10 prayers for him to dream of me: to St. Cyprian, Aphrodite and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do the prayer for him to dream about me?

When you love someone, dreams, wishes and desires, can be as different as possible. From this point, there are those people who believe that if your loved one dreams about her, it will help him fall in love, because it will stay longer with her in his head.

There is nothing that actually proves this fact, and there are also points to be analyzed, to see if this is really a healthy practice. However, it can be said that the fact of wishing someone to dream with you, will not hurt this person, after all, it is only a dream.

So, there are countless prayers made with this goal. From those dedicated to the best known saint when the subject is relationship, St. Anthony. Passing through prayers to St. Cyprian, and even prayers to Yemanja. To check out the best ones, and see if any of them can help you, follow this reading carefully.

Prayer for him to dream of me and have longing for St. Cyprian

Saint Cyprian is certainly one of the most controversial saints within the Catholic Church. This is because before converting to Catholicism, he was a powerful sorcerer of his time. Because of this, as soon as he became a saint, he began to have the most different types of requests, coming from faithful all over the world.

So, when it comes to love and relationships, St. Cyprian also has prayers that promise to be very strong and effective. If your heart is aching for your love, and you think that if he dreams about you, it can help somehow, then check out the details of this prayer below.


One of the things that can certainly make someone fall in love with another person is their thoughts. If someone keeps their thoughts on you all day long, they are most certainly in love. After all, no one would occupy another person's mind that much if there wasn't a strong interest.

With this in mind, the following prayer, besides making your loved one dream of you, also promises to make him wake up missing you. Thus, making you fill his thoughts with your presence in the mind of your love.


"Saint Cipriano, take care of his dreams. Make him see me, more beautiful and attractive than ever. Make him feel the intense desire to run into my arms, desperate and full of love. Make him want me at any and all costs, because he will know very well that I am worth it and that my trust is all he needs.

He dreams of me, dreams and turns over all night. He wakes up in the morning and already thinks of me. He dreams of my company and wishes to meet me all day long. Saint Cipriano, put my face in his mindm not only so that I become his beloved, but also so that his mind plays tricks on him, making him want me all the time. I trust in your power and in yourprovidence, so shall it be."

Source:// powerfulbenefits.info

Prayer for him to dream about me to Aphrodite

Aphrodite was a goddess of Greek mythology, who has always been linked to love, sexuality and seduction. According to mythology, she was born as an adult, and has always been described as a deity of love. Very vain and seductive, she has always attracted looks wherever she went.

So, with all these characteristics, it is clear that there were also prayers made especially for Aphrodite, when the subject is to conquer or make someone dream of you. Check these and more details below.


Aphrodite is always very related to the figure of seduction, and this is a very important factor when it comes to conquest. Thus, some believe that this goddess has the power to make your loved one have good nights sleep thinking about you.

So when he wakes up, the idea is that he'll have you on his mind for the whole day, so Aphrodite would have the power to make his beloved think of you in a seductive way. If that's your intention, it doesn't hurt to try, see below.


"Goddess of love, take FULANO's mind and make him dream of me making love to him. Make him wake up desperate and full of desire, daydreaming of my body. Make it only make him more eager and curious, in even more of a hurry to have me physically, so that he can then fall in love little by little with who I am.

Make, more and more, that he thinks of me and desires me without being afraid to look for me. May it be so and so it will be, amen!"


Prayer for him to dream about me to Heavenly Father

Needless to say, any prayer made with great faith to the Father, can be extremely powerful, after all, he is the Creator of the whole world, and loves his children. However, it is worth remembering that precisely because of this, he knows exactly what is best for each one.

With this in mind, it may be that your will may not always be what is right for you at that moment. However, you, as a grieving and doubtful child, should pray and ask your Father with faith. The following is a powerful prayer dedicated to your Heavenly Father.


It is known that the Heavenly Father is the greatest force from heaven. So, in the case of this prayer, you will not be asking for the intercession of any saint, but, will be talking directly to the Creator. Thus, it is understood that for you to perform a prayer like this, is because certainly the affliction has taken over your heart.

In this case, first of all, it is essential that you keep your calm, and try to take things in a lighter way, so as not to be even more distressed. Secondly, pray the following prayer with faith, and believe that the Lord will always do what is best for you.


"Dear Heavenly Father! I come to you at this time, now, because joy and love have taken hold of my heart. You have taught me that true love is possible! And because of this truth, that I am asking on this important occasion, in this prayer, waiting for you to help me to consolidate it.

