Ascendant in Leo: in love, at work, features and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of Ascendant in Leo

The sign of Leo as ascendant can show a great vitality and physical endurance to its natives. Stubbornness is also something very striking of this ascendant, which is shown through the attitudes, which form persistent people who fight for what they believe in.

Having this ascendant can bring a very positive energy as far as perception is concerned. These natives tend to notice their typical behaviors in a much more natural way, without the need for great and deep analysis.

Another very common point among people who have Leo as ascendant is their strong connection with creativity. But, in some cases, depending on the posture of this native, it is possible that he gets lost on the way by excessive ego. If you want to know a little more about the ascendant in Leo, keep reading.

Meaning of the ascendant sign

The Ascendant sign has a very similar impact to the Sun sign in the birth chart. In many cases it can even obscure some very important points, which can clearly describe the personality of a specific sign.

In this way, the ascendant can serve as a balance for the personality of the native, for example. However, the combination of two signs which have very similar characteristics makes this junction strengthen these points.

Thus, the ascendant sign has a very clear function in the astrological chart and, at some moments, it even takes the lead of the sun sign with some more incisive attitudes. Curious to know more about the ascendant signs? Read on.

What is an ascending sign?

The ascendant is the sun sign which, at the time of your birth, appeared on the eastern horizon. Just like your sun sign, the ascendant also has a great influence on issues like personality.

Thus, as the characteristics of the ascendant also end up having a great weight for people, it is common that a native of a sign that has organization as a main characteristic, for example, ends up being less focused on these issues due to his ascendant.

How to know the ascendant sign?

Discovering the ascendant is an important task, but it requires some care. This is because the place of birth, as well as its exact time, is of extreme importance for the accuracy of the analysis, since only 4 minutes can make a total difference.

In the calculation of the ascendant sign, two main points are taken into consideration: the time of birth and the longitude and latitude of the place where the person was born. From this data, a precise calculation will be made about the person's birth chart.

Positive features of ascendant in Leo

The sign of Leo can be a very positive ascendant for several reasons. This sign, in general, has very good characteristics as they are people who live life with joy and a great will to live, besides valuing freedom.

Due to this way of presenting themselves to the world, the sign of Leo is usually the center of attention and stands out wherever it passes. The presence of the Leo is striking and leaves a huge impression in all the environments that circulates.

In spite of being misunderstood for their attitudes, Leonines are very loyal people and great friends. A person of this sign will hardly betray a friendship for futile reasons, even though many people insist that this is the only characteristic of Leo. Learn more details about the positive characteristics of this ascendant.


Joy is part of the life of people with ascendant in Leo, and it has a great importance for these natives. They don't like to cultivate sadness and lament for a long time over the same thing. This ends up bothering them a lot.

These natives like to have experiences that make them feel alive, so they find happiness and joy in moments with friends, in trips and in parties. So they enjoy every second of these situations to live the best moments of their lives, as if every minute was unique.


Authenticity is one of the most central characteristics of Leo, and this can greatly influence a person who has this ascendant. In general, Leo natives show themselves to the world in a totally innovative and creative way.

Because they like to be the center of everything and for people to see them for who they are, Leo's make it a point to stand out using unique gimmicks to do so. Thus, they are usually people who turn a lot to the arts or anything that involves creativity.


Generosity, as strange as it may seem to mention it, is something very big in the personality of Leo people and, consequently, in those who have this ascendant. It may sound contradictory, since these natives in many moments end up thinking more of themselves than of others, but one thing does not cancel out the other.

The Leo is capable of giving a lot to the people he loves. However, the vision of the native of this sign is not limited only to those who are close to him, such as friends and family. They have a great desire to help others and do this with a good heart, without thinking about the returns that their attitudes may give.

Negative features of Ascendant in Leo

The sign of Leo has some characteristics that are quite negative and others that can be misinterpreted by others. This happens because some people may not understand the fact that the Leo loves himself above all, which can be positive in some way for them.

However, people with Leo in the chart have a great tendency to think that situations should be about them, since they are used to being the center of the world, as they end up becoming the highlight of any place they enter.

These characteristics make those with ascendant in Leo lose some of their humility and even believe that their version of the facts are the only ones and cannot be contested by other people.

Thus, they end up losing their hand easily in their attitudes, so they can be seen as unbearable to live with. Check below for more details on the most common faults of those who have ascendant in Leo.


