8 sympathies to marry: to St. Anthony, in the veil of the bride and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do sympathy to marry?

Some situations can influence the desire to seek a sympathy for marriage, such as being in a relationship for some time and nurturing the feeling of having something more solid with the loved one. Or, being single but already feeling ready to meet someone and spend the rest of life next to the person.

So, if you want to clear the negative energies that may surround this area of your life, want to open the path of your love life or just want a little push from the universe, keep reading this article and find the sympathy that is most in line with your desires.

Sympathy to marry the image of St. Anthony

Saint Anthony is known as the matchmaker saint, having prayers, sympathies and customs that involve him when someone wants to find the loved one or consolidate a relationship once and for all.

The sympathy with the image of St. Anthony is for those who want to hurry the wedding and ensure a love even more passionate and willing to walk up the altar, being in love with you and ready to build a future by your side. Check below how to do it.


This is a sympathy that involves the image of the saint and to perform it correctly, you need to go to a church. Therefore, if you do not believe or follow another type of religion, it is indicated that you continue reading the other sympathies that are in accordance with what you believe.


You will need a new image of Saint Anthony (bought specifically for this purpose), paper, pencil and match. These are simple ingredients that are easy to find, and it is possible that most of them you have at home, ready for use.

How to do

First, you need to buy a new image of Saint Anthony. Then, ask a priest to bless it or attend an entire mass with it in your hands. After that, write a romantic letter to your fiancé or boyfriend, fold it and place it at the foot of the image in a private corner of your house. The image, however, should be with its face turned to the wall.

Wait until the loved one declares his love for you, saying that you are in love and asking her to marry you. After this event, turn the image to the right side and perform a prayer in gratitude, reinforcing the request for your marriage to be as soon as possible.

The letter that was written to the loved one, after the declaration should be burned and its ashes should be blown to the wind.

Sympathy to marry with white satin ribbon

This is a sympathy for those who have a partner who is indecisive and can't make a quick decision about the marriage proposal and the consolidation of the union. If you have a desire to get married quickly and are dealing with a person who doesn't know what he wants and/or what he is feeling, read on.


Because it is a very powerful charm that guarantees results in a few days, it requires maturity and certainty in what you want. If, despite wanting to get married, you still have some doubts, this is not the right charm.

Therefore, the advice is: be really sure of the decision you are going to make before you start performing the steps of the sympathy. And most importantly, have enough confidence and faith, keeping in mind your desire and the goal you want to achieve.


Before you start, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients to make the sympathy. They are: a white ribbon, a white saucer, a white candle, an old key and a match.

How to do

First, cut a piece of white ribbon that you can tie around your left thigh, then tie it and wear it for a whole day. Before going to sleep, untie the ribbon from your thigh and place it under the white saucer.

Place the candle in the center of the saucer and pray to St. Anthony, asking him to enlighten your boyfriend's thoughts and ensure a faster decision making. Finally, place the old key next to the saucer with the candle lit. Wait for the marriage proposal. As soon as it is made, take the old key, tie it with the white ribbon that was under the saucer and dispose of it inrunning water.

Sympathy to marry with carnation and rose

This sympathy, at times, has been confused with mooring or other rituals, but it is nothing but misinterpretation. After all, it does not have the power to interfere in the free will of the intended person, it only ensures the clearing of ideas and cleaning of negative energies that may surround the person's mind when the subject is to make this decision.

That said, this sympathy ensures that the exchange of glances and caresses intensifies, and that the details draw more attention, intensifying the desire of the person to be together with you.

It is a sympathy widely used by those who already have feelings or even a relationship with the person and want to take one more step in the relationship. So, if this is your case, read the step by step until the end!


This is a simple sympathy but it requires a lot of concentration. Ensure that your thoughts are focused on your desire and the achievement of the final goal, especially when you go to sleep, avoid taking worries or thoughts of denser or negative issues, as this may affect the realization.

When delivering the flowers, ensure that it is done during the day. It is not recommended to deliver the flowers at night. So, before performing the sympathy, make sure that you have availability to perform all the processes in the right periods and times.


