Combination between Earth and Air signs: Understand and see other relationships!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the characteristic of the relationship between the signs of Earth and Air?

The tie between the signs of Earth and Air portray a practicality focused on the intellectual side. The partnership needs a preparation to formalize the processes, besides being a productive relationship.

When it is healthy, it can have some standoffs aimed at criticism. With the frustration of Air, the slower pace of Earth can irritate and get out of hand. Stable, it is also the most tangible. Meanwhile, the detached side of the Air sign makes rationality come to the fore.

It can be defined by concentration, but needs balance. Read the article to understand the characteristics of Earth and Air signs!

Understanding more about the Earth element

Being the most palpable, the Earth element speaks about that which is solid and constant. With characteristics directed to the feminine, it has Yin. The moved native presents a sensual personality that turns into something more debauched. It is from the Earth that food and shelter are constituted.

The material issue is portrayed, showing all the practicality and with a dependence. Here the abundance is seen, also visualizing the responsibility. It is considered the element that people trust the most, mainly because of the feet on the ground and the head in place. Keep reading the article to understand the specifications of the Earth element!

Nature of the element Earth

The Earth element drives everything that is organized and with discipline. The ruled presents characteristics that complement each other by balance, besides all the willingness to make things happen. Delivery acts as an aspect in the foreground, giving the perfection that is expected.

These processes are important to him, besides excellence and accuracy. Enjoying each moment as if it were unique, he is also very sure of what he wants to build and formalize. He needs time and does not act on impulse. Everything is well planned and within his expectations.

What are the Earth signs?

Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo form the signs ruled by the Earth element, giving space to the actual reality and the sensorial side. They are divided into three categories and each has its own purpose. While Capricorn directs, Taurus formalizes and Virgo works.

Venus can act here, showing the construction and powerful influence. The practical side is with the Virgoan, with nature in its greatness and the planet Mercury. Saturn complements the Capricornian, using all the care and the material aspect.

Characteristics of the Earth signs

In the specifications, the Earth signs can form an axis with practical, stable aspects and with a rigid touch. Thus, all complement each other by additional processes and with similar personalities. The singular side may differ, but the principles are the same.

It needs that which is solid, and security needs to be established. That which is constant presents efficiency, beyond all perfection acquired. Using practice as a formula, it needs construction and formalization. Not caring about being coarse or ignorant, it prefers to go straight to the purpose and without winding up.

Shortcomings and excesses of the Earth element

With faults and excesses in the Earth element, processes are seen positively. Being able to challenge, you also need to be careful and not to indulge in risks. Here, slowness can take over, especially to complete some work.

The lack of grandiosity of thoughts can cause you to become stagnant, harming and not using the practice, running away even from reality, preferring to use fantasy to imagine yourself within a world that does not exist. More than that, uses all the formalization as something obsessive and disciplining.

Understanding more about the element Air

The characteristics of the Air element are masculine and active. With the connection of breath and wind, it has the high and spiritual level. More than that, it can justify the connection between earth and sky. Using the cosmic side, it indicates the movement and expansion. In ancient times, they believed in the greatness of the soul and angels, building these processes with the essence of air.

Representing the essence of the interior, it was determinant as the infinite. The symbol is a circle with a central point and with association of the heavens, making an approximation with the divine, uses this consideration as a junction of necessity and illusion. Continue reading the article to learn more about the Air element!

Nature of the element Air

The Air element can be located in the oxygen, the winds and the breeze. Being the only one that is invisible, inspiration comes from it and acts as a breath. It portrays the mental process, giving the senses and containing the focus, reasoning, wisdom and ideals. These aspects are important and give movement to life.

It is free, independent, joyful, clear and optimistic. But it can also be unstable, inconstant and talkative. Its matter is everywhere, proving to be essential.

Which are the Air signs?

Libra, Aquarius and Gemini form the group of the Air element. Specifying the exchanges and ideas, in addition to the rebellious instinct that can manifest itself by imprisonment. It uses the dynamic, characterizes the light and gentle breeze. On the other hand, it can intensify and take the breath away.

This native can be communicative, using his abilities to exchange diverse information. He makes good use of his convictions and tries to absorb the best. He also likes to walk the aisle of knowledge, not wanting stagnation in his life.

Air Signs Characteristics

Aspects of the Air signs can use security as well as mental power to work and intensify the emotional. With fluidity, it gives creativity and liberates. Positive and negative processes can be visualized easily, as well as the potentiation of all.

What is essential can characterize detachment, because it is the only element that can do that in the zodiac. So, imprisonment is something that these signs do not like, because they rely on inconstancy and the predictable is not well specified. They materialize freedom, but with difficulty in relationships.

Shortages and excesses of the element Air

The lacks and excesses of the Air element use singularity. Being able to nourish other signs and planets, they give power to the other Astrological Houses. Therefore imbalance can be found because challenges can be worked out and characterized. This ruled feels the difficulty to flow everything and counting on lack.

You can be insecure and indecisive, because you feel that objectivity is not part of your personality. You also have difficulty letting go of toxic feelings, and need a new perspective, with many solutions for releasing discomfort.

Complementary elements of the Zodiac

Using the distribution of the wheel of the Zodiac, it is possible to join the twelve signs in six axes, thus forming two complementary and opposite signs. Using the elements, it is possible to make compatibilities and diversifications between Air, Water, Fire and Earth.

In a chronology, Air can give the Fire nourishment and it expands from that. Water wets the Earth and it prepares to cultivate. Using balance, it has the power to formulate these complements. Also having the fit, it needs to fit and complete. Keep reading the article to understand the complementary elements!

