Astrological symbols: Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the astrological symbols?

You may have already noticed the different symbols within the astrological chart, each one representing different things, like a star or a sign. In this article, we will introduce you to what these symbols are, what they mean and their importance in the lives of individuals.

These symbols were created a long time ago and none of their designs are random. Each line and shape has a meaning which expresses specific characteristics. Through the study of astrological symbols, we are able to understand the influence of the stars on our lives and the energy emanating from the signs.

Thus, this knowledge is an important tool to understand more about ourselves, making us more able to achieve our best form. Below, you will find this information and more about each of the symbols, whether planetary or representing the signs. Check it out!

Symbols of the stars

Long ago, planetary symbols were created from astrology and alchemy. Since then, they have been used and transformed over the millennia. Contrary to what many think, they were not created randomly.

By looking closely at them, you can see that four shapes are quite recurrent and similar within many. These shapes are simple: circle, semi-circle, cross and arrow; but they carry complex meanings. Read on and understand how these shapes fit into each specific star!


The symbol that represents the Sun is formed by a circle that represents the spirit and a point located in the center. This point, in turn, signifies the position of the Sun in relation to the other planets. Furthermore, within Astrology, the Sun is what guides us to our main purpose in life.

In the same way that the Sun is the primary energy source of our solar system, the Astro-King is also the one that feeds our spirit and illuminates our consciousness.


The Moon is represented by two half-circles, forming the image of a crescent moon. In this way it strongly indicates receptivity and sensitivity to other people. As a star that both receives and reflects the light of the Sun, all the receptivity involved also symbolizes our intuition, our dreams and our subconscious.


Mercury has everything to do with consciousness. The crescent signifies the ability to understand the signs of the unconscious and unite them with what we are already aware of. In this way we are more sensitive and see the world and situations more clearly.

Furthermore, the circle indicates the intellect, which can be taken over by arrogance, when too tensed. On the other hand, it also reveals very idealistic people, if the most accentuated point is the crescent. The cross below the circle, on the other hand, usually speaks of worldly things. So, when it is too accentuated, it represents a materialistic motivation when communicating, as well as coldness and manipulation.


The planet Venus establishes how we see ourselves in others and how others see themselves in us. It embraces the ideas of the collective superconscious and unites with conscious realities, basing our feelings and stimuli.

In addition, Venus is also seen as the brother of Earth, a complement or partner. Therefore, the symbols of these planets are extremely similar. While the symbol of Venus is composed of a cross under a circle, the symbol of Earth is composed of a cross over the circle.


In Mars' symbology, the arrow indicates dynamic activity, while the circle is about individual willpower. When balanced, the arrow and the circle, we establish an exchange of vitality with the world in a healthy way. Thus, we develop confidence and discipline to achieve our goals.

Otherwise, in the symbol with the sharper arrow, we show ourselves to be more selfish and impulsive, wasting a lot of energy on passions. When the circle is sharper, we show ourselves to be arrogant and selfish.


When Jupiter's cross and crescent are in balance, the planet provides us with a greater capacity to perceive and explore the true potential of circumstances in order to learn from them and evolve our reality. In this way we are able to utilize all learning and principles, without forgetting consideration for other people.

When there is imbalance, with the cross being superior to the crescent, we can develop more fascination with adventure, without keeping our feet on the ground. But in another way, with the crescent prevailing the cross, we can become much more materialistic and superficial, forgetting other sensitive and important aspects of life.


Formed by a cross and a crescent, the Saturn symbol concerns our understanding based on past experiences, providing us with maturity and the ability to live collectively, with responsibility and patience.

However, when there is imbalance and the Saturn cross is more pronounced, we can become insensitive and cold people. Meanwhile, when the crescent is more pronounced, our mind becomes closed to new ideas, we get stuck in the past and completely abandon individuality.


Uranus works with both sides of the brain - logic and quick thinking. It triggers various benefits such as idea formation, spontaneity and quick problem solving, working imperceptibly in our subconscious and sending signals to the superconscious.

Furthermore, the electricity of Uranus, when it is not well directed, treated and controlled, can show actions that are not healthy, being destructive and explosive. Therefore, all this energy has influence on our actions and our future.


