and a moment to himself. The lack of this time, whether it is a few hours or a day, leaves the second decade Gemini with a depressed spirit.

If you are of the sign of Gemini and you feel uncomfortable or confused, this means it's time to take some time for yourself by going for a walk, traveling, or finding a hobby outside of your routine.

If you are in a relationship with a second decanate Gemini, understand that this time is healthy for both of you and prevents you from having an unhappy Gemini who is disconnected from you.

Loves to travel

The second decanate will not miss an opportunity to travel. Going to new places, trying food and meeting people is something they love to do and they don't mind waking up early to live this experience.

This happens because the feeling of experiencing something new invigorates the Gemini's energies. Furthermore, going to a new place is one way of feeling good about yourself and a necessity of your ruling planet, Venus.

Geminis of the second decade are very excited and always show it. They like holidays, movement and freedom, and this is the ideal lifestyle for them.


Not being afraid of new situations is a very important factor for those who have an adventurous spirit, and the second decadent understands this well. As I said before, the born Gemini is capable of getting rid of everything and starting from scratch.

Thus he can easily change professions, learn new skills, change his looks and even his circle of friends. This does not mean that he is able to discard people from his life, but he will do so, especially if his peace of mind is at stake.

Being adventurous is in the essence of the sign of Gemini, but being in the second decanate, he will have some roots, like places and favorite people kept with affection in his heart. But, if necessary, he will venture out and live a life that makes him fuller.


The Gemini born in the second decade, as well as being blessed with the positive qualities of his solar essence, will have charisma as a key point in his life. This is thanks to Venus strongly vibrating his energy in relationships.

Geminians are influential and communicative individuals. They also have a strong tendency to become public or very popular people. If they don't go that way, they will still find a way to find favoritism in their life without any effort.

However, they are the most beloved teachers, funniest actors, and the ones who tell the most hilarious stories among their friends.


Being restless is the most striking part of the Gemini personality, but in those born in the second decade, this is more evident. Although they are fixed because of their ruling planet, Venus, such restlessness becomes more present mentally.

This will occur because they will have a thousand thoughts a minute, idealizing conversations and events. Gemini has a sense of having infinite homes in the world and therefore may feel overwhelmed in a mediocre existence.

For this reason he must be careful, as the precarious mental state totally disrupts his personal life. However, this restlessness can become healthier, when he comes out of superficiality and begins to understand more about himself or care for himself properly.

Third Decanate of the sign of Gemini

The third decanate of Gemini starts from the 10th and runs until the 20th of June. On the off chance that your birth chart is in perfect alignment, it is the most powerful and independent of the decanates. Read on to understand why your natives are like this.

Influential Star

The influential star of the sign of Gemini in the third decadent is Uranus. The vibration of this planet brings personal characteristics which are proof against external influences. This basically means that you do not listen to opinions and do not clash with the judgment of others.

Uranus is the ruling star of Aquarius, a sign known for being different and unique from others. These personality nuances are fused with the essence of Gemini of the third decanate, making it super potent.

These individuals are the most optimistic and independent, having resilience marking presence in their personalities.


The energy of Uranus, which rules the third decadal of Gemini, is not at all superficial, and thus the quality of innovation is the first highlight of your personality. At first glance, this phenomenon looks like rebellion or a mania for being against everything.

But what happens is that your ruling star vibrates towards profound changes. This makes the third decadent a great questioner of everything. The element of air and its changeable energy are also an addition to these characteristics.

Where Uranus is in the astrological house of Gemini, it will exert expansion. The youthful mentality becomes a fertile ground for creative ideas.


You will find a vigilante in the sign of Gemini of the third decanate. Those who know him superficially think he is very individual and is only connected to matters which give him pleasure or satisfaction.

But the thing is, in the third decade, Gemini is too attached to other individuals and won't like to see the people he loves getting on badly.

In fact, there is a behavioral ambiguity in this deanery, for they are individualistic only in relation to their own space and time, but are capable of thinking of the good of others to the same extent.

They love freedom

Freedom is a trademark of the personality of the sign of Gemini, especially in the third decade. It is associated with your lifestyle, as well as your right to come and go, to change when you want and not to be accountable to anyone.

This behaviour is explained by his mutable mode, air element and masculine energy. All this vibration makes this decanate less susceptible to fixed and lasting love relationships, unless your partner has an energy compatible with his.

In professional life, the Gemini of the third decanate looks for jobs that allow him to be in his free lifestyle and methodical personality.

They hate routine

In this declanate, routine and the same old days will not be welcome in your life. This is because your ruler in the sign still exerts a very mutable influence. This is explained by the fact that Mercury is the planet which revolves faster around the Sun than the other signs.

The reference of the behavior of this planet is of a lot of movement and, with Uranus in the ruler of the decanate, it is even more difficult to stay the same every day. Versatility and impermanence are very strong, besides being an inherent part of the Gemini vibration. Apart from that, Uranus will also bring an influence of breaking ties.

Natural born explorers

Walking in unknown terrain is a skill that Gemini of the third decanate has and exercises it very well. Not that these individuals have the absence of fear, but it is that they like novelty and feel the need to learn something new.

Through this characteristic, they give voice to the people who appear in their lives. They are very open to experiencing new situations. This energy is very valuable, for it represents a willingness to discover what can happen, instead of just imagining it and not making it happen.

See opportunity in everything

In this decadent, Gemini is a full learner. If in his pure energy he already has an open and willing mentality, with Uranus in his ruler this vision of a world of opportunities is even greater.

But there is also an interesting positivity exerted by the movement of this planet, which does not occur in the other decanates. Even in critical situations, like leaving a job or ending a relationship, everything is seen as a new phase for them.

Besides proving to be very intuitive in this decanate, they are capable of forging solutions in unimaginable situations.

Do the Gemini decanates reveal my personality?

The decanates of Gemini always reveal your personality. They also reveal the main star responsible for peculiar vibrations. Therefore, each decanate manifests different priorities, thoughts and ways of presenting yourself to the world, all in the same sign.

Therefore, Gemini in the first decade are ruled by the planet of the sign itself, which is Mercury. They will have the typical personality of this position, with its accelerated thinking and inconstancy.

Those in the second decade see relationships as an important part of their life, due to their ruling planet, Venus. Gemini in the third decade have Uranus as their influencing star, and thus combine the movement they already have with the creativity of this planet.

So if you belong to this sign, keep an eye on the details of your decade to understand your motivations and strengths.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.