I am completely in love with a man (name). He is kind, honest, charismatic, cheerful and very lively. But, what I like most about him is that he loves me as much as I love him. I ask you, Lord, to keep our bond of love firm and not allow evil external forces to invade this relationship that you have created.

Make him (so-and-so), do not stop thinking about me day and night, before bedtime want to call me, in his dream think of me, when waking stay thinking of me. That your mind is completely filled by my presence, that is crazy, desperate and that he feels like looking for me and want me in your company

Let love flood his heart and soul. Open his eyes to the feeling of truth, make him see that he has before him an exemplary woman who only wants his well-being and progress, and make him pray, pray and thank the Lord soon. Let him as he falls into a deep sleep, let my image appear in front of his eyes.

Let him see the promising future we have together. I promise you, Lord, that I will do everything in my power to love you unconditionally, just as you love me.Amen!"


Prayer for him to dream about me to Maria Padilha

Maria Padilha is one of the best known doves-giras within the terreiros. Extremely charming, she always had a reputation as a sorceress, and wherever she went, her charms drew attention.

Because of this, when the subject was to attract a great love, Maria Padilha was always very requested. And so it can be said that it still is today, because many people still resort to her, to ask for help in love. Check the indications and her prayer, below.


The pomba-gira is a very powerful entity, and so there are those who say that works or requests made to them, can not be undone. So before making the prayer to Maria Padilha, you should think if that is what you want.

Also, you should not only think of yourself, and also the other person, in whom you are directing your prayer, because always remember that you are involving the life of another person in your wishes.


"Hail pomba-gira, Maria Padilha, queen of the seven crossroads, make (name of the person) stay with me forever, pomba-gira bring me (name of the person) to me. As the rooster sings, the donkey neighs, the bell rings, the goat bawls, so will you walk behind me, as the sun appears, the rain falls, make you be dominated by me, stuck under my left foot.

With two eyes I see you, with three I hold you with my guardian angel I ask that (name of person) walk behind me like a crawling snake, love me madly, that only feel desires for me, that can not look with eyes of desire for any other woman and man other than me.

May he fulfill all my wishes, may he never make me suffer, may he sleep and wake up thinking of me and always have me in his thoughts, may he can not live without me, may his thoughts and desires always be turned to me, may he be affectionate, romantic with me, so be it. By the power of Saint Cipriano, so be it.

Let him come after me, crawling, humble and meek, so that we can have good coexistence and thus be happy. I ask the Saint Cipriano that he seeks me even today. I ask this to the power of the three black souls that watch over Saint Cipriano, so be it, that (name of the person) assume me once and for all, in your heart, and in your mind, and that the enemies do not see us, so be it. O Mary Padilla, my queen, attendmy request."


Prayer for him to dream about me to Saint Cipriano

As you have learned throughout this article, before converting to Catholicism, St. Cyprian was a powerful sorcerer. Thus, the requests intended for him, are diverse, and on the most different causes, including for love.

So, if your greatest desire is that your love dreams about you, have faith in the intercession of St. Cyprian. Because if this is your destiny, this saint can certainly help you.


According to experts this prayer is extremely powerful, because in addition to making your loved one dream of you, it also has the goal of making him call your name all the time.

So, although short and extremely simple, some say that the energy contained in it is extremely great and special. Pray with faith before falling asleep, and throw your love life in the hands of Saint Cyprian, for he will know how to intercede for you in the best possible way.


"May the powers of St. Cyprian enter into the head, heart and mind of (person's name) during this night to bewitch, dominate and bind him.

May Saint Cipriano place inside the head of (person's name) my image, so that he/she dreams of me. I ask Saint Cipriano to leave this person full of good dreams about me, positive and that they will be missed inside his/her heart. May the powers of Saint Cipriano help me, now and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer for him to dream about me to Yemanja

Iemanjá is a powerful orixá who is present in the religions of Umbanda and Candomblé. She is considered a deity of the river, and for this reason flows into the sea. This fame of the waters runs in the family, as she is the daughter of Olokun, a famous orixá of the oceans.

Because of this, Iemanjá is the patron saint of fish, and also blesses all those who venture into the waters. However, the requests for intercession for Iemanjá go far beyond this. Her devotees appeal to her for countless reasons, including love. Follow below for more details on how she can help you in this area.


