Angel Anael: origin, history, signs, celebrations, prayer, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn all about Archangel Angel Angel!

Archangel Anael is an angelic entity that protects people born under the signs of Taurus and Libra. In addition, Anael is the leader of the choir of angels known as the Principalities. His intense power of love and goodness is what governs this category, but Anael's benevolent inspirations also extend over all those who ask for his help.

This is because this angel is considered an emissary of charity and empathy, that is, his mission is to bring more love to humanity. In energetic terms, Anael is the ruler of the planet Venus. This angel holds the keys to Heaven, that is, one must go through his teachings to reach the light.

Getting to know the Angel Anael

We will learn about the history of the Angel Angel Anael from the scriptures and its symbolism in esoteric traditions, and we will also discuss curious facts about this angel. Check it out!

Origin and history

Belonging to the angelic order of archangels, Anael is one of the seven presidents of the angelic choirs. He is also known by his Hebrew name, Haniel, or Hananel, which means "Grace of God" or "Joy of God."

His presence in the sacred texts is marked in Enoch, when this angel transports the prophet to Heaven. The Kabbalistic tradition holds him responsible for the sephirah Netzach, the sphere of love and beauty.

Each sephirah is a fruit from the Tree of Life, representing the divine essences. As an angel of the arts, beauty and purity of love, Anael is deeply connected to the planet Venus, and is the protector of Taureans and Librians.

Visual Features

In the apocryphal text attributed to the prophet Enoch, we have the oldest description of the Archangel Anel. It is not detailed, but offers elements that are an essential part of the representations of this angel. He is described as the holder of the keys to the palaces of heaven, for example.

This angel is often depicted as an androgynous being, but with more pronounced feminine characteristics. He wears the color green and sometimes carries a rose or an emerald, symbols of the beauty with which he is associated, and a lantern, in reference to the light of Venus.

Main Assignments

According to the Kabbalistic knowledge surrounding the Tree of Life, Archangel Angel Angel Angel's main assignment is to fill the hearts with the emanations of love and beauty. Both qualities have a double meaning, for example: love can manifest itself as physical passion, just as beauty can be concentrated in the world of appearances.

Thus, Anael acts to inspire balance, influencing people to seek spiritual love and nurture inner beauty. His influences are also of enlightenment, that is, he brings light and insight into difficult situations.

Angel Anael and the sign of Taurus

The Archangel Anel is the guardian of two zodiac signs: Taurus and Libra. Ruler of the planet Venus, Anel inspires Taureans with joy, lightness and pleasure. These qualities, however, must be observed so as not to be fixated only on satisfying material desires.

In this sense, Anael's guidance work focuses on the spiritual development of people born under Taurus, encouraging them to use reason and to balance their impulses and passions. Love for art and interest in knowledge are also strongly inspired by this angel, as well as optimism and vitality.

Angel Anael and the sign of Libra

Archangel Anel emanates, for Librians, energies that inspire serenity and ease of communication. The innate sympathy of Librians and the disposition for social interactions are influenced by the vibrations of this angel.

However, Librians can get lost in idealizations, dedicating themselves too much to the pleasures of matter, from the energies they receive from Venus. The role of the Archangel Anel is, consequently, to guide the Librians to detachment, spirituality, and the use of reason.

Also, when Librians become aware of Anael's presence, they tend to mature quickly, as the power of this angel manifests intensely.

Symbols of Archangel Anel

The symbols of Anael are linked to the planet Venus, but they also arise from the book of Enoch. In this scripture, Anael drives a chariot of fire and carries the keys to the heavenly palaces. The flaming chariot symbolizes the driving of this angel and highlights the sacredness of the path to God. The keys, on the other hand, symbolize permission for eternity and the opening of the mysteries.

As for the symbols of Venus, Anael carries a five-pointed rose, which refers to the shape of this planet seen from Earth, or a lantern, the light that breaks the darkness. The green of his robes is associated with emerald, also representing beauty, art and nature.

Celebrations to the Angel Anael

The Archangel Angel Angel is a prominent figure celebrated within the Kabbalah tradition, due to his association with the Sephirotic Tree, or Tree of Life, where he is the guardian of the fruit of beauty and love.

His cult in ancient Hebrew or early Christianity is not clear, that is, there are not many sources attesting to his presence, other than his presence in the apocryphal book of Enoch. Thus, this angel came to be celebrated more vividly in contemporary esoteric currents.

Interesting facts about the Angel Anael

The Hebrew origin of the name Anael associates it with pleasure and joy, in harmony with the planet Venus. In relation to this planet, Anael carries the energies of love and is a patron of the arts and beauty, and is often represented as a female figure.

Some scholars believe that Anael is the angel who inspired the Psalms to King David. Still in the sphere of Judaism, his role as guardian of the sephirah Netzach, the seventh fruit of the Tree of Life, also signifying the victory of ideas over matter, stands out. In this sense, he is an angel who promotes great balance over the world, inspiring empathy and charity.

Connection with Archangel Angel Angel

We will learn how to achieve a deeper connection with Archangel Anel, from rituals and familiarization with the devotion that this angel inspires. Read on!

