Combinations with the card The Cross (36) in Gypsy cards. Check it out!

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Jennifer Sherman

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Card 36 (The Cross) in Gypsy Cards and its Combinations

Through the combinations of the 36th card of the Gypsy Deck, "The Cross", it is possible to get some answers about objective questions of routine. Therefore, if what you are looking for can be solved through a simple and more punctual reading, this can be an excellent way to get an answer.

In general, the messages of The Cross are about faith, but when it is combined with the other cards, it speaks about many different areas of life. So to make a simple move, just think about the issue you want to clarify and then draw a pair of cards.

Throughout the article, the combinations of the card 36 of the Gypsy Deck will be explored. If you want to know more about it, continue reading the article.

See combinations of the card "The Cross" in Gypsy Books

The combinations of card pairs are great ways to get answers about the routine. However, a more in-depth game can bring even more clarification. But it is worth noting that it requires experienced professionals with the gypsy deck.

So, if what you're looking for is just something more immediate, the simple game does this job well. See below the meanings of the combinations of The Cross in the Gypsy Deck and find the answer to your question!

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 1 (Knight)

When "The Cross" is combined with "The Knight", the first card of the Gypsy Deck, the general message of the pair is about the arrival of a moment of peace and joy. It will appear in the life of the consulent after he goes through a particularly negative phase.

However, when the positions are reversed, the duo starts talking about the need to overcome. Thus, you are feeling distressed about some things and this has caused you a lot of pain, making you need to find a way to overcome this issue.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 2 (The Clover)

The pair of cards made up of "The Cross" and "The Clover" deals with the end of challenges, so if the consulent is going through a time marked by difficulties and finds this pair in his reading, it means that this most tense phase of his life is about to come to an end.

However, when the positions are reversed and "The Clover" appears before the 36th card, this suggests that the consulent will need to go through some tests of emotional stability. During this period, his faith will be put to the test.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 3 (The Ship)

The messages brought by the pair composed of "The Cross" and "The Ship" are good. In general, the pair of cards appears in the readings of the Gypsy cards to talk about changes. Thus, some problems present in the daily life of the consulter will have a positive outcome.

On the other hand, when the cards change position, the meaning of the game changes and it starts to speak about seeking faith. It is in this that you will find the encouragement you need in your life.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 4 (The House)

When "The Cross" appears combined with "The House" in a Gypsy Card reading, it means that the consulent will manage to overcome difficult situations in life. And this will be done through their attachment to faith, which must remain constant at this time.

However, if the positions are reversed, religion continues to be present, but to emphasize that the consulent needs to seek a space for it in his life. Find moments that can be dedicated exclusively to your faith.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 5 (The Tree)

If you've found the combination of "The Cross" and "The Tree" in your Gypsy Deck game, be aware that the situation that makes you feel safe will soon come to an end. So you'll need to find other ways to get that feeling.

Once the positioning of the cards is inverted, the duo starts talking about a phase marked by faith. During this period she will be his safe haven.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 6 (The Clouds)

When "The Cross" appears paired with "The Clouds" in a Gypsy Deck game, the reading brings messages about uncertainty. You've put all your chips on a particular situation, but there are no guarantees that you'll come out on top.

On the other hand, when the positions change and "The Clouds" appear first in the game, the duo of cards talk about difficulties linked to faith that will put your whole spiritual life in check.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 7 (The Serpent)

The pair of cards consisting of "The Cross" and "The Serpent" talks about trials. In this case, they are mainly associated with faith, which will go through a series of challenges at this time. Therefore, much will be demanded of the consulent so that he can be sure about his beliefs.

In the situation where "The Serpent" is the first card of the pair, you have messages about a complex path. The consulter must keep in mind that several dangers await him if he decides to follow it.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 8 (The Coffin)

When "The Cross" and "The Coffin" appear side by side in the reading of the Gypsy Deck, this is something that should be looked at very carefully. The pair of cards talks about difficulties in the health sphere and the consulent will go through a challenging time in this regard.

However, the messages become more positive when the positioning of the cards is reversed. In this scenario, the pair speaks about various changes that will happen in the near future, leading the consulter to victory.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 9 (The Bouquet)

"The Cross" and "The Bouquet" when together talk about happiness, so the consulter receives a message in his Gypsy deck reading that suggests he will succeed in having a happy destiny, but that depends on the choices he will make at the present moment.

In the scenario where the cards reverse their positions, they start talking about loss. Something important to the consulent will be cut from his life and this will not be an easy situation to close.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 10 (The Scythe)

Whoever finds "The Cross" and "The Scythe" together in a Gypsy Card game is receiving a message about work. However, it is not a conventional job, but the consulter's involvement with something voluntary, like helping an NGO.

