Cancer and Libra combo: in relationship, in love, at work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Cancer and Libra differences and compatibilities

Libra and Cancer are astrological signs often known for not having high compatibility. This is because Cancer is one of the most emotional, water element and ruled by the moon, while Libra is one of the air signs, free thinking and ruled by Venus.

In addition, Librians are great optimists who love making new friends and participating in social circles. Meanwhile, Cancerians are more reserved and tend to value long-standing friends and traditions more.

In short, these two signs see the world differently. It's not uncommon for a Cancerian to see a Librian as someone untrustworthy or detached. Likewise, a Libra native may see someone from Cancer as a closed-minded eccentric who never leaves their cocoon.

As a result, the compatibility rating of Cancer and Libra is lower than the others in the zodiac. See more below.

It may seem difficult to think of Cancer and Libra as distant from each other, given the attraction between the water and air signs. Cancer tends to be cardinal in keeping the family together and taking responsibility for everyone.

On the other hand, Libra tends to make sure everyone is getting along and preaching fairness in places. Check out more convergent and divergent points between them below!

Affinities between Cancer and Libra

By looking at some aspects of both zodiac signs, you can find many similarities. For example, both Cancerians and Librians love to live in peace and harmony and avoid getting involved in any kind of trouble that could complicate their lives.

Also, Cancer and Libra will be attracted to each other because they feel a kind of goodness in their partner. They both seek what is good in the world. If they work together, they can overcome the negatives of their position within the zodiac.

So the two have a lot in common, they just approach their lives in different ways.

Differences between Cancer and Libra

Cancer and Libra are some of the most fascinating combinations within the zodiac. They have a strange connection and a mysterious attraction due to the inherent similarities the two have. But they also have opposing qualities that can be alarming.

Cancer can be too emotionally aggressive for Libra at times. Librians can be too cruel or insensitive to Cancerians. Also, they have a serious communication problem because neither party wants to bring up anything that might cause feelings of contrariness.

As such, this makes Cancer and Libra compatibility low scoring in sociability and interests.

Cancer and Libra in different areas of life

As a water sign, Cancer is very in tune with your intuition and emotions in a deep and intense way. Cancerians tend to be very sensitive creatures who act impulsively with their heart. In contrast, Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty.

Librians love the good things in life and care deeply about appearances, having air as their element, which represents the need for a free and balanced life. See how is the relationship of both in coexistence, love and work below!

In living together

On the other hand, Libra will appreciate the Cancerian's natural desire to love and protect, but will sometimes stand up to their partner's desire for excessive giving.

Because of Cancer's excess of feelings, Libra's balance between emotion and reason can be disturbed. As Libra's symbol is the scales, he needs freedom, harmony and clarity to follow his sense of justice.

However, the intense personality of the Cancerian can make living together stressful and messy for the Librian.

In love

Cancer and Libra's love relationship can be difficult because they both have a hard time understanding each other. Libra doesn't understand why Cancer is so emotional and needs to express and digest all his emotions. Likewise, Cancer doesn't understand why Libra isn't more open about his feelings.

Thus, finding common ground is a battle for both of them, making love for these signs become a war. Librians tend to enjoy their freedom, while Cancerians are extremely attached. Therefore, both of them don't usually fit together or balance the scales of love, in this sense.

At work

When Cancer and Libra work together, you have to face some disagreements in the office. Workplace relationships rarely allow for the deep connection Cancerians and Librians need to really understand each other.

At work, Libra natives love to get large groups together to discuss new creative solutions, even if they are impractical. Cancerians, on the other hand, are much more independent. They prefer to work on projects on their own and only follow through with low-risk ideas that are likely to succeed.

These two signs work best in scenarios where each can use their own strengths and don't have to rely too heavily on each other to get things done.

Cancer and Libra in intimacy

When it comes to intimacy, the biggest restriction in the relationship between Cancer and Libra is in the things they want from their partner. The Cancerian wants someone who is responsible, who will hold their hand whenever needed, and who will complement their emotional nature with practicality.

However, the Libra wants someone full of life, who is strong and has the initiative to follow his or her ideas. When together, they can really disappoint each other if any expectations are set incorrectly at the beginning of the relationship.

Check out more details about their compatibility in the more intimate aspects below.

The relationship

In the affective relationship of these signs, Cancerians value nostalgia and tradition, while Librians love to have new experiences. So, finding something that satisfies both of them can be a huge challenge.

Because of these differences, Cancer and Libra are not the best partners for superfluous relationships and casual friendships. However, they both value intimate relationships, and if they decide to make the effort, these two can form a close and lasting relationship with each other.

So giving in at certain times can be key. Make sure you balance the other sign's desires, while also encouraging yourself to step out of your comfort zone.

The kiss

Cancerians are emotional and sentimental people by nature, so their kissing reflects that too. They kiss in a way that will tell you a lot about what's really going on in their hearts.

However, although the Libra partner can be extremely patient and kind, there is still a speed in the Air element and so the Cancer native may have trouble adjusting.

So, after a passionate kiss, the Librian may want to continue the moment with warmer caresses, making it too rushed in the Cancerian's view.


As a water sign, Cancer values emotional connection. It's important that they have a deeper bond with someone to feel fully satisfied in bed.

Librians, on the other hand, are passionate, creative and love to please their partners during sex. But they are still air signs, so their rhythm can be a little faster than Cancer's. They also need creativity and energy in bed to be happy, which can be a drawback for Cancerians, who are more shy.

For this reason, sex life will only be really good if the two already share deep emotions and feelings, not just a simple attraction.


As signs ruled by Venus and the Moon, it's safe to assume that your relationship is very important. Although Libra accounts for Venus' higher spiritual nature, this is still a sign of a lot of attention focused on the relationship. In turn, Cancer's Moon only emphasizes the need for closeness and harmony.

