Exu Tata Caveira: history, characteristics of his children, point and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know Exu Tata Caveira?

Strong, firm and serious, the Exu Tata Caveira is often misunderstood by those who don't know him well. Few people manage to work with this entity in Umbanda terreiros because he is misunderstood. But those who have him as their protective guide are well aware of this Exu's charitable soul and his faithfulness to his followers.

In this text, you'll learn about the history of Tata Caveira and all the characteristics that surround this Exu, including the way he works, the point he sings, his offerings and much more. Get ready to learn about the history of the struggle behind this entity, which served to form the personality of this powerful spiritual entity, which is Exu Tata Caveira. Check it out!

What they say about Exu Tata Caveira

With a history of battle and struggle, Exu Tata Caveira knows well what it's like to suffer needs, but all his challenges have served to shape the strong and firm personality he has today. Find out more about this entity in the following topics!

Origin and history

The story of Exu Tata Caveira goes back years. It is said that he was born in Egypt in 670 A.D. and died at the end of 698 A.D. But the boy was of Roman origin and was called Proculo. He came from a very humble family, living in a simple village.

Due to the needs he was experiencing, Proculo worked hard throughout his life to change his reality, as well as that of his family and all the people he loved. His focus was to accumulate wealth so that he would no longer have to go through what he was going through. Check out the following topics for more details of his story.


Próculo, as Exu Tata Caveira was called, was born into a very simple family who were in need. He lived in a small village inhabited by humble people who were also striving to change the financial reality of the time.

But Proculus was different. He didn't just want to transform his life and the life of his family, he wanted to be rich, to the point of having wealth to spare. To do this, he worked day and night to get some material possession. Specifically, his struggle was to conquer land and certain types of animals, such as camels and goats.

Desire to accumulate wealth

In the days of Exu Tata Caveira, one of the ways of checking whether a person was rich or not was through the amount of animals and land they owned, which is why Próculo strove to accumulate this kind of wealth. He was considered a very hard worker because of how much he worked.

However, his desire to be extremely wealthy wasn't just for the sake of helping his loved ones. In those days, men were obliged to have a certain amount of money to buy a woman and be able to get married. So Proculo had to work hard.


In the struggle to conquer land, animals and save some money to get married in the future, Proculo fell more and more in love with a childhood friend who had been brought up with him. Faced with this love, he started to save money to eliminate any possibility of being rejected by the girl's family.

As the years went by, the young Exu Tata Caveira managed to achieve his goal and accumulated more than half the wealth he needed. Everything was in place for him to ask for the girl's hand in marriage. But suddenly, the boy's older brother, jealous and very evil, discovered Próculo's passion and stabbed him in the back.

His brother went to the girl's family and asked her to marry him, and her parents accepted. He then took the girl and married her. Although he felt very hurt and betrayed, Proculo did nothing, out of respect for his blood. He carried on with his life and his wealth as if nothing had happened.


Without his great love, but with a great accumulation of wealth, Tata Caveira became better known every day among the surrounding villages. His lands were prosperous, and he was very rich. All this fortune led to greed among the neighboring peoples, which led to a great war.

Other villages invaded the village of Proculo, which was small and had very few inhabitants. This invasion surprised all the inhabitants and only 49 people survived the battle. But, disgusted by everything that had happened, the survivors invaded the enemy villages, killing many people, including women and children.

However, these 49 individuals were terribly surrounded, arrested and killed. Próculo was burned alive and his traitorous brother was also burned along with him. From there, the 49 exus of the Caveira line emerged, made up of women and men who bravely fought for their homes and communities.

Known names of Exu Tata Caveira

Exu Tata Caveira has many names that differ according to their functions. We're going to mention the main ones, which are the ones most often contacted to carry out work. It's important to know their names along with their respective functions so as not to summon the wrong Exu for an activity.

So their names are:

- Tata Caveira: Helps the elderly and works with mental and physical healing in nursing homes and hospitals;

- Tata Molambo: Works alongside Tata Caveira;

- John the Skull: He heals in hospitals and undoes spells;

- Maria Caveira: Works with the Exu Caveira in cemeteries and in healing processes;

- Tata Veludo: Because he is very old, he hardly ever incorporates, but when he does, he leaves mediums with weak legs. He works as Veludo and as Caveira;

- Exu Caveira da Porteira: Protector of terreiros and mediums;

- Bone Breaker: Heals and dispels spells and diseases quickly;

- Exu Caveira: Heals and assists in the transmutation of energy, as well as acting in the disentanglement of the flesh from cemeteries;

- Rosa Caveira: Works with João Caveira in hospitals.

Demonstrations and action

Due to his life story of struggle and battle, Exu Tata Caveira has a rigid spirit. For this reason, he is ideal for taking care of spirits with a lot of anger and resentment, such as stranglers, suicides, murderers, etc.

It also treats people who are involved in addictions, as long as they give it permission to do so. It prepares the portals to take disembodied souls to astral planes. For this reason, the main place where Exu Tata Caveira acts and manifests is the cemetery. But it can also act in other places, such as closed forests, beaches, rivers, trails and others.