It is also worth noting that when the position of the cards is reversed and "The Scythe" becomes the first of the pair, the reading speaks about the need for charity. Thus, the messages are complementary and make clear what the consulter should do.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 11 (The Whip)

"The Cross" and "The Whip", when put together, bring messages about difficulties in everyday life. Soon, the consulter will walk more complex paths than he imagined when he made his choices, but he has everything to overcome the situation.

On the other hand, since "The Whip" is the first letter removed, the reading becomes milder. In this sense, the letters start talking about the end of difficulties, because the challenges will be overcome in the near future.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 12 (The Birds)

The consulters who meet the duo composed of "The Cross" and "The Birds" receive messages about the breakup, which can be either of a love relationship or of a significant and long-standing friendship.

When the positions are reversed, the messages do not become more positive. However, "The Birds" and "The Cross" start talking about the situations that led to the breakup as a way to make you understand your own behavior and, who knows, have the chance to correct it.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 13 (The Child)

Whoever finds "The Cross" and "The Child" together in a Gypsy Card reading is receiving a very positive message. The duo talks about the arrival of a new phase, which will be full of interesting opportunities and diversified paths.

On the other hand, when the situation is reversed, the card duo starts talking about the past and how it reflects on the present. The consulter may develop depression due to a difficult childhood whose memories haunt him.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 14 (The Fox)

The presence of The Cross and The Fox in a Gypsy Card reading speaks of the closure of a bad situation and full of falsehood. Thus, it should be taken as a positive warning, because the consulent will have the possibility to follow more prosperous directions in his life.

Once the cards change places in the reading, the consulter becomes the object of interest. Thus, "The Fox" and "The Cross" speak to the fact that he is trapped in a series of lies and illusions.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 15 (The Bear)

The duo composed of "The Cross" and "The Bear" indicates that a problem is about to be finalized and this will be a real relief for the life of the consulter, who has worked hard to see this moment come true.

However, when "The Bear" is the first card to appear in the game, it means that the consulter will need to keep fighting constantly to achieve his goals and be happy. Nothing will happen by luck in his life.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 16 (The Star)

When "The Cross" and "The Star" are together in a Gypsy Card game, it is so that the consulter pays more attention to the questions of karma and remembers that they are relentless. He must do this so that his actions do not alter his destiny.

Once "The Star" becomes the first card of the pair, the game starts talking about faith. Therefore, it indicates that you are a person who tends to have faith in God.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 17 (The Stork)

If you've found "The Cross" combined with "The Stork", beware. The duo serves to highlight that something you've been carefully planning for some time is going to undergo changes. At first, you won't welcome this change.

On the other hand, when "The Stork" is the first card to appear in the reading, it works as a way to alert you to a change in your life. It will require a lot of faith.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 18 (The Dog)

The presence of the duo composed of "The Cross" and "The Dog" in a Gypsy Card reading serves to remind the consulter of the role that his friendships play in his life. You can always count on your friends to get you through challenges.

However, when "The Dog" comes before The Cross in the game, it's indicative that some of your friends have been causing you a lot of pain. In this way, you know you need to walk away, but you feel sad at the prospect.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 19 (The Tower)

"The Cross" and "The Tower" are indicative that you need to make a difficult choice in the near future, and it will ultimately cause you to need to face your fear of being alone. However, it is important to remember that it will be impossible to make that decision with any kind of interference.

If "The Tower" appeared first in your reading, this indicates that you need to attend more religious spaces, whether they be churches or any other place that turns on the exercise of faith.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 20 (The Garden)

Through the duo "The Cross" and "The Garden", the consulter receives a message about the completion of something in his life. It can be a project, an old dream or even a plan that was in progress.

When the scenario is reversed and "The Garden" is the first card of the reading, this indicates that you will find a group willing to help you from a spiritual point of view and this will be very positive for your moment.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 21 (The Mountain)

Be aware if you have found "The Cross" and "The Mountain" in your Gypsy Deck reading. When this happens, it is indicative that new problems will come into your life in the near future and you will need to be strong to deal with them.

However, in cases where "The Mountain" appears first, there is another meaning. However, it is not very positive and speaks about a particularly depressing time in the life of the dreamer. In this way, he will feel isolated from everyone.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 22 (The Path)

The pair of cards "The Cross" and "The Path" is used to talk about difficulties. The consulter is faced with some choices, but does not know what to do because it is something decisive and can change the course of his life.

On the other hand, the messages become more positive when "The Path" is the first card in the reading. In this scenario, the Gypsy Deck game starts talking about a destiny that will soon be fulfilled.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 23 (The Rat)

The combination between "The Cross" and "The Rat" is not very positive. This happens because it talks about losses, which can serve to highlight both people in the life of the consulent and things of value. What remains is that in both cases he will feel sad

When the positions of the cards are inverted, "The Rat" and "The Cross" start to talk about wear and tear. They are linked to faith and will be so deep that the consulter will have work to overcome the moment.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 24 (The Heart)

When "The Cross" appears together with "The Heart" in a Gypsy Card reading, the cards bring a very strong message about the end of a feeling. In general, this reading is linked to love, but it can also speak of long-standing friendships.

