Card 8 in Tarot and Gypsy cards: love, work and combinations!

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Jennifer Sherman

Discover the meaning of the 8th card

The card 8 takes on different meanings depending on the type of deck used: the gypsy deck (also known as the Lenormand deck) or the Tarot deck. In the case of the Tarot, you must take into account the suit of the card: hearts, clubs, spades or diamonds.

Commonly, this card deals with changes in general, either in your daily life or in your personality. Therefore, if you are resistant to transformations, it is time to accept this movement of everyday life, let go of the past and look for new opportunities.

Below, understand what the message and advice of the 8th card in the four suits of Tarot and also in Gypsy cards, besides discovering the meaning of different combinations with other cards of this deck. Check it out!

Meaning of the card 8: Tarot

The Tarot is composed of 78 cards divided into 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana, separated into four suits. In the following topics, we will unveil the meaning and some interpretations of the number 8 in each suit of the minor arcana. Read on to learn more!

Meaning of the 8 of Cups card in the Tarot

The suit of hearts (or cups) is connected to the element of water and our emotional side. When a card of this suit appears, it is a sign that the issue is related to feelings and involves the affective side of the person.

In this way, the 8 of Cups warns you that it is time to make a decision and leave voluntarily. Life is made of cycles, and this card shows the need to know how to let go and leave everything that does not add value to you in the past.

You need to reflect on what feelings, bonds and situations you have been carrying over the years and if this baggage still brings you benefits.

Thus, this card asks for wisdom to understand that it is necessary to free yourself from something (or someone), even if this is a painful decision to make. This is because only then will it be possible to move forward and find new opportunities.

So if you feel like you're stuck in a situation, know that resources to solve that problem will appear soon. Don't hesitate to let go and seek new air.

Meaning of the card 8 of Wands in Tarot

Action, work and effort in our daily lives are related to the suit of clubs, associated with the element of fire. The cards of this suit suggest movement and commitment related to this issue.

So, the message of the 8 of Wands is exactly that: it means action and novelties in any area of life. This card warns that your life will go through an agitated moment, of many changes that will come from surprising places, besides being a very good period for new ideas.

Therefore, it is important that you are prepared and open to new ways to enjoy these transformations. In the meantime, use these new insights to face and solve any obstacle that is preventing you from progressing.

Don't get attached to concepts of the past and enjoy new opportunities: try to meet people, create bonds and accept unexpected proposals as they will come for your personal growth. In any case, take advantage of this movement in the routine to elaborate new goals and use your intuition as a guide to build new perspectives.

Meaning of the 8 of Swords card in the Tarot

Ideas, thoughts and everything that involves the mental plane are connected with the suit of swords, symbolized by the element air. When they appear, the cards of the suit of swords call for the use of logic and rational thinking in any matter.

The 8 of Swords shows a difficult time of conflict, disappointment, and hopelessness. This card indicates failure in some aspect of your life and the sadness resulting from this situation, as well as the feeling of being stagnant in a certain condition.

However, even if you feel frustrated, it is best to be cautious and think long and hard before making a decision. It is also important to reflect on your problems and analyse whether you have not made the situation even more difficult, creating obstacles and hindering your personal development even more.

In any case, keep in mind that no matter how complicated your scenario seems to be, you have the resources you need to break free of these ties.

Meaning of the 8 of Diamonds card in the Tarot

The suit of Diamonds is about material aspects and the physical plane. This suit demonstrates the importance of work and effort to achieve something, and the 8 of Diamonds brings a similar message: the need to dedicate yourself to your goals.

In general, this card signals that to achieve what you want, you need to work and commit to that purpose, so if you have a project in store, now is the ideal time to take the first step and focus on achieving it.

Thus, whatever your desire, the 8th of Diamonds shows that you have the skills and resources to accomplish it, but you need to be focused and ready to work for it.

Meaning of the card 8: gypsy deck

The eighth card of the gypsy deck is The Coffin and, despite its name, it is not necessarily linked to physical death.

In general, it talks about the need to close a cycle, to let go of something that no longer brings benefits and move on, opening up to new opportunities. Understand more about the relationship of this card and the respective areas of life below!

Card 8 in a gypsy deck: Love and relationships

When it comes to relationships, the 8th card of the gipsy deck calls for renewal in the couple's daily life. If you are dating, The Coffin signals the need to reflect and analyze whether the relationship makes you truly happy or if you are insisting on something that no longer makes sense, wearing yourself out with a situation with no future.

Thus, if your intention is to preserve the relationship, it is necessary to relieve past hurts and conflicts, seeking to strengthen the couple's bond.

However, if you are single, it is essential that you stop feeding illusions . Put yourself first, leave behind any resentment, and be open-hearted about meeting new people and having adventures.

Card 8 in a gypsy deck: Work

In the professional field, The Coffin indicates the need for change: it could be a change of job or function. In any case, this card asks you to modify something in your daily work.

Try to invest in courses and training of your interest, old projects or even taking a risk in new trades, because the 8th chart indicates the beginning of a new and prosperous phase in your professional life.

Also, if you have been laid off or are currently unemployed, try to stay open to different options and know that you will soon have good opportunities to get back into the job market.

Card 8 in a gypsy deck: Family

In relation to family life, the 8th symbolizes reconciliation and the search for harmony. If you have disagreements and conflicts with relatives, the time is ideal to try to resolve these disagreements through communication.