In her first marriage to Olofin-Oduduá, Iemanjá had 10 children. Because she breastfed all her children, she ended up with very large breasts, and this caused her shame. To make matters worse, her husband always made fun of her, and this caused Iemanjá to separate and go after her true happiness.

In time, she married again, this time to King Okerê, to whom she asked to never make fun of her breasts. However, after a night of drinking, her new husband ended up making fun of her breasts. Annoyed, Iemanjá ran away.

Okerê tried to go after her beloved, to apologize. Unwilling to do so, she used a potion she got from her father, and it turned her into a river, which ended up flowing into the sea. And that's how she became, in fact, the queen of the salty waters.

It was necessary to tell this story in a summarized way, so that you understand the connection of Yemanja with love affairs. Because you have been disappointed with two husbands, this Orixá will certainly know how to intercede in the right way for you. So, calm down your heart, and pray with faith to the queen of the oceans, who has also had her heart broken.


"My queen Yemanja, I ask you that (so-and-so) feel a mad passion for me (his name) that he (so-and-so) feel a mad desire to be with me whenever possible, that this desire only relieves when he is with me (his name).

As soon as this prayer is published if he (so-and-so) is sleeping or when he sleeps tonight, he (so-and-so) will dream of me (your name) and desire me, will wake up crazy with passion for me (your name), will feel me near him, (so-and-so) will remember everything we lived good, and will call me just to hear my voice.

Iemanjá, my queen, I ask you to grant my request. Thank you, Iemanjá, my queen, make (so-and-so) as soon as he wakes up think of me (your name) and not stop thinking until he talks to me. May he (so-and-so) be able to call me.

May he (so-and-so) feel an enormous desire to see me and call me saying that he really needs to see me and be with me (his name). May it be so, so it is and so it will be. Thank you very much my Queen Yemanja, Amen".


Prayer for him to dream about me to Saint Anthony 1

The fame of Saint Anthony as a matchmaker began in Naples, when a young woman, seeing that her family would not be able to pay the dowry for her marriage, asked the intercession of the Saint, who promptly found a way to help her.

Despite also being the protector of the poor, for his great struggle for these people, St. Anthony in fact became known worldwide as the matchmaker saint. So, of course, in an article that talks about prayers for love, could not miss this beloved saint. See the details of his prayer below.


St. Anthony is always a great friend for those who are troubled in heart because of love problems. Therefore, this prayer is indicated for you who no longer know what to do to get the attention of your loved one.

Known also as the saint of miracles, certainly if the reason for your prayer is valid, and this is something good for both you and your passion, this dear saint will know how to help you. Ask with faith to the matchmaker saint to first calm your heart, and then, so he can help you in your love problem.


"O glorious Saint Anthony, who could have the sublime honor of embracing and caressing the infant Jesus, help me to obtain the grace which I humbly ask you today, and for which I implore you from the depths of my heart (Here you speak about your beloved and request that he may dream of you).

You who tend to be so kind to us sinners, do not look at my few merits, but first of all, assert all your esteemed prestige with our God, so that thus my insistent request may be granted. Amen!"


Prayer for him to dream about me to Saint Anthony 2

If the fame of matchmaker is great, certainly the prayers will also be numerous. This is the case of St. Anthony, that when the subject is love, prayers to him are not lacking. Besides being matchmaker, is still known as a saint of miracles, and this double can help many believers in the search for true love.

However, do not forget to strengthen, otherwise the fame of St. Anthony as a matchmaker and miracle worker will be of no use. See its details below.


If your heart is hurting for love reasons, surely a request for intercession to Saint Anthony could be just the thing for you. This dear, charismatic and kind saint of the Catholic Church always looks with compassion on his faithful.

Even though it may often seem superfluous to communicate with heaven for such a reason, know that Saint Anthony understands your afflictions, and will always do his best to intercede for you. Therefore, if you suffer for love, do not suffer, keep calm and pray with much faith.


"Saint Anthony, you who are powerful and humble of heart, you who possess the powers to reach the minds and all hearts, today I intercede to you in the name of love. Make beloved, the (Say the person's name), think of me at all times, and recognize that I can be the woman will help him to get on with life.

May he think of me all day long, and may his love for me grow continuously. May only I be perpetuating his thoughts, and may he be totally in love with me.

May he become more attached to me every moment, to the point that he is missing me even when we are distant for a short time. May he understand that my arms will always be his best cuddle, and so may he always return to them.