Characteristics of Exu Tata Caveira

Although he is a bit serious, Exu Tata Caveira can surprise his horses with his jokes and tricks, being a very playful entity when he wants to be. He loves whisky and smokes a good cigar. He is also a very good friend and hates betrayals. Loyalty is his hallmark and he is always present in the lives of his friends. He is loyal and can become very jealous.

He has a reputation for being grumpy and angry, and his moods vary greatly, making him a difficult entity to work with. Very few people can handle him. Tata Caveira is also very demanding when it comes to choosing his horses, but despite this, he works very well and only performs in bare feet.

Further information about Exu Tata Caveira

In the following topics, you will learn some important information about the entity Exu Tata Caveira, including the characteristics of this Exu's children, his role in people's lives, what his phalanx is like and whether or not he is evil!

Characteristics of the children of Exu Tata Caveira

The children of Exu Tata Caveira have similar characteristics to the entity. They are people who don't shy away from others and express their thoughts with the utmost sincerity. They don't accept insults and react if they feel humiliated, inferior or have their self-esteem attacked by people.

They are also very fun and hard-working. They perform best at night, although they love to sleep. They can pursue professions related to weapons, but also go down the path of crime. However, they have an aversion to vices and are highly perfectionist. In addition, they are thin and usually have aching bones.

How does Exu Tata Caveira act in a person's life?

Exu Tata Caveira is best suited to working in the lives of people who are seen as outcasts by society or who have a perverse spirit. Individuals with heartache, hatred or resentment are broken by the entity's work, so that the subject's path is illuminated so that they can walk in righteousness with others.

In addition, Tata Caveira works in the lives of those who are addicted, especially to drugs. However, since vampiric obsessive spirits work with addicts, Exu Tata Caveira can only do something through the free will of the incarnate.

Phalanx of Exu Tata Caveira

In the spiritual world, phalanx is a term related to a group of spirits who act to achieve the same goal. In this sense, the phalanx of the Exu Tata Caveira belongs to the phalanx of the Great Tata Caveira who, by the way, is the father of the Exus who are to the left of the Divine Omulu.

Among these Exus are: João caveira, Caveirinha, Dr. Caveira, Rosa Caveira, among many others. Tata Caveira is the Head of the Phalanx, leading all the other Exus. Together, they work in cemeteries, releasing spirits to other planes. They also work on the living souls of the most wicked, so that they change direction.

Is Exu Tata Caveira an evil entity?

As Exu Tata Caveira has a more serious, robust and firm image, some people think that he is an evil entity, but in fact he is quite the opposite. Nowadays, he is completely available in Umbanda terreiros, ready to exercise his charity and help those in need.

Don't forget that, in life, Tata Caveira was a man who struggled, fought and worked hard to change his reality. So he knows very well what it's like to suffer for something greater. He's willing to offer help at the right time and light the way for those most in need.

How to please Exu Tata Caveira?

Just like any other Exu and supernatural entity, Tata Caveira also likes to be appreciated. In view of this, there is a specific greeting, offering and sung point for this Exu. Check out these types of gifts below!

Salute to Exu Tata Caveira

When you meet someone you know, the first thing you do is greet them. Whether it's a simple "hello", a handshake or even hugs and kisses, greetings are indispensable in interpersonal relationships. In the same way, Exus need to be greeted when they are invoked.

In the case of Exu Tata Caveira, his greeting is: "Laroyê Exú Tata Caveira!", which means "Hail to Exú Tata Caveira!" See that it's not something grandiose or long. Although he may seem grumpy, Tata Caveira is a simple and humble entity. Even if he has become rich in life, he doesn't deny his origins and has a pure heart.

Offering to Exu Tata Caveira

The offering to Exu Tata Caveira involves purple, black and red candles, farofa de pinga mixed with ox giblets, cigars, brandy and glasses. You should light between 1 and 7 cigars, choose odd numbers and add brandy. Then light the candles, which should be the same number as the cigars, and set the glasses down.

You should group the candles of the same color in a triangle shape, so the purple candles should be in the vortex positioned towards you, the black candles on the left and the red candles on the right. This grouping symbolises the loyalty and companionship that Exu has for his followers. After that, simply make your requests and he will answer you.

Exu Tata Caveira sung point

The Exu Tata Caveira sung point is neither complex nor difficult. Anyone can learn the passages and record them in just a few seconds. These sung points are ancient songs sung at meetings and gatherings in terreiros. They are usually songs used in homage or offerings.

Tatá Caveira's song is like that:

A black goat was released at midnight in the yard

A black goat was released at midnight in the yard

They ran around the four corners, stopping at the gatehouse

Drank marafo with Tata Caveira

He ran around the four corners, stopping at the gatehouse

Drank marafo with Tata Caveira

Exu Tata Caveira has a number of unique characteristics!

Although the name Tata Caveira may be frightening at first, this Exu has a completely charitable soul and is ready to help those who need it most. He has unique characteristics that have been shaped by a history marked by great battles, both in love and in the financial and family spheres.

Today, Exu Tata Caveira's trademark is fidelity, loyalty and generosity. He knows how to be a faithful friend and present in the lives of his followers. He hates betrayals and believes that this is one of the worst ways of stabbing someone in the back. So, if you need help, don't hesitate to ask this powerful entity for it, because he has a simple soul and doesn't demand much from his followers.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.