Elements of the Zodiac signs: characteristics and combinations!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the elements of the signs?

The elements of the Zodiac are the energy sources of each sign. In Astrology, each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac is ruled by one of the four constituent elements of the universe: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

In turn, each element confers common characteristics to the signs it rules. Therefore, it is possible to organize the signs into 4 distinct groups formed by an elemental triad, whose nature is determined by the seasonal order of the houses of the Zodiac.

In this sense, it is important to consider the energy of the elements to better interpret the nature of the signs, as they share qualities and faults of the element which governs them. Understanding the element of your sign will also show you how your relationships with people will develop.

Once you understand their characteristics and possible combinations, it will be possible to better plan your choices and totally change the way you relate to the world around you. Are you curious? Check out more about the elements and their influences on the signs in this article!

Fire Element

The Fire element opens the cycle of the Zodiac elements. It has a dynamic, active and restless nature, characteristics associated with the masculine energy called Yang. As we will show, this element has three distinct qualities which are essential to better understand the characteristics of each sign. Find out if you are ruled by it below.

Fire Signs

The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. In general, fire makes Aries, Leo and Sagittarius look for brightness and are more susceptible to impulsiveness. Aries has the cardinal fire element which initiates the cycle of Fire in the Zodiac. The fire of this sign originates in its planetary ruler, Mars.

Leo, on the other hand, is the fixed and stabilized Fire. Unlike Aries, that incites flames, Leonines are the flames themselves. Therefore, the Fire in Leo is imposing like its planetary ruler, the Sun. Finally, Sagittarius is the changeable Fire that closes the cycle of Fire. Of a different nature than the other Fire signs, Sagittarius is a fire that consumes everything around, being ruled by the planet Jupiter.

Fundamentals of the element of Fire

The Fire element is one of the most fascinating elements, whose origin is through the combination between the air element and the ether, the fifth element. It is a symbol of creativity, knowledge, spontaneity, inspiration and burning feelings.

The Fire element is represented by the direction South, by the suit of clubs in the tarot and its sacred colors are red, gold and orange tones.

Because it is a difficult element to contain, it is generally feared for its power of destruction, but it is equally admired for dispelling darkness, allowing us to cook our food, as well as for its power of regeneration and purification.

It is an extremely powerful and transformative element, capable of forging its own path towards the brilliance it emanates so much.

Characteristics of the element of Fire

Fire embodies in itself a predominantly passionate and energetic nature. For this reason, people ruled by this element are commonly recognized by their spontaneity, impulsiveness, creativity and boldness to instigate the fire that exists in others. Often they are considered temperamental because they have a short fuse.

In love, Fire signs are passionate lovers who seek intensity in their relationships. However, often their intensity in relationships does not last long as they need constant fuel to keep the flame burning. In finances, Fire signs tend to act impulsively.

Common characteristics of this element are: vitality, willpower, action, freedom, leadership, courage, boldness and strength. Negative characteristics are: compulsion, immediacy, impatience, competitiveness and anger.

Elements that go best with Fire

Fire combines with Fire element. United, the flames of these elements are capable of spreading a fire wherever they go. In this combination, it is important to balance the energies, because if unbalanced, it can be an extremely intense and devastating combination.

Since the air element is essential for the existence of the fire element, this dependence makes these elements an ideal combination. In addition, both elements share Yang energy, which is an essentially masculine energy.

The air element provides the fire element with its typical rationality, which will balance the typical impulsiveness of the Fire. Even though the air does not depend on the fire to exist, the energy of the fire will make the air reach its potentiality and rise to the heights.

Elements that go least with fire

The elements that go less well with fire are Earth and Water. Fire is capable of setting fire to earth with passion and intensity. Their complementary natures, masculine and feminine respectively, can cause a less turbulent relationship.

However, while earth grants fire a space to burn and the stability it so desperately needs, it can make it infertile, temporarily robbing it of its nutrients. The relationship of Fire to Water is more delicate, as water can put out fire.

However, too much Fire can also completely dry up Water. Water provides Fire with the patience and sensitivity it so desperately needs, but due to their opposing natures, a great deal of balance is required, as they have the potential to extinguish the other.

Earth Element

The Earth element is the most tangible element. It has a physical, solid, reliable and stable nature, characteristics associated with the feminine energy called Yin. Moreover, the Earth has a sensual energy which is present in the life of those who are governed by this element. Read on to understand the important characteristics of this element.

Earth Signs

The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. In general, these signs are anchored in reality and attached to everything tangible. Taureans build, Virgos work and Capricorns manage.

Taurus has the fixed and stabilized Earth element, initiating the Earth cycle in the Zodiac. Taureans are builders and collectors, and the Earth influence in this sign originates in its planetary ruler, Venus.