That when he sleeps, especially and above all, he may dream of me, and in his dreams see how capable I am of making him happy. May this grace of mine be achieved, together with my faith and devotion to you. Thank you for everything St. Anthony, Amen!"


Prayer for him to dream of me all night

This prayer is one that does not rely on the intercession of any saint or orisha. It is addressed directly to God Almighty. Therefore, if you have suffered for love, and desire the attention of your beloved, keep your heart open and speak sincerely to the Lord.

Remember that he is your Father and your friend, who knows everything, and will never measure efforts to help you. Even though your requests may not be the right ones for you, he will always bring peace to your heart. Look.


You can be sure that there is no one in the world who has turned to God with faith and not been heard. So, if your heart is hurting on the other side of the screen and you don't feel like doing anything, there is nothing better than to talk to a loving, friendly Father.

This is how you should see God. Entrust your afflictions to him, and pray with faith. When the time is right you will understand the reason for all this, and you will certainly have the peace of mind you desire in the area of love.


"Dear God, today I first come through this prayer to thank you for all the good things you have placed in my life. I thank you for my health, for my intelligence, for my courage and for my faith, which continues firm in your purposes.

Above all Lord, today I come to entrust to you my purest feelings of love for a man, which corresponds to the feelings, but, that I wish with faith, to firm a relationship based on your precepts.

May the Lord touch the heart of this man, making him recognize me as the woman who will help him build a life and family. May his thoughts of me become constant, and in them, always perpetuate the image of an honorable woman, who will always be fulfilling her obligations and promises.

And that especially at nightfall, I can make myself present in his dreams, like a good woman, who will make all his moments, the happiest of his life. And so I cry to you Lord, come into the dreams of my beloved and deposit your blessing and all my love. I trust in your words, your ways and in our relationship of faith and devotion. Amen!"


Prayer for him to dream of me and call you when you wake up

If someone dreams about you, this can be a good sign, because if you spent the whole night somehow in the head of that person, it may be that during the day you end up staying. It is known that when you think a lot about some person, soon the flea of "I'm in love" can begin to arise in her mind.

However, just thinking is not enough, it is necessary that your beloved has some attitudes. And that's what the following prayer promises. Besides dreaming about you, it joins energies to make him call you. Follow.


The following prayer invokes the three powerful Archangels: Raphael, Michael and Gabriel. High in the celestial hierarchy, you can be sure that any prayer addressed to them will always be very powerful and full of energy.

If in addition to dreaming about you, your desire is that your loved one also call you, then this prayer can come to help you, because the phone call is the main promise of it. With great faith follow below.


"Call me now, now at this very moment (mention the person's name) right now, anywhere.At this moment you will put your concentration and your thoughts back on me (mention your name).You understand that you cannot live without me.At this point you will begin to discard your pride.You are willing to call me right now.At this moment you are thinking of me (mention yourname).

Will you try to resist? Don't resist. If you (mention the person's name) don't call me now, you will call me later. But now you can be sure that you will call me. You understand that you are in love with me and you can't stay without my presence.

At this moment you think of me (mention your name) I invoke the three angels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, to enlighten your heart (mention the name of the person) and dispel the doubts. May Michael remove from you the spirit of evil and all evil influences.

Gabriel announce you (mention the person's name), let the word "love" blow in your ear and you remember me (mention your name).Raphael to use the healing balm to heal the distrust that has developed in your heart, and to keep open the scar of "love" and desire for me (mention your name).May it be so!"


What if the prayer for him to dream about me doesn't work?

Based on some basic teachings of most religions, it is said that God, or the higher power that you believe in, always knows everything, and therefore understands what is best for each of His children, as well as when exactly that should happen in your life.

From this teaching, you can put it into practice in all areas of your life, including love. Therefore, if you have done your part in praying with faith, and trusting Him, above all, but still your request has not been answered, do not be sad, and understand that there is certainly a good reason for it.

Humans are full of flaws, and often not even they know what is best for each one. Ideas, desires, new feelings that arise every day, and came into your life to confuse you. Lovers who cross your path, make you suffer and you do not understand the reason for it. So at many times it is difficult to know how to act, and often arises that feeling of "I do not even know whatI want."

However, understand that for God and any supreme power, there is no such thing, for He knows your every move and thought. Thus, it is evident that He also knows what is best for you, even if at that moment, this divine will may not make any sense.

So if the prayer for him to dream about you does not work, calm your heart, focus on your goals, take care of yourself and follow your life lightly and happily. Above all trust that at the right time, the ideal staff will come into your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.