Business numerology: meaning, how to calculate, names and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Have you ever heard of business numerology?

The numerology business is an ancestral technique that, as a recent phenomenon, is applied to business. It consists basically in the analysis of the name of the company, street where it is headquartered, date of inauguration and other important details.

In this way, it helps to establish a correct nomenclature, based on the Pythagoras table. For older companies, it is also worth the adaptation and corrections, if really necessary. Understand in depth how it works and how to apply it in your company.

Fundamentals of business numerology

First of all, it is important to remember that each number corresponds to a vibratory pattern. In addition, there are several archetypes related to each one, with practical effects on the day to day of the company, as a whole.

Understand better what business numerology is, how to analyze it correctly, for whom it is indicated and its benefits. In addition, of course, you will also learn how to make the calculation for your company or business idea.

What is business numerology?

The numerology business is a study of the vibratory pattern of the name of your company and other factors that can contribute to its success. It is calculated based on the Pythagoras table, in general. There are those who prefer to opt for the cabalistic also, being this rarer and much less divulged.

In this branch of study, numerology is used to find the numerical combination that can bring more benefits to the institution. This way, it can completely influence the choice of the name or even the address where the headquarters will be. In companies already established, it can be done the analysis and correct the faulty points.

For whom is it indicated to use the business numerology?

All and any type of business can do the study of numerology business, always focusing on the characteristics that are more important. For example, if it is a company in the business of trade, a number that facilitates communication can help a lot. Or who knows, one that favors interpersonal relationships.

In this sense, the ideal number is defined according to the values, goals and vision of the company. In this way, it can energetically reinforce its purpose and bring more success in its actions. In other words, business numerology is useful for all types of enterprises, regardless of their area of operation.

What are the benefits of applying business numerology?

The main benefit of doing the study and application of business numerology is the determination of the vibrational pattern. This is because when your name and other factors vibrate in tune with your purpose and your team, it is much easier to achieve the much desired success in your industry.

However, other benefits can also be considered. Among them, is the knowledge of their weak points and possible barriers. In addition, the interpretation by numerology can point new paths and solutions. It also helps to maintain the balance between need and vocation, giving a broader vision of your business.

Are there good or bad numbers in business numerology?

There is no such idea that some numbers are better than others. In business numerology, they only determine the energy pattern and its correlations. Thus, there is always a positive and a not so interesting aspect to your business. In other words, they are just different vibrations and not something that can actually harm.

To better illustrate, take the example of a law firm whose name number is 5. It is perfect for companies that are focused on education and teaching, not so much for the legal area. Will it hurt? Probably not, but if you can adapt it to the number 4, which refers to stability and credibility, it can help a lot.

How to calculate business numerology?

To calculate business numerology you need to use the Pythagorean table. To do this, you will replace the letter with its corresponding number. Look at the list and write down on a piece of paper how much each of the letters of the word you are studying is worth:

  • A, J, S = 1
  • B, T = 2
  • C, L, U = 3
  • D, M = 4
  • E, N, W = 5
  • F, O, X = 6
  • G, P, Y = 7
  • H,Q, Z = 8
  • I, R = 9
  • K = 11
  • V = 22
  • Now, add up the value of each letter, continuing to add until you get a number between 1 and 9 or the numbers 11 and 22, which should not be added - because they are in the Pythagorean table. Here's how to do it:

    Astral Dream

    S = 1; O = 6; N = 5 etc.

    Then stay:

    1 + 6 + 5 + 8 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 3 = 43

    4 + 3 = 7

    The vibratory pattern of it is connected to spirituality, excellence in what you do and a business of emotional nature, introspective, with strong relation to self-analysis. In other words, it is well suited to the profile of the site and its most important values. Make yours and also see how to apply this numerology.

    In what situations can I apply business numerology?

    The numerology is very important in choosing the name of your business, but goes far beyond that. There are other factors that also have influence on their results, such as the address, date of opening and even the number of partners that it must have. Understand these and other important points for your company.

    Choice of the fantasy name

    If your company does not yet have a fantasy name, then you can choose the most suitable according to the principles of business numerology. For this, after brainstorming and writing down what are the most suitable possible names, make the calculation for each of them.

    Then, it is important to go back to the beginning of your strategic planning and analyze if the meaning is related to your core values. See also if it is aligned to your mission as a company and especially to your vision, that is, how you plan your business for the next 5 years.

    From then on, all you have to do is choose the fantasy name that best suits not only your taste or your target audience, but also the business numerology. Of course, always revisiting the values, mission and vision, as well as the sonority and other important points for the brand definition.

    Choosing a location for the business

    The choice of your company's headquarters is very important, perhaps as important as the name, especially if it is easily seen by your customer, whether on your website, social network or other means of communication. In addition, the vibe coming from the analysis of business numerology can impact the first impression of your business.