The Coffin expresses rebirth and personal growth. Therefore it is a time to leave behind old resentments and offenses, and a good opportunity to practice forgiveness in order to find a more balanced and pleasant coexistence with your family members.

Card 8 in a gypsy deck: Health

When it comes to the health-related area, the meaning of the 8th card can vary greatly according to its combination in the deck.

In general, the chart calls for attention to health and indicates the ideal time to consult a doctor, have routine check-ups and start adopting habits to ensure well-being. However, if the issue involves existing illnesses, The Coffin symbolizes the end of suffering arising from that condition.

Depending on the cards and the circumstances which accompany it, it may indicate healing or, in some cases, the death of the person in question. Even so, the intention of this card is not to cause distress or despair, but only to warn.

Some combinations of the card 8 in the gypsy deck

The card The Coffin symbolizes the cycles of life: the beginning, the middle and the end, and the importance of knowing how to renew and start again. According to the combination of other cards of the gypsy deck, it is possible to obtain more details and determine the message more clearly. See below some of the main combinations and their respective interpretations!

Card 8 (The Coffin) and Card 1 (The Knight)

The joint drawing of the 8th card and the 1st reveals very promising changes, indicating a moment of great disposition and energy. This is a good time to start a new project, to get to know yourself better and analyze your qualities and defects in order to leave old harmful habits in the past.

To take advantage of these transformations, you must be willing to leave hurts and resentments behind, and be open to meeting new people and gaining promising opportunities.

Card 8 (The Coffin) and Card 2 (The Clover)

The card The Coffin together with the card The Clover, from the gipsy deck, symbolizes transformations in everyday life and possible obstacles in your path. This combination asks you to stay focused on your goals and not be discouraged by the difficulties encountered.

Things may not turn out the way you planned, but it's important not to let it get you down, so think about what you want and focus on achieving your dreams.

Card 8 (The Coffin) and Card 3 (The Ship)

The combination of the 8th and 3rd letters heralds a period of learning. These are gentle changes, but they will be felt in the long term and will greatly influence the paths of your life.

Although the transformations will not be felt so intensely, you will go through a reflective phase, ideal for meditating on your daily life, your priorities, your customs and desires. In this way it is possible that the way you see your life, your intentions and goals will change.

Card 8 (The Coffin) and Card 4 (The House)

The 8th card and the 4th show a renewal in your life. The advice for this conjunction is that you should be close to your family at this time, as changes in the family sphere are expected. There is the possibility of this happening through a separation, travel or change of address.

In this way, this combination of letters proposes you to spend more time with your relatives, being a good time to promote meetings, dialogues and accept advice from those who accompany you.

Card 8 (The Coffin) and Card 5 (The Tree)

The combination between the 8th card, The Coffin, and the 5th card, The Tree, brings the need to reconcile the past with the present and the future. That is: accept the changes and novelties in your life, but without forgetting the paths you have already traveled and all the knowledge acquired over time.

In this environment, these cards indicate that you are in a very promising time to grow in any area or receive the results of a long-term investment.

Card 8 (The Coffin) and Card 6 (The Clouds)

The 8th card and the 6th card of the gypsy deck indicate a turbulent period ahead. Even if it is difficult to situate yourself in this phase, understand that this moment is temporary and that after this turmoil many good opportunities will come.

So, try to use this period to analyze the various paths and be cautious when making decisions.

Card 8 (The Coffin) and Card 7 (The Serpent)

The Coffin and The Serpent as an arrangement of cards calls for caution with the people around you in everyday life and redoubled attention in your attitudes. So be careful in whom you place your trust and always be aware of your surroundings in your daily life.

When they appear together, these cards signal the possibility that you may discover something about a situation (or about someone) that changes your opinion and the context itself.

Card 8 (The Coffin) and Card 9 (The Bouquet)

The cards 8 and 9, when taken together, signal a period of transformations which are very favourable for your personal growth: it is a time of happiness and achievements in any area, ideal for evolving as a person.

This combination, in particular, has a strong appeal on the amorous side, indicating a relationship of genuine love. So be sure to enjoy this phase with your partner. But if you are single, be aware of your surroundings as everything indicates that you are about to meet someone.

Card 8 (The Coffin) and Card 10 (The Scythe)

The Coffin and The Scythe together bring important signals about your future plans. Both cards symbolise change, and when combined they intensify this energy even more, indicating that major modifications can be expected in your everyday life.

There are messages about shifting paths, indicating that you may be forced to interrupt a plan or abandon something suddenly. However, even if the discontinuation of your plans leaves you discouraged, know that this renewal will be favorable and present you with new possibilities.

Does the 8th card (The Coffin) symbolize death or new beginnings?

Despite its name and its symbolism, the 8th card of the gypsy deck, in fact, is very far from signaling physical death. In general, as is presented throughout the article, the card: The Coffin indicates the need to start over or even renew some aspect of your life.

Therefore, when this card appears in a drawing or combination, its message is about the importance of accepting and promoting changes in everyday life, always trying to adapt and be open to transformations so that you can evolve physically and mentally.

So, if The Coffin has appeared in any of your drawings, pay attention to the details of its symbolism to understand with certainty what this card means in your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.