If "The Heart" is the first card of the pair, the message is modified and a message is given regarding faith and spiritual stability in people's lives, which is very positive.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 25 (The Ring)

If "The Cross" appears next to The Ring in a gypsy card reading, the pair of cards talks about the end of a relationship. However, this closure will bring more relief than sadness because it will happen after suffering and disappointments.

On the other hand, if the position of the cards is reversed, the end is no longer a reality. However, fights and complications are still part of the relationship and require attention from the consulent.

Letter 36 (The Cross) and Letter 26 (The Book)

Whoever finds "The Cross" combined with "The Book" should pay attention to the message of the pair of letters. It talks about a secret that must be kept at all costs, but that will cause you a lot of pain. Therefore, the warning is for you to prepare yourself.

In a milder tone, when "The Book" is the first card of the pair, this combination starts to talk about the religious studies that will be part of the consulent's reality in the near future.

Letter 36 (The Cross) and Card 27 (The Letter)

People who encounter "The Cross" along with "The Letter" receive a message regarding documents that will finally be ready. .In general, this duo shows up for those who are thinking of making trips abroad or who are thinking of moving.

However, when the cards change their position, the message is modified and "The Card" and "The Cross" begin to speak about some problems in the spiritual life of the consulter.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 28 (The Gypsy)

When "The Cross" appears next to The Gypsy, the Gypsy Deck game sends messages about the emergence of a religious man in the dreamer's life. However, he will not be able to fully perform his duties because he feels overwhelmed and tired.

On the other hand, if "The Gypsy" is the first card of the pair to appear, the game becomes about a man who is estranged from his faith and needs to find a way to reconnect with it.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 29 (The Woman)

The consulter who encounters "The Cross" and "The Woman", if he is female, needs to pay special attention to the message. The pair of cards indicates that a situation in your life is about to come to an end, but this will not be positive as you thought.

If the positions are inverted and "The Woman" appears before "The Cross", the unconscious is talking about a religious woman who is suffering. This may be caused by a crisis of faith.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 30 (The Lilies)

In Gypsy Deck games where "The Cross" appears in combination with "The Lilies", the duo speaks about the lack of peace. The consulter feels that his life is completely off track and does not know what to do to solve this issue.

However, when the positioning of the cards is inverted, the sexual issue appears in the game. In this sense, "The Lilies" and "The Cross" talk about the lack of pleasure in sex and suggest that it is necessary to look for ways to solve this issue.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 31 (The Sun)

"The Cross" and "The Sun," when together, talk about the problems and challenges of everyday life, but always stressing that they do end and therefore should not be seen as bigger things than they are. This is an essentially optimistic duo.

However, once "The Sun" appears first in the pair, the messages change a little. The optimism is maintained, but there are more details regarding faith. Thus, the consulter will have the necessary energy to discover himself through it.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 32 (The Moon)

When "The Cross" and "The Moon" appear side by side in a Gypsy Card reading, this is indicative of a very positive time for spirituality issues. The consulter will be in contact with this side of his personality and this will renew his faith.

If the positions are reversed, the messages brought by the pair of cards remain positive. They start to speak about the achievements that the consulter will have in the near future and of all his triumphs.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 33 (The Key)

If you've encountered the duo composed of "The Cross" and "The Key," you've received a message regarding the need to move closer to faith. You've been showing yourself to be increasingly distant from these aspects of your life, and it's still going to hurt you.

On the other hand, if "The Key" is the first card of the pair, the messages are quite positive and the pair talks about a victory in the consulter's life that will be able to lead him to ultimate success.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 34 (The Fish)

The combination between "The Cross" and "The Fish" is something that needs attention, because it deals with financial life. Once the consulter finds these cards side by side, he receives a message about the arrival of many complications concerning money in his life.

However, when "The Fish" first appears in the reading, the situation becomes a little milder as the duo of letters start talking about an investment that is nearing its end.

Card 36 (The Cross) and Card 35 (The Anchor)

"The Cross" and "The Anchor", when put together, speak about destiny. Yours seems trilled because you've been living the same fate for a long time. However, know that there is a way to escape it should it be your wish, because things are not as black and white as you think.

On the other hand, if "The Anchor" is the first card of the combination, the card pair talks about regret and frustrations that will happen in the life of the consulter in the near future.

Are the combinations of the card The Cross (36) in the Gypsy Deck a warning?

In general, the combinations of "The Cross" bring some important warnings. As this card has a meaning closely linked to faith, most of them are related to this sector of life. Either to highlight the importance of having a deeper connection with spirituality or to point out how it is a safe port in the life of the consulter.

However, there are also warnings about love, daily frustrations and other relationships of the consulent. So, regardless of the combination, "The Cross" is a card that should be taken seriously because it can affect many different areas of routine.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.