The balance between the cross and the crescent in Neptune allows us to transform dreams into reality. With great determination, willingness and patience, we make room for new artistic creations or technological inventions.

However, when the cross is surpassed by the crescent, we can get lost in idealism, unable to develop or practice much further. On the other hand, when the cross surpasses the crescent, we are so afraid of disappointment that we don't even manifest our ideas.


In Pluto's symbol, the circle of the spirit within the crescent indicates receptivity to other realities and worlds. In view of this, astrology says that the planet is what gives us the power to make major and profound changes in life.

Otherwise, when the cross of the symbol surpasses the crescent, we tend to leave the energy-transforming personality aside. A more selfish and increasingly ambitious side for power is then displayed.


The symbol that represents the Earth is a circle dominated by a cross, very similar to the symbol of Venus. In this case, of the Earth, the cross of matter and human experience is superimposed over the circle of essence, as if it were limiting the actions of the spirit.

Symbols of the signs

The symbols of the signs of the zodiac can be interpreted in the same way as the planets. When observed, we can relate the flow of energy with the flow of water. Each sign presents its own particularities, being divergent among them.

But, basically, 3 aspects of this dynamic are present in their properties, and they are: 1) the flow of water in its normal pressure; 2) the acceleration of this pressure due to the slopes of the current; and 3) the pressure of the water in a more violent form that forms eddies. Below, see how each one of these characteristics is present in each one of the signs!


We find, in the sign of Aries, the representation of the course of the water that gushes, reaches its peak and then precipitates in a continuous downward movement. In the same way, the energy of Aries is assertive, determined and powerful. Thus, it gives openness to courage and impulsiveness in its actions, but, above all, to the affirmation of the Self.

The expansive Aries energy can lose all its potential for leadership, determination and willingness when it is out of balance, being taken over by arrogance, stubbornness and lack of focus. So for Aries to use its power to accomplish and innovate to its full potential, it needs to be in balance.


The Taurus energy is connected to matter, focused on what is solid and true. This makes its vibration heavier. Therefore, the Taurus symbol represents energy as a whirlwind, caused by violent pressure, but also allowing man to use the energy generated.

The balance of Taurus energy brings stability, self-control, clear purpose, and confidence. Meanwhile, the instability of the energy reveals darker characteristics far from wholeness, such as possessiveness, jealousy, and stubbornness.


The sign of Gemini, on the other hand, possesses a nervous and inconstant energy, which goes from one point to another quickly. Water (energy) is channeled in a certain direction by the interference of human aptitude. The raw Gemini energy, when properly directed to a certain purpose, can be put to very good use.

Thus, Gemini is endowed with a versatile personality and an agile mind. The speed of his reasoning allows him to go from one idea to another quickly. This characteristic also makes boredom arise easily and is to avoid dispersions and get better use of energy.


From the sign of Cancer, we can relate the energy of the sign with water, as if both the elevation of water and its revolt were represented there. Cancer easily understands the duty to move forward. It does not fight unconformity in relation to the flow of life and does not get stuck to the past.

When your energy is unstable, the good Cancerian memory is not used for learning but for your own ruin, clinging to the past and fantasising about it. Meanwhile stable energy brings out the best in your personality.

Cancer also has a caring and protective instinct, and its individuals are persistent, tenacious, strong, intuitive, sensitive and nostalgic. The importance of seeking balance in energy is that they do not become manipulative, domineering or over-sensitive. Without balance, their relationships will be contaminated by emotional blackmail and too romanticised.


The Leo energy is strong, deep and determined, and so it is precisely represented in its symbol as a whirlpool which is formed in the current at its peak, then rises and falls back into the river. In this context, the person is the central point, representing his own light and warmth.

Gifted with independent but not selfish energy, he shares his warmth with others, illuminating the lives of those around him. His presence is striking and full of determination and power.

However, an imbalance of energy prevents you from taking advantage of this luminosity and expansion of being, revealing self-centeredness, laziness and intolerance. For Leo to make good use of what is best in him, he must work on balancing his own energy.


In the sign of Virgo, water is slowed down because of obstacles on the surface, it represents almost explicitly the aspect of Virgo that ends up delaying a process that could be faster and more efficient, if the sign wasn't so critical with details.