Virgo carries the mutable energy of the Earth, of a more practical and pragmatic nature. It is no accident that Virgo's planetary ruler is Mercury, god of practicality and communication. Finally, Capricorn is the cardinal Earth. Saturn is responsible for its materialistic and caring nature, which closes the Earth cycle in the Zodiac.

Fundamentals of the Earth element

Earth is the most stable and palpable element of the zodiac. Earth is the most stable and palpable element of the zodiac because it is our home and it is from it that we get our food. Therefore, everything that is material and tangible is ruled by this element. Its influence brings practicality, dependence and feet on the ground.

The Earth also brings the gift of maternity, materiality and abundance. It nurtures in us a sense of duty and responsibility, being the most reliable element. The Earth element is ruled by the North direction, by the suit of diamonds in the tarot and its sacred colors are green, brown and earthy tones. It is an extremely practical, contained and sensual element.

Earth element characteristics

One of the main characteristics of the Earth element is materiality. Therefore, people ruled by this element are rational and considered cold.

In relationships, they are very dependent partners and their attraction is commonly attributed to touch and physical perception. In addition, they usually seek people who have common traits and values to their own.

In the financial field, they are materialistic and like luxury, so they are great at planning and saving their money to invest it in what they want. They are used to routines, making it necessary to be careful not to repeat bad habits.

Common characteristics of this element are: centeredness, creativity, stability, motherhood, materiality, practicality, rationality, sensuality. The negative characteristics are: accumulation, greed, avarice, covetousness, self-indulgence, conservatism, dependence, stagnation, coldness, laziness, materialism.

Elements that go best with Earth

The elements that combine most with Earth are Water and Earth itself, as both have feminine energy. When Earth is combined with Earth, there is a tendency for solid results, as it is important that you realize that your efforts have been rewarded.

This is an extremely physical combination and so there may be little emotional exchange due to their predominantly cold nature. When combined, it is important that they engage in different activities as they tend to be accommodating and stagnant.

The combination of the elements Earth and Water is extremely harmonious. Water has the power to fertilize the earth, making it prosper, while the Earth provides the stability that Water so desires.

Elements that go least with Earth

The elements that go less well with Earth are Air and Fire. Fire warms the Earth with passion and intensity, while Earth gives Fire the space it needs to be consumed. However, not only can Earth extinguish Fire, but it can also sterilize it, facts that require an extra dose of discipline so that this relationship is not inharmonious.

The combination of Earth and Air is equally unstable. Earth can offer the materiality and visibility to which Air aspires, and Air can cool or warm the Earth. However, these elements are on different levels of reality and therefore can have serious problems relating harmoniously.

Air Element

The Air element is the symbol of communication, intelligence and versatility. The Air brings with it the gift of inspiration and, like Fire, has attributes associated with Yang, the masculine polarity. Its nature is light, hot and humid, and is associated with planets like Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Check out more details about this element below!

Air Signs

The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. In general, those ruled by the Air element have mental, cerebral and communicative characteristics and are therefore graced with remarkable social and analytical skills. However, Air signs are the most different from each other of the elemental triads of the Zodiac.

Gemini has the mutable air element and begins the Air cycle in the Zodiac. It is the most adaptable Air sign and leads life in constant change. Libra is the cardinal Air, action oriented and with demanding abilities to compare and evaluate ideas and principles.

Finally, Aquarius is the fixed air that closes the Air cycle. Consequently, it is the most stable and stubborn sign of this triad.

Fundamentals of the element Air

Air is the most detached and intellectual element. Because it is an element perceptible by touch, but invisible, it permeates all spaces and has no defined form. It is the element that rules rationality and its omnipresence makes it able to easily perceive all sides of situations.

Air rules communication and balance and can be refreshing as a summer breeze as well as powerful as a gale. It is ruled by the East direction, the suit of swords in the tarot and its sacred colors are yellow and white.

It is the element of mental clarity and ruler of social and humanitarian relations, so people influenced by this element usually work in these causes.

Air element characteristics

One of the main characteristics of the Air element is logical thinking over emotional intelligence. Therefore, people ruled by this element are detached and sometimes cold. Air is a rather unstable element, as its presence constantly varies in intensity.

In relationships, those influenced by Ar ement need constant conversations, so they exchange ideas and establish a mental connection with their partners. Sometimes they have difficulty showing feelings and are detached.

In the financial field, they generally like to manage their finances, but they can be spendthrifts like Fire signs, especially when it comes to social events.

Common characteristics of this element are: charm, communication, balance, humanitarianism, inspiration, intelligence, inventiveness, justice. Negative characteristics are apathy, detachment, distraction, coldness, idealism, indecision, vanity.

