Capricorn and Virgo: kissing, sex, love compatibility, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The signs of Capricorn and Virgo

The signs of Capricorn and Virgo belong to the earth element, so there are several points of compatibility between them. Both are practical, realistic and methodical in everything they do. They seek stability, like comfort and focus on the future.

However, not everything is flowers for these signs as they have some communication difficulties. They tend to be introspective, which can sometimes make life together difficult. Even so, they are very dedicated to their partners. With Capricorn's effort and Virgo's watchful eye even the most complex problems are solved.

In this combination, one has what the other needs. Together they are highly sexual, but they are also capable of being affectionate in the same measure. They are constant people and deal well with routine. Who has Capricorn and Virgo friends is always in good hands. Caution and work are their key words in life. Read on to discover how these signs combine in various areas of life!

Capricorn and Virgo in the spheres of life

These two signs seek a safe circle in various spheres of life, and even in relationships. They are also controllers, so they like to keep some kind of routine, as it is one of the few things they can keep under their control, so they hardly give it up. See how relationships work between them.

Capricorn and Virgo in sex

Capricorn and Virgo are very good at sex. Between the four walls they reveal themselves, especially when they are at ease with their partners. Intimacy between these two is like wine: it gets better with time.

They are shy only on first dates, but that's only because they are still learning about their partners. Capricorn is the sign of time, and Virgo is the sign of details, so they will need a few extra moments to get in tune.

Naturally, in sex between the two, Capricorn will set the mood and Virgo, the rhythm. Virgo will not shy away from exploring the pleasures of his Capricornian partner. Once they establish their partnership, the energy between them becomes intense and incredible.

The kiss between Capricorn and Virgo

The kiss between Virgo and Capricorn is striking and intense. It is natural that the kiss between them is contained only in the beginning, because this is part of the nature of these two signs. They appreciate the details of the first moments like no other combination of the Zodiac, so this characteristic in both will not bother them.

The Virgo sign is very self-critical, he'll want it to be an amazing kiss. That doesn't mean he'll rationalize the way he kisses, but it's in his nature to be careful not to be invasive, just the way Capricorns like it.

The sign of Capricorn, on the other hand, which has the Cardinal profile, saves all its intensity only for when it acquires confidence. Its kiss, therefore, is secure, decisive and light, everything that Virgo needs.

Capricorn and Virgo at work

Rules and routine are the strong points of these two signs at work. Capricorn is objective and Virgo has the ability to perceive things that others do not perceive. A perfect harmony for the realization and great projects.

The person of the sign of Virgo likes everything to be right. They do not tolerate doing things just any old way. They like everything in its proper place: people, things and tasks. This lifestyle is also the ideal scenario for the Capricornian.

When either of the two occupy a leadership position, one can meet the expectations of the other. For as mentioned before, one has what the other needs. With Virgo at work communication is more fluid, with Capricorn everything is more practical.

Capricorn and Virgo in friendship

The friendship between Capricorn and Virgo is the model of loyalty and respect for each other's space even though they differ in the way they delegate their social circle.

The Capricornian tends to separate friendship from other spheres of life, while Virgo handles this mixture very well. But this doesn't affect the relationship between the two of them. Their friendship is not expected to be full of adventures, as they are more practical, preferring the simplest and easiest things to do, like watching a movie or going for a walk.

The sign of Virgo is the Messenger of the Gods, so it is a good counselor and is able to understand people more easily. Capricorn, The Son of Time, is more self-centered, and has some difficulty expressing himself, Virgo, however, is able to help decipher him.

Communication between Capricorn and Virgo

The communication between the two is not very easy, because as said before, they are very introspective signs. But Virgo manages to make better use of his thoughts than Capricorn.

Capricorn has difficulty communicating as it is ruled by saturn and means that the process of self-knowledge takes a little longer. He rarely says what he thinks and feels because he needs a moment to process the information within himself.

The opposite of the Virgoan, who, on the other hand, captures everything quickly and manages to communicate in a way that is proportional to the moment. With time and patience the communication between Capricorn and Virgo becomes fluid. For both are willing to improve.

Similarities between Capricorn and Virgo

As we saw at the beginning of this article, Capricorn and Virgo are highly compatible. They see life in a similar way and become better partners for each other as time goes by. So, get to know the other similarities that exist between these two signs.


Capricorn and Virgo are both control freaks, so organization, in this sense, will always be part of their lifestyle. They like to schedule themselves, and organization will be more evident in specific areas for each one.

When they are aligned, the financial organization between Capricorn and Virgo becomes impeccable. There will always be planning to enjoy money properly so that there is a balance between commitments and leisure.

The desire for visual organization where it passes falls more on the Virgo native's side. From the sign of Capricorn is expected a greater involvement with order in the professional matter.


Rationalism is part of the essence of these two Signs. The Earth element of Capricorn and Virgo is responsible for bringing this characteristic.

Virgo tends to be more literal when it comes to being rational, while Capricorn brings characteristics of determinism to its way of rationalizing life, but is capable of being quite emotional in issues where it is vulnerable.