People with ascendant in Leo are known to have a selfish behavior in various scenarios of life. As they always want to be at the center of everything, they do not bother in any way to take the attention given to other people, no matter how much they deserve it at the moment.

The important thing for these people is to win the much desired applause, which they live in search of. For these natives, such attitude does not bring any problems, even if it is totally unnecessary and serves only to supply their ego.


Stubbornness is also part of the negative personality of the native with Leo ascendant, but most of the time it comes from the insistence of these people to be ahead of everything in every possible occasion.

In the search for prominence, these natives end up being totally stubborn and do not measure efforts to get where they want, no matter how much they are going against other people - even against those who have great importance in their lives. However, in general, people with this ascendant talk much more than they do.


Self-centeredness is possibly the most remembered characteristic of the sign of Leo. When you think about this sign, the first thing that comes to the mind of many people is certainly this. And it is acceptable that this happens, because the general behavior of the Leo always leads him to these situations.

Leo people are very self-centered and believe they are much more special than others around them. For Leo people, they are the Sun, the biggest star, and other people are only enjoying their brilliance by the way.

Ascendant in Leo in love

In the field of love, the ascendant in Leo manifests itself in a positive way. This is because people who have this ascendancy give themselves completely to passion and throw themselves into relationships without thinking twice.

As much as there are characteristics that are very difficult to be faced in natives of this sign, there is no doubt that when this sign falls in love, it is very dedicated and makes sure that it is very explicit in all their attitudes.

People with ascendant in Leo will certainly leave a mark on the lives of those who relate to them and will hardly be forgotten, because relationships with these natives are always very intense and full of special moments. Check below more details about love for these natives.


Romance is something very characteristic of the sign of Leo. When they are in love, people of this sign are very devoted to their partners and live intense and overwhelming passions. So, they do not spare when it comes to showing their partners how important they are.

The way to show affection to the person with Ascendant in Leo is, incredible as it may seem, leaving the ego aside for a while so that your partner becomes the center of attention. Or at least your attention, which is the most important thing for this native at this time dedicated to romance.


The intense way of acting of the Leo sign is fully expressed by the ascendant. In his love relationships, he makes a point of showing all his warm personality, which makes the people around him fall in love with him.

This can be seen as both a positive and negative characteristic, depending on how the Leo behaves. This is because the intensity can be so great that the partner can end up feeling pressured or suffocated.

Need for attention

The need to be ahead of everything and to be seen by everyone is something that the Leo sign makes a point of reinforcing in their attitudes, even if unintentionally. It is natural for people of this sign to demand the attention they feel they deserve.

The demand, however, can be too high for some people, as those with Leo ascendants tend to feel that the focus should always be on them. So those around them have to bear the brunt of this need for attention.

Ascendant in Leo at work

At work, people who have ascendant in Leo build successful careers due to their enormous willpower. The determination of the Leo is something to be praised in this sign, as they make a point of creating goals and building very big things from them.

Leo people, in general, take the lead in professional and other areas of their lives because they believe they are the best at performing specific tasks due to their born leader attitude. For some, the Leo way of acting at work can be effective, but for others it easily becomes arrogance.

Asking "please" and showing gratitude are two ways to show humility in the work environment for the Leo Ascendant, and they can work very well. Below, you will find more details about this native and their interaction in the work environment.


The creativity of the Leo sign is unquestionable and in the work environment it will be a differential for this sign. It is possible that this ability will make the native with this ascendant, who naturally already stands out, appear even more to other people.

Generally, people who have this ancestry end up being influenced by it and build solid careers in areas that require creativity, like arts and music, for example. Because of this, these natives end up excelling in areas dedicated to entertainment.


Natives with Leo ascendancy need to be very careful about overworking themselves. As they can end up getting carried away by all the glitter and prominence they can achieve, it is normal for them to stay invested in something which gives them the opportunity to appear more.

The desire to accomplish big projects makes this native dedicate much more of his time to work than to other activities, which can cause a generalized anxiety with very heavy consequences.

Need for recognition

The need for people to recognise their efforts is also something which the native with Ascendant in Leo shows a lot through their activities at work. It is not enough for this person to achieve what they want: they need to be seen and congratulated for it.

This issue is also very linked to the great common ego of the sign of Leo. People who have this ascendant associate this behavior and end up feeling this need for their activities to be highlighted. In this way, this ends up becoming the biggest goal of their lives.