For this sympathy, get a carnation flower in white, a rose in the color you want and a piece of satin ribbon in pink, preferably bought exclusively for the feat. The flowers should also be bought or taken from a garden of someone who allows this harvest, nothing to steal them from a flowerbed of a stranger.

The carnation has the role of representing the man in the relationship, while the rose represents the woman. In addition, the rose works on emotions, especially issues related to the heart, love and complicity, so it is often used in sympathies and rituals. And the carnation comes to bring prosperity in the relationship and protection in the path of two.

How to do

Cut the satin ribbon in a size that fits your name and the name of your loved one. After that, write your full name on one end and the name of your loved one on the other. Take the flowers, put them together like a bouquet, without crushing or breaking them. Then, tie them with the pink satin ribbon that has the names written on it, preferably facing inwards.

After performing this process, put them under your pillow and sleep one night. The next day, during the day, remove the flowers from under your pillow and take them to the door of a church where many weddings are held. And the charm is ready!

Sympathy to marry for St. Anthony's Church

Although this sympathy involves the Church of Saint Anthony, it is not only intended for those who are already in a relationship and want to get married, but also for those who wish to find a person to relate to who is willing to get married.

This is a slightly more detailed sympathy and requires availability, time and commitment to carry it through to the end, so make sure you are willing to start and finish the process or find another one that fits your needs right here in this content.

Let's get to know and learn how to perform a charm to marry or find love? Read the next topics and check it out.


It is indicated that the bra used to make this sympathy is not changed for seven days, only in extreme cases or by some mishap that happened on the way.

For needing to go to a church to complete the process of the sympathy, those who have some issue regarding the belief, values or disagreements with some religion or unwilling to attend a church, it is indicated to seek another sympathy that better fits your needs.

When delivering the ribbon with the seven-day candle, be sure to perform this step during the day, as this is the most suitable time for practice.


Separate the following materials to perform the sympathy: a bra, a piece of red ribbon, a white envelope and a white seven-day candle.

How to do

Cut a piece of red ribbon, and in the middle part of the bra, which is between the breasts, tie the ribbon and wear it for seven days in a row. At the end of this period, untie the ribbon of the bra and put it in the white envelope.

When you get there, place the envelope under the candle and light it, saying a prayer to the saint, telling him all your wishes and asking with faith that a person comes your way and is the way you want and wish to get married.

Sympathy to marry pregnant bride friend

This is a sympathy for those who are already engaged and are waiting for a marriage proposal or who want to hurry the date and the celebration of love. And, because pregnancy represents new beginnings, the beginning of new cycles, prosperity and genuine love, it is great to assist in this desire. Find out how to do this sympathy reading the topics below.


For the sympathy to be performed successfully you need to find a friend who is not only pregnant but also engaged, about to get married. But, there is one important factor, the pregnant woman must be aware of the practice and authorize it to be done. So, be sure that everything is agreed before doing it.


You will need a friend who is engaged and pregnant and a gift for the baby. Few ingredients for an easy to perform sympathy.

How to do

If a friend of yours is pregnant and getting married, pay her a visit before the wedding. On this visit, buy and give a gift for the baby and with your left hand, make circular motions on the pregnant woman's belly for seven times in a row and make sure not to wash that hand.

Then, find your fiancé and pass your left hand over his heart for seven times in a row. Ready, the sympathy is done and just wait for the request.

Sympathy to marry with candle

The purpose of the candle sympathy is to find someone special who is ready to marry and assume a serious relationship like this with you. Therefore, it is intended more specifically for singles who are looking for a love.

However, who is in an involvement with someone and is wanting to take one more step in the relationship, this sympathy can also be indicated, just make sure that this person is really who you want to spend the rest of your life. Keep reading to learn more!


When performing this sympathy, it is very important that you are sure that the person you are involved with is really the right one. So make sure that you are really getting emotionally involved with her and there is a bond, however small, between you.

It is worth remembering that if this person is married or in a relationship, there is a possibility that the sympathy does not achieve the request. It is interesting to be cautious when performing it.