Then, we can take into consideration the moral of the fable The Tortoise and the Hare, in which haste is the enemy of perfection. Therefore, the difficulty of dealing with pressure is great. For this reason, these points should be analyzed and used for a noble and valid cause, otherwise it can generate a high level of anxiety.

However, when the Virgo energy is in balance, a high level of self-knowledge and self-control is achieved, knowing how to identify where and when to use your critical sense more solidly.


In Libra, having the scales as a symbol, it already makes clear your democratic and dependent personality, looking for both sides in the search for what is fair. But not always the natives are true to themselves, as they can end up nullifying the feelings, when they try to disregard all possible opinions around them.

On the other hand, being analytical about other people's concepts, they manage to avoid disagreements, offering the possibility of reason or the lack of it being ambiguous. Therefore, the pacifist spirit shows itself present, being able to transform different opinions into permanent agreements.


Scorpio has an extremely potent and strong energy. Like the water in the current that arrives with all speed, it fills and explodes towards the arrow, just like the design of its symbol. However, it is easily noticeable that there is a lot of depth, passion and intensity in Scorpio energy.

Well-balanced, Scorpio energy performs an ingenious function on Earth. With genuine curiosity and delight in life, Scorpio finds and takes advantage of the opportunities life offers to mature, learn, and connect with others.

Meanwhile when you are unstable, you show neglect of your talents, duties and even affections. You give in to whims and desires without considering the consequences. Often you may not see much beyond the moment, being extremely impulsive and irresponsible.


In search of true purpose, Sagittarius passes over matter until it reaches its goal. Its energy represents the speed with which water moves in its initial direction. Therefore it has a taste for change, innovation and truth.

However, when there is no balance or much light to his exerting the best he has to offer and be, the person becomes impatient, inconveniently curious and very vitriolic. Both when he speaks and when he thinks about himself, there is too much exaggeration of the pity he attaches to his own being.

In addition, Sagittarius will always seek justice, knowledge and spirituality. Full of faith, the energy of this sign transcends ego and worldly goals such as the pursuit of power. His surrender to what he believes is greater than himself, spirituality and what is from above makes him reach a higher level of harmony and spiritual peace on his own.


The energy of Capricorn is generated by its own movement: of falling, like water falling from a high waterfall. It is a luminous energy, pragmatic and serious. Responsibility is one of the characteristics that says the most about this sign.

Using all that he sees, hears and learns for his own benefit, Capricorn reaches a high level of maturity with time. He reveals himself to have a very conscientious and strong personality which tends to achieve everything he wants.

When his energy is not in the best shape, he ends up being insensitive, hypocritical and domineering. Then, he stops being guided by the heart, and the mind commands all his attitudes and emotions, giving more openness to fears. In addition, the sign stops showing empathy to those around him.


Like water that is rebellious but still searching for instability, the Aquarius symbol represents an accelerated flow, with all the potentiality of the energy provoked by the fall. Unpredictable, suddenly opening the way for creative changes and free from conventionalism, the Aquarian energy shows itself to be revolutionary.

In this way, the sign also represents different perspectives on things and the unexpected. As it is endowed with eccentric and decentralized energy, it does not adapt well to very rigid structures. It tends to always seek beauty, truth and justice in the world.

When this energy is unbalanced, it can become self-centered or discouraged, blocking all creativity, and it can stop perceiving the possibilities of change and confine itself within a closed mind. Trapped within its own head, Aquarius moves away from its own essence and from what is best in itself.


Pisces represents change in the flow of the water from the fall, yet it continues its course towards the sea. From this, we identify in Pisces the desire to liberate itself in an infinite rhythm full of love and solidarity, freeing those feelings that are usually repressed.

Pisces energy is full of sensitivity, intuition and creativity, but when it is out of balance, we tend to feel and appear extremely melancholic, self-pitying and victimistic.

Why is knowing the astrological symbols important?

As you have seen throughout this article, the astrological symbols are not just random drawings. They bring with them representations that can help us in the process of self-knowledge. From them, we can understand aspects of our emotions, personalities and relationships in the world.

In addition, we can gain a better understanding of our role in this world. Thus, this content can be not only interesting, but also very relevant. Now that you have access to all this material, you can use it as a support to understand yourself better and achieve your best version. Seek balance and enjoy a full and pleasant life!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.