16 egg sympathies: to separate couple, amarração, luck and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do egg sympathy?

Rituals, mandingas and sympathies are among the spiritual techniques most used by Brazilians in order to achieve some objective, get help from the universe or give thanks for a goal achieved. This tool has passed through generations in order to maintain an ancient tradition.

If you want to perform a ritual in an easy and inexpensive way, the egg sympathy can be a way out. This spell can bring you several benefits depending on how it is performed, because there are different ways to perform it and different purposes.

The egg sympathy is done to bring love back, improve the couple's sexual performance, ward off the evil eye, win someone, attract luck in the house or business, among other purposes. If you want to perform this ritual, keep reading and find out its meanings, intentions and how to prepare it.

Before the sympathy

Before performing any sympathy, you should know what are your purposes in using this technique, what materials to use and how to prepare so that everything occurs as expected.

First of all, set a goal, whether in love life, financial, sentimental or sexual and trace a wish to be conceived, considering the intent of the sympathy to be used.

In the egg sympathy, there is a range of possibilities that can help you conquer a goal, bringing prosperity, people, money and love for your life. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to details, not every ritual can be done for any purpose.

Why do these sympathies work?

All and any sympathy to get the expected result needs to be done the right way, mainly tied to your faith, because nothing "will fall from the sky" as a miracle. It is necessary that you fight for your dreams and deserve a victory, because nothing can be won by hand.

The egg sympathy is a weapon that helps you, it is not a ready-made recipe that brings solution overnight, but it is added to a set of your attitudes, life opportunities and good omens that culminated in a positive outcome, according to your initial will.

What to do before the sympathy?

To begin the work, separate all the materials necessary for the preparation of the sympathy, it is essential that all objects are being used and that the step by step follow the ritual guide.

Put a lot of faith and hope in the realization of the charm, emanate a lot of positive energy towards that desire. The power of mind can help attract good fluids. With this, you will be ready to start working on the charm.

How to purify the egg to do the sympathy?

The egg is the main utensil for these sympathies, so it is paramount that you perform a purification, with the intention of cleaning all the negative energies that are in you.

For purification with the egg, you need:

Ingredients: 1 egg and 1 glass of water.

Directions: Place the egg in a glass of water, leave the glass under your bed for 9 nights. Remove the food from the container and break it on the ground.

Egg Sympathies

In this content you will see 16 egg sympathies with the intention of separating couples, make love, bring luck and more. The Astral Dream separated the simplest and most efficient mandingas for you to do at home and have a satisfactory result.

These sympathies have different purposes, but all of them use the egg as the main raw material. It is essential that you cleanse the food before starting the ritual. For spiritualists, the egg is the greatest synonym of fertility, used preferably in purification spells for cleaning, luck, couple separation and love ties.

Well, there are a variety of spells that can be done with the egg, you just need to know what is its purpose and perform the mandinga. Check below.

Sympathy egg and shoebox to bring back love

If in your case you are separated and want to bring love back, the egg and shoebox sympathy can be an alternative that helps you achieve this goal.

For this ritual, you need to put a white egg in a shoe box with a conventional lid. Close the container and shake it for 7 times, and at the same time say the following sentence: "My great love, appear to me". Put faith and hope at the time of realization.

Finish the spell by placing the box on the floor, stepping on the eggs or what is left of them. Then wash your foot and discard the spell.

Sympathy egg, honey and candle to win someone

Flirting can sometimes take time, you may be a victim of shyness and get in the way at these times. However, there is a secret that can help you at this time. The sympathy with egg, honey and candle is intended to give you a helping hand in the conquests love.

If you want to find a loved one, follow the step by step below and good luck!

- Take an egg, break off a piece of the shell;

- Remove all the egg white and yolk, leaving only the shell;

- Add inside the food, seven strips of paper - in these materials, there should be the name of your suitor on one side and on the other your name;

- Deposit honey inside the egg, up to the surface;

- With the aid of a cotton wool, cover the egg, if necessary, use a little paraffin to seal;

- Separate a pot with the plant with meadowsweet, remove the entire plant and bury the egg at the bottom of the soil;

- Re-plant the plant on top of the pot;

- For a week, water the plant with sugar water;

- After that, water the plant only with water;

- Now just wait for your love candidate.