    Therefore, it is important to check the meaning of numerology before investing or renting the space where your company will be. That way, you will ensure better business, a more favorable image and of course, a better first impression from your customers, suppliers and employees.

    Date of opening of the company

    The date of the opening of your company should be chosen carefully, always based on business numerology. Just as the date of your birth has an impact on your life, so the date of the opening of the firm and even the inauguration are important. After all, it will emit a kind of vibratory pattern that can attract or alienate your target audience.

    To calculate, it's even simpler than the process with the company name or address. Just add up the posting date and you'll get the number for analysis. For example, January 1, 2020 would look like this:

    0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 6

    Number 6 is connected to beauty, balance and commitment. It also gives off a more family oriented vibe and balance. Certainly not a good place for a nightclub, but seems perfect for a beauty salon, school or even a restaurant, bakery or other food related business.

    Number of members

    The number of people involved in the partnership is important for the analysis of business numerology. This is because it is related to aspects of the unconscious, which can help manifest a certain vibration in the partnership. Consequently, it can be more fluid or problematic.

    Another important factor to analyze is the suitability of each of the partners for this business, based on the numerology of each one's name. In the same way, it is possible to have more clues about the entry of a new partner for the company, whether partner, investor or any other categories that may influence the decision making.

    Open franchises

    If you are interested in expanding your business by opening a franchise, it is interesting to make an analysis of business numerology. Through it, it is possible to know what is the best date for the change and start of the expansion project. Of course, this analysis should be done in line with the map of each partner.

    It is also important to review whether the name is still appropriate, since part of the planning will be changed. In the new standardization, ask the support of a numerologist to analyze the determined layout and other factors of the franchise process of your company.

    However, if you want to be a franchisee, it is important to look at the same points, despite the limited access to general planning material.

    Energy of the year and month of the company

    In the same way that you calculate the launch date of a business, you can also calculate how the vibe is for the current year and month. This can be useful to prepare for possible adversities presented or even to postpone or advance an investment already planned.

    For that, just add the launch date (birth) of the company as the day, month and current year (or that you intend to invest). Go adding the numbers until you get a number between 1 and 9, 11 or 22. Then, just read the interpretation of the result and make the decision according to the planned, your feeling and the support of numerology.

    How should my company name be evaluated?

    There are some ways to analyze the name of your business, according to business numerology. Besides the already taught, there are three interesting aspects to observe, being the motivation number, the impression number and the expression number. Understand better each one and how to do it.

    Meaning of the motivation number

    When evaluating your company name, you can analyze the motivation number. It is the representation of what moves your team forward, what motivates action. Precisely because of this, it must be in total alignment with the values detailed in the strategic planning.

    To find out what is the number of motivation in business numerology, you need to write down only the vowels of the fancy name. Then you can look for the corresponding numbers in the Pythagorean table and add. Then just analyze the result, according to the explanation of each number.

    Meaning of the print number

    The impression number portrays the way your target audience, customers, suppliers, competitors and others; see your company. In other words, it represents the energy equivalent to how your company is perceived by those outside of it, but who have or may have some relationship with it.

    Learn what is the number of impression of your business in business numerology by writing down the consonants on a paper. Then, make the correlation with the Pythagorean table and write down next to each letter. From then on, just add everything up, until you get a number between 1 and 9, 11 or 22 and read the corresponding interpretation.

    Meaning of the expression number

    Understanding your expression number is understanding the place where you belong. After all, it is through it that the company shows affinity and aptitude for a certain area. In other words, it expresses itself through this number, pointing out which are the most common paths and areas for your business.

    Besides being extremely important, this is the most common analysis. It is done by adding all the consonants and vowels, until a number is reached between 1 and 9, 11 or 22. As in the other cases, it is also enough to read the meaning and interpret it, always adapting it to your own reality.

    Meaning of numbers in business numerology

    In business numerology, each result has a different meaning and should be taken into consideration before making important decisions.

    After all, they carry within themselves the energy vibration, which leads to a certain tendency of action or results. See then what each number of the Pythagorean table means according to numerology.

    Number 1 in business numerology

    Full of active energy, number one represents change, speed, competitiveness and impulsiveness. It is related to accelerated growth, constant progress and above all, pioneering spirit.

    Number 2 in business numerology

    With a milder energy, he is related to successful partnerships, with a strong tendency to conflict resolution. Among the most outstanding characteristics are the ability to negotiate, to reconcile contrasting or divergent parties, and to unite interests and aspirations.

    Number 3 in business numerology

    Any activity which reflects the creation, expression and manifestation of ideas is related to the number 3 in business numerology. In addition, this number represents the capacity for communication, interaction and joviality. It mainly comprises the area of relationships and communication.