That way, communication between them won't be too difficult, but there's a chance that they won't share many interests or respect each other enough to have a solid, lasting foundation.

Also, it's important to remember that Libra has a problematic Sun and usually seeks a partner with more fire and passion than Cancer usually demonstrates it has.

The conquest

In conquest, both signs are driven by a sense of commitment, passion, romance and intimacy. They can find paradise when they are in each other's arms.

But when it comes to dealing with reality, this is where the trouble starts: Cancerians can easily become insecure, irritated and feel left out. They look for someone to pamper them, to stay close by and understand what they need without saying anything.

On the other hand, the Librian is a free bird who will always be drawn to new experiences. Although this air sign respects and honors relationship and commitment, the conquest for the Libra native happens when he is communicating and socializing.

Cancer and Libra according to gender

Despite their differences, a Libra man and a Cancer woman or vice versa can have a successful relationship. In general, Libra and Cancer compatibility is usually higher in romantic relationships.

Both Librians and Cancer people love to be in love and desire a close and devoted relationship. They are also known to go to great lengths to make sure the people they care about are happy, which usually leads to affectionate and satisfying relationships. Check out more below!

Cancer woman with Libra man

A Libra man and a Cancer woman have mixed compatibility. There is a lot of chemistry between the two, but this is also a very unstable combination. Both signs tend to hold back their feelings and communicate indirectly. This can lead to conflict due to pent-up anger and frustration.

On the other hand, relationship and commitment are very important for these two signs, so this couple will be motivated to work out their differences so that the relationship is successful.

Libra woman with Cancer man

The Cancer man seeks stability and emotional support from his partner, to counterbalance his own deep feelings. In the Libra woman, he finds a calm, peaceful and charming companion, who strives not to abandon the boat.

Both are committed to creating a stable home, but how they will do this highlights their differences. Money is likely to be a particular obstacle in this case.

The Libra woman likes the good things in life and spends money very freely. For the Cancer man, money is synonymous with emotional security, and he is unlikely to be very happy with his wife's love of shopping.

Cancer woman with Libra woman

Since Cancer and Libra are cardinal signs, there will also be some power struggles in this partnership, especially when it comes to women. Both signs want to be in charge and both want things done their own way.

For the compatibility of a Libra woman with another Cancer woman to have any chance, it is essential that the couple learn to deal with problems and arguments as they arise, rather than going into a state of denial and allowing everything to get worse.

So, it's better to both be temporarily upset than to end up resenting each other because of too many things left unsaid.

Cancer man with Libra man

A Libra man with a Cancer man is an affectionate pair, focused on providing for each other's needs. However, both avoid conflict and this tends to lead to pent-up anger, with the potential to be destructive.

Another tricky issue is socializing: Libra may want to go to parties, while Cancer is happier at home or with a few close friends. There may also be differences in their thoughts and opinions, but this shouldn't hurt the Librian man's level of love compatibility with the Cancerian man.

Moreover, the Libra native really appreciates his partner for being a kind and patient person, who takes care of him at every step he takes and who is by his side whenever he needs.

A little more about Cancer and Libra

Although Cancer and Libra's compatibility isn't so great, they can still help complete each other. This relationship is likely to start slowly as the two get to know each other.

But over time, Cancer can teach Libra about being more in touch with their own emotions, while Libra can teach Cancer to work more with their intellectual side. Below, see what attitudes can help them stay together.

Tips for a good relationship

The most important thing for the sign of Libra is balance, so if the Cancerian is interested in someone of this sign, it is crucial to maintain harmony in your relationship. In addition, it is essential to understand the unpretentious nature of the Librian and avoid suffocating him with the weight of emotional issues.

On the other hand, the best thing you can do to get a Cancerian's attention is to listen to them. You'll notice the way they listen to you when you speak, completely immersed in what you're saying, as if you were the only person in the world.

Return that level of attention to him and the communication between the two of you will be much more fluid and not a cause for conflict.

Best Pairs for Cancer

Cancer is most compatible with other water signs as well as earth signs that often share their natural sensitivities, so the best combinations for a Cancerian are Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo.

Taurus and Cancer share a common need for security and a sense of permanence when it comes to all major aspects of their lives.

Cancer's natural possessive tendencies help Scorpio feel secure and wanted in the relationship. Meanwhile, Scorpio's passion helps encourage the shy, introverted Cancer native to come out of his shell more often.

Finally, one of the best questions about the Virgo and Cancer pair is the immense capacity for care and affection that exists between them.

Best Pairs for Libra

For Libra, the most compatible signs are Gemini, Leo and Aquarius.

Libra and Gemini are air signs, but that's not the only reason they get along so well. Both are sociable, deeply curious, and appreciate the beauty of life. Plus, they see the world in a very similar way, which will make them both 100% happy.

Regarding Leo, Librians love their confidence and honesty, while Leonians are attracted to the style and charm of the Libra natives. Together, they usually make life a party and love to be in the middle of social scenes.

Finally, Libra and Aquarius have many similarities as they are both air signs and value justice, equality and freedom.

Is Cancer and Libra a combination that can work out?

Despite the differences in personality and style, Cancer and Libra is a combination that can, yes, work out. Air and water are very harmonious elements, although they can disagree and cause conflicts. But, when they agree to work together, it is something beautiful and magical.

Have you ever paid attention to the rainbow that is formed through the combination of light, water and air? You could say that this is how it happens when Cancer and Libra come together, whether in love, at work or in a simple friendship.

They have their own unique rhythm and, if they know how to use it in the best way, harmony and balance can make them go from being very opposite signs to complementary signs, which fit like a glove.

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