You can continue watering and keeping the meadowlily plant with you.

Egg sympathy to ward off rival

For those who have a declared enemy and need to keep him away, the egg sympathy to ward off rival is the most recommended. Start separating the necessary materials, which are: white egg; pot and red pen.

To start the sympathy, cook the egg in a pan, then, with a red pen write the name of the person who is your rival and your beloved. It is important that the names form a cross.

Finish burying the egg in a secret and safe place. Ready, now just wait that the universe will help you, but keep your faith and positive thoughts.

Sympathy boiled egg with name to bring love

This is perhaps the most laborious ritual of this list, the Simpatia do ovo cozido com nome para trazer o amor is ideal for those who have lost their loved one and want to win back their loved one.

For this mandinga you need the following items:

- 1 egg white;

- 1 black pencil;

- 1 sheet of sulphite paper

- 1 large glass beaker;

- 1 piece of white paper;

- 1 opener/puncher;

- 1 plastic bag;

- half a glass of water.

Start by cooking egg. With the food cold, pierce it with an awl so that you have enough space to insert a piece of white paper with your partner's full name on it with the help of a pencil.

Write your full name over the name of your loved one, until the names are blended together. Deposit the paper inside the hard-boiled egg, and wrap it in a sheet of sulphite paper.

After that, put the material inside a plastic bag, close it and put everything inside the glass cup, adding a little water. Leave the sympathy under your bed for about 7 days. On the eighth day, get rid of the egg and water, you can keep the glass and use it normally.

Sympathy egg to Santa Sara for the forgiveness of the loved one

It is not always nice to hurt or injure a person in which you relate, if this situation occurred with you, the egg sympathy to Saint Sara for the forgiveness of the loved one will help you to have the apology of your loved one.

Start the ritual by cooking an egg for 10 minutes, wait until it cools down, and then tie it with a red ribbon, at that moment say "Just like the ribbon wraps this egg, love and forgiveness wraps your heart for me", address these prayers to Saint Sarah, who according to the Bible is a saint who helped Mary at the moment of Jesus' birth.

Leave the egg in a glass, watering it with almond oil, throwing white rose petals on top. To finish, leave the material under your bed for 3 days. After all this, just get rid of the items and wait.

Egg sympathy to ward off the evil eye

Bad energy is never welcome in the life of any person, if in your case you want to move away all that does not do you good, perform the egg sympathy and dispatch the evil eye.

On a Tuesday or Friday, take an egg and pass it around the person who wants to remove the evil eye, it is necessary that the food passes through the entire body, from head to toe. Finish by breaking the egg and depositing it in a glass with water and wait for the resolution.

The results of this sympathy can be interpreted as follows:

- Clean white and yolk at the bottom of the glass, represents that there is no evil eye on you;

- You are with the evil eye if by chance in the water appear a few bubbles;

- They have directed witchcraft at you in the case of: cloudy water; egg appearing cooked; bloodstain on the glass or the appearance of drawings and crosses.

After all that, just throw the egg in the trash.

Egg sympathy for mooring

If you want to leave someone at your feet by means of a binding, the use of the egg is an easier way. In this ritual, you need an egg, a pen, a ribbon and a paper without lines and only. Very easy isn't it?

First, on the paper write the full name and date of birth of the person you wish to be madly in love with you. Fold the paper in half twice.

Place the paper around the egg and seal the food with the help of a ribbon. Leave the material in a container of water for 7 days.

Sympathy egg in front of the house to win man

In the egg ritual in front of the house, the promise of a new love is taken for granted in the life of the person who performs the spell.

Leave a white or brown egg in front of your house and say the following sentence: "Shine shines stones on the path, shines shines love in destiny, I want my paths lit and my desires fulfilled! Next, place the egg still in front of home, but in a safer and more reserved place.

Sympathy egg in the freezer to keep away couple

Do you want to break up a couple or make them break up? For some reason you're wishing for that. If the answer is yes, do the egg in the freezer charm and wait for the ritual's effect to happen.

Hold an egg in your left hand, imagine the couple you want to break up. Then, keep the egg in the freezer for 2 hours. After that time, remove the food and leave it on the floor, then step on the egg with your left foot. Flush the egg down the toilet, flush it and that's it.