    Number 4 in business numerology

    Stability, discipline, health and aesthetics are the main energies emanating from the number 4 in business numerology. It is also related to security, not only physical - structural - but also emotional. Linked to success and moderation in finances, the 4 defines a good foundation and longevity.

    Number 5 in business numerology

    The number 5 emanates the vibration of expansion and growth beyond defined boundaries. This property is related to the capacity of transmission of information and teachings, as well as the capacity of overcoming and innovation, with a multitasking aspect.

    Number 6 in business numerology

    If your company name is related to the numeral 6 in business numerology, then it vibrates positively in the sense of social activities. In addition, it can also have a relationship with health and also with the arts in general, favoring these aspects of your business.

    Number 7 in business numerology

    Related to excellence and specialization, number 7 is especially important for niche companies. That is, for those that have a more restricted and selective public, like, for example, Apple (1 + 7 + 7 + 5 = 2), that despite having as a result the 2, the adaptation and union of interests, has the number 7 very marked in its structure.

    Number 8 in business numerology

    Excellent result for large companies, it is associated with respect, power and mainly success. It is also related to non-profit companies and government institutions. The energy of the 8 is linked to planning, structuring and hierarchy, as well as maturity and teamwork.

    Number 9 in business numerology

    Associated to spiritualization and self-realization, number 9 emanates the energy of support, help and cure. The constant contact with what is new and external is also part of its interpretation in numerology business. Religiosity and reconnection with the Sacred can also be energies correlated to the number.

    Number 11 in business numerology

    Inspiration, intuition and high ideal are the main vibrations of the number 11 in numerology business. Thus, the company whose name reflects this number may be related to a charitable organization or have a social and spiritual focus.

    Number 22 in business numerology

    If any number in the Pythagorean table can be considered the very representation of the consolidation of power, it is 22. In business numerology, power is the total focus of companies in this vibratory range, transforming talents, experiences and aspirations into something concrete.

    More information about business numerology

    In business numerology, there are some details that are important to be able to make the calculation correctly. In addition, there are some aspects that can influence the time to better understand the energy emanating from your company. See more details and understand about the topic in more depth.

    What is most important to take into account in business numerology?

    First of all, it is important to count on a numerologist to make the whole map with the business numerology. This will ensure greater chance of accuracy, since there are many factors that can influence the result. After all, it is not only the sum of the letters that counts, being this in fact, a part of the analysis.

    You should also consider other aspects such as the personal map of all partners and investors, as well as the closest employees to the management of the operations. In addition, you should note which is the predominant number (which appears most often) in a word, as well as the number of the first and last letter of the name.

    Important rules for calculating business numerology

    When calculating business numerology, it is essential to follow some basic rules, which will make all the difference if ignored:

  • Always use the name that is on the contract and the name that is on your storefront for accuracy. If you have any changes to the name that is shown on the website or social media, it should be told as well;
  • Note which digit corresponds to the first and last letter of the word (even if it is a compound or a sentence) and do the analysis of it;
  • If a number tends to repeat with greater intensity than the others, this is a sign that it is relatively predominant, in relation to the others;
  • Never add the number 11 and 22, because they are also in the Pythagorean table and have their own meaning;
  • Acronyms should also be counted and added, such as LTDA, ME, SA and others;
  • Remember to pay more attention to the print number, resulting from the sum of the consonants. After all, it is the one that will be most on display for your target audience;
  • The business numerology deals with the representativeness, form of expression and mainly energetic influence of your business. Thus, it shows how it interacts with the environment, receiving and emanating specific vibrations. So, much attention to the result of the map and if possible, make the name as appropriate as possible.
  • My company is already old, how can business numerology help me?

    From the analysis of business numerology, you can get a broader view of your company. Thus, you end up understanding old bottlenecks and complex and sometimes even contradictory situations.

    If the name is not aligned with your values, just make a well-structured adaptation and focusing on the number that represents your values. For this, just add letters or the number itself, always of course, with the support of a trusted numerologist.

    Can business numerology guarantee success to my enterprise?

    Guaranteeing success is a very strong expression and, like everything in life, should be considered. If you want to facilitate the paths, open the doors and avoid unnecessary wear and tear, yes, business numerology can help. But it is not a certainty of victory, after all, there are many factors that define the achievements of a business.

    The most important thing is to have a well-structured strategic plan, because you can't know if the numerology of your company is in accordance with your values, if you don't know what they are. In fact, values, mission and vision are part of the first steps in the planning of any business.

    In other words, certainly the business numerology can help you achieve the expected success, but it does not make miracles. You need to plan, execute, monitor your employees, check the mistakes and fix them.

    Of course, in the middle of all this, there is still the innovation and the search for personal growth within the company. In other words, numerology helps, but it doesn't work miracles. What really counts in the end is hard and well-structured work.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.