Professional interests

The greatest professional interests for people who have ascendant in Leo are those which, in some way, cause them to gain positions of prestige and prominence.

The possibility of career growth is one of the main reasons for a Leo to choose certain professions. Activities which do not guarantee this kind of growth and advancement through their own efforts will rarely appeal to people with this ascendant.

How the ascendant in Leo relates to other signs

To understand a little more about the aspects of the native, it is important to have this evaluation about the ascendant that they carry in their birth chart. Thus, it is possible to understand a little more about their attitudes and personal characteristics.

Another important factor to be considered are the elements which govern the ascending signs, as well as those of the people with whom he will relate throughout his life. This is because the elements which govern the signs have their own characteristics, which cause a certain impact on some postures.

So, besides understanding the details about the sign - in this case, Leo -, it is necessary to understand how it can relate to the other signs according to the element that rules them. Check below for more details about this.

Air signs

People who are ruled by signs of Air, like Gemini, Aquarius and Libra, when they have an ascendant in a sign of the element Fire, like Leo, have a combination that can be defined as very intense.

This combination of Air and Fire makes this native more dynamic in their actions, because they have characteristics that promote a more incisive posture. Besides, they are people who act much more based on intellectual issues and use dialogue to be determined.

Fire signs

For the fire signs, Aries, Sagittarius and Leo itself, the combination in which the solar sign and the ascendant are ruled by the Fire element greatly reinforces issues such as self-centeredness and the great need to be recognized for one's achievements.

People who have the combination of the Sun Sign and Ascendant in Fire tend to live always seeking the approval and validation of others, because they believe that this is the highest goal of their lives: the recognition of others at work and for their attitudes in general.

Water signs

The signs ruled by the Water element which are Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces, may have very different attitudes from the ascendant in Leo because they are totally opposite elements. The ascendant may influence these individuals to be more sociable and dedicated to work.

However, this association brings a constant feeling of worry about the future for this native. It is common that people who combine the Water and Fire elements feel more anxious and thoughtful about what may happen in their lives the next day, which ends up causing some suffering.

Earth signs

The sign of Leo as ascendant, when combined with a solar sign ruled by Earth, like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, brings both positive and negative aspects. In the first case, the tendency is that characteristics like responsibility, entrepreneurship and sociability are more encouraged.

The negative points are stubbornness and pride, which can become even greater when associated with signs of the Earth element, known for already having these traits.

Other information about Ascendant in Leo

Leo is considered the most egocentric sign of the Zodiac, which can be expressed even through its ruling planet, the Sun. The actions of this sign, in general, are very focused to be seen and to have a remarkable presence.

So, this native makes a point of showing the world that he wants to be seen as essential and as the most important of all. This, sometimes, makes people feel a certain fear of living with the Leo, for having to deal with this gigantic ego.

This very strong personality, however, also causes this native to take a greater drive in life to help others around him. And as difficult as it may seem, this is not just so that he can prop up his ego and desire for recognition. Check out more information about the Leo ascendant below.

Ruling planet

The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun and this makes everything clearer about the more egocentric behavior of these people. As the Sun is the star king, nothing fairer than the Leo to feel the same way, as if he was the owner of any environment in which he enters.

The Sun is the most important star in the astrological chart and symbolizes the will and determination of the people ruled by it. This is shown very strongly through the Leo personality which is extremely dedicated and determined in everything it sets out to do.

Relationship between ascendant and descendant in Leo

The descendant sign is the sign which is in the 7th house of the astrological chart. For those who have this position in Leo, it means that this sign is in the house which deals with marriage, associations and partnerships.

Thus, as the ascendant emphasizes its characteristics in the sun sign, the descendant also exposes regarding the crucial points of the personality of this native, highlighting issues such as marriage and strong relationships.

How to relate to people with ascendant in Leo?

A relationship with a person who has ascendant in Leo can be very challenging because of the various characteristics which make him think primarily of his own navel, which can even make his partner take a back seat.

In a relationship with a Leo Ascendant, your partner will have to take some time to understand your needs and what you can and cannot do, without feeding your ego.

Despite having many characteristics which are difficult to face, Leo people, in general, are very dedicated to their partners and demonstrate this through various attitudes. Therefore, the greatest challenge for those who relate to this native is to understand the issues which, in the long run, can be uncomfortable.

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