Sympathy egg with pepper to keep away couple

The egg and pepper sympathy to keep a couple away is one of the fastest and simplest rituals to be done. First of all, separate an egg, a blank paper and a pepper finger and a chili powder.

To perform the mandinga, write the name of the couple on the white paper, roll it up and place it in the ground pepper. Make a hole in the egg and place the ground pepper and the chili pepper inside. Finish the mandinga by closing the egg with the paper and burying it in a garden with flowers.

Egg sympathy to attract luck in the house or business

Good fluids in your business are always welcome, right? So is good luck at home. To have this combo, do the egg charm and attract luck to your home or business.

In this mandinga you will need:

- 01 raw egg;

- 1 glass bowl;

- 08 coins of any value;

- Honey;

- Water.

Leave the 8 coins inside the bowl, use enough honey to cover them. Separate the yolk from the white, and place on top of the honey, only the yolk. Complete the bowl with water, and finish leaving the material in a high place. Doing this, you will attract prosperity, luck and abundance.

Sympathy of the rotten egg

Yes, the rotten egg charm is intended to separate a couple, if that is your purpose, you will need scissors, 3 peppers, 1 aluminum foil, 1 photo of the couple, can be together or separately and of course 1 rotten egg.

Start by cutting the photo of the couple into small pieces with the help of scissors, then make an opening in the egg so that the chopped photo enters through the hole in the food. Add the 3 peppers inside the egg and wrap the whole thing in aluminum foil.

Next, crush the egg very hard and angry. Finish by throwing the sympathy in a garbage. You can repeat this process once a week per month, it can be on any day and in any phase of the moon.

Sympathy chicken egg hatching to ward off rival

This is the most difficult and complex ritual to be done, for you who want to ward off your rival, the sympathy of the hen's egg hatching can help you in this.

Take an egg in which the hen is hatching, it is necessary that this mandinga is made on a full moon night. Then, make a hole in the top of the egg, with the help of a straw aspire or surgical syringe, suck out a little of the egg white.

Add a little water inside the food, cover the hole with some crepe tape, and return the egg to the hen's nest, imagining the figure of the person leaving your life. After that just wait. Good luck!

Sympathy egg on the waning moon to separate couple

The egg sympathy in the waning moon to separate couple is advisable to be done only in this period, as this compromises its effectiveness.

You need to have a white egg for you to write the name of the couple on the shell of the food, it is important that it is each name for a different meaning. Wrap the egg in a piece of cloth, and then step on the material with your foot, exhaling your anger at that moment.

During the stomp, speak the following phrase: "Just as this egg is breaking, it will rot any bond, any relationship between (person's name) and (person's name)."

Throw the egg in a toilet and the cloth in a garbage can. If you prefer, bury the sympathy in a garbage can, ditch or vacant lot.

Egg sympathy to improve sexual performance of the couple

The sex life of a relationship is one of the main foundations that keep a relationship firm, so it is necessary a good conversation and respect by both parties to reach a consensus to overcome this delicate phase and return to the sexual appetite of times ago.

The egg sympathy to improve the sexual performance of the couple is ideal for these situations. Prepare an eggnog using honey and 2 guinea fowl eggs. It is necessary that the couple enjoy the drink together, accompanied by a glass of liquor "levanta o pau" (mint with aniseed).

Egg sympathy for woman have more desire

In the egg sympathy for women to have more desire you will have to find a duck egg for the ritual to be efficient. For this, separate the food, a handful of brown sugar, 2 pinches of ground cloves and 2 pinches of cinnamon powder.

Start the mandinga making a eggnog with 6 duck eggs and add all the rest of the food in the composition of the drink. Ask your loved one to drink before going to bed, do this for 7 consecutive Wednesdays, but do not forget not to tell your love.

Can egg sympathy be dangerous?

Every sympathy has its divine and universal consequences, and with the egg is no different. For cases of moorings and separations, know that whatever you plant today, you will reap tomorrow. So think carefully before taking such an attitude.

These rituals are the most simplified and can promote prosperity, sexual appetite, luck, money and open the paths to your love life. Use these sympathies with respect and wisdom.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.