What are the complementary elements

The complementary elements are those which count on a connection between an Air and Fire sign, or Earth and Water. The flame of Fire is compatible with the social side of Air, while the solidity of Earth counts on the security of Water. There are also some aspects which formulate and they are directed to the four elements.

The intuition is in the Fire aspect, with the Earth that gives the sensation, counting with the reason of the Air and the emotion of the Water. The Earth and Fire are of the material, dealing also with creativity. The Air and Water portray the intellectual side, besides the exchange with the natives.

Fire and Earth

The compatibility between Fire and Earth speaks about an idealization. A native with great ideals can count on the power of Fire, as well as all the creativity that is present. The material question stays with Earth, because she understands and can adapt to the processes of life.

Reality can face the ideal side of Fire, in addition to all the encouragement. By keeping a firm stance and within the rules, Earth is transformed. Both are strong elements, in addition to all the power that makes mention of what is constructive.

Air and Water

Making a transition from the solid side and rationality, the Air and Water elements come together. Serving as a guide, the Air needs its space and inspiration. Geared towards the social sphere, it portrays family, friends and those it considers. The Water intimidates, speaking of comfort and home.

Feelings are worked on in the Water, presenting all that it feels and transmits. The Air thinks and is constituted, complementing the power of feeling of the Water. The psychic side is comforted by the Air, while the Water maintains itself in the emotions. Being able to undo a tie, the Air counts on this facility and the Water does not.

What to expect from the Earth and Air combination?

The combination between Earth and Air can also be well evaluated and conducted, but knowing how to balance the differences, it is possible to remain firm and within the same purpose. The objective side remains with the Earth, needing the communication of the Air.

Using versatility, it is also flexible and moldable. Practicality can act in the face of what they carry, giving more ownership and complementation. Pleasantness can arise in the face of consensus, not having to wear themselves out to please or be who they are not.

Other elemental combinations of the Zodiac

There are other combinations that can complement each other in the Zodiac, presenting processes and specifications. Earth signs like firmness and stability, while Water signs need movement and action.

It can be unbalanced by some aspects, and in these cases consensus needs to be established. Water and Earth use fundamentalism, helping those in need. On the other hand, Water and Air are inspiring and like to collaborate to present the deepest feelings.

As such, it is possible to develop many other complements, but with distinctions in characteristics. Read the following topics to understand other Zodiac compatibilities!

Land and Water

The opposition of an Earth sign is that of a Water sign. Making a warning about what goes beyond an important position, what you have is also nothing close to the formulations necessary for life. Earth uses logic, but emotion and purity go against its foundations.

Earth's reason takes over, but Water's feelings can prevail. Being a prosperous bond, it can meet in the differences. They complement each other by the power they carry, besides all the purposes that come together. Unbalancing, they need the reasons that can move both.

Land and Earth

Materialistic, the conjunction of people with the same elements and like the Earth use practicality. Some differences may take over, especially those shown in cultural and economic processes. Passion and feelings are well developed, as well as love which strengthens.

With firmness and certainty both bring expectations together, counting on a lasting partnership. Love can become more and more transformed with the similarities, but in each other's personality. The imbalance is minimal, needing no effort to be compatible.

Air and Air

Air with Air formulates many ideas. More than that, the union speaks about clear communication in the relationship. When discussing options, they rely on intimacy to define what is best for both of them. The positions also complement each other, giving even more power.

Trust keeps everything on the positive side, and if there is a side that speaks more it is understood and accepted by the other. Silence can also be established and controlling communicating. With availability always present, commitment and love are enough.

Air and Fire

Challenging, the Air makes Fire analyze and think. Trying to present other options, it gives that possibility to stop and calm down. Philosophy acts on Fire, while it demands that Air gets up and does it alone. Not having much patience, it prefers practice to theory.

Still in this sense, feelings are not heard. Wanting to live and love, they prefer driving. The imbalance is easily seen, but with few differences. Consensus can be established, giving more ownership and power to the formed bond.

Fire and Water

Wanting to go deeper, the Water analyzes everything that the Fire does and desiring the same attitudes. Inspiring, the high capacity of the Water promotes great actions in the Fire. Thus, this complementation is more on the positive side and without the negativity.

Their admiration for each other makes everything flow, keeping this aspect prosperous and full of energy. Balance doesn't even need to be established, mainly because of the determining and natural differences. Compatibility is great, not letting discontent prevail.

Fire and Fire

This Fire element deals with energy and especially when they are equal. Reunited, they understand each other and actions take over. Words are hardly disseminated, because consensus can be the main fact for contentment. Not lying, they give themselves to what they promised and within their respective qualifications.

Simply and quickly, the feeling grows. Using depth, this bond can become stronger and stronger with power taking over. Conflicts are not seen, because both can understand each other and formulate what is most advantageous.

Water and Water

Talking about emotions, the junction of Water and Water portrays a relationship that is understood with the same reasoning. Not being able to follow the articulation of one, the other still understands the purposes and ideals. Respect and love complete each other, without the need of another factor.

In the face of a non-definition the bond can break, mainly due to questioning purposes. More than that, priorities can't be kept equal and causing a drift apart. Two signs of this element complement each other, but lack action and initiative.

How do the elements of the signs influence relationships?

The elements show a great performance in relationships. Portraying not only a love bond, the family sphere can also be evidenced. For simplicity, it is possible that Air signs get along well with Water signs.

On the other hand, Water with Water can have balance, as well as Fire with Fire and its few differences. Through practice, it is possible to understand basic principles of the Zodiac. Using oxygen, Fire and Air complement each other. Through the process of Earth with Water, it is possible to find plants and rain.

With passion prevailing, the Fire and Water elements also use drama. Holding a conversation for a long time, Air and Earth don't necessarily need an emotional connection.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.