The Virgoan possesses great emotional intelligence even in their most sensitive matters. This characteristic makes life easier for their Capricornian partner, who in turn will provide the selectivity for the Virginian to find balance.


Capricorn and Virgo were born for each other. They are loyal partners, have similar ideals, make an amazing duo both in love and friendship.

Few things are capable of breaking the partnership between Capricorn and Virgo, but fear and excessive caution are one of them. When they are afflicted by this kind of feeling they feel confused and hold back. They end up missing great opportunities by taking too long to take the first step.

They both think a lot before making a decision, but when they decide that the partnership is worth it they are always at each other's disposal.


Practicality is a strong characteristic of these two signs. Virgoans have Mutable energy, i.e. strong adaptability. This sign is capable of mediating great changes.

The Cardinal energy of Capricorn brings dynamism, the power of work and initiative, so together they form the most practical and focused duo of the zodiac.

Adding the characteristics that both signs have, you have the perfect fit to solve various problems. This does not mean that one will absorb the capabilities of the other, but they will have mutual advantages to face various emotional or professional processes.


They are ambitious. But contrary to what others imagine, their ambition is well-directed and exists under the concept of work by purpose. For everything there is a goal with a deadline to be met.

Wealth, however, is a consequence of years of planning. Thus, a duo, composed of Capricorn and Virgo seek stability. They just want to live well. Therefore, the ambition of these signs is not bad.

Difficulty in exposing emotions

The difficulty in exposing emotions is stronger in Capricorn. Virgo, in turn is great is expressing itself. However, it concentrates this ability in solving problems, and these attitudes are easily confused with a lack of sensitivity.

Virgoans are sensitive people, however, they have a rational way to solve situations that is automatic in their personality.

In a union with Capricorn, the sign of Virgo feels that it should be the rational part of the relationship, while Capricorn, besides being sensitive, doesn't know how to deal with its emotional part and ends up hiding them or acting disproportionately to what it feels.

Differences between Capricorn and Virgo

There are few differences between Capricorn and Virgo, but they do exist as they are ruled by different planets. On the off chance that the horoscopes of both are in perfect alignment they help in the relationship between them. Understand in detail what these signs are different.

Closed or open mind

The closed mind is a characteristic that weighs more on Capricorn. The ruling planet of this sign is Saturn, which symbolizes psychic processes, detachment and a little bit of delays. Thus, Capricorn is closed-minded because it is more self-centered and rarely makes exceptions for itself and for the other.

The sign of Virgo is more open minded than Capricorn. Its ruler, Mercury, dictates its communication and learning abilities. Virgo is more willing to put itself in the other's shoes than Capricorn. It is not generalist and understands that in life we must make exceptions.


Virgo is an expert in stubbornness. It is very difficult to get him to change his mind. It is easier for others to do things his way. He follows himself. They have an opinion formed in relation to several subjects.

Capricorn's stubbornness comes from a lack of belief in other people. He does not like to listen to advice, as he prefers his own. He has a tendency to believe that nobody has anything to offer. Being a little vain and resentful he hardly admits his mistakes.

If we're going to compare, Virgo wins at stubbornness, and that can hinder you a bit in day-to-day life. Capricorn is more attentive to what people have to say and becomes less stubborn as you get older.

The love compatibility between Capricorn and Virgo

You are very good to each other when in love. Your values are similar, and you contribute to each other's personal growth. Virgo is very attentive, you only charge for what he does and try to keep everything on track.

Capricorn, is not a good collector and your love language is more connected to doing things than saying them. Learn more about the dynamics of love compatibility between the two.

Virgo woman and Capricorn man love compatibility

A Virgo woman and a Capricorn man enjoy a love compatibility of many discoveries. They are entirely devoted to each other when they decide to spend time together. They are very affectionate.

They do not allow external problems to affect the moment together. They form a very beautiful couple. The Virgo woman can capture the best moments together in a special way in photographs. The Capricorn man always looks for a way to surprise with small gestures.

Love compatibility between Capricorn woman and Virgo man

There is full love compatibility between a Capricorn woman and a Virgo man. When they decide to embark on the relationship, the levels of affection, tenderness and complicity are 100%. They are devoted to each other like no other. They don't like to waste their time together and so they divide it well.

The cautious personality of the Virgo Man, makes him slow to assume a dating. But when everything depends on the Capricorn Woman, the dating happens fast because she is very precise. It means that she already knows her Virgo partner, and evaluated everything before he even realized.

Do Capricorn and Virgo really have compatibility?

The combination of Capricorn and Virgo has everything to work out since both are from the same element, Earth. The Mutable energy of Virgo and the Cardinal of Capricorn is the perfect formula for a full and lasting relationship.

One has what the other needs to achieve emotional balance. Thus, for Virgo's accelerated thoughts, Capricorn has the stability. For Capricorn's inability to deal with feelings, Virgo has the rationality and organization.

Thus, the relationship between these two signs, whether in love, friendship and work, is one of perfect alignment, commitment and constancy.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.