Devotion to the Angel Anael

The devotion to the Archangel Angel Angel Anael is based, above all, on the popularization of the knowledge about the Kabbalistic angels. This angel was already discussed since ancient Hebrew times, which is attested by his identification with the angel that leads Enoch to Heaven.

However, it is in the sphere of Kabbalah and its insertions in other esoteric currents that Archangel Anel has his focus of devotion. His correspondence with the planet Venus and the rulership of the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra have put him in perspective in the contemporary world, and today this angel finds special devotees among people born under these two signs.

How to ask the Angel Anael for help?

There are methods and formulas for asking the Archangel Anel for help. These rituals are very accessible and consist, primarily, in invoking his presence.

Thus, people who seek a spiritual connection with this angel should ask for his intercession and guidance, whether in difficult moments or in daily life. There are elements that help in his invocation, one of them being the pink candle.

In the same way, there is a day more favorable for receiving his graces, Friday, a day associated to the planet Venus. Besides this, sympathies and prayers directed to Anael are effective, because this angel is known for answering quickly to those who call him.

Sympathy to the Archangel Anael

Purchase an angel pendant or a printed image. You can choose the image yourself and print it in color. You will also need a pink candle, the color assigned to Anael. Center the candle on a white plate and spread around it seven coins of any value. Add crumbs of an incense of your choice.

The plate should be placed in front of the image of the angel or pendant. Light the candle and say a prayer asking Anael for protection. After the candle is consumed, bury the contents of the plate. The best day for this sympathy is Friday, day of Archangel Anael.

Prayer to the Archangel Angel Angel

"Guardian Anael, archangel of love and beauty, give me the gift of your light, that my spirit may find the best paths. Protect me from dangers and inspire me to empathize and perform good deeds.

Grant me your serenity and may I know how to make the best choices. Give me the wisdom to correct my defects and the willpower to seek the personal improvement I need.

May all the good I receive be extended to all mankind.May I always know how to be grateful and may I spread my joy.Guide me always with your goodness.Amen."

Angel Anael's Influences

Let's understand how the Archangel Angel Angel's influences are manifested in different religious and mystical strands and how his essence manifests itself in each one of them. Check it out!

Angel Anael in the Bible

Despite being one of the seven archangels and being celebrated as a celestial entity of great power and spiritual influence, Archangel Anel is not mentioned directly in the sacred texts that make up the Bible.

There is a passage in Genesis that briefly mentions the ascent to heaven of the prophet Enoch, the only man to receive this grace without dying. We know from the apocryphal text attributed to Enoch that the prophet was transported to God by the Archangel Anahel, or Haniel, in a chariot of fire, and so this is the link of this angel to the biblical texts.

Angel Anael in Judaism

The best known testimony, and perhaps the only one, that makes reference to the Archangel Anael in the ancient scriptures of the Hebrew people is very old, but it is considered an apocryphal text, that is, it is not part of the official sacred scriptures of the Jewish religion.

This text is from the Book of Enoch, and it contains the episode of the prophet's ascension into heaven, the only person spared from passing through death. The one who leads him, in a flaming chariot, is Anael. Beyond this mention, the presence of the Archangel Anael is known among the messengers who are part of the divine hierarchy according to Judaism.

Angel Anael in Kabbalah

The Archangel Anael is listed as one of the 72 kabbalistic angels. Anael's name appears hidden among the letters of a chapter in Exodus, as do the names of 71 other angels. The kabbalists deciphered these names and their combination would reveal the name of God.

For Kabbalah, therefore, Anael is an integral part of the divine essence, and to him is attributed the seventh fruit of the Tree of Life, associated with the balance between reason and emotion and between love and beauty. In addition, for Kabbalah, Anael leads the choir of the Principalities, an angelic group responsible for the arts, affection, and optimism.

Angel Anael in Umbanda

There are energetic affinities that place the angels in unity of essence with the orixás.

In this perspective, each angel plays the role of an energetic channel used by a different orixá. The energies of Oxóssi are those that synchronize with the energies of the Archangel Anael.

The outstanding qualities of this orixá are those of joviality, kindness, abundance, and love for beauty, that is, there is a deep correspondence between the vibrations of the Archangel Anael and Oxóssi, both exerting influence on the spiritual development of humanity.

Angel Anael in Numerology

The number attributed to the Archangel Anael consists of a repetition: 222. The symbolism of the number 2 involves the ideas of union, complicity, affection and love. Therefore, it is a number that immediately reveals itself in agreement with the energies emanated by Anael.

In its triplicate form, 222, we have a sacred number, which works as a key able to open the consciousnesses to the connection with the divine, but also to the kindness towards humanity. Whenever you see this number, remember the Archangel Anael and consider this apparition a call to personal improvement. You can also write it down to invoke the love vibrations of Anael.

Anael is an angel who radiates the essence of compassion and charity!

All angels emanate radiations of love and goodness, acting in a way that helps us in our spiritual elevation. But Archangel Anel is especially powerful when it comes to his vibrations of love. This angel is known to intercede whenever called upon, and his presence is felt in an intense way.

His relationship with the planet Venus reveals that this angel's goal is to promote and spread love throughout humanity, broadening consciences towards a collective love that manifests itself, first of all, in compassion and charity. Therefore, Anael is a loving guide, but also an extraordinary teacher of humanity.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.