For this sympathy, separate the following materials: white candle (purchased exclusively for the practice), toothpick, match, honey and a saucer in white (never used).

In this case, honey is an ingredient of extreme importance, because it is what attracts and sweetens the person, making him more kind, sweet, loving and even seeing the situation around him with other eyes. No wonder that honey is used in different types of sympathies and rituals.

How to do

After buying the white candle, take the toothpick and write on one side of the candle your full name and, on the other side, the name of your loved one. After that, pour the honey in the candle, covering it completely.

When you finish this process, take the saucer and place the candle with the honey in the center of it and light it. Wait for it to burn completely and dispose of the saucer in a garden or at the foot of a tree. From here on you just have to wait for the person to declare to you in a few days.

21 day sympathy with ribbon to marry

If you are already in a relationship and nurture the desire to get married for a long time but your partner does not correspond, this is a good sympathy for you. This sympathy is intended for those who have urgency to get married and want it to happen as soon as possible.

Want to know how to receive a marriage proposal in a short time? Follow the step by step to perform the charm and ensure the walk to the altar to meet the loved one.


To ensure the effectiveness of this sympathy is necessary to have discipline and commitment for 21 days, without fail. For a sympathy to work and bring the expected result, it is necessary to have much faith, trust and willpower.

So make sure you are in the mood and do all the steps correctly and the way it should be done. And if possible, don't let other people see until it's done.


This is the simplest and easiest sympathy of this material, requiring only a white satin ribbon and a pen for its realization.

But do not confuse ease and simplicity with little effectiveness, for this is a very powerful sympathy, which united to the power of trust and faith in the realization of the desire, is quite effective and presents an excellent result.

How to do

Cut a piece of satin ribbon that is large enough to write your full name and the intended person's name on. After separating the piece of ribbon, with a pen, write your full name on one end of the ribbon and the person's name on the other end.

For 21 days you will tie knots in this ribbon. So, on the first day you will tie a knot and say: "this ribbon has a knot that will unite you to me", on the second day, tie another knot and repeat the phrase, only changing the number of knots in the ribbon.

When you reach the twentieth day, you will tie the last knot in the ribbon, repeat the phrase, and then tie it around your wrist. Sleep with it, and the next morning untie it and leave it in a church where many weddings are held.

It is important to believe in the strength of your request and your will for the sympathy to fulfill its role. Wait a few days until the request is made.

Sympathy to marry the name on the veil of the bride

This is a very powerful sympathy that promises a quick result. To do it you need to be convinced that the person you are relating to is really the one you want to spend the rest of your lives with.

Therefore, this is a sympathy for those who are decided and just waiting for the marriage proposal. If this is your case, see the following topics:


Unlike other sympathies and rituals, this one not even the bride can know, so be discreet when performing it, as problems can occur if someone sees you doing it.

Ensure that everything is prepared and all the materials are ready, just to be placed at the right time. As it will be done during the wedding, you must leave everything separate, if possible inside the bag, and not let anyone find out ahead of time.

Another important tip is: you need to be happy for the wedding and for the bride and groom. In case you harbor any sorrow or grudge, it is indicated to look forward to a wedding for whom you harbor a genuine feeling of happiness.


For this sympathy you will need a paper without lines and a red pen, and, of course, the bride's veil. It is interesting to have something handy to glue or nail the paper to the bride's veil, taking care not to damage it.

How to do

On the white paper, write with the red pen the full name of your beloved. Wait for a favorable moment, when the bride is distracted and the other guests are having fun, go to the veil and paste the paper facing the inside. And ready, your sympathy is done. Now just wait for the marriage proposal and start preparing for your ceremony.

What if the marriage charm doesn't work?

The sympathies are an alternative to clean the path and thoughts of the intended person, making him look with other eyes to you and to your relationship. However, it does not exclude the free will of the person and much less modify a will or a feeling that is already rooted. This is a reason that can influence the non-functioning of the sympathy.

But, it is also important that the person who is performing the ritual is focused, has concrete wishes in his thoughts and has really genuine feelings for the other person. Do you want to know some marriage spells? Read the full article!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.