Elements that go best with Air

The elements that most go together with Air are Fire and Air itself. When Air combines with Air, there is an intense exchange of ideals and inspirations. Even sharing the same element, Air signs are very different from each other, which can generate strangeness and even competition to know who reaches the highest level.

When Air combines with the element of Fire, a very harmonious relationship is formed. Although Air does not depend on Fire to exist, Fire is able to warm it so that Air can reach new heights. The primarily rational characteristic of Air will be extremely beneficial in this combination, for Fire can act to turn Air's ideas into reality.

Elements that go least with Air

The elements that go less well with Air are Earth and Water. The combination of Earth and Air is very volatile and unstable, because both elements have very different physical natures. Because they have different perceptions of the world, the Air and Earth relationship requires a lot of patience and care so that they can live together in harmony.

The combination of Water and Air tends to be quite problematic, since they are usually combined in natural disasters, such as storms. Consequently, a small thing can escalate in such a way that a drop of water easily becomes a storm. Moreover, the Water element is extremely intuitive, while Air is extremely rational.

Water Element

The Water element closes the cycle of the Zodiac elements. It rules intuition, sensibility and emotions, attributes associated to the feminine energy called Yin. Water is the most fluid element and its cold, soft and humid nature is associated to the stars like Jupiter, Mars and the Moon. Check more details about it below.

Water Signs

The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. In general, they are highly emotional and sensitive, with a very keen intuition, tending to trust it more than reason.

Cancer possesses the cardinal water element which initiates the Water cycle. Cancerians are affectionate and pure emotion, attached to home and family. Cancer's aquatic nature originates in its planetary ruler, the Moon, which rules the tides.

Scorpio is the fixed and stabilized water. Its natives are experts in understanding the innermost desires of the soul, their impulses being ruled by Mars. Finally, Pisces is the mutable water that closes the cycle of Water. It is especially compassionate, exploring the feelings of the people around. Its ruler is the planet Neptune.

Fundamentals of the element Water

Water is the element that governs the realm of emotions and is present not only in the water landscapes of the world, but in our own blood. It is the only element that can change its physical form and is therefore extremely flexible and adaptable.

Water rules the realm of the subconscious and psychic powers, being a universal element of healing and purification. It is responsible not only for life, but also for the arts and the depth of the human psyche, which is an ocean yet to be explored.

This element rules the suit of hearts of the tarot and its sacred direction is West. The colors blue, turquoise, lilac and watery tones are closely linked to it.

Characteristics of the element Water

One of the main characteristics of the Water element is sensitivity, so people ruled by this element are very emotional and dreamy. In relationships, they are loving and tend to fall in love easily, with a tendency to get attached easily, idealizing their partner. They tend to want to establish a home and family.

In the financial field, they are concerned with security, but they get carried away by their emotional nature and can lose control of their money. Therefore, they usually need help to keep their financial life stabilized.

Common characteristics of this element are: emotion, empathy, spirituality, imagination, intuition, psychic powers, purification, sensitivity, feelings. Negative characteristics are drama, emotional dependence, hypersensitivity, idealism, emotional instability, unrealism.

Elements that go best with Water

The elements which combine most with Water are Water itself and Earth. The combination of Water and Water results in a fluid, flexible and extremely emotional energy. In it, it is necessary to be aware of the sensitive nature of this element in order to avoid possible imbalances generated by excess.

The combination of Water and Earth is extremely positive, since the Water allows the Earth element to flourish to its full potential, and the Water element finds its home with the Earth, fertilizing it. Both have a feminine and welcoming nature, and the Earth element brings the predominantly imaginative characteristic of Water to a perspective based on "feet on the ground".

Elements that go least with Water

The elements that least combine with Water are Air and especially Fire. The combination of Air and Water is not very favorable, as it is present in the destructive force of nature phenomena such as storms, tornadoes, hurricanes and even tsunamis.

Both elements can work together, as long as they do not let small conflicts accumulate and get out of control. The combination of Fire and Water is very unfavorable. Besides the constant tension generated by the opposition of these elements, their energies put into friction are capable of eliminating each other's existence.

Do the elements influence the physical characteristics?

Yes. Face shape is one of the physical characteristics influenced by the elements. Those ruled by Fire and Air tend to have a triangular face shape. Earth element natives have a predominantly square face, while those ruled by Water have a more rounded face.

As the elements influence your personality traits, they also have a big influence on your style. So, the way you dress can be influenced by the element which governs your sign. Fire signs tend to dress more to be the centre of attention. Earth signs tend to dress in a classic way to make a good impression.

Air signs are very different from each other, but share unique personalities, difficult to fit into patterns. Finally, Water signs usually have an otherworldly appearance, especially because of the aura of mystery of this element.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.